Gossip King

Chapter 931: Little Witch’s way of making money, cough cough

The high cold thought for a long time, although it was a little embarrassing for a while, it was not impossible. More than 30 million, if this is put aside, it is a number that I would not even dare to think.

Looking at Jian Xiaodan, who was busy sitting in front of the computer in the study with Xiao Leng's pile of files on the side, looked at Mu Xiao Leng, who was still in the kitchen with red eyes but no panic, cooking, and lying down. The little tail who sticks out his tongue out of the oven and keeps saliva and says, "This is too much like Tintin, I like it too much".

This kind of life was before, and I didn't even think about it.

Even if I live to this day in this life, it is not in vain. Gao Leng thought to himself, stretched his waist and lay on the sofa with his eyes closed and rested, thinking carefully about the next step, the next step, the next step of Mu Zhengtang Things, the next step of development.

This life needs to be more brilliant.

"Sister Xiao Leng said that you are tired, I squeezed the juice for you, drink it." When I closed my eyes and thoughtfully, I smelled a scent of meat wafting over, and opened my eyes to see Gao Xiaowei holding a few sticks in his hand. The good ham was a great time to eat, holding a glass of freshly squeezed brightly colored juice.

Gao Leng watched the little witch closed her eyes and sniffed deeply, and then intoxicated her long tongue stretched out and licked the barbecue sausage. It was really...cute and cute, and heart-warming. Itchy.

"I said..." Gao Leng couldn't help but said, "It's just a grilled sausage, you need it..."

"It's much better than yours." Gao Xiaowei bit down, lowered his voice and despised Gao Leng before shook his head: "But you are winning big enough."


Gao Leng couldn't help laughing. He stretched out his hand and patted Xiaowei's thigh. With a pat, he found that this girl had actually gained a lot of weight, so he moved his eyes up to his chest to see that it was a lot of weight.

"By the way, because something happened to Xiao Leng's father, I have to make money to help her." The little witch turned her head and said seriously and seriously.

"Oh?" These words surprised Gao Leng. In addition to spending money every day, this girl can actually think of making money. It is not easy. And don't look at her cold expression when she said Xiao Leng, but her heart is actually pretty good. , Actually thinking about making money to help Xiao Leng, it is really rare, so Gao Leng nodded approvingly: "How are you going to make money?"

"I don't know how to go out to work. It's not that I don't have the skills. It's not difficult to find a job according to my ability." Gao Xiaowei took a bite, confident.

Gao Leng nodded in agreement. This is true. Even if this girl hasn't learned any skills, she is just being a front desk or secretary. Many companies are rushing to ask for this beauty. Gao Leng recommends and recommends her. , Entering the entertainment industry is also a surefire face.

"However, I'm afraid that my violent temper will kill the boss, so forget it." Gao Xiaowei shook his head.

Gao Leng couldn't help but laughed. This is true. She has such a temper. Others can't wait to goug people's eyes with her temper. It is estimated that no boss can hold her down, and she will be used as wallpaper in minutes. Post it to the wall.

"So, I only have a way to make money." Gao Xiaowei looked at Gao Leng sternly, raised the sausage to his mouth, and took a bite. He moved his eyes down to the lower part of his abdomen, and raised his eyebrows. I have a dime at a time."



Gao Leng couldn't help laughing.

one cent? And even **** her with a dime at a time...say so...

It seems that the little witch has not understood the concept of human money.

"That's it, a dime." Gao Xiaowei took out a red one-hundred-yuan bill: "Just this dime, every time I go to the small supermarket downstairs to buy lollipops, one dime."


Gao sneered no longer. A hundred lollipops actually lied to our little witch for a dime? ! It's not so bad, right? I have to talk to that boss!

"This is one hundred yuan." Gao Leng silently took the one hundred yuan bill and pointed to the amount to teach her like a child: "One hundred yuan, understand? One dime, one yuan, ten yuan, one hundred yuan, do you know ?"

"It's okay, of course I know, of course I did. I just made a mistake. Then I will make a hundred yuan every time." Gao Xiaowei patted his chest chivalrously: "Xiao Leng is my sister, I want to help her , Boss, you have to do good things!" She said, she even bowed her hands.

"Why should I tell you, I want to give you money?" Gao Leng pretended to be angry: "Since you want money, then don't do it."

"What?" Gao Xiaowei never expected Gao Leng to play this one: "No, no, no, don't do it?!"

"Yeah, I won't do it if I want money, let's go to the Xiao Leng room... ahem, oh, I'm going to do something." Gao Leng sat up, as if about to leave. He knew that Gao Xiaowei relied on this practice, and she had a strong desire, if she didn't do it, it would kill her.

"Hey ah ah." Sure enough, Gao Xiaowei took Gao Leng's arm in a panic, blinked his eyes secretly and forced him to sit down on the sofa, Gurulu rolled his eyes and gave a wicked smile, then flashed. She looked in the kitchen and saw Xiao Leng washing the dishes and chopsticks seriously, and then looked at the study room. Once Jian Xiaoshan was engaged in work, she was not here at all, so she thiefly lowered her voice: "Then change. Change, eat once, 100 yuan."

As she said, she took a deep sniff with her head close to the bottom of her cold belly, then raised her eyes to tease, and then stretched out her tongue and licked the unfinished fried sausage, slowly licking Made a circle.


This trick is absolutely impossible.

Gao Leng gritted his teeth.

"I can tell you that I do what I say, if you don't give me money, I will never eat yours again." Gao Xiaowei lay proudly on the sofa and stretched out his white feet gently on him. One flick passed under the lower abdomen, two flicks past, three flicks past...

Gao Leng grabbed her little foot and held it down: "Fiddle, and labor and capital will put it in your mouth now." Gao Leng said rudely and straightforwardly, and it was too strong to control.

"Give it money." Gao Xiaowei stretched out his hand to look like an old mother: "This son, my mother, I have eaten chicken, and I have eaten your chicken countless times. This overlord chicken, my old lady don't eat it."

Bawang Chicken...

Gao Leng laughed speechlessly and nodded: "Okay, deal."

Gao Xiaowei suddenly jumped up from the sofa with excitement, and killed the barbecue sausages three times and five times, and attached it to Gao Leng's ear: "I'm going to get rich, ten times a day, ten days is One hundred times, one hundred times is...I depend! Ten dollars! I made ten dollars!"

After teaching for a long time, she still didn't understand the amount of this money.

Gao Leng nodded seriously: "Don't worry, I will give you ten yuan a week."

"You are so nice!" Gao Xiaowei said moved: "It was only ten dollars for ten days, but now I have ten dollars a week! It really is a big boss, don't worry, I will serve you to your satisfaction!"

As she said, she stood up and ran to the kitchen: "Sister Xiao Leng, I can work and earn money today! I tell you, all the money I earn is given to your father, and I can solve your father's 30 million. Lost ten million!"

Ten million……

Gao Leng held his smile on the sofa, his face flushed, ten million, for ten yuan a week, this girl’s mouth would be swollen and she couldn’t do it...

This is really... poor working girl.

"What do you do?" Xiao Leng was surprised.

"I, I, and I." The little witch was speechless for a while, waved her hand and said like the big boss: "I will make money anyway! I will make it tonight!"

Earn tonight? Gao Leng looked at Xiao Leng's bedroom, and then at Gao Xiaowei's bedroom, feeling embarrassed.

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