Gossip King

Chapter 993: Drinking sad wine, can't shed tears of grievance

"I just want him to go out and play with Susu as a friend, nothing else, go and work." The old butler stopped talking and ordered.

Gao Leng tossed and couldn't sleep, the old housekeeper's words lingered in his ears, his eyes always appeared in front of him. Su Su was sitting in front of a round table full of dishes on New Year's Eve, drinking cup after cup, clinking with empty cups again and again. Scenes.

It seemed that I could hear the clinking glasses.

What is ringing is that the woman who owns the Huantai Group has nothing to do with her loved ones on New Year's Eve, but she only has an empty glass to accompany her to drink a glass of sad wine around the New Year's reunion.

Gao Leng, who couldn't sleep, got up at about three in the morning and walked out the door, looking at the meeting room where Su Su had a meeting not far away, the door was hidden, and some discussions came from inside, and some food was delivered from the kitchen. I sent it in. It seemed that it was time for the intermission of the meeting. Gao Leng walked over and gently pushed open the hidden back door. Seeing that seven or eight people inside were holding food in their hands, or smiling, or Discussing.

Su Su was sitting in the middle of the conference table. There was a plate in front of her with some food on it, but she didn't move a bit. She just supported her forehead with one hand and wrote something on the notebook, her brows sometimes frowned and opened. Everyone looked tired after eating, but Su Su was very energetic.

"Wife, um, I work overtime. I can’t go back today. Sleeping with President Su, um...hey, working overtime again. No way. I know that today is your birthday. I will be back after the meeting. Give me leave." An employee whispered while holding a mobile phone and walked up the stairs.

Obviously, following a working party boss also has to fight hard, and it is common to work overtime until three or four in the morning, but he can take a day off after the meeting, while Su Su will continue to work for the day. Everything she has is Huantai Group.

"Well, mom, I can't go back tonight. I have to have a meeting. Hey, no way. The American project has to have a meeting at night. Besides, this is the Huantai Group. Can you not work hard? Wait for me. After a few years of hard work, you will have everything and you will be able to live a good life." Another young guy walked out of the conference room and whispered on the phone.

In the imperial capital, countless office workers are struggling with sleepiness in the dim night. Not everyone is like Su Su who was born with a golden key. Most ordinary people have dreams and a glimmer of hope in this metropolis. It is a beautiful future.

From time to time, people call out, and there is a person on their phone who is worried about it.

Gao Leng couldn't help thinking of himself. Originally, he had nothing and lost his life. Now, although he has no parents alive, he has a gentle and pleasant girlfriend, a simple right-hand man, and a person who can protect him safely. Gao Xiaowei, and Qian, although he is far from Su Su's capital, is more than enough compared to ordinary people. Gao Leng looked at Su Su and couldn't help but feel sad.

This young lady who was born with the golden key has everything, her father and mother loves her father’s meal, her relatives surround her with happiness, and the strong capital to inherit Huantai’s wealth in the future, but now she has nothing but money. .

The sound of Su Su clinking with other empty wine glasses on New Year's Eve was heard in Gao Leng's ears.


What rang is the pitiful loneliness of the woman who owns the Huantai Group. She can stand on the top of Huantai and wave Fang Yao to enjoy the envy of others, but she can't fall on the shoulders of her relatives and drop a tear of grievance.

It is so desolate to drink the sad wine, but cannot shed tears of grievance.

Business circles say that Su Su is a woman without a real smile. Her smile is a professional smile, and more of a smile that reveals the intent of annexing the other party to kill.

But if you are her, how can you laugh?

Gao Leng turned and left and returned to the room. This was not the pain he could relieve now, and he was just empty-handed.

The next morning, as soon as Gao Leng got up and opened the door, he saw a staff member in formal clothes guarding the door. The other party had a contract on the floor, in triplicate, which was the cooperation contract he talked with Su Su yesterday.

"She went to Huantai at around six o'clock. There was a big customer visiting there this morning. She has to go to prepare early. Let's have some breakfast first." The old housekeeper's voice was distressed, and he turned towards Gao. Bend over: "You signed the contract, I'll take it over."

It was only seven o'clock when I came out of Su Mansion. The sun in the early winter of the imperial capital was not long after dawn, and it was still foggy. The cold speed quickly went straight to Xingsheng, and pedestrians hurried on the road. Each world has its own busyness, and busyness does not mean rising.

Gao Cooling is different. He has ambition and a future in his eyes. Facing this early winter sun, he is shining with breathtaking light.

The speed has to be accelerated, and the means have to be a little harder, Gao Leng thought, the speed of the car was as fast as his rise, and the other cars were far behind, and he couldn't see it.


The cold office.

The old man sits on the sofa while drinking a cup of tea while reading the magazine of Xingsheng Magazine. Not to mention, now the temperament of this old man has unknowingly noticed a big change. The previous driver has gone forever. Now, the old man is full of momentum when he sits there.

The fat man was lying on the sofa in a Beijing paralyzed posture, in stark contrast with the old hanging, but his eyes were staring at the phone and he was always writing something, and he was also dealing with official affairs. This old dude boy's posture is still dull enough, but But his official business became more and more smooth, and now he led a department without any simple intervention.

Jian Xiaoshan stood at the window and closed his eyes to rest.

Gao Leng was holding the phone and was chatting with the big customers. He asked them to come in and said that after a small meeting, he answered the call for almost 30 minutes, and finally put down the call, Gao Leng beckoned, and a few people Surrounded.

"I am looking for you today for an important matter. This matter requires all of you to devote all your energy, so you have been doing your work to the people below you these days." Gao Leng said solemnly.

"What an important project." Jian Xiaodan and Lao Diao said in unison.

"Fuck me! Is it exciting again?" The fat man sat down on the cold table.

"I went to President Su yesterday. I only came over from her this morning. I negotiated a cooperation with her. I got 200 million yuan and the money will be called right away. Specifically..."

"Fuck me!" Before Gao Leng finished speaking, the fat man knelt down on the table: "Did you put Su Su to sleep?! Give you 200 million for one night! Fuck! You do such a good job!"

Excited saliva sprayed Gao Leng that called a full face.

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