Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 284 Distraction Control

When Wang Xiaofeng and his party returned to the academy, they were warmly welcomed by all the teachers and students of Shrek.

"Dai Mubai will always be a god."

"Huang Yuan, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Senior Xiaowu, look here..."

There are endless calls from various small groups.

As soon as Shrek Academy won the game, these teachers and students received the news and spontaneously came to the academy gate to welcome them.

Every academy located in Tiandou City actually competes with the Tiandou Royal Academy.

In the past few years, due to the breakup of the new generation of Lanba Academy, the students of Tiandou Royal Academy became even more arrogant. All kinds of small frictions ended up with Tiandou Royal Academy winning, which further fueled their arrogance.

Tang San and the others gave the students of the second team of the Tiandou Royal Academy a hard lesson this time, which really helped them breathe a sigh of relief.

From now on I can hold my head high and look down on them when I go out.

"Our Tiandou Royal Academy has the best teachers."

"You didn't even last ten seconds."

"Our Tiandou Royal Academy has the largest and most complete mimetic training environment."

"You didn't even last ten seconds."


Just thinking of such a scene, Shrek's teachers and students couldn't help laughing.

After sending away the enthusiastic teachers and students, Wang Xiaofeng straightened his messy clothes and wiped the lipstick on his cheeks. Even he, a marginalized member, was almost overwhelmed by the enthusiastic classmates. You can imagine the situation of the others. .

Ma Hongjun looked at him resentfully: "Why do I only have a signature? Can I do whatever I want just because I'm handsome?"

Wang Xiaofeng said in surprise: "Who am I to say this? But Fatty, I thought you would transform into the third soul ring to cheat a few kisses."

Ma Hongjun said disdainfully: "Huh, these superficial people only pay attention to appearance. My significant other will definitely be able to discover my gentle heart through the appearance."

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head: "It seems that you want to be single forever."

It is not an exaggeration to say that such girls are rare. I hope Ma Hongjun can meet her.

"Wang Xiaofeng, Oscar, Ning Rongrong!" The master's voice came from a distance.

"Master is looking for me, I'll leave first." Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun said hello, and then walked straight to the master. Tang San had returned to the academy at some point and was standing beside the master.

Oscar and Ning Rongrong were at a loss at this time, wondering what the master wanted from them.

The master didn't say anything, and just led them to the woods behind the college.

"Today is mainly training for Rongrong, but this training is also good for the three of you, so I will let you all follow me."

After the master finished explaining, he asked Xiang Ning Rongrong: "Your sect's secret skill: distraction control. How far have you practiced it?"

Ning Rongrong's expression changed. This was something that only direct disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect could learn. How did the master know this?

"You want to ask me how I know?" The master saw through Ning Rongrong's thoughts at a glance: "Any high-level soul master knows this secret skill, not to mention that I was once a member of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect."

Ning Rongrong patted her slightly sizable chest with some relief, "I was scared to death. I thought the secret technique had been stolen. Master, I am now in the realm of the Three Apertures and the Persistent Heart."

Wang Xiaofeng touched his forehead: "Wait a minute, I'm a little confused. The master called us here because he wanted us to learn this so-called distraction control secret technique, right? But is this thing so powerful?"

"It's really that powerful." The master nodded, "Rongrong, how long can you increase the power of everyone in Shrek in one go?"

"Hmm... It will probably only last a few seconds." Ning Rongrong said shyly.

The master said: "So at this time, you need to focus on control. This technique allows you to control four soul skills at the same time to apply the most suitable assistance to those who need it most."

"For example, Oscar, before he learned how to control distractions, he would summon the corresponding sausage and hand it to someone who was in bad condition. At this time, he could only stare at one person at the same time. If Xiaofeng, you are poisoned at this time, , Oscar was completely unable to discover your situation in time, which greatly delayed the opportunity."

"Although it sounds very helpful." Wang Xiaofeng suddenly raised his right hand and said, "But if my increase can last for an hour, master, I don't need to learn it."

The master almost became angry and his blood surged. Why did Wang Xiaofeng always try to dismantle him? He finally calmed down and kept an expressionless expression. "Of course, this is just the most basic use of distraction control."

"The most important thing is that after my research, practicing distraction control can subtly improve mental power." The master said with a little pride.

The four of them looked at each other, "Psychic power?"

"I once studied four soul masters who practiced distraction control, and found that their mental power was stronger than that of soul masters of the same level. Even soul masters of one level higher were only on par with them."

"Do you know why the number of Soul Saints, Soul Douluo and Titled Douluo decreases as you go up?"

Hearing the master's question, Tang San answered without hesitation: "Because the higher you go in cultivation, the longer it takes to break through each level. However, human lifespan is too short. Many soul masters have not had time to break through to a higher level." My body started to go downhill.”

The master clapped lightly: "Xiaosan said it well, but this is only part of the reason. Another part of the reason is because the mental power has not reached the breakthrough standard."

"Every level breakthrough and the baptism of the soul ring are helping our bodies to continue to become stronger, but what about our mental power? Who will improve our mental power?" The master pointed to his head, "The human body is fragile but it is also balanced. Yes, if only the body continues to grow but the mental power remains unchanged, then we will never be able to explore a higher level."

Wang Xiaofeng and the others looked surprised. It turned out that there was such a statement.

Ning Rongrong also looked confused. This was the first time she heard that distraction control had such an effect.

Ning Rongrong thought for a while and said, "If Third Brother and Feng Brother want to learn, I have no objection. As for Xiao Ao, well, for the sake of Master, I reluctantly let him learn."

Tang San gave her the most important immortal treasure, which freed her from the innate limitations of her martial spirit. And Wang Xiaofeng selflessly shared the soul skills she invented with everyone, so she naturally couldn't forget her roots.

As for Oscar, he is ready to join the Qibao Glazed Sect. He is one of his own, so it doesn't matter whether we make friends or not.

Oscar quickly expressed his loyalty: "Thank you Her Majesty the Queen for your gift."

Ning Rongrong smiled sweetly and said, "You're welcome, little Aozi."

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head and returned the favor to Her Majesty the Queen. She really knows how to play.


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