Gossip King

Chapter 960: Wild flowers are not as good as home flowers

As he said, U Zhi squinted slightly with a look of intoxication, then squinted at Lin Zhi with a victorious attitude.

Anyway, everyone else is gone. Lin Zhi can't verify this kind of thing with him now. If this is to let Lin Zhi know that if I send it to the door, he won't lose it. I can't lose face, Yu Zhixin thought.

Lin Zhi smiled sweetly, and looked up and down at Yu Zhifan. Before, she was dressed exquisitely and elegantly with elegant makeup on her face. She smiled slightly.

"It took a long time for makeup to come out, and it made me toss me..." Uzhi lowered his voice, and the tone revealed a taste of memory and aftertaste. She is the person behind the shadow, and this acting skill is nothing to her. , She leaned against the table and raised a toast to Lin Zhi, saying like a winner, "Sorry, I want him to stay and wait for you for a while, but he said he has business, just..."

Lin Zhi still did not speak, but showed her trademark harmless smile, raised her glass and took a sip: "It is an honor to be able to come to Sister Yu's private party. I didn't come here for being cold. Do old friends also want to come and gather with them?"

As she said, she pointed to the big guys who followed, and saw those big guys chatting together as soon as they met, and this step went down very quickly.

"Really?" Yu Zhi smiled and looked at Lin Zhi, who is known as high EQ. She is really high EQ. She is so ridiculed and not ashamed to find a step down.

"Sister..." Lin Zhi approached Yuzhi's face gossiping, and asked in a low voice, "You and Mr. Gao...huh?" She raised her eyebrows ambiguously.

"Um..." Yu Zhi nodded affirmatively and then sighed for a long time. He looked at Lin Zhi with a tired look and raised his glass: "Sorry, I know you have a good relationship with him...but Don’t worry, I’ve never robbed someone else’s man. Today, he insists... But then again, he’s not your man, right?"

Every sentence sounds harmless, but every sentence is directed at Lin Zhi.

Lin Zhi still smiled faintly. He raised his glass as if he hadn’t heard it. He picked up a piece of cake and ate a bite and then nodded: “The cake is delicious. Sister Yuzhi’s private party is really high-end. It's delicious."

Yu Zhishi was stunned. Lin Zhi didn't even fight back. This is the same as a punch out and hitting the cotton.

"I'm going over there to chat with them, so I won't accompany my sister." After Lin Zhi ate a piece of cake, he smiled at Yuzhi Tiantian and stretched out his hand. People are so kind, and Yuzhi has no reason to continue showing off. , Uzhi also had to stretch out her hand and shook it friendly.

After Lin Zhi turned around and walked for two steps, he stopped and turned back. He approached Yuzhi's ear and said, "Actually... Sister Yu may not know that after finishing with Gao Leng, it is impossible to come to the party. I couldn't get up even once I crawled, and even my legs tremble. Sister, you are very energetic. It's strange..."

After speaking, she still smiled sweetly and walked away.

This wave of Uzhi failed to pretend, and she was stunned. She never expected that Lin Zhi would have seen it through long ago, and what was even more unexpected was that after finishing with Gao Leng, she could not even get up. ? !

Is he so awesome? Yuzhi thought, only feeling warm under her body, she breathed a sigh of relief, and put a sanitary napkin...

He should be such a cow. That day Lin Zhi called out all night, and Yu Zhi, who was ashamed, annoyed and embarrassed, regretted it to the extreme at this moment. When Lin Zhi turned and left, the moment his back turned to Yuzhi, his face was full of disappointment.

She didn't expect Gao Leng to leave like this. She is a smart woman, knowing that Gao Leng cold her. She chased Gao Leng all over these days, making Gao Leng a little tired. After all, it was not the relationship between boy and girl friends, Lin Zhi knew in his heart.

But the body...

The body missed it so much that it couldn't do without the high cold. Yu Guang of Lin Zhi looked at Uzhi who was flushed with shame after being exposed.

One was rejected by Gao Leng, and the other was released by Gao Leng. The two women fought fiercely and pitifully.

And the difference between these two women is the little witch who is sleeping in the room at this moment. She is destined to be in ecstasy tonight, and all night.

Gao Leng returned home. Mu Xiao Leng had moved to the dormitory. There was a little witch in the room. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a small yellow light in the room, which was shallow and warm. A soup pot, open the soup pot and see a bowl of chicken soup warmed in it.

Turning his head and looking at the bedroom, the bedroom door was open, and the little witch was sleeping in the room.

The warmest thing is to go home late after a tiring day, with lights in the room, meals on the table, and beauties on the bed.

Gao Leng felt warm in his heart. He drank the bowl of chicken soup, took a quick shower, and couldn’t wait to walk into the bedroom. It’s been a long time since Mu Xiao Leng lived with the little witch. , Every time it is secretive, the little witch likes to call, and endures it every time. I felt irritated once or twice, and I always felt wronged by the little witch over time.

The little witch's surname is Gao, followed by his surname Gao Leng, it is his cold little tail, and she cannot be wronged.

Today, please treat her well.

Gao Leng walked into the bedroom and lifted the quilt. Seeing Gao Xiaowei lying naked, curled up with her snow-white buttocks, she looked like a child when she slept, and the desire to see her was all the same. Can't hold back afterwards.

No need to suppress.

The woman in her own family will do it whenever she wants.

Gao Leng separated her legs and dragged it directly to the bed, her sleepy eyes still closed, Gao Leng stepped in.

My own woman, she can do whatever she wants.

Gao Xiaowei wakes up in extreme comfort, full of satisfaction and surprise, the two are in love with each other, you and I are strong, fighting. Taoist flowers are not as scented as wild flowers. From Gao Leng's point of view, they are on the contrary. This flower is more scented than wild flowers.

In the early morning of the next day, Gao Leng woke up in contentment, and pulled Gao Xiaowei who was sleeping next to him underneath him. After a while, he reluctantly pulled out. Today is all the media under Xingsheng Magazine and others. The big media announced the date when Xingsheng Magazine and the Business Association jointly organized the first summit in the inland.

This is the big day.

All media people and companies will know: Xingsheng Magazine has overwhelmed Fengxing Magazine, and the high-cold novice will beat Yang Lao all the games.

"When the summit is over, Xingsheng Magazine will be more than a grade higher than that of Fengxing Magazine. Are you happy?" Gao Xiaowei turned over. Compared to human physique, her physique is much better. Although she is weak, It's not that she can't get up. It's just that the shy and contented face makes her more beautiful. She puts her head on her hands: "Now there is less than a month before the summit. In such a short period of a month, you actually I just beat Fengxing Magazine to the ground. It’s amazing."

Gao Leng stood up and put on his clothes. Gao Xiaowei knelt by the bed and stretched out his hands to button his shirt.

"When the summit is over, Xingsheng Magazine will be more than a grade higher than Fengxing Magazine." Gao Leng shook his head: "One month, before the summit begins, I want to annex Fengxing Magazine."

"To annex?" Gao Xiaowei was surprised.

It's only a month since the summit. As soon as the summit advertisement of Xingsheng Magazine appeared today, presumably outsiders had lost the summit, but Gao Leng actually wanted to annex them before the summit?

"Yes, annex." Gao Leng took the tie and handed it to Gao Xiaowei: "Help me tie it. Today is the day when the China Europe Business School starts. I am busy."

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