Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 326: It’s nice to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade! Return to the wilderness!

The Five Metal Divine Escape is different from other escape techniques. The restrictions and formations contain gold-based materials, which will lose their effect in the face of the Five Metal Divine Escape.

The magical power of metal escape can ignore the restrictions on possessing metal materials and easily escape from the Qianshan Sect's dragnet.

As long as you master this magical power, your ability to escape will be greatly enhanced.

"Zhenjun Yuzhong didn't come after him?"

Jia Ren came to the outside of Donglinfang City, but the Qianshan Sect was not pursuing him for a long time, and the Black Turtle Shield was completely useless.

The spiritual consciousness detected in the direction where they were, and the Qianshan Sect had already used the teleportation array to leave.

Why did the person run away? !

Qianshan Sect dispatched a mid-stage Nascent Soul and more than a dozen Jindan monks, and it was easy to deal with him alone.

Faced with a huge advantage, how could True Lord Jade Zhong escape? !

Could it be... related to the Hardware Divine Escape?

They knew that the magical power came from Wang Fugui, so were they scared away? !

Jia Ren didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

Fortunately, the 'trouble' disappeared without a trace.

Worryingly, the plan to test the Black Turtle Shield failed...

As soon as Jia Ren returned to the cave he rented in Donglinfang City, someone came to visit him.

The visitors were none other than Fan Xin and the housekeeper, who had met each other once before.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, this is your golden elixir. This thing should belong to its original owner."

"Senior Fan is..." Jia Ren didn't understand the purpose of the two coming, and was full of vigilance.

His deal with the Zhengui Alliance was settled and there was no further involvement.

Could it be that... True Lord Jade Zhong ran away to let himself relax his vigilance? Are these two the killer move? !

"Fellow Daoist Xu is the direct disciple of the alliance leader, right? How dare the Western Alliance of Suppressing Guilt accept your elixir?"

Leader? !

Jia Ren combines the performance of Qianshan Sect Yuzhong Zhenjun and the elders of the Zhengui Alliance. If you don't understand what's going on, you are really a fool.

Wang Fugui is the leader of the Suppression Alliance, which is unexpected but also reasonable.

The known masters of super sects in the four wilderness areas are the God-Transformation monks. Wang Fugui is the fifth God-Transformation monk and the most powerful existence.

Since he is on duty for Xuanjie, how could he not have a corresponding position?

In the late stage of becoming a god, the monks bear the heaviest responsibility as the leader of the Suppression Alliance, and they are also concerned about sealing the weird things, so everything makes sense.

This fat man hides so well!

I thought that his power was only Wangtong Bank and Wang Family, but I didn't expect that this was just the tip of the iceberg.

Why didn't he reveal the identity of the leader of the Suppression Alliance?

Jia Ren thought that the rotation period mentioned by Wang Fugui was approaching, and it would not be long before the leader of the Suppression Alliance would be 'changed'.

There are many hidden dangers in using the Zhengui Alliance to seek benefits.

The people in the Suppressing Gui Alliance are too arrogant, and the news is leaked to Wang Fugui's enemies. Once he enters the mysterious world, those who know the Golden Scale Wind Wind Technique will definitely target him.

The benefits gained from the Suppression Alliance are far outweighed by the troubles.

"I am not a disciple of fellow Daoist Wang."

Fan Xin had a strange look on his face, you are just a golden elixir, how can you be qualified to be on an equal footing with a powerful person in the late stage of divine transformation and call him a fellow Taoist? !

The relationship between Xu Yi and the alliance leader is unusual...

"It's okay, little friend Xu, please accept it."

"If you encounter any difficulties in the future, please notify the Western Alliance of Suppression and I will do my best to help."

Fan Xin's attitude was kind and he looked at Jia Ren as if he were his nephew.

Wang Fugui has been the leader of the Gui Suppressing Alliance for nearly a thousand years. Many people want him to accept disciples and teach him some magical powers.

It's a pity that no one can enter the Dharma's eyes.

The best treatment is just a few words of advice.

Regardless of whether Xu Yi is Wang Fugui's disciple or not, he can only be called Wang Fugui on an equal footing, and he can be taught the magical power of Five Metals Divine Escape that has never been spread to others, which is enough to prove that the ancestor of the gods attaches great importance to him.

This person's future is limitless, so it's natural to make good friends with him.

"Thank you, Senior Fan."

Don't hit the smiling person with your hand. This person is indeed kind and hard to refuse.

One more friend is better than one more enemy.

There are people in the court who are easy to do things with.

If you lack high-quality elixirs, you may need to seek help.

What's more, Wang Fugui's enemies know that Xu Yi... what does it have to do with him, Jia Ren?

"It's too foreign to call me senior. If you don't mind, just call me uncle."

"If you need anything in the future, just say hello."

Jia Ren saw the advantage of having a big tree at his back. Without you having to work hard, people will naturally fawn over you.

"Thank you...Uncle Fan."

"I have a favor to ask."

Jia Ren climbed up the pole and thought that he would need a large number of high-grade spiritual stones to arrange the Xuanling Baby Secret Array.

It is difficult for him to exchange for high-grade spiritual stones. The Suppression Alliance is quite powerful, so it is not difficult to obtain high-grade spiritual stones.

"My dear nephew, it's okay to say so."

There was no dissatisfaction on Fan Xin's face, and the previous words were not polite.

I really want to have a relationship with Xu Yi, eh, Wang Fugui.

The elders of the Zhengui Alliance have only seen Wang Fugui a handful of times in a hundred years, and have no chance to make friends with Wang Fugui.

He can only do the next best thing and make friends with people who have a good relationship with him.

There was only politeness between them, nodding at most.

Only through human exchanges can relationships become closer.

"I can exchange the middle and low-grade spiritual stones for high-grade spiritual stones. The more the better."

Fan Xin frowned slightly, seeming a bit embarrassed: "High-grade spiritual stones are also scarce in the Gui Suppression League, and large-scale magic-sealing formations all use high-grade spiritual stones."

"The Gui-Suppressing Alliance has some reserves of high-grade spiritual stones. I can find someone to make connections and help you get a batch of high-grade spiritual stones."

Obtaining high-grade spiritual stones is not difficult for the elders of the Suppression Alliance. If it is too easy, the other party will definitely not appreciate it.

Deliberately 'increasing' the difficulty makes it easier to remember favors.

They chatted happily for several hours. Fan Xin used the Nascent Soul cultivator as a guide and explained the key points to pay attention to when he was promoted to the Nascent Soul.

The experience of being promoted to the Nascent Soul stage is hard to exchange for, and it can help Jia Ren avoid detours.

Seven days later, one hundred and fifty-five high-grade spiritual stones were delivered, each with full spiritual power.

"The share of high-grade spiritual stones I can mobilize is limited at the moment... I only have so many for the time being."

Use one less high-grade spiritual stone to suppress the Western alliance, but Fan Xin's words are not enough. There is an upper limit to the high-grade spiritual stones he can mobilize.

The one hundred and fifty-five high-grade spiritual stones were far more than expected. Jia Ren had collected them from many sources before, but only had 84 high-grade spiritual stones. Elder Fan was really powerful.

The incarnation outside the insect took out 1.8 million spiritual stones, but was rejected, and only received 1.55 million low-grade spiritual stones.

"Thank you, Brother Fan."

Jia Ren thanked the head of internal affairs named Fan who sent him the high-grade spiritual stone.

"I can only help you so far."

"It's a pity that no new high-grade spiritual stone veins have been discovered in a hundred years."

The number of high-grade spiritual stones is getting smaller and smaller. They have been depleting the inventory recently, and there will only be fewer in the future.

"There is another news for you. Qianshan Sect took the initiative to defect to Xianzhen Sect and became a vassal of Xianzhen Sect."

Jia Ren originally wanted to find trouble with the Qianshan Sect, but unexpectedly, the Qianshan Sect actually became a vassal of the Xianzhen Sect? !

If he tries to attack Qianshan Sect again, he might attract the old monster who transforms into a god.

The god-level magic weapon Black Turtle Shield is still at risk of being robbed.

This matter can only be planned for later...

Jia Ren sent away the internal affairs manager surnamed Fan and counted the high-grade spiritual stones in his hands.

There are currently a total of 239 high-grade spiritual stones, and there are still 121 high-grade spiritual stones short of the gap.

The remaining one hundred and twenty-one high-grade spiritual stones are difficult to obtain. We cannot use Wang Fugui's reputation to constantly go to various major sects and the Suppressing Alliance to fight against the autumn wind...

"Go to the wilderness."

Jia Ren thought of the high-grade spiritual stone veins deep in the wilderness, and the strange things like the Shadow Trick and the Flesh Trick Tree that he had encountered in the Black Demonic Forest.

In the past, they were all powerful beings that could not be avoided.

Now...I'm sorry, I want to send you to the Demon Sealing Tower for labor reform.

"You won't be able to stay in this world for too long, so you still have to prepare early."

The more monsters there are in the Demon Sealing Tower and the more sacrificial fires are provided, the stronger the effect will be in the future.

People without thought, he must worry about.

Jia Ren couldn't guarantee whether there would be any sudden changes, so he had better fill the Demon-Sealing Tower with monsters first.

"How can I enter the wilderness without being discovered by the inner demons?"

Crescent Moon's camouflage ability is extremely strong, and it is impossible to hide it from Xinmo Huangui, the ancestor who plays with illusions.

The best way is to put on a shell that won't attract the attention of your inner demons.

Weird people and strange people will not be noticed by the inner demons. If there is a similar shell, it will not be difficult to solve the problem.

It's not easy to pretend to be a weirdo or a weirdo. You can see through the inner demons at a glance.

"How about making a smiling face mask?"

The second layer of the Demon-Sealing Tower is sealed with the Smiling Face. This was the first monster sealed in the Demon-Sealing Tower. Jia Ren once used it to make the Smiling Face Talisman.

This thing kills indiscriminately, and I will be affected, so I just put it on the shelf.

Jia Ren can make a trick that can be used to penetrate into the wilderness without attracting their attention.

He has experience in making smiling face charms and magic weapons. The Magic Garden has opened an additional magic medicine garden. It is not difficult to make smiling masks.

Half a year later, the incarnation of the worm left Donglinfang City and flew towards the remote wilderness.

When he was more than 30,000 miles away from the wilderness, he stopped to escape.

If you continue to move forward, there is no guarantee that there will be no evil spies who will make it difficult for you to continue moving forward.

The incarnation outside the insect found a place where there were no fish, insects, birds, or beasts, and summoned a stupid Swift Wolf beast.

This is the Swift Wolf Beast Vehicle created after half a year of hard work.

Soul Search Soul Search turns it into an idiot.

After the spirit contract establishes contact, the mind language technique implants the idea of ​​going to the wilderness into it, and outlines the route forward in its heart.

"Laughing Mask!"

The incarnation outside the insect put on a full-body armor to ward off evil spirits, and then took out the mountain and river bag containing the strange things.

A mask that looked like a living creature, emitting weird laughter, was placed on the head of the Swift Wolf Beast.

The Swift Wolf Beast is still the same as before, with an extremely weird smile on its face, and it keeps making horrifying laughter, which is creepy.

A bronze mirror protects the Swift Wolf Beast's mind, preventing it from being contaminated by the Xiaogui Mask and dying tragically on the way.

The incarnation of the insect escaped into the body of the Swift Wolf Beast, and entered the mountain and sea pearl that had been prepared.


"Go to the wilderness."

The Swift Wolf Beast ran quickly towards the wilderness, traveling very fast along the way.

The Swift Wolf Beast entered the wilderness twelve days later.

Through the connection with the Swift Wolf Beast, the outer worm incarnation uses the wolf eyes to observe the four directions.

Occasionally, orders are given to change direction.

Enter the wilderness unimpeded, the land of inner demons and ghosts.

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