Gossip King

Chapter 972: Huge investment!

"Honored." Gao Leng stretched out his hand to hold Mu Ge's hand. Mu Ge laughed and patted Gao Leng's shoulder, but his eyes fell on Murong Yuyan next to him, and he looked at Gao Leng enviously and joked: "Being at the same table with Murong Yuyan, but how many men would never think of a welfare."

It is indeed the dream of many boys to be at the same table with the fairy sister Murong Yuyan. Of course, this is also the dream of Gao Leng. Gao Leng smiled slightly, but this tablemate was not obtained by Gao Leng’s efforts, but Murong Yuyan took the initiative to come over, and Murong Yuyan, who was standing by, blushed slightly but did not refute.

Mu Ge looked at Li Qian who was about to leave the classroom again, and swallowed his saliva: "The screenwriter Li is really as rumored in the industry. He is far from the world and doesn't like to interact with people. It's just much more beautiful than I thought. It's..."

She is a well-known writer and screenwriter in China, but most of these bigwigs do not know her, which shows that she is low-key. But to Gao Leng, this person is not only low-key, but also too arrogant.

How can anyone not return a business card? Su Su is regarded as the most arrogant one Gao Leng has ever seen, but also...

Gao Leng also looked over, just in time to see Li Qian's side face coming out of the classroom. To be honest, his face and body are enough to make his debut.

"Mr. Mu." Yang Peng from Fengxing Magazine followed up, stretched out his hand and shook Mu Ge, then looked at Gao with a sneer, "What project do you think about President Gao?" Although he was enthusiastic, he must be uneasy. What kind of heart, Gao Leng knew not to say it in his heart, just a few people walked to the next lounge.

When he got there, he raised a glass of wine, and Mu Ge went straight to the subject. He smiled and said, "Mr. Gao, you have a big land in Gouzi Village."

"It's okay. Compared to those big guys, I'm like a field in the countryside." Gao Leng laughed at himself and jokingly said it was true. What kind of land is this little land compared to those big guys?

"The project in Houzi Village can be done at least several billion, and now it is for Brother Biao to run it." Mu Ge said seriously: "To find such a piece of land now is not to be found, the key is to empty your gloves. The land acquired by the wolf is pure profit."

"Domestic elderly care base..." Yang Peng paused and smiled and raised a toast: "There are about dozens of domestic elderly care bases. Seven or eight of them have advertised in our popular magazine. This direction is very important. Fire."

Sure enough, the dog couldn't spit out ivory.

It is true that there are dozens of elderly care bases in China, but there are at most ten such large stalls, but Yang Peng said it is as cheap as Chinese cabbage.

Mu Ge could hear the smell of gunpowder in Yang Peng’s mouth. He looked at Yang Peng and saw that he was jealous under his disdain, and then looked at Gao Leng, but he didn’t seem to care at all. He smiled and drank, and even nodded to Yang Peng's remarks.

It's clear at a glance which side is prosperous and which side is narrow.

"Mr. Mu, you shouldn't have taken a fancy to his hook village for venture capital investment, right?" Yang Peng saw Gao Leng not speaking, and became a little bit more eloquent: "There is nothing special about this project, isn't it just a land to be developed. Elderly care base? There are many similar ones in China. This place with good scenery has gone."

Mu Ge did not speak but smiled.

This attitude is very clear: Mu Ge hopes to talk with Gao Leng alone. But Yang Peng, who had returned from overseas, obviously did not see the meaning of Mu Ge's faint smile but no words. He even looked at Gao Leng quite proudly.

If you really want to fight, you still have to fight Yang Peng and his old son. Fighting with Yang Peng is really boring. Gao Leng thought, and it was a bit annoying. He glanced at Yang Peng. The rich second generation who returned from overseas is obviously not. Knowing the principles of empires in business, what is it that Mu Ge is discussing business with himself? I don't know how to avoid it. It's no wonder that Popular Magazine has gone downhill in the past two years.

The main general was incompetent and exhausted the three armies.

Yang Peng is a talented general, but he is also a young man who doesn't understand how imperial people do business.

"He certainly didn't want to invest in Gouzi Village." Gao Leng raised his glass to Yang Peng: "Gouzi Village can be said to be a mature, operationally clear and absolutely profitable project. Mr. Yang seems to have no idea about venture capital. , Venture capital, as the name suggests, a risky investment."

The implication is, kid, even venture capital can't figure it out, you should go play in the mud.

"Mr. Gao, what else do you have besides Houzi Village? Xingsheng? Xingsheng is even more a mature company. I don't know about venture capital? Is it risky for venture capital? Is there a lack of mature companies? When capitalizing, those entrepreneurs are looking for venture capital companies all over the street?" Yang Peng immediately retorted, and he turned around and raised a toast to Mu Ge: "Mr. Mu, tell me, do you want to vote for his hook village? ?"

"Absolutely not." Before Mu Ge could answer, Gao Leng said very positively.

Yang Peng looked at Mu Ge. He didn't know who gave him confidence in Gao Leng's such affirmative tone. He also couldn't think of what other projects in Gao Leng's hands besides Houzi Village were worthy of this empire's famous investor. Investment.

"Oh?" Mu Ge was a little surprised Gao Leng was so sure, and smiled curiously: "How does Mr. Gao know that I am not Tougouzi Village?"

As soon as he heard Mu Ge's answer, Yang Peng's face collapsed. As he collapsed, he looked at Gao Leng in surprise.

Does he still have an ace in his hand? ! Yang Peng thought to himself, there was a sudden burst of courage in his heart. This fear lies in the fact that he was suppressed by the high cold in the previous few games, and the after-war palpitations that his father was suppressed when he played, it is also the number of ace in the hands of high cold The impenetrable fear.

"Green agriculture." Gao Leng raised his glass and smiled: "High-end green agriculture, right, Mr. Mu?"

Mu Ge raised his eyebrows and gave a thumbs up to Gao Leng: "General Manager Gao actually guessed that I did not invest in Houzi Village but wanted to invest in green agriculture. He was really wise. That's right, I want to cooperate with you on your high-end green agriculture."

"High-end green agriculture? It's the small industry in Gao Leng's hands that only three or four people are in the process? What kind of ancient species?" Yang Peng opened his mouth in surprise.

"Yes." Mu Ge nodded and stretched out ten fingers: "Mr. Gao, I am willing to invest one billion in the early stage to cooperate with you in your high-end green agriculture."


Yang Peng just took a sip of wine and spewed it out in embarrassment, but fortunately he didn't spray Mu Ge...

One billion, this is the assets of half a popular magazine.

"After ten years of investment, the final investment amount will not be less than 3 billion, how about it?" Mu Ge is the CEO of a well-known domestic investor.

The overall investment is no less than 3 billion yuan, so it is actually invested in green agriculture where only three or four small people are currently operating?

Yang Peng took another sip of wine and spewed it out again...

This is more money than Fengxing Magazine's total assets. This is an asset that his father has not achieved for most of his life.

"What kind of green agriculture is this? There are a lot of green agricultures these years. Is there any difference?" Yang Peng wiped his mouth with a tissue and couldn't help asking, this time his voice was full of envy and jealousy.

Deep envy and jealousy can't stop it.

Compared with Yang Peng's excitement, Gao Cooling looked particularly calm, and he lowered his eyes to think.

This is a huge investment. Mu Ge throws 3 billion yuan as soon as he speaks. This is definitely not casual. It must have been screened and evaluated by many projects. He has long been eyeing the project in the hands of Gao Leng before directly throwing a big name. .

As for Li Qian, who was drinking alone not far away, her gaze drifted towards Gao Leng silently, she quietly walked a few more steps towards Gao Leng, and quietly reached into her pocket and pulled a small one. The inconspicuous voice recorder was exposed a little so that the reception was clearer.

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