Gossip King

Chapter 951: Great?

WHAT? ! Give her a chromosome from my ancestors? !

I! Le! Up! One! Fuck!

This was the first sentence that appeared in Gao Leng's mind after hearing Yu Zhi Consciousness, and he even doubted whether he had heard it wrong.

Gao Leng blinked and fixed his eyes on Yuzhi, who was sitting next to him. She was just like a saint with the halo of a saint on her body. He stretched out the jade hand and opened the jewelry box and took the earrings. After he came out, he shook: "It's pretty, you don't have to give me anything."

As she said, she put the earrings on her palms, palms up and said to Gao Leng, "You can put them on for me."

Gao Leng was still immersed in his ancestral chromosomes and was unable to extricate himself. For a moment, he was in a daze. After Yuzhi looked at it, his face changed and he closed his palms and said solemnly: "Don't get me wrong, I know you have a girlfriend, you Just wear it for me, don't get me wrong."

It sounds like being afraid of high cold taking advantage of her...

Doesn't this woman pretend to die...

Gao Leng recovered and was still a little unbelievable. He stretched out his hand to take the earrings and gingerly moved towards Yuzhi’s pierced ears. I don’t know if you haven’t worn earrings for girls, it’s very charming to see them wearing earrings. It's kind of, but you really have to wear it yourself... It's much harder to hold the pointed pin-like thing of the earring into that small ear hole than to push your own cannon into the hole below them.

No matter how big the earholes are, I'm afraid they hurt.

No matter how small the hole below is, I really enjoy their pain.

Gao Leng's hands shook a little sweat. He quickly adjusted his sitting position and approached Yuzhi, but Yu Guang accidentally glanced at her chest. Although her evening dress showed a little cleavage, There weren't many Neutros, it was a very decent kind, plus Uzhi's own noble aura, the previous Gao Leng didn't even look at her. But the angle from which she was wearing earrings happened to be seen.

Although the area I saw was not large, I could really feel the deep black ditch clamped tightly.

Judging by Gao Leng's rich experience, shooting star experience, and his own hand-to-hand rate: As long as the cleavage is very open, it is squeezed out, and Duang falls off as soon as the bra is taken off, from C to A directly, and As long as the cleavage is particularly tightly clamped, they are all real materials, and they are absolutely out of control with one hand.

Obviously, the ditch on Yu Zhi's chest was too tight.

The original high coldness towards Uzhiwu’s thoughts on that aspect, there was a wave of waves at this time, and there was still a wave of waves, I am afraid that this man's gadgets will also be abolished... Gao Leng pulled back his thoughts and put on her seriously. After an earring, Uzhi turned his body to face Gao Leng, head side to the other side.

I have to say that Uzhi’s neck is perfect, his snow-white skin is as tender and smooth as a peeled egg, and his collarbone is particularly attractive. Facing the high cold angle, it perfectly shows the plumpness of his chest. The fragrance came over.

Is Uzhi's consciousness just now real or fake? Gao Leng put on earrings for her with one hand, looked down at her, and saw that her eyes were cast down elegantly, her aloofness was still there, and this temperament was far from her consciousness.

Am I wrong? This is the first time Gao Leng doubted his mind reading skills.

"Wear it." Gao Leng breathed a long sigh of relief, and cruelly pressed the slender needle into his ear hole. The palm of his hand was sweaty. This woman's gadgets are really life-death, he sits She returned to her position and looked at the earrings hung on her earrings and gave a thumbs up: "It looks good."

This is not a compliment, it is indeed good-looking. An elegant woman like Uzhi wears this kind of earrings, which is particularly charming. This charming but not enchanting. It has a kind of ancient court nobility and the atmosphere of a talented woman. No wonder these big productions Movies and TV dramas all look for the kind of atmospheric woman Yu Zhiyan, this temperament is indeed close.

Ding Ding Ding, Gao Leng's mobile phone rang, he took it over and saw two words on the screen: Lin Zhi. When Yu Zhiyu Guang saw it, her expression changed.

"Hey, Gao Leng." As soon as Gao Leng answered the call, Lin Zhijiao's voice came over: "Are you hosting a summit? My father's company will come to join us, and I will also call several other world-famous companies to come together. Well, a total of seven or eight, am I great?"

A woman like Lin Zhi is to make men comfortable. She is obviously helping Gao Leng, but she says Gao Leng is like a monarch, she is like a courtier, and the courtier is like a monarch offering tribute, and she is also a bit pleased. In this way, what a woman used to help a man turned into a woman to please a man.

Such a woman is indeed liked by men.

The phone was closer to Yuzhi, Yuzhi also listened to her, and she sneered.

Compared with Lin Zhi, she was really not as high as Lin Zhi, who was drinking and pouring after helping.

"Isn't I great?" Lin Zhi's humming voice came out again: "What makes me sad is that I have only invited seven or eight companies, and there are only a few of them who are friends with my dad. Don’t be offended, people have worked very hard to give you a hand..."

As soon as Lin Zhi said this, the corner of Gao Leng's mouth rose. Everyone likes such a woman. She was obviously helping each other but she lifted her.

She humbled, doing a favor and acting like a baby, Yu Zhi, who was sitting at the side, was in a completely opposite mood to Gao Leng. She wanted to turn her head angrily, but her ears became more and more erect to listen to the movement here.

"Isn't they great... Praise others..." Lin Zhi seemed to be angry but faintly, making people feel numb.

"Great..." Uzhi sat next to him, Gao Leng lowered his voice a little embarrassed.

"Hmm..." Lin Zhi contentedly dragged a long hmm, "If I'm great, does a handsome gentleman want to reward me with a great..."

Uh, reward a stick... Gao Leng didn't expect Lin Zhi's turning point to come so quickly, he couldn't help but was startled, but his heart was always secretive.

This bastard, Uzhi cursed secretly, her eyes turned to the back of her head when she heard it, she turned her head and glanced at Gao Leng, but when she saw Gao Leng's white eyes, she almost laughed...

Why do men like bitches? Yu Zhi was indignant.

"Okay..." Gao Leng gritted his teeth and felt a little embarrassed when Uzhi looked over: "Then I will hang up first, there is something wrong here."

"Are you at Yuzhi's private party?" Unexpectedly, Lin Zhi knew where Gao Leng was and said, "I'm in the imperial capital. Would you like to see you at night?"

"This..." Gao Leng hesitated.

"There happens to be an uncle who is a family friend, the boss of the Conse Group, who is with me. He and the people at the Yuzhi party should know each other. That's it. You can call Yuzhi. Is she next to you? "Lin Zhi asked.


"You transfer hands-free." Lin Zhi seemed to have planned.

Gao Leng pressed the hands-free: "Lin Zhi has something to tell you."

"Sister Yu." Lin Zhi's polite and soft voice came over the phone, and the tone was like Lin Zhi was her relatives: "Can I come to your party with Mr. Kang later? Cons Group Boss."

"Mr. Kang?" Not far away, a big guy was very surprised when he heard it, and he quickly walked over: "Quickly, I have to come over to Lao Kang. I haven't played cards with him for a long time. After returning to Taiwan, this old guy disappeared and called him. Come here!" The old friend hadn't seen him for many years and was very excited.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll call Mr. Kang." Lin Zhichai said, there was a sound of high heels.

"Lin Zhi?" Hearing this charming voice, the big guy's eyes lit up: "Lin Zhi, come together, I'm a super fan of you!" As he spoke, his eyes filled with fascination. It's about to fall out.

Lin Zhi is not only the actress who most wants to have **** selected by the otaku, but also the favorite of middle-aged and elderly bigwigs. The figure of the supermodel and the iconic aura of the tone make this actress who is only 30 years old Enchanted by a large group of president-level men.

Uzhi's face turned black.

But she was still holding her head up slightly, but she looked at Gao Leng in a little panic. Lin Zhi was about to come. Others didn't know the inside story. Yu Zhi knew that Lin Zhi came to challenge herself.

But if Yuzhi loses again tonight, it would be a shame.

Lost a big deal.

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