Gossip King

Chapter 928: No one can resist the hand of the state

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The person carried the car and quickly disappeared into everyone's sight.

Before the news of CCBV came out, other media could not broadcast the news that the equation was taken away. Just like Mu Zhengtang at that time, such high-ranking officials were taken away quietly. Wait until the check is almost confirmed. Only after embezzlement can I simply say in the media: XX was taken away for investigation.

Everyone knows how many swords and shadows are behind such a simple sentence.

The reporter circle is always the first window to know the news. There are always reporters in the airport, and the news of the investigation being taken away at the airport immediately spread to the reporter circle from all corners of the country, and then spread throughout the officialdom: the deputy secretary of Zhonghai City was taken away survey.

Naturally, no media will report, and such reports of officials being taken away for investigation can only be written with approval. However, the foreign media was not under control. For a while, Houzi Murakami had an important page of overseas media: the murder caused by Houzi Village.

Houzi Village is on fire again.

Brother Biao smiled so that his eyes narrowed into a seam. The start of this project was too perfect. Gao Leng was his excellent cooperation and co-organization. It was excellent.

Back in the imperial capital, it was still after get off work. Gao Leng still went to Xingsheng Magazine. During this period of time, he accumulated a lot of work, and his job is always something that he cannot forget. As soon as I arrived at the office, it was just in time for the employees to leave work.

"Good for Mr. Gao."

"Mr. Gao, congratulations."

"Mr. Gao, when will you take us to Gouzi Village to have a fun?"

Colleagues greeted them one after another. They did not connect with Gao Leng about the arrest of the equation. Their focus is still in front of them. In addition to the general manager of Xingsheng, the twenty-something general manager also has a few in his hand. 100 million Gouzi Village project.

A few hundred million, everyone's face is full of envy and flattery.

Especially the reporters who came in for interviews with Gao Leng, and now they are still at the bottom for only a year, if they were jealous at first, now their jealousy disappears: if you are strong, others even feel jealous you are yourself Be careful.

"Boss." Jian Xiaodan hurriedly walked over: "Xiao Leng is in your office. It's been an afternoon. She didn't let me tell you that she is here for fear of affecting your work."

Gao Leng nodded and walked quickly to his office. When he walked to the door, he saw the secretary Guan Guan preparing to pack his things and leave work. Seeing Gao Leng came, he immediately put his things on the ground and stood up and bent over: "General Gao."

"You get off work." Gao nodded coldly and pushed the door in.

"You're here." In the room, Mu Xiaoleng sat quietly on the sofa, putting a loose braid on his shoulder, and his face turned to the sky with a slightly red eye. When he saw Gao Leng, Her body immediately exudes a sweet, admirable taste.

This is Mu Xiao Leng's taste, and Gao Leng will feel at ease with a glance.

"I haven't eaten yet, I'll make something for you." Mu Xiao Leng opened the heat preservation box that he brought, and there were some dumplings neatly standing inside. The colorful dumpling skins looked very unique: "This It’s a dumpling with a vegetable peel. This is a tomato, not a pigment. It’s a noodle kneaded with vegetable juice."

Xiao Leng gently picked one up and dipped it in the sauce: "These are pork and cabbage fillings, these are vegetable fillings, and these are shrimp fillings. You have eaten them all. , So that the nutrition is balanced."

Gao Leng watched this box add up to more than 30 dumplings. There are so many tricks from dumpling skins to fillings, which shows that she has spent a lot of heart.

"It's delicious." Gao Leng was indeed a little hungry. He lowered his head and took a bite and killed the dumplings within a few minutes. Mu Xiao Leng took four hours to make these dumplings, but it took him four minutes to finish.

"You like to eat, I will make it for you every day from now on." Mu Xiaolen looked at the empty lunchbox and smiled. She seemed to be worried, she pursed her lips and stopped: "I heard...I heard... "

"Equation was taken away for investigation. Your father's guilt can at least be half cleared." Gao Leng saw her look like her thoughts were overwhelming, and reached out and hugged her in his arms: "I will do my best."

The best feeling is that someone understands how you want to talk and stop.

Mu Xiaolang nestled in Gao Leng's arms, her long eyelashes trembling and moisturizing, she said softly, "Thank you."

"Are you starting school today?" Gao Leng suddenly remembered that Mu Xiaolang was starting school these two days, and he squeezed her slightly round face: "You are in your junior year? Have you completed the formalities?"

"Yeah." Mu Xiao Leng lowered her head, Gao Leng couldn't see her expression clearly, she arched in his arms: "I can't live outside, my major is the third major, and the tutor asked me to live in the dormitory. "Mu Xiaolen has lived outside since he was in college. The school dormitory is simple and shabby. Where can Mu Zhengtang be willing to stay in the dormitory for his daughter? The small apartment in the imperial capital is close to the school for the convenience of girls’ education. Now that he was arrested, that small apartment was naturally blocked.

"Is anyone embarrassing you?" Gao Leng asked.

Mu Xiao Leng shook her head, "No, and students should be living in the dormitory. I will live back home on the weekend, our home." With that, her ears were blushing. Now Mu Xiao Leng has long been used to Gao Leng lives together, it feels safe to be at home. Especially in this state, her parents are detained. If Gao Leng is not protecting her, I don’t know how many crying nights will be helpless and desperate.

Ding dong, Jian Xiaodan came with a short message: Just now, two officials who visited the main hall committed suicide, one hanged and the other jumped off the building.

Gao Leng immediately took a look at the group of friends, and saw that the news spread all at once. Thinking about who they were, Gao Leng was the official who found all the evidence of overseas money laundering and committed suicide in fear of crime. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Gao Leng has uncovered it. The rest will be left to the Disciplinary Inspection Commission and to the Tiger Fighting Office. In the past few years, the Tiger Fighting Office has been so vigorous that the mysterious members of the Tiger Fighting Office are the real ones The master of corruption, the equation is doomed.

What about Mu Zhengtang?

Gao Leng looked at Mu Xiao Leng who was quietly nestled in her arms. She loves herself wholeheartedly. Now Gao Leng is like her lifeline, like the lifeline of their whole family. Mu Zhengtang was taken back to life by Gao Leng. He knew that his evidence could clear Mu Zhengtang one-half of the charges. Otherwise, the corruption of 200 million yuan and the negligence of so many big projects will undoubtedly die.

But what about one half?

The corruption of one billion yuan and the main responsibility of several major projects have been cleaned up. What about another billion yuan? Are there other small projects?

Mu Zhengtang, has it been corrupted?

This determines whether the Mu Xiao Leng in his arms is the daughter of a high-ranking official or the daughter of a corrupt official. And this, Gao Leng can't be the master, all can only depend on whether Mu Zhengtang is truly clean.

No one can resist the hand of the state.

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