Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 803 I, Emperor Fengdu

I'm not human?

How can humans eat incense?

Jia Ren looked down at his body and felt that everything was normal. His condition was slightly stronger than that of ordinary people, but his strength was limited.

I wonder if the seemingly normal body is filled with petroleum-like black blood?

The divergent thoughts were restrained one after another, and the eyes returned to focus, looking at the curling smoke of the burning yellow incense, which no longer penetrated the nasal cavity.

This is rare normal 'food'. We don't know when it will be replenished, so we cannot waste precious rations.

He was about to stretch out his hand to extinguish the white fire burning on the incense, but then thought of the tragic death of the ferryman with hanging eyes, and stopped his attempt to commit suicide.

He grabbed the yellow incense with his right hand and stretched the burning head towards the black water under the boat.

The burning white fire went out, and the blackened tip was slightly moist.

After it dries, it's no problem to use it again.

Jia Ren didn't have treasures like storage bags, so he burned one-fifth of the rations and put them away on his chest.

After finishing everything, he picked up the white lantern at his feet and turned to the old man.

"The shipping fee is a bit low?"

With the white lantern as a support, we no longer have to worry about this old ghost, and we can easily switch between offense and defense.

After delivering this order, there is a high probability that we will not be able to make a living from this in the future, and there will be no more shipping money as a source of food.

After the old kid got on the ship, he never mentioned paying the ship fare. This was because he wanted to evade the bill, so there was no psychological burden in killing him.

Get as much reward as possible from this business.

A smile appeared on his wrinkled face, and he was about to respond that this was the normal boat price. However, as the lantern approached, the words couldn't help but swallowed back in his throat.

It is said that the black-hearted Stygian ferryman likes to commit murder and swindle goods.

Surrounded by the endless River Styx, once you fall into the water, you will die without even knowing it.

"I only brought some shipping money and two pieces of wedding candy when I left."

The old phlegm that disappeared returned again, and the sound was extremely uncomfortable.

Jia Ren glanced at the wedding candy that was handed to him, showing no interest.

Not even a ghost would eat this stuff!

The old man knew that the other party was not satisfied, so he could only say helplessly: "After we dock, I will ask my daughter to pay in advance."

He was sure that no oil could be squeezed out, so he reached out and took the two pieces of wedding candy.

If you don't eat this stuff yourself, you can exchange it for yellow fragrance with other abnormal things. It's better than getting nothing at all.

"Where is the boat going?"

Jia Ren picked up two white lanterns with his left hand, not giving the other party a chance to snatch them away. He grabbed the remaining oars with one hand and asked.

Stop pretending!

I am the newbie of Styx Ferry.

The voice fell into a long silence, and the old man subconsciously sat further away.

At this moment, he suspected that the former ferryman of the ship also died in Jia Ren's hands.

The 'evil' aura exuded by the other party made me, a dying old man, tremble.

He pointed behind him and said silently that this was the right direction.

It turned out that the direction was reversed, and he almost sent the other party back to his hometown.

One oar is relatively troublesome. It paddles back and forth from left to right to ensure that the boat moves forward stably.

The atmosphere on the boat was quite dull, with only the sound of the oars making waves.

Jia Ren asked the old ghost from time to time along the way to correct the direction, and the journey was going smoothly.

Three hours later, we saw the long-lost land again.

Two identical boats were docked at the shore, and the ferrymen on board were missing.

Looking into the distance, a wide road leads straight to nowhere. No matter how far it is, it is shrouded in black fog, making it difficult to see clearly.

The familiar red Higanbana flowers grow on the shore, and among the flowers there are green eyes flashing. As long as there are Hibiscus flowers, there seems to be this kind of ghost thing.

Before it was changed, he would have been afraid and would not dare to go to the shore.

Now, with the white lantern in hand, it is no problem at all.

He stopped rowing and relied solely on the momentum of the boat.

With two white lanterns in hand, a ball of white flame floated ten feet away. The white flame burst on the water and then dissipated.

No wonder the Diaoyanyan Ferryman had to get closer than ten feet before taking action. The fire attack range of this magic weapon was limited, only a little over ten feet away.

The flames can only go straight, they cannot chase in the desired direction, and they cannot turn into a flame barrier to protect themselves.

It's less practical, but it's better to have it than not.

Familiarize yourself with the effects of this trick weapon to avoid confusion during actual combat.

The old man thought this was a threat to him, so he subconsciously distanced himself: "I will inform my daughter and I will send the shipping fee immediately."

Jia Ren said nothing and turned on the white light again.

When the boat stopped and docked, the old man did not dare to get off the boat and stayed on the boat.

"If you don't leave, do you want me to send you down?!"

The old man jumped off the boat as if he had been granted amnesty.

As soon as he walked out of the range illuminated by the white lantern, his body disappeared and his whereabouts were unknown.

The other party did not attack you. This is the reason why you got off the ship alive. Otherwise, stopping the ship and landing would be the time of salvation.

It's time for me to leave too.

Jia Ren held up the lantern and glanced at the other two black ships. Under the light, the invisible objects were not revealed.

The interior was empty, with nothing in it.

He picked up two lanterns with his left hand, picked up the last oar that was very easy to use with his right hand, and braved the landing.

The green eyes were afraid of the white lights, and no one dared to get close.

Carrying two white lanterns, we walked along the avenue.

From time to time, there was a dark wind and strange crows, and I felt like I was being watched.

A black crow always follows behind, as if it smells the coming death and is ready to enjoy the remaining residue.

The noisy crows were disturbing. He turned around, accelerated a few steps, and shot out two white flames one after another.

One is in front and the other is in the back. The two directions do not overlap, but are slightly deviated.

The black crow was quite agile and avoided the first one, but... his body automatically hit the second white fire ball.

The white fire ball exploded, and the black crow burning with white flames flew several feet away and fell to the ground.

Sorry, I predicted your usual dodge trajectory.

Although there is no extraordinary power, it does not mean that the previous knowledge disappears.

Inertia is a terrible force, and most living things will maintain it.

Just like the positioning in the game, why do some people always take advantage of other people's skills accurately, so that they suddenly move to their graves?

Judging the opponent's flight speed and action preference, it was not surprising that the second ball of white fire hit the target.

The same treasure, used by different people, will exert different powers.

The black crow died, the sense of prying eyes dissipated, and everything returned to before.

Only the lingering wind lingered, wondering if it was a strange monster.

The white lantern is protected by a lampshade, so you don't have to worry about it going out.

Holding the paddle under his arm, tightening his clothes, he couldn't help but speed up his pace.

After a cup of tea, a tall city gate and black stone wall came into view, and the words "Fengdu" written directly above could be faintly seen.

It was impossible to tell how big Fengdu was. The sky shrouded in black mist had extremely low visibility, and it was blurry beyond ten feet.

After approaching, it is clearly visible that there are two different one-horned ghost faces on the left and right door panels of the city gate. The one on the left is green and the one on the right is purple.

The four eyes moved back and forth, examining all the people entering the city.

The ghostly gadgets on the city gate are far more intimidating than the old bindings and hanging eyes. I'm afraid the two white lanterns won't be able to calm the scene.

Unless you always choose to drift on the River Styx, you will always have to approach the shore to obtain more information, as well as a way to regain strength and leave.

Jia Ren didn't stop, holding a white lantern in his left hand and holding the oar in his right hand, he couldn't help but speed up his pace.

He passed by holding a lantern, and the four eyes on the city gate glanced over with scrutinizing eyes, and they all fell on him.

There was human doubt in their eyes, then disbelief, and finally humility in their tone.

"Great Emperor, welcome home."

Jia Ren, whose body was tense and ready to take action at any time, was stunned for a moment, suspecting that there was something wrong with his ears and that the information he received was biased.

What are their names?

Emperor? go home?

got the wrong person? Or am I the Fengdu Emperor?

The identity of Emperor Fengdu can explain why incense is consumed. After all, Emperor Fengdu represents the level of gods.

Something is wrong with Dameng Qianqiu, why did he arrange an unusual identity?

As the Supreme Elder of Lingbao Sect, Jia Ren has been in power for a long time, and he has an unspeakable dignity about him. He nodded noncommittally.

Just as he was about to leave, he thought of the potential dangers to his identity.

Why did I become a mortal?

Are his subordinates trying to usurp the position of Emperor Fengdu and launch a rebellion?

A battle between powerful men at a higher level, suffering heavy losses and falling into a state of decline?

When the situation is unclear, it is best to be cautious.

The identity of Emperor Fengdu seems unusual, but... he is currently a weakling, and he only has some extraordinary power with the help of the white lantern.

No matter which world you are in, you need strength to control the situation. Without enough strength, empty identity... is just a disaster.

If more people know this identity, not only will they not be able to protect themselves, they will also become a talisman for death.

"Don't disclose information to the outside world at will. If there is any leakage, I will ask you about it!" Jia Ren said without looking back, speeding up and entering.

It's not sure if Gatekeeper Ghost Face will keep the secret. Compared with leaving this place, entering Fengdu to regain strength is the best way to save his life.

"I will obey your instructions!" the two gatekeepers responded respectfully with grimaces.

Jia Ren quickened his pace and searched for a long time, but couldn't find anything to cover his face.

He dug around in his arms, took out the candy wrapper, stuffed the white finger bones back, and laid two holes in the red candy wrapper, covering his face.

A piece of candy wrapper is so small that it can cover the eyes when placed horizontally. It can barely be regarded as a simple mask.

If his face is slightly concealed, he shouldn't be easily recognized as Emperor Fengdu. Of course, he still needs to find a real mask as soon as possible.

In addition, find a way to enter the palace of Emperor Fengdu to obtain ways to improve strength and recovery.

The inside and outside of Fengdu seem to be two different worlds. As soon as you enter the city, you can see all kinds of strange creatures.

Walking paper figures, talking urinals, floating green will-o'-wisps and moving coffins...

It challenges the cognitive limits of ordinary people every moment.

That's it for the paper man and the will-o'-the-wisp. Jia Ren saw something weird and strange, so he wasn't surprised.

Only the talking urinal is the most annoying.

If it suddenly opens its mouth when peeing, will it scare the pee back?

Is this mobile coffin a Fengdu version of a mobile home?

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