Gossip King

Chapter 941: A big counterattack that does not understand the state of the empire!

The Yang’s villa was a bit busy early this morning, and the cleaning aunt was busy, which shows that there are guests today.

"Dad, more than 50 companies have signed up for the summit. This is all the advertisement made by Fengxing Magazine this morning. Take a look." Yang Peng put a thick pile of materials on the table with a smile on his face: "As soon as the invitation letter was sent out yesterday, 30 companies participated immediately! Today, the magazine was just released, and another 20 companies were reported. Now we have to choose and choose those who are not influential. ."

Yang Peng pushed his glasses with a smug look and snapped his fingers: "It's so Xingsheng fart!"

Mr. Yang glanced at the newspapers and magazines with reading glasses, and nodded in satisfaction: "This time you did a good job, keep working hard, and Tao Guoan will come over for lunch later. Thank you, Uncle Tao, if not for his willingness to stand up , How can these companies participate in such a face-up?"

As he said, he picked up a magazine and looked at the company's logo below: "I didn't expect that Lao Tao has such a strong appeal, and he will report his name to so many companies to join him. The treasure is not old! "

"What kind of sword is not old, it's just a shame." As he said, there was an older voice behind him, and I saw an old man of about 60 years old in a gray check shirt and black trousers followed the housekeeper. , With a cup of tea in his hand, he sat straight on the seat in the yard. It can be seen that he is very familiar with Mr. Yang. The visitor is Tao Guoan, the former vice president of the Imperial Business Association. He patted Yang as soon as he sat down. Peng's shoulder: "Little Yang has grown so tall. I remember that he was only so tall when he went to the UK to study in elementary school."

As he said, his palms pressed down.

The yard was filled with the very comfortable smiles of old friends.

"Thank you for this summit." Old Yang handed a cigarette to light it and pointed at Yang Peng: "You still don't thank you Uncle Tao? If you didn't come out of the mountain, how could you win this summit? cold?"

"It should be." Tao Guoan chuckled and flashed something inexplicable in his eyes: "After retiring, I have to contribute to the commercial development of our country."

Old Yang looked at Tao Guoan deeply and smiled with a finger.

There is still an economic relationship in it, and given 10% of the profit, the vice president of the business association who has retired can also be regarded as making a lot of bells.

Tao Guoan glanced at it and pretended not to see it, only smiled and drank.

"Uncle Tao, thank you very much this time. If it weren't for you, my summit would have been impossible." Yang Peng raised the teacup in his hand and replaced the wine with tea, stood up and bent towards Lao Tao: "I must take it in one go. Next to Xingsheng Magazine, I will carry forward the popular magazine that I have developed!"

"The young man is ambitious!" Old Tao haha ​​smiled: "The waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves forward. We old men died on the beach! Sixty, old and old!"

"Uncle Tao, I also created a program for your 60th birthday at the summit to help you." Yang Peng confidently and proudly took out two identical plans and handed them to Yang Lao and Tao Lao. It was a preliminary plan for the summit dinner, but he didn't expect that the expressions of Old Yang and Old Tao changed as soon as his voice fell.

"You...what did you say?" Tao Lao frowned: "You say it again?"

Yang Peng saw that his father and Tao Lao hadn't even turned their plans, and stared at him solemnly and solemnly. He couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded: "I, I, I, I said I also got one for Mr. Tao at the summit. Celebrating the 60th birthday..."

"Naughty!" Before Yang Peng finished speaking, his father Yang Lao slapped the table abruptly and shouted: "Naughty!"

While sitting aside, Tao Lao looked at Yang Peng with a sullen face, and raised his hand to Yang Peng to beckon him not to speak. Tao Lao waited for Yang Peng to be severely stern: "It happened to be six days. Do these entrepreneurs know the tenth birthday?"

"I know... I know..." Yang Peng obviously didn't know what he had done wrong, but the atmosphere was so serious that he instinctively stood up: "When I invited companies to participate, I told them casually... "

"Bastard!" With a crisp slap, Yang Peng received a firm slap on his face. He covered his face in astonishment and looked at his furious father. Since childhood, he was beaten and he rarely scolded him.

"What...what's wrong?" Yang Peng looked blank.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with you! Are you a pig brain?!" Old Yang was so angry that he stretched out his hand and slammed Yang Peng's temple: "Do you understand the state of the empire! Who wants you to spend a few days with Old Yang? This is how you tell people about the 60th birthday?! Who wants you to tell?! Who wants you to tie people's 60th birthday to the summit together! This will happen, do you know that something big will happen!"

"It's not that you said during dinner a few days ago, you said that Uncle Tao came to help us host the summit. The summit will definitely be held, just in time for Uncle Tao's 60th birthday. Those people will also give face." Yang Peng looked confused.

"Do you know what it means to see through or not to break? Do you understand what is the state of the empire!" Old Yang rolled his eyes with anger and went soft to the table, panting, and patted his head: "What a idiot! A idiot! The cards were broken by you!"

Tao Guoan, who was on the side with a green face, stood up after tens of seconds without saying a word: "Sorry, I don't think I can host this summit. Goodbye."

"What...what's wrong?" Yang Peng was shocked and horrified.

"What's the matter?" Tao Guoan turned around and said in a cold voice: "I want to avoid suspicion! I still want to die!"

"Your Uncle Tao is indeed approaching his 60th birthday. This matter is true. If you don't say it, people in the company will also find that you will give him this face. But once you say it, you will be suspected of taking bribes. Do you understand?" Old Yang said, but was angry, picked up the magazine and patted Yang Peng's head suddenly: "Now that the anti-corruption is so powerful, you still talk to people all over the world, oh, say you Uncle Tao It’s your sixtieth birthday, everyone come to the summit. What signal are you? You are telling all entrepreneurs that you are going to send money! This is the signal!"

The imperial people pay attention to a subtlety in doing things.

What is implicit?

When talking about business, the most important price must be negotiated after drinking, so if you don’t say it well, you can say that it’s drinking.

When talking about friends, pay attention to a temptation, pay attention to a flair, so that even if you are rejected, there is a way out.

And the officialdom is more concerned about seeing through, not talking about it, and leaving a section when talking. This is the demeanor of people who plan big things. Take this summit as an example, Tao Guoan must be selfish, otherwise he would not agree to host the summit of Fengxing Magazine on the days before and after his birthday. This matter is not broken at all, people with a discerning eye know it.

As long as those entrepreneurs know that Tao Guoan is here to host the summit, they are bound to conduct some inquiries and investigations, and that Tao Guoan's 60th birthday will be fully understood. You didn't say it, then Tao Guoan has retired and is still contributing to the empire's business, right, the wind is coming and raining, and he is helping the inland business summit.

But if you say it is broken, then Tao Guoan is suspected of retiring and wanting to make a fortune.

Good things become bad things.

As long as someone reports it, Tao Guoan will be in trouble.

After Yang Lao scolded him, Yang Peng, who had been living abroad, understood. After realizing the seriousness of the problem, he sweated profusely. After thinking about it, he said, "Then Gao Leng should not report. Right? I just told some entrepreneurs on the phone about this, and this high cold is only in his twenties. I don't know the state of the empire, right?"

"Yes, this Gao Leng is only in his early twenties." Old Yang grabbed the head of the conversation and stretched out his hand to hold Tao Guoan who was about to leave: "A boy with a hairless mouth should not think of this level."


"Really report?" Jian Xiaodan seemed hesitant.

"Of course I have to report it." Gao Leng said categorically: "Of course the big counterattack that Yang Peng sent to the door by that idiot must be caught."

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