Gossip King

Chapter 945: Uzhi strikes again...

"I heard that Gao Leng is going to hold a summit?" A somewhat excited voice from Yuzhi came over the phone: "I heard people say that Xingsheng Magazine and Fengxing Magazine are getting up?"

"Yes, Xingsheng Magazine and Fengxing Magazine hold exactly the same summit on the same day." Su Su put down the pen in his hand and took a magazine from Fengxing: "Fengxing Magazine cannot be underestimated. Now Mr. Yang is going to host the summit in person. You should know Mr. Yang, I remember you were on the cover of Fengxing Magazine."

"Wow!" Uzhi exclaimed: "Gao Leng is really a man! Just like that! I didn't read the wrong person! Of course I know about Fengxing Magazine. I have been on the cover of their house many times. Every time, Mr. Yang personally received him, but recently he seems to have changed his son’s head. Gao Leng and Mr. Yang? Although Mr. Yang is under a popular magazine, he has been in the media circle for so many years. Amazing, high cold..." Yuzhi's breathing was a bit short, she stopped and said tentatively: "You do me a favor?"

"Say." Su Su didn't even think about it, but Yuzhi wanted to help.

"This... I'm hosting a small private party in the evening. You help me invite Gao Leng..." Yuzhi bit his red lips: "My uncle has many entrepreneurial connections, and I have accumulated some over the years. , I see some people who are invited by the Imperial Capital today, a small private party, will be the elite."

"Party? Just invite him yourself. He is in the imperial capital now." Su Su was a little surprised, and she blinked her eyes: "Don't you hate going to parties the most? You never come to my birthday parties many times, saying you hate socializing. ."

"Uh, isn't this helping a friend? Gao Leng is my friend." Yuzhi seemed embarrassed and shy.

"You go out first." The smart Su Su felt Yuzhi's excitement, and he reached out and waved at the employees. After the employees had all gone out, he lowered his voice and asked, "Do you really like him?"

"Anyway... anyway, you can invite him for me. It's best for you to come, because if you come by yourself, I'd better invite other entrepreneurs with high gold content." U Zhida replied generously: "Help Help, sister, I rarely see the man I like."

"He has a girlfriend." Su Su held his forehead incredible: "How many times have you seen him? You fell in love with him? Is it so easy?"

"I know he has a girlfriend." Yuzhi's voice became frustrated: "I didn't say what to do with him for a long time. Anyway, I just like this piece of fresh meat. Sister, I just want to eat it! Now, you think you are all like you. There is no need for the iron tree to bloom for a lifetime. You don’t even need love. It’s enough to have your Huantai."

Su Su shrugged: "I understand, okay."

Regarding adults, although Su Su didn’t understand why she wanted to give her body to a man so easily, it’s not surprising that she thought about it and agreed, “I’ll invite him now, where is the address? Do you need to book my villa?"

"If you can book the venue of your top mountain villa without spending money...haha, it would be the best." Uzhi said excitedly: "Book me the best presidential suite alone with a separate hot spring pool. The kind..."

"You, you are serious outside, pan Jinlian thought." Su Su nodded silently: "Okay."

This is the truth. Yuzhi is notoriously cold in the media. The domestic first-line actresses have always been responsible for big dramas. They must be as positive and positive as they are, and as Lingran as they are. Only Su Su knows that although Yuzhi has only been with a boyfriend, he is definitely not the woman who is so confused on the screen.

She is a typical Mong Sao.

After listening to Yu Zhi’s joyous voice, Su Su shook his head speechlessly, knocked his hand on the table twice, and said to himself: “What’s so good about Gao Leng? The bed is good? So wanting to have something to do with him , Yu Zhi has also fallen."

With that said, Lin Zhi's contented expression appeared every time she saw Lin Zhi in the early morning after seeing the cold.

"Having a girlfriend and messing around everywhere, what's so good about this kind of man? But being a friend is pretty good, wise and responsible, so soon there is such a big physical project in Houzi Village, which is impressive." Su Suyi Thinking of the project in Gouzi Village, his face blushed slightly.

She remembered the bet she had made with Gao Leng: if Gao Leng took down Houzi Village, she would let him kiss, or kiss him.

But then I used the high-cold summit to offset this bet, and now it’s on Fengxing Magazine. Is this bet count? Su Su hesitated for a moment, blushing. Last time she was scared to cash out the bet and left Wuchuan Province early in the morning. It was really shameful to think of it.

"Yuzhi is so busy to help." Su Su whispered, picking up the phone and calling Gao Leng directly: "Hey, Gao Leng. It's me, Su Su. Yuzhi has a private party to invite you to attend. I'll go too, and you can help."

"Private party?" Gao Leng was surprised: "What party? Birthday? Do I need to prepare gifts?"

"No need." Su Su shook her head and wanted to say, "Get ready for yourself", but she was held back, and she smiled: "Uzhihui invited several well-known entrepreneurs over to the party to assist you in the summit. ."

"Thank you so much." Gao Leng immediately agreed: "I'll call her to thank her soon, oh, yes, I think you should come to my summit."

"Why?" Su Suyan raised his eyebrows: "Popular magazine Yang Lao came out, he will definitely call me to invite him, although I and you are friends, but Yang Lao and I are also friends, he is retired. , I can’t help but give face. It’s hard to say that I’m going to you or him."

"You will come to me." Gao Leng said with certainty: "See you tonight, I will tell you why."

"Okay, I sent you the address, see you tonight."

After Gao Leng hung up Su Su’s call, Jian Xiaodan entered the door and her face was ruddy and bright. She reached out her hand and made an OK gesture: "According to your request, we have contacted over there, and the other party said we must come and join us. We are afraid I have to go to them, the official invitation."

"Okay, it's hard work." Gao Leng seemed to breathe a sigh of relief after listening.

"We must have no problem with the summit." Jian Xiaodan was a little proud: "No matter how many contacts, Mr. Yang can't match your strategy."

"Sometimes there are many contacts. It is better to have an important one. One is enough." Gao sneered and stood up: "By the way, I am going to a private party in Yuzhi tonight. There should be a few big guys. Come here, and try to invite them to our side to help the summit. If you don’t go back to sleep tonight, you and Xiaowei will have dinner together."

Then he took out a bank card and handed it to Jian Xiaodan: "Help me buy a gift for Yuzhi. The price is around 100,000 yuan. Small accessories are good. It is not good to go to private parties without bringing anything."

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