Gossip King

Chapter 940: No favors, only victory

Fengxing Magazine's vigorous publicity began on the second day. First, all their magazines, newspapers, official websites and official Weibo headlines were large-scale advertisements for the summit, and then the major media followed up.

At least more than 30 media outlets gave headlines to follow up, and there were even advertisements for the summit at the subway entrance of the Imperial Capital. The advertisements for the subway entrance have always been sky-high. It can be seen that Yang Peng attaches great importance to the huge capital of this summit. More than five million yuan of advertising costs have also been invested.

More than five million yuan was used at the beginning, which is a big deal, after all, the money for the summit is still to come.

It seems that Yang Peng is full of energy this time, just to directly press the summit of Xingsheng Magazine.

Early in the morning, the reporters of Xingsheng Magazine had just arrived at the company and started discussing. Almost everybody had all kinds of magazines on the front page of the Fengxing Magazine Summit. The huge "First Inland Summit" was enough. It's a gimmick, and the logos of the two major companies "Huantai Group" and "Aussie Group" are also particularly eye-catching. Behind these two companies, there are three lines of corporate logos, and there are more than 30 logos. And every one is famous.

In other words, since Fengxing Magazine sent invitation letters to major companies yesterday, more than 30 well-known companies have followed up.

"Where does this popular magazine have such a big face? Yang Lao doesn't have such a big face, right? Thirty or so!" A senior reporter pointed to the LOGO under the company with an unbelievable expression: "I just sent the invitation letter yesterday. There are already more than 30 companies. Is this speed too fast?"

The company's LOGO has been printed on the magazine just released today, which shows that it was confirmed yesterday, and it is indeed fast.

"I think we are planted by Xingsheng Magazine this time. It is absolutely planted." Another senior reporter loosened his tie and sat on the seat with a sigh: "First, people have already taken the market first. I have seen advertisements at the subway entrance. Now as long as a company knows that Fengxing Magazine is going to host the first high-end financial summit in Huxiang Province, people don’t even know that Xingsheng Magazine will also do it. So many companies are following up, I think, there are big bosses behind this, and no big bosses are covered, how can he Fengxing Magazine have such a charisma?"

After all, it is a senior reporter who can see the problem at a glance: there are big men.

"Don't stand here, what should you do." Jian Xiaoshan walked out of his office and said with a cold face, and the reporters quickly stopped and sat back to their positions to work.

Jian Xiaoshan took all the other magazines that had voted for the summit advertisement in Fengxing Magazine and went straight to Gao Leng’s office. When a thick stack of more than 30 newspapers and magazines was placed on Gao Leng’s desk, Gao sneered: "Hey Yo, Yang Peng's speed is really fast. It was promoted nationwide early in the morning. You see, the online media also followed up."

Jian Xiaoshan looked over with her cold fingers, and saw the huge summit advertisements on the advertisement banners of several major web sites.

"Boss, what are you going to do? Now the market is occupied by them, and there are a lot of companies following up." Jian Xiaodan frowned: "To be very objective, Yang Peng's ability is indeed very good. The summit has progressed smoothly and successfully from the beginning to the present. More than 30 companies followed up before the advertisements, so it is foreseeable that at the beginning of the summit, about 100 companies will follow up. It can be said that this will definitely be a successful summit."

"It's more than a successful summit." Gao Leng shook his head and emphasized his tone: "This is an exceptionally successful summit. A private magazine that has always focused on entertainment and reporting has such a grand corporate appeal. It is rare and rare. ."

"You..." Jian Xiaodan was sweating on his forehead in a hurry: "You are still in the mood to praise others here, do you know why these companies are following up?"

Gao sneered, showing that he knew it well.

"The former vice president of the Empire Business Association was here in person. That's not to be counted. I heard that this vice president happened to be the 20th and 60th birthday, so these companies are so supportive!" Jian Xiaodan sat annoyed. On the sofa: "This vice president and the founder of Fengxing Magazine, Mr. Yang, are old comrades, brothers. In order to let his son Yang Peng carry forward the magazine, Mr. Yang specially invited the vice president to host the summit in person. Say, if you were the boss of a well-known enterprise in the empire, even though the vice president retired, would you not give the vice president face? Not to mention just in time for his 60th birthday!"

It turns out that Fengxing Magazine was able to directly challenge Xingsheng Magazine so boldly this time because of this big man.

The Empire’s Business Association is a very magical and subtle association. As the name suggests, the business association is related to business. The main person in charge of this association is usually with a strong red background, and he used to seek high officials in other provinces or work in large state-owned enterprises. Those who have been in the top positions will be transferred to the association after submitting their rights.

It can be said that the heads of the business associations all have great identities.

Not to mention the strength of Tao Guoan, the former vice president of the business association. Even if the person who can serve as the former vice president of the empire's business association is not capable, his father's generation has the skills. And this old Tao has both: an old man who was transferred to a business association as the vice president of a business association for eight years after serving as the head of an important state-owned enterprise. Let’s put it this way, in this business district, everyone will give him Kind of thin noodles.

It is difficult to get him out of the mountain.

But this old Tao and Mr. Yang from Fengxing Magazine had a very close friendship. They were old comrades in the past. This comrade-in-arms is no better than colleagues. The love is deep from the bones. Since Mr. Yang can invite him to host the summit, it can be seen A lot of work was done, and it happened to be in time for Mr. Tao’s 60th birthday. To be conscientious, don’t say Mr. Tao came to host the summit at such a great age. Just rushing to this 60th birthday would not be possible. A small number of companies go to join in.

"Tao Lao came forward, and it's no wonder that Su Su would immediately pour the flag to Fengxing Magazine." Jian Xiaodan was so angry that he patted the sofa with his hands and looked at Gao Leng: "And I heard that Fengxing Magazine released something and said to We will annex our Xingsheng magazine within half a year. This summit is to teach us a lesson. We are acquainted, and we must obediently cooperate with the annexation, otherwise it will be destroyed and then acquired."

If Gao Leng wants to annex Fengxing Magazine within two months, this is an internal secret, and only a few senior executives of Xingsheng Magazine know about it, but Fengxing Magazine will directly let everyone know: He Fengxing Xingsheng will be annexed within half a year, and a momentum has been made on the summit project.

Eyes, fierce, and escorted by bigwigs, they were directly overcast at the summit and had the upper hand as soon as the war started.

"What to do?" Jian Xiaodan cried and said, "We can't fight this summit at all!"

"I said, since he plays yin, don't blame me for being more yin than him." Gao Lenghan laughed and stood up: "We are going to war too, call everyone to meet to discuss the summit. By the way, you. Will do something for me, it must be done confidentially."

With that, Gao Leng attached to Jian Xiaodan's ear and said something.

"Is this bad for you?!" Jian Xiaodan jumped up: "This way, this way, will it be too impersonal? Is it too much?"

"During the business war, sometimes there is no favor but only victory or defeat. Let's do it." Gao Leng ordered.

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