Gossip King

Chapter 927: Every loophole is easy to kill

Just like Mrs. Fang said, she changed the transfer of property again in the past two days. After half of this procedure was gone, the government would be able to follow the unfinished procedure to directly check his previous account, which means When he goes overseas, his previous money is likely to be frozen at once. This is also the fundamental reason why some corrupt officials have brought large sums of money out of the country, but still have no money to live in Tibet: once clues are found, international cooperation freezes money.

"You just run like this, how do we live when we go abroad?! They found our ID ID along the program we didn't finish, we..." Mrs. Fang said as she heard the sound of the computer turning on , She almost cried.

More than freezing property, you can find out their identity overseas.

"No way, life is important!" The equation said painfully: "The faster the speed, the better. Buy the ticket first. I guess we still have four hours to escape. Look at the tickets of other countries. We have passports. Whichever country you want, let’s run away first!"

There is only one way to the equation right now: run. Because if he doesn't run, he will wait for the Discipline Inspection Commission to catch him. Running, there seems to be a ray of life, and this ray of life is in these four hours of escape.

Don't panic, don't panic, even if Gao Leng explodes those things to the Disciplinary Inspection Commission now, even if it is exposed now, the Disciplinary Inspection Commission must review the information and hold a meeting to send a team. It will take four hours, at least two or three. Hours, two or three hours straight to the airport, anyway, the passport has allowed direct flights to several countries, and the fastest ticket will go out. The equation comforted itself while stepping on the accelerator to the bottom and galloping all the way.

Run away.

What he didn’t know was that if Gao Leng was blasted to the Disciplinary Inspection Commission, the Discipline Inspection Commission’s speed would indeed be much slower, but Wang Hui’s joint report would be different. The weight is much heavier. The most important thing is that Wang Hui is in Zhonghai. Friends from the police station can stop you from going abroad.

"Mr. Wang, the equation has started to flee. His wife drove the red light all the way to pick up the son who was in high school, and the equation also ran the red light all the way. The photo was posted. You can take a look." Gao Leng smiled slightly and sent the Dongbang. The photos that came here were sent to Wang Hui.

Five minutes later, Wang Hui's text message arrived: someone has been asked to jointly report, and the information has been in the hands of the director of the Imperial Capital Dahu Office. The police station has been asked to stand by at the airport.

Is there two hours of escape time at the latest? The equation is dreaming.

Panic, chaos, chaos, loopholes, and loopholes are easy to kill!

"Dad, where are we going? I still have a test in the afternoon." In the equation car, the 16-year-old son looked a little nervous: "You drove too fast and ran the red light."

"Don't disturb your father." Mrs. Fang lowered her head and cleared some important documents: "Old Fang, we brought some of the most important things. Are you really leaving like this?"

"Go?" The equation son seemed to understand something. He opened his mouth slightly in surprise: "Dad, are we going to go abroad like Nie Bo?"

His father had obtained such a high position in officialdom, and his son knew some rules of officialdom more or less, just as Mu Xiaoling guessed that he was going to flee when he saw that he was going to the airport. Fighting hard, some friends around the equation were arrested or fled, and his son also knew some of them.

The inside of the car became quiet, and the equation drove without saying a word, with no hope in sight on his gloomy face, he nodded.

"Are you a corrupt official?!" As soon as the son of Equation said, he understood, his face flushed with shame: "Dad, you are not really a corrupt official?!" Corrupt official, these two words are from his son Speaking from the mouth, it was like a sharp knife stabbing the heart of the equation.

"You, are you really a corrupt official?!" Seeing that his father was silent, the son of the equation jumped up from the back seat and was ashamed and annoyed. The youngsters of seventeen or eighteen were the most angry and pure. In their eyes , The word corrupt official is too heavy, too shameless, too shameless.

This kind of wording fell on the father who I admired since childhood, and the blow was huge.

Little did she know how many times Mu Xiaoleng had to bear the charge of being a "corrupt official" when she was secretly crying abroad while hiding in a foreign country. That kind of humiliation had nothing to do with social status, but for family affection.

"Stop talking." Mrs. Fang turned her head and glared at her son: "It's important to save your life, don't make trouble."

"Dad, haven't you been telling me that when an official is not for the people, it's better to go home and sell sweet potatoes?! Didn't you say that the money at home is made by the uncle doing business? It's corruption?! You don't always follow I said that if I want me to study hard and become a good talent, how can you be a corrupt official? Why are you..."

"Enough! Stop arguing!" Mrs. Fang turned her head and yelled, "Say, we have to save our lives! You know how to save our lives?! Whatever success is learned, now we have to let go of everything, let's save our lives!"

The car returned to quiet.

Equation’s son no longer speaks stubbornly and turned his head to look out the window. Now he vaguely knows the crisis, but he doesn’t know that everything will be destroyed when the crisis really comes. He holds a robot in his hand. He has loved robots since he was a child. His dream is to be a robot to represent the empire to participate in the international robot team.

Those who don’t know this business don’t know that there are robot leagues in the world, and the Empire often loses. The winning Asian country will always be Japan.

The dream of the son of the equation is to represent the empire in the international robot league.

The equation knew his son’s dream, so when his son was only six years old, he enrolled in a robot interest class in Japan. He went to it once a week, just like we went to a cram school on the weekend, except that they used taxpayers. Money.

Just like this little robot toy in his son's hands is worth a full 80,000 yuan, a global limited edition.

What an expensive dream.

The airport was right in front of us, the car stopped, and the family rushed to the ticket office: "Which European international flight departed recently?"

"There will be a flight to England in twenty minutes."

"It's not possible in Britain." The cold sweat at the end of the equation shook his head desperately: "We don't have a visa in Britain."

"There will be a flight to France in thirty minutes."

"French trip, we have, we have, we have!" Mrs. Fang was almost anxious to cry, and quickly handed over the information of the three people: "First class." After a few seconds, she reacted again: "After... …Economy Class."

The days of first-class flight are gone forever. If you flee so hastily, the money there is likely to be frozen. Now every penny is precious, so save some money.

In the distance, a group of people dressed in casual clothes stood in the distance, quietly watching the equation and the group bought the tickets, the leader gave an order, and the group swarmed up.

There was a thud.

Before the equation was reacted, several people pressed it firmly to the ground.

"Discipline Inspection Commission." One person showed his ID.

There was a muffled sound followed by a crisp sound.

Mrs. Fang fainted directly on the ground, and all the fat on the bright floor made a huge muffled sound that made the pedestrians around me look over, and the broken jade bracelet she wore on her wrist.

The robot in the hands of Equanion’s son fell to the ground with a slap. His dream, his dream of leading the empire to compete in the International Robot League, had long been when Equanion took the first step of corruption.

When the equation sent someone to kill the first person, that was also someone else's son!

When the equation is swallowed by desire, and the head is dazzled by the powerful ability brought by power.

His dream has been broken.

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