Gossip King

Chapter 973: Sky-high green, what kind of green is it

"Mr. Gao, you should know about your project. I opened it at a sky-high price." Mu Ge smiled lightly.

"Green agriculture is so valuable?" Yang Peng saw that Mu Ge was not joking, so he felt curious. At this time, the other two VCs in the class came over and patted Mu Ge on the shoulder and asked: "How much do you pay? "

"One billion, I'm going to lose ten years, and the overall investment will not be less than 3 billion." Mu Ge looked at his competitor who is also a venture capitalist. Mu Ge's answer was very domineering. He pointed his thumb inward. Own: "Brothers, don't think about it. Our OMSAS Investment Company has to decide on this project."

"So much! It's a pity, it's a good project, but the boss can't give so much."

"Then we don't think about it. We also analyzed his project, but we can't give so much. This good project in the industry is occupied by your OMSAS investment company. Do you want us to live!"

When the two heard about the sky-high price of OMSAS Investment Company, they shook their heads regretfully. OMSAS Investment Company is wealthy, and the projects they fancy often spend a lot of money, and they are not afraid of others to compete.

"It's indeed a sky-high price." Gao Leng nodded, and after concentrating for a few seconds, said affirmatively, "I will consider it carefully."

"Brothers, this green agriculture is so popular now?" Yang Peng was very puzzled. Although he was popular after returning to China, he had been overseas for many years. He also worked in other companies when he was overseas. Success, he really couldn't understand this domestic Fengshui, and asked: "I think there are many green agriculture companies now. There are several state-owned enterprises in the big ones. The pollution-free rice is sold for thousands of tons. There are even more small ones. There are a lot of e-commerce companies, and one billion in the early stage?! Three billion in the later stage? That's too outrageous! Brothers can solve their puzzles."

"His green agriculture is different from others. We have investigated it." A person in charge of venture capital said: "Other green agriculture is a brand of pure natural pollution-free, including the green rice of large state-owned enterprises you mentioned. It’s all nonsense about not using pesticides."

"Yes, the rice varieties now are different from before. After a dozen herbicides, their resistance to resistance is different, and now there is not even a frog. How could it not be pesticides?"

Yang Peng thought about it, but after thinking about it, he shook his head again: "Could it be that Mr. Gao can not use pesticides? This green agriculture without pesticides can sell for such a high price? The risk of venture capital investment is too high. Right! The reproducibility of what is sold to ordinary people is too high."

Doing business in the empire is like that, as long as you make money, you flock to it.

The reproducibility of things like agriculture is too high. If you can do it, he can do it too. You said that yours is ecological agriculture, and he can also do ecological agriculture, so what is your chance of winning?

"General Manager Gao did not focus on pesticides at all. What he wants to do is the high-end market, and he has no plans to sell this green food to ordinary people." Mu Ge shook his head, he looked at Gao Leng with a smile. Very sure: "Right, Mr. Gao."

As he said, he took a few steps forward and approached Gao Leng's ears and lowered his voice: "You should be a membership system."

And Mu Ge actually guessed that he wanted to be a green agricultural membership system, which shows its power.

"High-end market?" Yang Peng shook his head: "Don't say I'm bad-mouthing, financing three billion, to earn three billion, how much cabbage do you have to sell? How many catties of pork? I know, in Japan There is a case of selling hundreds of pieces of ecological beef. They left the land barren for three years, saying that it was to raise the soil and metabolize it to pesticide residues. After that, they planted staple food on the land that had been barren for three years and then used the staple food to raise cattle. , That’s why I sold the sky-high price of a few hundred yuan a catty of beef."

This Japanese high-priced beef is a classic case. Yang Peng, who has been living overseas, naturally came in. He shook his head and said with certainty: “But, he just can’t sell much beef every year. In fact, he makes a lot of money. It’s far better than selling it to ordinary people’s agricultural companies that play a healthy card and run the volume."

What Yang Peng said is not as good as it should be. When it comes to circumventing money, large enterprises engaged in green agriculture are now the most ruthless. In Japan, the classification of food is very strict, saying that zero pesticide residue is zero pesticide residue, but the imperial regulations are very vague. In addition, these green agricultural companies do not use "zero pesticide residue" in advertising slogans. Instead, use "purely natural and pollution-free".

So, what is meant by "no pollution"?

There are no very clear boundaries and identification standards in this regard.

It is precisely because there is no clear boundary and identification standard that green agriculture is a piece of muddy water. If you say you are real, no one believes it, but you are fake. As long as the advertisement is well advertised, sales will go up.

Obviously, ancient foods cannot be sold.

"Well, even if you advertise well, you believe that you are really pollution-free food, but you are using ancient species. The output of ancient species is very low. How much money do you have to sell for such a low output to make money back? A few hundred yuan a catty of pork? 500 yuan a chicken? And two to three hundred a catty of cabbage? The cost of buying two or three meals is only one to two thousand yuan, at least one to two thousand yuan. Recover the cost, right?" Yang Peng looked at Gao Leng, this time his questioning did not bring about his prejudice, but it was also aggressive.

"President Gao, I have lived overseas for many years, an imperial person, but not as wealthy as you think. Even overseas, I have never seen the middle class can buy such a large price for green agricultural products. Your business is too mysterious. "Yang Peng shook his head again, and he was very optimistic about the investment of OMSAS Investment Company: "Mr. Mu, you count, this thing is data-heavy, 3 billion, the output of ancient species is so low and the labor cost is so low. , Earn it back?"

"Yes, you have to talk about the data." Gao Lengdid smiled: "In the Empire, there are more than 1.35 billion people, twice that of the 27 EU countries. There are three cities with 20 million people, and 10 million people. There are thirteen of them. And the purchasing power of the empire is currently the first in the world, overwhelming the United States, Mr. Yang, you have been overseas for too long, and you don’t even know that we have grown from the world’s largest poor country to the world’s largest middle-upper For income countries, has the empire today become a world factory and grow into a world market?"

Say data? Gao Leng's bunch of data ran out and stunned Yang Peng.

As he said, he took a few steps forward and lowered his voice and attached it to Mr. Mu’s ear and whispered: “The membership system that Mr. Mu said is only a small part of my green agriculture plan. Our early stage is not a membership system, but Anything else."

He raised a toast to Mr. Mu and looked at Yang Peng, and said, “Mr. Mu, let’s take a step to speak. We should discuss this kind of professional field in private.”

Yang Peng was embarrassed for a while.

Obviously, Gao Leng disliked him as a layman.

Sky-high green, what kind of green is it? Yang Peng looked at Gao Leng's and Mu Ge's departure, and he was puzzled. He finally sighed and murmured: "I didn't expect Gao Leng to have a few brushes. If he really wins this investment, he can It’s just overwhelming, but I don’t know what kind of harsh investment conditions are under the huge amount of 3 billion. There is no free lunch in this world."

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