Gossip King

Chapter 961: Kill that pair of dogs and men!

"I'm busy too." Gao Xiaowei sat up, looked at the traces of the full bed and sighed leisurely, Gao Leng touched her hand and squeezed her face and others easily, got up and left.

Lao Diao's home happened to be on the way to the business school, and Gao Leng picked him up.

"Xingsheng's other arrangements for going to the business school for further study, right?" The old man still drove, Gao Leng squinted slightly to rest.

"Yesterday Jian Xiaodan sent a notice that they will arrive on time. Such a good opportunity and such an expensive book are impossible to be absent." Lao Hao shook his head reluctantly. Four hundred thousand reading such a book is really too much. It's too expensive: "This time we gave six people away. That's more than two million! What kind of M or A, so expensive!"

"Many schools offer MBAs, which are also more expensive than other courses, but they are not as expensive as CEIBS, but the more expensive ones are good. Most of the MBA students at CEIBS are elites, office workers, and more than two hundred. Ten thousand is worth it." Compared to Lao Diao's distressed money, Gao Cooling said: "I also want to go to China Europe to charge, you also want to charge. By the way, Zhang Xuelong is here, right?"

Gao Leng is very concerned about Zhang Xuelong, who is busy planting trees in Gouzi Village, Wuchuan Province. It wasn't how outstanding this boy was. After all, he was just the lowest-level worker like Lao Diao before. In terms of ability, Xing Sheng was much better than him. But this man is an old sling soldier, and when the Carrion Case secretly visited the Caesar Group factory, the loyalty shown by this man was extremely rare. Most importantly, Gao Leng was touched by the boy's dream.

He said, I want to be a hero.

There was no rebirth of Gao Leng, and he was exactly like this young man at that time, and wanted to be a hero, but there was no way out.

Ordinary people’s heroic dreams always need a Bole, and Gao Leng is happy to be this Bole and achieve his heroic dream.

"Come here." When Lao Diao heard Zhang Xuelong, he couldn't help but smile ambiguously: "This little Zhang...no, this old Zhang..." He dragged his voice out, and Zhang Xuelong always claimed to be only twenty years old. Lao Zhang, after calling for a long time, it's easy, Lao Diao smiled: "He made a girl in Houzi Village. A few days ago, he told me that he didn't even hold the girl's hand. This time I came here to study. Not giving up."

Wuchuan Province is far from the imperial capital. Although the MBA class only opens on weekends, the journey is far away. I'm afraid this learning dragon will take a little harder during this period.

"He brought this girl over this time, saying that she was seeing the world, you said, it's so hard to separate without even pulling her hand." The old lady laughed. The love of a teenager always makes people feel beautiful. It will also make people over here feel naive and funny.

Gao Leng couldn't help but laughed, "What's the girl's name? Small...small?"

The girl in Gouzi Village, who was seen by Gao Leng, was white and pure. Although she was a little bit dirty, she exuded a youthful atmosphere. She was a little beauty. This is a blessing to learn from the dragon.

Suddenly, Lao Hang's expression changed and he slammed on the brakes. Gao Leng squinted his eyes and immediately sat up to rest. A well-skilled old crane rarely stepped on such a hard brake. What happened?

"Isn't this the pair of dog men and women?!" The old hanger looked angry, and pointed at the corner of the street. It was just after 7 o'clock at this time, and the CEIBS Business School was at a point on the outer ring. Many, around the corner, a man and a woman stood there sneakingly with what looked like masks, and Lao Diao rolled up his sleeves: "Damn, these adulterers and adulterers wear hats and masks. I also know the old man. They, Song Jiji and Ma Rong!"

"Fuck, really." Gao Leng, who rarely swears, couldn't help taking a sip. He glanced at the time, it was too early. It was more than enough to rush to CEIBS after packing these two people, and he glanced at each other with the old hanging.

"It must be beaten! This encounter is absolutely necessary!" said the old hanging, taking a sip of saliva on his hand: "Bullying the honest people of the old Wang family, even if this horse wool derails, it will take away the old Wang's money! Damn, Pan Jinlian didn't care about Wu Dalang's cooking cakes back then! And this dog-day Song Jiji, don't you know that your friend's wife can't fool him? Labor and management are the most uncomfortable thinking about a friend's wife, and beat him to death. !"

It turns out that this Ma Rong is the wife of a well-known actor in the entertainment industry, and Song Jiji is a friend of the actor, but sleeps with his wife.

"Of course I have to punch." Gao Leng also rolled up his sleeves: "Five minutes is enough to punch them both."

When the car parked on the side of the road, no matter whether it violated the rules or not, seeing the two adulterers and women walking deep into the community, Gao Leng and Lao Diao ran madly after getting out of the car. They just ran behind them, and there were rapid footsteps Aroused Song Jiji's attention, he turned his head abruptly and saw Gao Leng and Lao Hang running up to him.

Lao Diao's long neck carefully looked at the two men wearing masks and hats at close range. He turned his head and nodded towards Gao Leng. He admitted that they were the two men.

"Who are you, what are you going to do!" Song Jiji instinctively took a step back, while Ma Rong stepped aside in horror.

With a muffled cry on the ground, Gao Leng raised his fist and struck him. Song Jiji looked at Niu Gao and Ma Da could not withstand Gao Leng’s punch. He was directly beaten by two or three meters and fell to the ground, making a scream. There was a scream, and the horse wool on the side screamed sharply.

"Smelly lady, still screaming, the more you call, the more people will come and beat you up." The old hanging glared at her sullenly. At this moment, there was no time to clean up the lady, and he rushed to Song Jiji, leaning down and hitting her. beat.

But with more than a dozen fists, Song Jiji had been hit by a slow motion with his left and right hands, his left uppercut and right uppercut turned into a pig's head, his nose bleeds, and his back teeth were all shot out.

Gao Leng saw that he was about to clean up, he almost broke his arm and leg, stood up, and the horse wool on the side was shaking with fright while holding his mobile phone and waving and screaming: "You still dare to do it, I, I, I, I Me me me me."

"Why, you have to sue me for harming your reputation?" Old Hang took a sip on the ground.

"Where did the wild goods come from, who would dare to hurt me? Can you afford to hurt me?" Ma Rong was pungent after all, took out the anti-wolf spray from his bag and pointed it at the old man.

"Oh, you are quite self-aware, knowing that you two are crossing the street and everyone is shouting? And preparing anti-wolf spray." The old man looked at the horse hair. This lady is not so beautiful. The famous brand is very flickering.

"Can you manage our business? Law, law, law, the court hasn't judged it yet! I'll be with whomever I love to be with." Ma Rong walked to Song Jiji and kicked him, but Song Jiji was already She was fainted and motionless like a dead pig. Her face was a little pale, but her mouth was still very hard.

"Old hanger, this woman, hitting a woman..." Gao Leng hesitated for a moment. Although this horse hair is hateful, it is always a bit...

"What's wrong with beating a woman?" Lao Diao was obviously surprised by Gao Leng's reaction. He rolled up his sleeves: "I'm a rough man. Labor and management don't know about feminism or feminism. In our village, this **** has to be beaten!"

"Fuck me, isn't that horse wool? I'm here!" As he said, a few young women rushed over and pressed the horse wool to the ground and tore it.

This woman is terrible fighting...

Even Song Jiji, who was dizzy next to him, was covered with nails on his face, and the thing under the crotch was also kicked...

After killing the two dogs, Gao Leng and Lao Diao returned to the car, feeling refreshed.

"No wonder it is said that people have to do more good deeds. Doing good deeds will make me feel better. Now I am in a better mood!" The old man sat in the driver's seat and turned his head to look at the group of aunts on the corner who were still tearing that one To the bitch, haha ​​smiled.

This is a great deed for the people!

"Go, go to CEIBS." Lao Diao stepped on the gas pedal: "I heard that Yang Peng from Fengxing Magazine also reported this issue of EMBA. You are a classmate with the boss. This is the summit advertisement of our Xingsheng Magazine. It’s all over the place. Yang Peng is here to teach, so he can live a good life? Can he come?"

Fengxing Magazine, they should have known the summit early in the morning and they will undoubtedly lose, so will Yang Peng still come to participate in the EMBA class?

"He will come." Gao sneered: "And he will definitely come."

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