Gossip King

Chapter 932: Continue to train Mu Xiaolen

"Brother Gao Leng, I will live at school tomorrow, who will cook for you in the future." At night, Xiao Leng sat on the bed in pink pajamas and looked very sad.

"Let her sleep now, I want to make money, I want to make money!" Gao Xiaowei's urging came continuously from Gao Leng's consciousness.

"Xiaowei, she will go to school tomorrow, and today she knew that her father was qualitative, so I and you will have another day." Gao Leng firmly told the little witch with her consciousness, and the little witch fell asleep after a sentence. , Heartless people always sleep soundly.

"Tomorrow, I will send you to school." Gao Leng thought for a while, and said, Mu Xiao Leng nodded without thinking, and Gao Leng did this for a reason, although there is no news on Mu Zhengtang's sentence. Here, I'm afraid it will be broadcast two months later, but he was taken away for investigation. The news had already appeared, and the people in the school must have known it.

Wherever there are people, there is a fight.

The school is not a pure place, there will be villains if it is not kept properly.

"Don't worry about money, I will get 40 million in three or two days." Gao Leng touched Mu Xiao Leng's face: "Go to sleep, I'm going to school tomorrow, I only see once a week. "Speaking of this, Xu is the little witch's previous teasing that made Gao Leng some thoughts, and his gaze moved to Mu Xiaolian's lips.

Mu Xiaolen didn't know the importance of lips at all.

Gao Leng felt that his throat was a little dry and hot.

"What's the matter? Is there anything on my mouth?" Mu Xiaolen stretched out her tongue and licked it, and smiled embarrassedly: "Is it because the toothpaste hasn't been wiped clean?" As she got up, she was going to the bathroom to look in the mirror.

"No." Gao Leng grabbed her, hesitated for a moment and was a little embarrassed to tell her this kind of thing. The key is that Mu Xiaoling's eyes were too simple, so simple that it seemed to tell her that such things were very dirty, Gao Leng shook his head helplessly, and let's find another chance another day, and said, "Go to sleep." As he said, Gao Leng lay down.

"No." Mu Xiao Leng pursed his mouth and nestled into the quilt, and put one foot on his waist, resting his head on his arm and raising his eyes to look at him: "You just clearly had something to say, tell me. ,unhappy."

Gao Leng glanced at her and saw that she was aggrieved. Not to mention, it seems that this girl will be thinking about it for a long time tonight, but it can be said that he can't say anything to Mu Xiao Leng, this thing. It’s no better than going to bed directly. The same room is normal. Girls are a little scared at best but won’t resist. They use their mouths...

Many girls are very resistant. Gao Leng is not sure whether Mu Xiao Leng can accept it. She is not a little witch.

"Let's talk about it, are you worried about my father's affairs?" Mu Xiaoling propped up with one hand, her hair drooping, and her face became more and more worried about her sophomore year, compared to eighteen years old. It is plump, but just like a flower that has just bloomed. Looking at her from such a close distance, her skin is still breakable, but so half-supported, the neckline is pulled down, and the snow-white undulations are in front of her.

This stunner's body is not enough to see it 10,000 times.

Gao Leng's gaze fell on her red lips that were not lighted up again. Mu Xiaolen's red lips were not like those of women who make up every day. Her lips were very childish, and they were very small, and they looked like that. The mouth of a little girl is like tofu.

"A kiss first." Gao Leng couldn't help but said, closing his mouth.

A few seconds later, a warmth spread across her lips, and Mu Xiaolen's lips, which were only half the size of Gao Leng's lips, approached, lightly clicked on them, and whispered: "Then you can talk now, what the hell... …"

Before she finished speaking, her mouth was blocked. The high cold pressed her under her body and lowered her head to kiss. Gao Xiaowei licked and licked the grilled ham and appeared in his mind from time to time, completely igniting his Desire, and Xiao Leng's soft and docile feeling under him gave Gao Leng a strong impulse.

After kissing for a long time, Xiao Leng's breathing gradually heavier. Gao Leng stopped and looked down at her. She saw her face flushed, and her lips became more plump and moving after the kiss, moist with pink light. , After she murmured shyly, she opened her mouth and took a breath. She couldn't be kissed so deeply by Gao Leng, and her open mouth showed a little white teeth.

Xiao Leng opened his eyes and saw Gao Leng, who was pressing on him, looked at him. He couldn't help but smiled shyly and then stuck out his tongue playfully: "Now I am in a better mood? Can I talk about it? You just thought What are you talking about? What are you worried about?"

This little tongue spit out, causing the cold apple to move up and down.

Whether you can accept it or not, it's all my women. This own woman still has to be trained by herself. Maybe she can also train a master, Gao Leng thought to himself, and took care. "Do you really want to know what I just wanted to say?"

"Yeah." Mu Xiaolen nodded.

"I want to teach you something." Gao Leng stopped talking.

"Huh? You said." Mu Xiaolian tilted her head very humbly.

"Do you know that your mouth can be eaten..." I don't know why, facing such a pure cold, the high cold beast blushed when he said this, but he was a beast, and he still stood up without hesitation. Stretching the waist, the lower part has already reacted, and the hint is clear enough.

"Huh?" Unexpectedly, Mu Xiaolen just twisted his body shyly, still blank: "What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you." She was proud of her expression. She Mu Xiaoleng was talking about cooking. It's indeed a leverage. If Gao Leng wants to eat, she must learn to cook it for him.

"Uh..." Gao Leng smiled helplessly and then straightened his waist: "Did you feel it?"

"Um... of course..." She was so big and didn't feel that her body was unconscious. Mu Xiaoleng blushed and her legs were still tightly closed instinctively. She glanced at Gao Leng and recalled in her mind. Last time she refused to open her legs and looked cold and angry, so she blushed even more, and slowly separated her legs: "I...I will be obedient this time..."

"Be obedient." Gao Leng nodded in satisfaction. The little girl and child could teach her. Last time she refused to take the initiative to separate her legs. This time she separated obediently. It can be seen that she is very docile, which gave Gao Leng a further instruction. She had the confidence of knowledge, so he took a deep breath, leaned down and said softly in Mu Xiaolen's ear: "I mean eating me..."

With that, he straightened his waist again.

"Huh?" Unexpectedly, Mu Xiaolen was still stunned, and then separated his legs...

"Uh." Gao Leng shook his head helplessly, and his eyes fell on the phone. After a clever move, he took the phone and searched, and the screen turned towards Mu Xiaoleng: "Look at it."

I saw that the knowledge that appeared on the screen was clear, simple, and clear. Gao Leng slid the screen. Well, there were pictures. Although it was not a restricted picture, I knew what I was doing. Mu Xiaolen's eyes were about to fly out, and she stared at the screen for a moment.

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