Gossip King

Chapter 900: Drunk simple...

Then, Gao Leng sent a message in CCBV Ning Jianglin’s circle of friends. Ning Jianglin happened to be watching WeChat and directly helped him all. Within five minutes, more than a dozen companies in Ning Jianglin’s circle of friends followed Enter, especially when Gao Leng said that Su Su and Wang Cong would also be there after Gao Leng said in his friends group, he became even more enthusiastic.

This thing is the same as the common people’s shop opening a lot to join in to give flower baskets. They are all friends. If you are cold, take the hook village and become the style that billions of veterans have to join in to join the friends. Besides, Su Su I went with Wang Cong. There are business opportunities in this. Maybe I can make a lot of money by talking to Su Su with one or two orders.

It's just that many people in the circle of friends have some doubts: Gao Leng, you can actually have a good relationship with President Su, it is really rare for her to join him.

In the business district of the imperial capital, it has long been known that Su Su is famous for being iron-blooded and ruthless. The people of the imperial capital are so ridiculous, and some people say that she is a true iron-blooded man with the largest **** and the longest legs, the longest white legs. The cruel women who can make this large group of lords respect as iron-blooded men can actually hold the cold field, even if it is to watch the excitement, it is worth visiting.

Within ten minutes, Gao Leng invited more than a dozen companies, all of them large companies.

"With these dozens of companies taking the lead, others should follow up. After all, there are business opportunities. Now this summit should be able to start?" Gao Leng said.

Everyone was convinced, and they respected Gao Leng more in the next dance. Several big guys who were sitting on the same level as Gao Leng now also expressed their kindness, hoping that he could introduce Su Su or Wang Cong to him, and Brother Biao The actresses and young models who had brought me a few lines kept leaning on Gao Leng, hoping that Godsend would be taken to the bed by him tonight.

He Xiangxi, who is the most excited of the Wuchuan branch of Shuxingsheng Magazine, the boss who only accepted the branch the year before has soared into the sky.

"Mr. He, congratulations, I haven't heard of any branch that can hold a summit?" A beautiful woman sat on his lap and put a grape into his mouth incomparably.

"This kind of summit must be hosted by the headquarters, and our branch is just to cooperate." He Xiangxi's smile couldn't stop the joy in his heart.

"I heard from Mr. Li and they said that this time the optical branch can get at least 20 million in advertising expenses, while the advertising expenses of Xingsheng Headquarters is at least 50 million. Is there so much?!" Envy and greed: "I didn't know the media could make so much."

"Now a celebrity's big V Weibo account sends an advertisement every one or two million. What's that? You have to know that this is the first summit in the mainland. These big guys will come to join other companies. They flocked to look for business opportunities, and business associations from all over the world would follow up. If it weren’t for the hasty this time, it would be more profitable to do it together with the TV station!” He Xiangxi shook his head and changed his mind, his eyes seemed to be within reach. Of money.

Magazine branches, especially those in the inland areas, are not comparable to those in Beijing and Shanghai. There are just a few companies in Wuchuan Province. Even if they invest money in the branches every year, they are often tasteless and cannot make a lot of money. He Xiangxi never thought that Mr. Gao could only bring him tens of millions of income if he came to Wuchuan Province for such a stroll.

The beauty is naturally more attentive when he is in his arms. He looked at the delicate skin, tender flesh, breast and fat buttocks in his arms, and looked at the high coldness of toasting and socializing from a distance while turning a blind eye to the diligent beauties. I couldn't help sighing: This person is in a high place, and the beauty is delivered to the door. This high cold can still ignore it. This kind of control is not comparable to him.

"Yes, Na Yuzhi is interesting to him. Can he see these few stars?" He Xiangxi thought with envy.

The prom gradually came to an end two hours later. Some of the big guys who had dissipated were unhappy and returned to the designated room alone, while others took their female companions and hugged and left. The couple brought by Brother Biao None of the beauties were alone. When several big men from Wuchuan Province left with their arms around their waists and touching their chests, Gao Leng also got up to go back to the room.

"President Gao, you live in Yanzilou, please come with me." The waiter bent over with a smile.

Gao Leng hesitated for a moment, the look of Lin Zhi just eager appeared in his mind. Jian Xiaoshan in the distance drank some wine and was helped by the waiter and walked towards the Yanzilou. Gao Leng hurriedly walked over and put out his arm around her, and the waiter stepped aside.

"Don't touch me." She must have felt a man's hand touching her, Jian Xiaodan immediately said coldly. He raised his arm abruptly to break free and then raised his head but found that it was a high cold, and his struggling arm quieted down. .

Her gaze swept across the hall: "You go to rest first, I'll entertain you before people are finished." Jian Xiaodan stopped, but his legs were a little unstable.

"You don't need to greet me here, it's left to He Xiangxi, how do you drink so much." Gao Leng frowned and helped Jian Xiaoshan to walk towards Yanzilou.

"That's how I do things." Jian Xiaoshan stretched out his hand and pushed away the cold hand, although drunk and bewildered, but with a smile on his face: "Anyway, the dinner is almost over. I will go to rest when the guests leave, and I am not tired. , I am happy in my heart."

As she said, she smiled, and a gust of wind made her smile seem to fill the entire manor. Although the smile was silent but strong: "I am so happy for you."

She paused: "Go ahead, I can help you, and I am happy for myself." Jian Xiaoshan put his hands on the table beside him to prevent him from being unstable: "You know, my dream Just to be a useful person. I used to feel that I was a useful person only when I was working madly. Now, as long as I follow you to do things, I am a useful person. I can cooperate with such a big summit. You have completed your career step by step, high cold, I am really so happy."

Hearing Jian Xiaodan's seemingly plain but heartfelt words, Gao Leng felt warm in his heart. He looked at the girl with the right arm in front of him. From the first time she saw her, she wore frame glasses and looked ordinary. Today, she wears high-end clothes and socializes proudly and confidently.

Jian Xiaodan completed her transformation.

"Let's go, I'll send it to the room." Gao Leng stopped talking to her. He knew the simple character. As long as he devoted himself to work, he wouldn't leave without special measures.

So, just take it away.

"What's the matter, why did Gao Leng go in that direction?" The window of the distant room opened, and Lin Zhi looked at it from a distance, his eyes full of surprise.

Under the moonlight, the lights gradually went out. Gao Leng put his arm around Jian Xiaodan, who was walking unsteadily. At first, Jian Xiaodan struggled, and then he became obedient. The two went to the Yanzilou and disappeared. Lin Zhi's vision.

Yanzilou is a separate room specially set up by the owner of this manor for several important figures such as Gao Leng and Biao.

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