Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 327 The Kingdom of Inner Demons! A bumper harvest of weirdness!

The wilderness is very different from the memory. From time to time, fish, insects, birds and beasts can be seen stopping there.

Many monsters and beasts are originally hostile, but they act together, but they get along well.

The monsters looked at the uninvited guest who broke into the wilderness, and felt the aura of the smiling face, but did not approach.

Weird laughter kept coming from the face of the Swift Wolf Beast, but it could not affect the birds and beasts in the distance.

Just because... this is a monster controlled by the inner demon, and the power of the inner demon is far stronger than that of the smiling face.

Monsters cannot kill monsters, they never interfere with each other.

As expected, he was controlled by his inner demons!

I don’t know how wide the realm of inner demons is where inner demons develop and develop?

Fortunately, he made the Swift Wolf Beast Cart, otherwise, every move he makes would be under the attention of the inner demons, and he doesn't know when the inner demons will come.

The outer insect incarnation confirmed that there was no problem, and then hid in the mountain and sea pearl to practice.

Go out every once in a while and correct the direction to ensure there are no problems along the route.

The Swift Wolf Beast is a second-order monster. Although it is known as one of the fastest monsters among the second-order monsters, compared to Jia Ren's flying speed, which is better than that of the Nascent Soul cultivator, it is more than a star and a half behind.

After traveling for a full month, we finally arrived at Wuxingfang City, the home of the Wuxing Sect.

You can still see a large number of monks passing by in Fangshi, maintaining their previous practice and living habits to a certain extent.

Monsters can freely enter and exit the city, and they coexist peacefully with the monks in exceptional harmony.

Having seen this kind of scene so many times, Jia Ren has long been used to it.

The Five Elements Sect should have preserved high-grade spiritual stones...

Once you take action, you will be exposed.

Jia Ren hesitated for a moment and continued moving forward without staying here too long.

In more than a month, I went to Yudingfang City and Heimofang City to go to the Soul Burial Forest.

He followed the past route and headed in the direction of the wilderness.

What I saw and heard along the way was no longer what I remembered.

It seems that there are still a large number of monks surviving in the wilderness, but in fact, they are just empty shells, just zombies controlled by the inner demons.

The incarnation of the insect has been acting as a bystander, just a passerby returning home.

"Soul Burial Forest..."

The Swift Wolf continued to carry forward and entered the Soul Burial Forest.

This place has always been a nightmare place for monsters and monks. Although there are many precious heavenly materials and earthly treasures, unfortunately, very few monks enter the Soul Burial Forest.

The Soul Burial Forest is even more deserted than before. The monster beasts and monks are almost extinct, and it has become a private place for monsters.

The monks and monsters in the wilderness are controlled by the inner demons. The inner demons are unwilling to deal with the monsters, so the Soul Burial Forest is left to the monsters.

Not long after, Jia Ren saw a twisted shadow that kept changing and beating.

It felt the aura of the smiling face and left with a look of disgust.

Shadow trick? !

The most important thing is that there are no monsters here, which means there are no ears and eyes of inner demons.

This is the best place to get your hands dirty.

A ray of demon-suppressing rays of light fell towards the fleeing shadow in the distance. This guy was unprepared, and by the time it reacted, it was already too late.

The demon-suppressing glow rolled up the shadow and sent it to the eighth floor of the Demon-Sealing Tower.

A new monster enters the Demon Sealing Tower.

Finally got the goods!

Along the way, this is not the first strange thing I have encountered.

There are ears and eyes of the inner demon in other places. Once you take action, it will definitely attract the attention of the inner demon.

It's not clear how powerful the inner demon is, so Jia Ren doesn't want to fight it.

Persisting to the Soul Burial Forest finally yielded results, proving that my choice was right.

The first Shadow Slayer is a good start.

The incarnation of the insect controlled the Swift Wolf beast to deviate from the established direction and fly towards the distance.

Invisible force acted on the Swift Wolf Beast's head, but unfortunately, Xiaogui's mask glowed red to fight against it.

In the end, the Swift Wolf Beast's head flew far away without breaking away from its body.

"This is a strange thing seen in the illusion of the inner demon. I didn't expect that there are real strange things in the Soul Burial Forest!"

Jia Ren originally thought that the strange thing that makes people's heads fly away and collects the heads of humans and monsters is a strange thing created by the illusion, but he did not expect that this strange thing actually exists.


The order was given, and like an idiot, the Swift Wolf obeyed the order and flew into the distance.

A strange monster with thousands of heads stood deep in the jungle, and countless corpses were scattered underground.

The biggest difference between it and the one seen in the illusion is... most of the thousands of heads hanging on its body are shriveled, and most of them have turned into white bones.

There has been no replacement of the new head for too long, and the original head has shriveled up.

Thousands of strange monsters looked at the Swift Wolf Beast, and a far more powerful force than before fell down.

The Smiley Face is in a state of weakness. After all, it is just a trick weapon created by using monsters and the Smiley Flower. Its power is not as powerful as the real monsters.


A ray of magic-suppressing ray of light fell, and the strange power of thousands of monsters was suppressed on the spot. The head it was hanging on lost the support of the strange power, and all of them fell from the head.

Only then was the true face of the head-changing trick revealed.

It is a brainless humanoid creature, perhaps because of the lack of a head, it has always longed for completeness.


The demon-suppressing glow rolled up, and a new monster entered the demon-sealing tower.

The ninth floor of the Demon Sealing Tower finally has a new resident: Changtou Gui.

"With two monsters so quickly, the harvest far exceeded expectations."

There are far more than two monsters in the Soul Burial Forest, and there is also a monster that caused the old Talisman Master Zhang to die inexplicably.

In addition, there is a giant tree-like monster.

This is a weird thing that Jia Ren knows, and the number of unknown weird things is unknown.

The Soul Burial Forest is a treasured land for Jia Ren. He is not in a hurry to leave the Soul Burial Forest and looks for new weirdos everywhere.

It's rare that there are many strange things in this place, so we can't let them go.

After searching for three days in the Soul Burial Forest, the monster transformed from the flesh-and-blood tree became the new tenant on the tenth floor.

Only the strange thing that killed Old Talisman Master Zhang has never been found.

First, this strange monster left the Soul Burial Forest, so it has never been found.

There is a second possibility. This monster has no specific form and cannot be seen with the naked eye.

This is also the most difficult to seal.

Menggui is also this type of monster, and can only be sealed using a large demon-sealing array.

Jia Ren thought about sending Menggui to the Demon-Sealing Tower to seal it, but he felt like a mouse biting a turtle, unable to eat it.

I have no choice but to give up sealing Menggui.


The incarnation outside the insect controlled the Swift Wolf Beast to the place where Old Talisman Master Zhang died, and summoned a Thunder Bug from the Mountain and Sea Pearl.

This is a spiritual insect with extraordinary potential. In addition to being born with the ability to emit thunder, it can also emit thunder-like cries.

As soon as the Thunder Bug let out a strange cry, an inexplicable power descended.

A ray of magic-suppressing glow fell, trying to protect the Thunder Bug.

In the end, it didn't help. The thunderworm still died, with no chance of survival.

What kind of weirdness is this?

Even the magic weapon of the Demon-Sealing Tower can't protect it?

As long as the weird rules are triggered here, will it be a certain death? !

This strange creature is intangible and possesses incredible power.

It cannot be sealed, and it may threaten your life.

Dozens of evil-burning talismans were activated, forming evil-burning flames that fell towards several uninhabited areas.

The flames did not hit the target, and there was no scene of burning evil flames.

This means that the unknown monster is not here, and finding it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The demon-suppressing glow erupted and swept across dozens of miles, but still no invisible monster was found.

Jia Ren searched many times but found nothing.

Master, I'm afraid I won't be able to avenge you...

I thought I could seal the monster that killed Old Talisman Master Zhang and avenge him, but in the end I couldn't do anything.

The Swift Wolf Beast left the Soul Burial Forest and continued to move forward into the distance.

Scenes from the past appeared in my mind.

He escaped from the wilderness by flying boat and accidentally entered the Soul Burial Forest, thus causing trouble.

Now, he returns along the same path as in the past.

The Swift Wolf beast crossed the Soul Burial Forest, and behind it, something with an unclear appearance followed.

Walking along the pace of the Swift Wolf Beast, following closely behind him, the sound of footsteps became clearer.

The unknown thing followed every step, and the Swift Wolf beast's movements became stiff, as if an invisible force was stepping on its heart.

The smiling mask on the Swift Wolf Beast's face kept vibrating, as if it was fighting against an unknown and strange force.

"What kind of weirdness is this?!"

The formless monster is the most disgusting. You don’t even know where it is, and you will be attacked if you are not careful.

An evil-burning talisman was thrown backward.


The burning evil flame suddenly exploded and turned into red flames falling down.


Fire was rising in the distance, and a pair of vaguely transparent feet emerged, constantly burning in the evil flames.

The enemy is too strong!

It felt the terror of the Burning Evil Flame and quickly ran away into the distance.


Since it dares to appear under your nose, how can you let it escape?

A ray of demon-suppressing rays of light shot out from the body of the Swift Wolf Beast and flew towards the transparent paws that were escaping in the distance.

Under the glow of the rays, it had no power to resist and disappeared into the eleventh floor of the Demon-Sealing Tower.

"This is not a sneaky foot. It has been following the Swift Wolf Beast. It seems to be tracking its prey."

"It's more appropriate to call it a tracking ghost."

"When you have free time in the future, you can release it and test the weird ability."

The Swift Wolf Beast continued its search in the Soul Burial Forest, and encountered a possessed monster with a head as big as a bucket. It was in sharp contrast to its body.

This is the twelfth monster in the Demon Sealing Tower, a special monster that can parasitize monsters.

Another new monster entered the Demon Sealing Tower. Not long after entering the Soul Burial Forest, four monsters had already entered the Demon Sealing Tower.

This is really efficient!

Also known are the female ghost in white dress and the mist ghost. As long as they are still in the wilderness, two more monsters have been added to the account.

Next, I didn't encounter any new monsters in the Soul Burial Forest, and headed towards Dahuangfang City along the original road.

On the way, I passed the location of the female ghost in the white dress, but I never encountered this weird thing.

Getting closer and closer to Dahuangfang City.

"I didn't expect that one day I would revisit my old place."

Dahuangfang City, as the beginning of his rise, carries too many memories for him.

The incarnation outside the insect saw the dilapidated Wuxingfang City from a distance, a desolate place with weeds growing everywhere.

On the top of the city of Wuxingfang City, a woman in an emerald green dress sat on the top of the city, like a stone watching her husband.

She felt the Swift Wolf Beast's gaze.

"You're back?!"

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