Gossip King

Chapter 950: Send me an ancestral chromosome

"I have a cup and you have two cups." Yu Zhi smiled and raised the wine glass and sat on the opposite side of the high cold: "Dare you play?"

"You help me so much, so please do whatever you say." Gao Leng knew that she refused Uzhi to make the other party shameless, thinking that she might punish herself by doing this, so it's better to respect her life. Two cups were drunk, the face did not change.

At this time, Uzhi only drank a little more than a glass and a half. She could not drink the amount of a bottle of red wine, so she filled a glass, and also played a little bit carefully, the cold is a full glass, she Only poured a small half cup and raised it: "Then I will only drink a cup."

"No, I can take two and half a cup. Girls can't drink too much." Gao Leng said with a slight smile. In fact, drinking more and less will not affect him at all. If you have to say the impact, it is nothing more than one more. The difference between soaking in urine and one less soaking in urine.

No way, after changing your physique, you can't get drunk.

"You two and half a cup?!" Uzhi was very surprised. She had already drunk several glasses while watching Gao Leng socializing. If she drank it with her, it would be possible that Gao Leng would drink several bottles of red wine, several bottles. ! This staying power is great!

Will the stamina be too strong at that time, I can't sleep well... Oh no, it's not that I can't afford it, I don't want to raise it, many worries flashed in Yu Zhi's heart...

"Then what..." Yuzhi hesitated after drinking half a glass, and asked: "How is your wine? After getting drunk..."

"I've never been drunk." Gao Leng picked up the wine glass and drank two more glasses like drinking water: "I also want to know what it's like to be drunk, but I've never been drunk."

Obviously, she has too many worries, but she has another worry: Are you drunk? ! This is terrible...

"Have you never been drunk?!" Yuzhi felt that the pit seemed to be dug a bit big, and she obviously couldn't believe it: "You should be socializing a lot."

In the business circle, socializing is indispensable. The drunk at the dinner is gone, and even a lot of them have been drunk. Yuzhi has not heard anyone say that she has never been drunk, she obviously doesn't believe it.

"Never drunk." Gao Leng shook affirmatively and sighed deeply: "I really want to get drunk once..."

Invincible is a kind of loneliness...

And Yuzhi’s loneliness will be crushed to death by the cold invincibility...

"It happens to have a nice drink with you this time. Okay, it's up to you." Gao Leng buckled the wine glass down, not a single drop left.


Yuzhi suddenly felt like she had dug a big hole for others and fell into it. She looked at the wine on the table and then at Gao Leng.

Never drunk? How can it be? is that a lie? If you’re not drunk, then you’ll be over. My mother, I’ve been drunk...after I was drunk...that desire...for a while, the various thoughts in Yuzhi’s heart rushed past like a thousand horses. She was a little timid against Gao Leng's gaze.

Gao Leng's face showed no signs of being drunk, not at all.

This person can toss on the bed for a night, how can he drink so much, Yuzhi only feels that the wine is a little bit strong, she bit her lip, the wine board she invited, kneeling to finish drinking, so she raised her wine glass and bit her teeth. Half a cup is finished.

It's a bit hard to swallow this half a cup.

Uzhi also has five glasses of red wine, which is a huge amount for others, but it is obvious that the man in front of him is at least five bottles. Five glasses to five bottles is absolutely the distance between Ai Fukuhara and the great devil Zhang Yining. ...

Now, she has drunk about three cups, and what she didn't know was that high cold was not the five bottles she thought.

This high cold makes you two bottles and still bursts you out, and Yuzhi is really drunk with two cups.

I vaguely remember that she was drunk once in college and touched her chest all night in the dormitory. At that time, she was still a stranger. Some people would cry after drinking, some would scold after drinking, and some would She sleeps, and Mr. Yuzhi gets wet after drinking... It's like this without personnel, I really don't know what will happen to her drunk after experiencing personnel.

As soon as Yuzhi's wine glass fell, Gao Leng picked up two cups for a few seconds to solve it, and looked at Yuzhi: "It's you."

"Uh..." Yuzhi felt a little dizzy. The red bar has plenty of stamina, especially for such a good wine. The smooth stamina brought about by the smooth stamina makes people feel like floating. She held it on. Two red clouds on his forehead and face have faintly flew up.

Drink it again and you will be really drunk.

"Why don't you drink it?" Gao Leng saw that she looked at the wine glass with some embarrassment and quickly reached out and took the wine glass in her hand: "Don't get drunk, what kind of wine are we two, right? If you miss me Drink more, I will drink more, anyway, I thank you today, as long as you are happy, I will be fine with a few bottles."

In Gao Leng’s opinion, if Uzhi invited him to drink, he would definitely drink it. First, someone helped him so much, and second, he refused. The two points should add up to what Uzhi said. He tried his best. Cooperating, she suggested that she drink two cups by herself. In Gao Leng's opinion, Yuzhi was punishing him, or to bring back his own face.

It is better to be respectful than fate, you should drink it.

But I can see a trace of embarrassment in Yuzhi's eyes, and it can be seen that she can't drink anymore, so naturally you can't let the girl continue to drink, just enough. I took the wine glass in Yuzhi's hand and touched her slightly hot fingers. Think about it, but Ke Yuzhi's heart jumped frantically with the touch of his fingers.

Is he really so good at drinking? Yu Zhiwei squinted his eyes to look at Gao Leng's perfect side face, calculating in his heart, the more he calculated, the less confident he was, because Gao Leng's face did not change his color, and his face did not show any signs of getting drunk.

"By the way, I bought a small gift for you. The gift is light, don't mind." Gao Leng thought for a while and took out the earrings he had prepared for Yuzhi in his pocket. They were beautifully packaged and big, although they were not gorgeous. Jewelry, but very exquisite: "I don't know if you like it or not, just a little bit of your heart. As a friend, you are very grateful for helping me organize such a big private party."

As a friend...

Yu Zhi Yu became disappointed and his expression changed slightly. He took the jewelry box and opened it without saying a word. The simple taste was good. The earrings were very beautiful, but Yu Zhi's current thoughts were not on the earrings.

Whether he is drunk or not, I have hinted several times before, is it really necessary to seduce him naked like Lin Zhi? Depressed, and gave me eardrops as a friend, what should I do? The worried Yuzhi took the earrings perfunctorily and said, "Thank you." Putting the jewelry box aside, holding the wine glass in one hand, he turned the wine around.

She seemed dissatisfied. Gao Leng glanced at her expression and felt a little bit in his heart. He thought, this gift was given lightly. Let's see what she thinks. The gift has to be made up in her heart, otherwise she refuses her gift again. Dissatisfied, too disappointed her help.

Gao Leng thought for a while, reached out and took the wine glass in her hand again, pretending to touch her finger again unintentionally: "What do you like? I didn't expect you to invite so many big guys. This gift doesn't count. I will give it again. You buy one, do you like the necklace? No other meaning, it is really to express my gratitude."

Mind reading starts.

"What do you think you are so polite for?" Yu Zhi's face was a little disappointed but still smiled. She returned to her former arrogant look. She reached out and touched the earrings: "It's pretty, I like it very much. , They are all friends."

(Really, damn, should I continue to carry it or put down the shelf and hint him again? I haven't done it for a few years, and finally I see someone I like. Why is this idiot so dull? Why give me a necklace? An ancestral chromosome! Please, give me an ancestral chromosome!) Uzhi's consciousness was transmitted clearly and eagerly through Gao Leng touching her hot fingers.

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