Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 802 Weird white light, colleagues are enemies

"Thank you for your trouble, and the wedding candy is a thank you."

"Don't waste such good things!"

An old and hoarse voice sounded in my ears, very close.

Jia Ren vaguely smelled the putrid smell, like an old rice dumpling that had been buried in the coffin for a long time. Unwilling to sleep, he lifted up the coffin.

A piece of red icing fell on the ground, making a crunching sound accompanied by the sound of chewing.

For some reason, a skinny old man appeared in his mind, with few teeth clasped up and down, chewing on pale knuckles.

With his extraordinary power still there, he definitely couldn't help but punch this old guy.

Now, I can only pretend to be calm and wrap the candy wrapper again.

I planned to return it, but I thought there might be a chance to put it to use before leaving this place.

"Why don't you eat?"

The sound of chewing ended and the old voice echoed. At this moment, a creepy feeling arose.

He had a premonition that if he rejected the other party's kindness, something terrible would definitely happen.

Jia Ren showed an awkward yet polite smile, and as his mind was spinning, he quickly smiled and said: "There are children at home, so we have to take such good things back."

Even so, he still grasped the wooden oar with both hands. This was the only thing that made him feel at ease.

“Good things do have to be shared with family.”

The coldness gradually subsided, and the feeling like thorns on my back faded away.

My back was soaked with cold sweat at some point, and most of my body's scant calories were consumed.

He just wants to send the other person away as soon as possible and find a safe place...

I hope there is still a safe place in the world of Dreams.

The oars made waves in the water. I wonder if it was because there was an old guy on board, but the journey was smooth.

Jia Ren was so hungry that he couldn't help but think of the sizzling roast chicken and duck, and his saliva couldn't help but accelerate.

"Is there something wrong with this direction?!"

Lao Bangzi, who had not spoken for a long time, spoke up and questioned the incompetent Styx ferryman.

I don’t know the way. Isn’t it normal to have problems with the direction?

Learn more about casual sailing.

You can't say that, otherwise, the guy behind will fake the corpse on the spot.

"Are you questioning my expertise?"

"If you don't want to take the boat, you can get off the boat!"

You can't be timid at this time, you just have to use your power to overwhelm others and show your professionalism.

No doubts were raised. After all, each ferryman's route is different, as long as he can reach the destination.

Not long after, two strange white flames seemed to light up in the gray fog, heading in the direction of where they were.

Jia Ren has no expectations of normality and stays away from anything weird.

My arms felt sore and the boat was not slowing down.

Not long after, two strange white flames came closer. When I looked carefully, I found that they were two white lanterns.

A small boat with almost the same appearance approached. The only unusual thing was that it had two white lanterns hanging on it.

Under the pale flames, the ferryman on the boat had a pair of squinting eyes, and his face was pale, as if he had been smeared with thick white powder.

"finally found you!"

"You don't understand the rules, you young man!" The newcomer was the first to say, "Why do you want to steal other people's business?"

A cold voice sounded, and he explained his purpose in a few words.

It turned out that he was here for the invisible guests behind him.

What a great time for you!

We can finally send away the God of Plague!

"Senior, I will return this person to you."

The two ships gradually approached, and the moment they approached, an unprecedented sense of crisis hit them.

This is an instinctive hunch.

Not the passenger behind me, but another ferryman.

Jia Ren believed in the instinct that had saved him from danger many times. He clenched the black oar with both hands, waiting for the opportunity.

At this moment, the Styx ferryman pressed his palms on the two white lanterns, and two white will-o'-the-wisps shot out menacingly.

One group flew towards Jia Ren, and the other group fell towards the boat at his feet.

This is killing people and destroying ships!

It’s really sinister!

Is the competition among peers so fierce?

If Jia Ren hadn't been prepared, this man's plan would have succeeded.

The prepared black oars swept out, making a sound of breaking through the air. When the two white will-o'-the-wisps were about to disperse to two different locations, they were consistent.

The two white will-o'-the-wisps were scattered on the spot, but the flames did not dissipate. They fell on the black paddle blades and burned directly.

Throw it away?

How can it be?

What's more, when one's 'weapon' is strengthened by others, it is at its strongest.

What you use against me can be repaid by others.

Don't be timid at this time, and firmly seize the only opportunity to make a comeback.

Jia Ren jumped a foot or so far onto the opponent's ship.

The sneak attack failed, and the aggressive move exceeded the expectations of the ferryman.

He released the palms that were in contact with the two lanterns and grabbed the oar not far away.

They are both ferrymen on the River Styx, so it makes sense for them to fight with their oars.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, a black oar burning with white flames followed and smashed down on his head with the force of splitting Huashan Mountain.

The opponent hurriedly raised the black oar to parry, blocking the blow from the sky.

Two black oars collided together, making a dull sound.

Jia Ren only felt that he had hit a solid rock and could not make an inch forward. Instead, his hands were numb from the shock, and the oar almost fell out of his hands.

The benefit of the white flame exerted on the black oar was seen as it ruffled the hair of another Stygian ferryman and set it on fire.

A burst of unstoppable brute force came and Jia Ren was thrown away.

Seeing that the situation was not right, he took three steps back to relieve his huge force, and his back foot stood dangerously on the edge of the ship's side.

Relying on the control of his body, he adjusted his center of gravity.

The white flames on the Styx Ferryman spread, and he rushed to where the two lanterns were to get them.

Whatever the enemy wants, I will stop him.

The oar burning with white flames swung over and blocked the front, causing the grasping palm to retract like an electric shock.

White flames spread across his body, and the pain almost drove him crazy.

The extremely angry ferryman waved his oar, trying to beat the young man to death.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jia Ren feinted a shot, quickly retreated, and distanced himself.

The angry blow missed, making a dull sound on the ship's plank.

When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy retreats, we harass, and guerrilla tactics are brought to the extreme.

The attack failed, and the white flames had not receded. The body of the Styx ferryman was quickly burned and dissolved, and corpse oil continued to drip from the body onto the board of the boat.

The ferryman lost his composure and reached out to grab the white lantern.

Jia Ren had quick eyesight and quick hands, and he aimed a blow at the man's hind leg and knee.

Accompanied by the sound of cracking bones, just when his palm was about to touch the white lantern, he fell to the ground.

The blow was successful and the force was unforgiving. The oar burning with white flames emerged from the direction of the lantern and hit the opponent's head.

He writhed on the board and escaped the blow.

White flames spread throughout his body, and he let out shrill wails.

He stared at Jia Ren bitterly, confirmed that it was impossible to get the lantern, and jumped into the Black River decisively.

As soon as the figure burning with white flames entered the river, the white flames quickly extinguished and there was no movement.

A large area of ​​light shone on the bottom of the river, and when he fell into the water, floating corpses and ghosts appeared again.

All those who fall into the river attract unclean things.

A palm that was mostly melted, exposing the white bones of the hand, rested on the side of the boat and landed again.

The oar burning with white flames rested on the back of the opponent's hand, and the outstretched palm retracted like an electric shock.


With an unwilling scream, the ferryman was dragged into the black river.

You're looking for death, don't blame me!

Countless floating corpses and ghosts surrounded it, forming a huge white ball with countless ghostly lights flashing.

The white flames quickly spread across the ship, and it wouldn't take long before it would be completely engulfed by the white flames.

Jia Ren was about to jump back into his boat. Before leaving, his eyes looked at the two white lanterns in a strange way.

This is something I don't have on my ship.

The attention paid to it by the ferryman is enough to prove that it is unusual.

The white flame attached to the paddle is indeed a powerful weapon. If not, it would be impossible for him to defeat his peers who are crushing him in all aspects.

Not only that, but it acts as a deterrent to unseen passengers on board.

Once an opportunity is missed, it will not be so easy to get it again.

There was still a small area of ​​the ship that was not engulfed by the white flames. The burning oars were thrown aside, and the two white lanterns were quickly held in hand.

A cold and strange air invaded, making his body extremely uncomfortable.

Familiar weird aura, is this a weird weapon?

Jia Ren held two white lanterns in both hands, creating a vague and strange connection.

With a thought, white flames flew out.

Unable to control it freely, the flames can only fly out and cannot be taken back.

Why did the other party still need to get the lantern?

Dealing with ghosts and floating corpses in the River Styx? Or to prevent yourself from taking it?

Jia Ren did not hesitate for a moment. When the white flames engulfed the ship, he jumped back to his ship with two lanterns.

Where the lantern shines, a skinny old man wearing a shroud is outlined on the boat. His skin is blackened all over, and the layers of wrinkles on his face can kill flies.

Facing the pale light, the skinny old man retreated and distanced himself, as if he was extremely afraid of the white lantern.

"Please take it further away!"

The other party's tone was full of fear, and the old phlegm in his voice disappeared, revealing a bit of clarity.

"I'll pay the ship fare immediately!"

A stick of yellow incense was handed over.

Shipping fee?

You haven’t mentioned it before, don’t you plan to pay?

What is this incense stick?

Jia Ren hesitated for a moment and gave up the idea of ​​setting fire to the other party.

The white flames were uncontrollable. Once the boat was set on fire, he would be buried with him.

After stopping the ship and docking, it is not too late to take action.

Of course, there is the most important point.

After several tossings, my body was quite exhausted. I was hungry and thirsty, and I didn't have much strength left.

Jia Ren stretched out his hand to take the incense, smelling the delicate aroma, salivation secreted, and he felt even more hungry.

If he doesn't find food to eat, he will starve to death.

Faced with the aroma that aroused his appetite, he thought of eating it.

Compared with the previous wedding candies, although Huangxiang is not normal, it is much better.

Jia Ren hesitated for a moment and gave up the rough approach. Huang Xiang leaned over the white flame and lit it.

If there's something wrong with the aroma, it's not too late to throw it away.

The next moment, the quiet fragrance penetrated into the nose.

The hunger in my belly was fading away, replaced by a feeling of fullness.

After smelling the aroma, I felt... full? !

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