Gossip King

Chapter 994: Brothers, we have a big ticket!

Suddenly he changed from sitting on Gao Leng’s desk to a fat man kneeling on it, kneeling so that he was pious, and his gaze was directly below Gao Leng, his saliva spurted out like a shower: "You The gadget is set with diamonds! Two hundred million! I will wipe it!"

Kneeling on the table with an expression of "get it out and worship me", it was a bit wretched, no, it was very wretched, extremely wretched, and too wretched.


Gao Leng looked at Fatty speechlessly, he really didn't know if Fatty's brain was occupied by women, and he thought about everything.

Jian Xiaodan and Lao Diao also felt very speechless. Naturally, they would not think that they had slept with Su's 200 million yuan, but somehow they also looked at the cold lower abdomen together...

"Hey hey! What are you doing!" Gao Leng reached out his hand and tapped twice on the desk, calling them to come to the meeting. The fat man immediately strayed away, staring at his lower body. what's up? Gao Leng was very depressed under his crotch, and gave these people a serious look: "Meeting!"

Gao Leng's seriousness caused several people to get serious, and the fat man quickly slipped off the Gao Leng table.

"Sold some shares of green agriculture, anyway, 200 million yuan has now arrived." Gao Leng took out his mobile phone and found out the bank's remittance text message.

Several heads leaned in at once.


"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million... Uh, it's dazzling, multiply..." Fatty's eyes were all glued to the phone screen, and he pointed to the long string of numbers and shook Shaking his head and counting again: "one, ten, hundred, thousand..."

As he counted, his face got closer and closer to the phone Gao Leng was holding, and he knelt on the table again.

Two hundred million, for the fat man to kneel and count!

"The eight zeros in the back." Old Diao also counted for a while with his fingers, before he looked at Gao Leng dumbfounded: "Two hundred million, really two hundred million, hundred million!" As he said, he took a few steps back. It seems that the legs are a bit soft: "Oh my god, if I have 200 million...I just dreamed that I won the lottery for only 5 million... If I had 200 million, I would have enough interest in my life."

Although the Houzi Village project is worth 200 million yuan when it comes up, the land that was pried out of the official’s mouth is not worth the money, but in the final analysis it is not intuitive. The long list of zeros actually appeared in Gao Leng. In his mobile phone, it appeared in the short message that the bank transfer had arrived.

This is real money, two hundred million!

Lao Diao usually dreams and wants to make a fortune on his own, but he has never made a fortune of 200 million yuan. The money he didn't even dare to dream of was in the hands of the young man in front of him, appeared in the hands of his boss, and the old hanging was very excited.

"Boss, have you sold a lot of shares? Two hundred million!" Although Jian Xiaodan was also shocked, she was much more rational than them. She immediately focused on the share ratio.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million..." The phone was placed on the table, and the fat man knelt on the table with his fat hips and was still counting. Obviously his math had been handed over to the elementary school teacher. His eyesight must have declined severely, and he had counted eight zeros several times, but he hadn't counted them.

"Sell it for a little bit, it won't interfere." Gao Leng knew that Xiaosi was worried, and slowly put the phone on the table: "I'll talk about it later. I ask you to come here today because I want you to do it together. Thing, fat man, be careful."

He slapped the fat man's **** with a slap, and pressed his face on the phone screen. The phone was about to drown in his saliva.

"Boss, two hundred million! With your project in Gouzi Village, what are you still busy with? Brother Biao in Gouzi Village earns you money, dividends are distributed every year, and there are still two hundred million in deposits in his hand. If I were I, I would go back to the pastoral pleasure!" The fat man looked at Gao Leng with envy but not hate: "I finally understand why Wang Jianlin said to achieve a small goal first, earn one hundred million, and dare to love one hundred million or two hundred million in your eyes. There isn't much money in it? You are so calm..."

"One hundred million is indeed a small goal." Gao Leng nodded in agreement.


The other three looked at each other speechlessly.

Gao Leng glanced at the three of them: "Okay, brothers, this little money is not a big deal, and the day to make a fortune is later, just this amount? Let's work hard, we can have it, and we can achieve 100 million. The small goal, trust me, will be achieved very soon, as long as we do this vote well, soon."

"Boss, you want all three of us to stop the work at hand. It seems that this project is very big." Lao Hang became serious, with excitement in the seriousness. He played a lot with the high cold, let alone. This usual daily work is really not addictive.

"Achieve the small goal of 100 million yuan, so dare you! Boss, what do you want us to do? You say, my fat man will follow you up to the sword and the sea of ​​fire!" Although one billion is out of reach in his opinion, since Gao Leng said that this is a small goal, and it is a small goal that the three of them will be able to achieve very soon, it will definitely be achieved, and the fat man's eyes flashed with ambition and excitement.

Jian Xiaodan is very calm. She doesn't have much feeling for money. In her opinion, money is enough. She smiled slightly. She knew that Gao Leng would only have a big project and his career would be successful if he succeeded. Take a big step forward.

It doesn't matter to her whether she makes a hundred million or not. In her eyes, these are far less important than high-cold career development.

Gao Leng took the magazine of Fengxing Magazine and threw it on the table with a snap, and tapped the word Fengxing with his hand: "Kill him, within 15 days."

"Why... how do you do it." The fat man was confused, and he geared his hands: "Now there are still twenty days before they open the summit. Didn't you mean to kill him before and after the summit? How advanced?"

Gao sneered and looked at Jian Xiaoshan: "Give you an hour, I want the information of all the members up and down the headquarters of Fengxing Magazine, especially the information of middle management."


"I'll give you half an hour to contact at least five headhunting companies. I want the best quality headhunting company in the empire." Gao Leng watched the fat man give an order.


"Lao Diao, I'll give you two hours. No matter what method you use, I want you to get the information of the core advertisers of Fengxing Magazine in recent years, including their discounts, especially their cooperation time." Gao Leng low He clicked his head on the phone a few times, and Lao Diao's phone dinged dong. He looked down and found that Gao Leng had transferred 500,000 yuan.

"This money is for your activities. Although the advertising materials may not be considered top secret, it is related to the discounts of each of their advertisers. Time is pressing. If you need to spend money, you will spend money. If you don't have enough, you will ask me again." Gao Leng said.

With half a million, the old man raised his head in surprise: "Boss, we know what their core advertisers are doing with discounts? It's meaningless, and the cooperation time is even more meaningless. It's usually a renewal."

Inquiring about these does not seem to be of much use, unless it is the moment when two magazines compete for the advertisement of a company at the same time, and these materials are only useful when they are competing for resources. But what Gao Leng wanted to inquire was a thing of the past, and it really had no commercial value.

"You just need to be sure that you can do it." Gao Leng's mouth slightly raised, and his smile was dark, and the old hanger's heart grew furry. The old hanger who had been under Gao Leng's hands for so long knew that Gao Leng was going to be cruel. So he nodded quickly, he smiled and said confidently: "Five hundred thousand, of course it’s okay for me to walk around with so much money. This kind of information is not top secret. I guess I can use half of the money. Get all the information you want."

Generally, when a company advertises to a magazine, the price will not be cut across the board. Although there is a price list, different discounts will be given according to how long you have been advertising, including some discounts on favors from north to south. Generally, after the first year of investment, advertisers will renew unless the effect is poor.

The booth of Xing Magazine is here. It is unlikely that the effect will be poor, so the possibility of renewal is extremely high.

This kind of information is generally not required by competing companies, and 500,000 is more than enough.

“Advertisers’ discounts can be found in their office. During cooperation time, they can find the finance department or the clerks. These data are entered through the hands of these little guys. It is not critical data. Give them some money and you can get it out.” Jian Xiaodan mentioned Point said, she would give Gao Leng one cent to save money. Indeed, the accumulated customer information in the past few years must have been entered by the people below.

"Go." Gao Leng waved his hand: "Within two hours, I will see management personnel from five headhunting companies who can approve come to our conference room. Your information must be secured. We will do it in two hours. In the meeting, brothers have done a big vote these days!"

Gao Leng said, tapping his fingers on the table a few times, smiling cruelly.

咚咚咚, several knocking sounds sounded like the sound of a sniper rifle with a silencer on, and one shot at a time filled with a precise killing.

As soon as the three of them came out of Gao Leng's office, Lao Diao and Fatty leaned in front of Jian Xiaodan, and asked in confusion, "Boss Jane, what medicine do you think our boss Calabash sells?"

Jian Xiaoshan stopped and thought about it. She seemed to think of something, and then shook her head: "I don't know."

"Fortunately, I went to read the MBA, Mr. Jian, when I was studying for the MBA, I asked a lot of the insiders of Fengxing Magazine from others, and I will tell you later." The old hanger scratched his head and shook his head: " Mr. Jian, I heard that this headhunting company is very expensive. What price is it for?"

"You said, the boss wants to dig all the people from Fengxing Magazine, right?" The fat man pondered and patted the old man: "The boss wants people from five headhunting companies to come here, five! Look, Isn’t our task to go to MBA to try to dig out people with the popular magazine?"

"Five..." Jian Xiaoshan hesitated: "Maybe Mr. Gao has to choose the best one from the five, right? How many elites? Anyway, we just do what we have at hand. Headhunting is expensive, popular. With so many people in the magazine, how could it be possible to dig them away? Moreover, many managements of Fengxing Magazine followed Lao Yang to fight the world. How could it be so easy to dig?"

The few people who couldn't figure it out didn't chat any more, two hours were fleeting, and it was important to get things done quickly.

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