Gossip King

Chapter 944: Su Su's Cold Blood

"Mr. Su, the official website of Fengxing Magazine says that Mr. Tao is not attending the summit." Su Su lowered his head and signed the document with a pen. The three managers in suits and leather standing at the desk looked a little nervous. One of them Said softly.

"Oh?" Su Su paused for less than a second and continued to draw and write on the data. A hand stretched out, the manager quickly took out his phone and clicked on the official Weibo of Fengxing Magazine and immediately Stretch the screen to Su Su's eyes.

Su Su glanced at it for a while, then smiled: "Gao Leng is quite attentive."

"Which side of the summit are we going?"

"Go all." Su Su lowered his head and looked at the information, and habitually clicked his hand twice. This is Su Su's habitual movement, which is consistent with Gao Leng's habitual movement, but Gao Leng is generally trying to kill and resolutely. This action will only appear at a time, and gently tap twice on the thigh or the table, slap, just like pulling the trigger, bullets roaring out, and Su Su appears when thinking, her index finger is fast After knocking on the table for a dozen times, he didn't lift his head and said, "Gao Leng has a good relationship with me. Since Tao Lao has quit, I should go to Xingsheng Magazine. Please work hard to go to both."

"But Mr. Gao changed the summit date to the same day as Fengxing Magazine."

"Really?" Su Su raised her head in astonishment, smiled slightly in shock, the dimple on her left cheek was exposed, making her whole body less serious, but the smile was fleeting, she lowered her eyes to continue Looking at the information: "Two mountain tigers fight, just wait and see the changes." After speaking, he picked up the pen and stroked a few times, then raised his eyes and looked at the managers sharply: "This plan is not satisfactory."

Passive is not a good word, but these managers seem to have been a godsend, and they all heaved a sigh of relief: "We continue to change."

"Here, and here, your data is not correct, and here..." Su Suzheng pointed to the information, the office door suddenly opened, and a fat middle-aged man walked in angrily and roared. Shan Xiang: "Su Su, what do you mean?!"

"Mr. Zhou, you can't rush like this." Su Su's secretary followed up with a nervous and helpless expression and reached out to block the middle-aged man's footsteps. She bent over towards Su Su: "Mr. Su, Zhou Always... I told President Zhou that you are busy, but he..."

This middle-aged man with a fat belly is tall, tall and magnificent, and he is dressed up as a magnificent international brand. The watch worth 800,000 in his hand reflects his assets. His name is Zhou Li, a member of the Huantai Group. The boss of the subsidiary Huanen Foods Enterprise is also Su Su's uncle and the husband of Su Su's father's little sister, Mr. Zhou.

"What do you mean? Why did you withdraw my boss position? I'll ask you why!" Zhou Li slapped his hand on Su Su's desk a few times, his eyes staring at his junior. .

He seems to have forgotten that in addition to his junior, Su Su is also the boss of the Huantai Group and his superior.

"In 2011, when you became the boss of Shanghai Huanen Company, the net income of that year was 100 million. In 2012, the net income was 86 million. In 2013, the net income was 65 million. In 2014, the net income was 5,500. Wan and lost two high-quality teams. In 2015, Huanen Company lost 10 million yuan for the first time. From 2015 to today, Huanen Group has lost more than 20 million yuan. This is why you were dismissed as the general manager. "Su Su met Zhou Li's red and angry eyes and spoke clearly, and his white teeth gave out bursts of cold as the numbers were accurately and continuously said.

The profit of Huan'en Company, a subsidiary of Huantai Group, has been declining year after year. A series of figures show that the angry potbellied man is not capable enough.

"What right do you have to withdraw my position as general manager?!" But he didn't expect Zhou Li not only to be ashamed, but to become more angry. He stretched out his index finger and pointed at Su Su: "You have to make it clear that this Huantai is us and you. Dad shot it down!"

Then, he pointed to the logo of Huantai Rising Sun Dongsheng and sneered: "When Huantai Group had only a row of bungalows, it was me and me! It was me and your dad who made Huantai Group bigger by brick by brick. "Speaking, he patted his chest heavily: "Veteran, I am the veteran of Huantai, do you understand?!"

"Don't talk about that." Su Su shook his head faintly, stood up and looked at Zhou Li coldly: "Zhou, your company is bad, so you were withdrawn. The reason is given to you, please go out."

"Bastard!" Zhou Li hammered the desk with his fist again. The sky-shaking sound made the secretary standing aside put his hand on his chest and watched the scene nervously. Zhou Li was pointing. Su Su roared: "You call me'Zhou Zhou'? You have to call me uncle! That's how you treated your uncle? If your father is dead, you can withdraw me? Your father is dead, you **** withdraw us. Are these elders?!"

As he said, he pointed to Su Su's family portrait in the bookcase behind him, and pointed to the photo of Su family's family portrait: "After your father died, how many **** people have you removed? When your father was there, Our relatives have all gotten a half-office position. Once your dad dies, good fellow, you are an unfilial son, you **** hold his ashes to grab shares, unfilial!"

As he said, he paced back and forth like a crazy beast and looked at Su Su: "I didn't manage Huan'en company well? I think you are your big nemesis. If you kill you, your parents don't tell me, but you still have mine. Huanen Company is worse than a year?! Withdraw me? What right do you have to withdraw me? Let alone a Huanen company, I am the veteran of Huantai Group, I have original shares! Do you understand original shares? Yes, I will resume my position now, otherwise, otherwise..."

Su Su sneered, she turned around and opened the bookcase, gently laying down the family portrait.

"Why did you put the family portrait down? Why, are you blushing? Don't you dare to explain to your dad?!" Zhou Li sarcastically said, "Don't you want to monopolize Huantai by removing the positions of our veterans? What is in Qian’s eyes, the unfilial son who came to grab the money holding the ashes without his parents dying! No conscience!"

"Dad, I quarreled you." Su Su turned his back to Zhou Li. After gently stroking the back of the family portrait photo frame, he turned around and closed the bookcase and looked at Zhou Li directly: "First, revoke your general manager. I’ve already told you the reason for the position. Second, you keep the original shares, and you divide the money every year. I won’t lose a penny from you. Third, you are not a veteran of the Huantai Group, you just follow me. It’s just a relative who divides the money behind my dad. What about the money, I let you continue to divide it, and the position, sorry, I’m not my dad, I’m very cold-blooded.

As she said, she pointed to her heart: "You said I have no conscience?"

Su Su smiled and nodded: "No, I don’t even have a heart, so don’t cry here. It’s useless. I’m the one who grabs shares without burying my parents. You think I’ll miss you. Is this uncle's rights?"

"You...you..." Zhou Li was so angry that he couldn't say a word and held out his finger at Su Su.

"Uncle." Su Su stretched out his hand and opened his outstretched finger: "You figure it out, I am President Su, your boss. Give you five seconds, go out by yourself, otherwise..."

"Why, you **** dare to chase me away? Fuck! No wonder your uncle said that you removed him from his post last year, and you **** asked the security guard to take him..."

"Security!" Su Su said with a cold face.

The security guard who had been standing by outside the door rushed in and dragged the furious uncle out.

"You have no conscience! You are a family humiliation! You, your parents and parents, drive away the scum of the Huantai veteran!" Zhou Li's angry and deliberately loud curses came from the company, and they gradually disappeared into the distance.

Su Su sat at the desk, without seeing any waves on her face. She raised her eyes and looked at the managers who were standing aside dumbfounded. She stretched out her finger and pointed at the information on the table: "What are you doing here? Let's continue the discussion."

The tone was normal, as if the scene just didn't happen.

The phone rang, and she even smiled when she answered, "Uzhi, what's the matter?"

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