Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 285 Multitasking

Although Ning Rongrong agreed to teach Wang Xiaofeng and the others the secret technique of distraction control, ordinary people could learn this distraction control skill.

Ning Rongrong was ready to teach for several days.

Because although she was a bit playful when she was a child, her talent is still there. The genius of Qibao Glazed Sect that is rare in decades is not just talked about casually, but even so, with her talent, it took several years of practice to reach the third orifice. The realm of Yu Zhixin, let alone others.

That's why Ning Rongrong disliked such slow-progressing secret skills, and never practiced it again after running away from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

However, although Tang San was very happy about Ning Rongrong's kindness, he valued the opinion of the sect very much. He would not accept it no matter what the master said. In his opinion, a sect's secret technique is the most precious thing of the sect, is it not? It may be taught to outsiders.

In the end, it was Ning Rongrong who asked for a letter from his father that made Tang San accept it.

Because of this, everyone didn’t start formally learning distraction control until the afternoon.

With Ning Rongrong's in-depth explanation, Wang Xiaofeng also suddenly realized.

In fact, the secret technique of distraction control is essentially multitasking.

As for the most basic multitasking, Wang Xiaofeng, Oscar and Tang San have actually mastered it for a long time.

Needless to say, Wang Xiaofeng has been full of energy since he was a child. I don't know if it is because of time travel. When he was six years old, he could draw circles with one hand and squares with the other.

It's just that multitasking is the limit that normal people understand, and Wang Xiaofeng has never encountered a situation where he needs to multitask.

Therefore, in the realm of distraction control, it has never reached the realm of three-aperture control heart.

Oscar, on the other hand, was troubled by the problem of the single function of the phantom intestine during the training period in the Great Soul Fighting Arena. Later, he consulted Wang Xiaofeng and practiced multi-tasking on his own, and then he learned this little trick of creating a clone and making himself invisible at the same time.

Because of his many years of cooperation with Xiao Wu, Tang San was used to controlling the Bluesilver Grass while controlling the enemy, and at the same time paying attention to Xiao Wu's movements, ready to cooperate with Xiao Wu to attack or dodge at any time, so he developed the habit of multitasking.

Since all three of them had basic skills, Ning Rongrong directly taught them the practice methods of the Three Apertures Control Heart.

Because the type of soul master is different from that of martial soul, Ning Rongrong's method is more suitable for Wang Xiaofeng.

In fact, it means constantly releasing different skills. The speed and time of releasing each skill must be different, and it should be as accurate and smooth as possible.

This is the training method for cultivating the heart of the Three Apertures.

Ning Rongrong also designed an exclusive training method for Tang San. It was very simple. While controlling the bluesilver grass to restrain a dummy, a piece of bluesilver grass tickled his soles, and a piece of bluesilver grass whipped him.

Oscar is a bit more difficult.

The master placed three puppets in the open space.

While Oscar is running around the puppets, the master will randomly say the bad states that two of the three puppets will have. If they are poisoned, they will be given sausages, and if they are weak, they will be given sausages. The interval cannot be less than one second.

These requirements sounded simple, but they were really difficult to implement. Both Tang San and Oscar were not used to this kind of training method.

The whole afternoon's training had no effect, Tang San made his eyes very sore, while Oscar lay on the ground so tired that he refused to move.

Only Wang Xiaofeng managed to complete the training of the Heart of the Three Apertures despite many bumps and bumps.

Ning Rongrong opened her mouth wide as she watched the three colored lights of different colors injected into her body one second apart and then withdrawn in reverse order.

She worked hard for several years to enter the realm of the Three Apertures Royal Heart, and Wang Xiaofeng completed it in one afternoon?

Wang Xiaofeng rolled his head and said, "It doesn't seem to be difficult."

"Brother Feng, congratulations. You have learned the Three Apertures Control Heart. I have nothing more to teach you." After saying that, Ning Rongrong pouted, "Dad also said that I am a rare genius of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. , it’s simply a lie.”

Oscar lay on the ground and murmured: "Rongrong, don't compare with that pervert Xiaofeng, he has long ceased to belong to the category of human beings."

Wang Xiaofeng patted Oscar's sore legs hard, making him take a breath of cold air, and said with a smile: "Thank you for the compliment."

There is nothing much to say about the following Four Apertures Persistence Heart training method. It just needs to add a goal. Wang Xiaofeng can use Oscar as a tool to train in the dormitory.

But Wang Xiaofeng had no idea whether this could really increase his spiritual power. He thought for a moment, maybe it was because his divine spiritual power was so strong that he had to practice it to the level of the Five Apertures Sanxin.

However, after the successful training of the three-aperture imperial heart, it did help Wang Xiaofeng to some extent.

For example, when sleeping in the wild at night, you can be on guard while controlling your martial soul to practice, although the practice efficiency may not be as high as when you concentrate on practice.

For another example, he can now control the spirit to amplify friendly units, and at the same time control the gourd vine to suddenly hit the enemy to attract attention.

"This can be regarded as enriching the attack methods." Wang Xiaofeng controlled the gourd vine to wrap around the gourd.

The next day, because Shrek's game had already been played ahead of yesterday's opening ceremony, everyone did not go to the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena, but stayed in the academy to practice.

Since Wang Xiaofeng had learned how to control distractions in advance, this had a huge impact on the three of them yesterday.

So Ning Rongrong made an unequal treaty on the grounds that seeing his face would undermine their self-confidence, saying that he would not be allowed to go to the grove until they made progress.

So after Wang Xiaofeng completed his daily physical training, he went to the Great Soul Fighting Arena to watch the competition when he had nothing to do. Maybe a strange soul ring technique would suddenly appear during the competition, providing him with some inspiration for his bottlenecked research.

The number of people in the Tiandou Spirit Fighting Arena was much larger than yesterday. It was like going to the New Year's Fair. Crowds of people came from all directions and entered the Spirit Fighting Arena. At the same time, many people came out of the Spirit Fighting Arena.

The huge flow of people supports many small vendors. The neatly arranged stalls circle most of the circle of the Soul Fighting Arena, and it is very lively with people coming and going.

In order to protect the face of the Tiandou royal family, law enforcement teams would pass by from time to time in the surrounding streets.

These law enforcement teams are composed of seven people. The members are all second-level soul masters, and the captain is a third-level soul master. With such a team configuration, ordinary people really don't dare to cause trouble.

After putting on Shrek's strange costume and the academy badge, the staff checked briefly and let Wang Xiaofeng in.

There are special stands outside each college's rest area, from which you can see the battle below.


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