Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 286: Blazing Academy vs. Canghui Academy

There was still a huge crowd of spectators outside, cheering loudly for their favorite students.

"The tenth round, the central arena, Canghui College versus Blazing College."

The host loudly announced the list of entering players, and the players from both sides walked into the field with their heads held high.

The first team is the students from Canghui College that they met yesterday. They are all dressed in moon-colored robes and have such outstanding grace that people can't help but give a thumbs up when they see them.

On the other side, there was a group of Blazing Academy students wearing gold-red uniforms. Except for the captain who was walking at the front, Wang Xiaofeng's eyes were focused on the only girl in the team.

Of course, it's not because I'm coveting the girl's beauty, but it's very difficult to get a spot on the team when the team is all male. This shows that this girl is definitely unique.

Wang Xiaofeng has already made up his mind to keep a close eye on her in this game.

The moment both sides took the field, there was a wave of cheers in the entire stands. Of course, most of them were in support of Blazing Academy.

After all, Blazing Academy is one of the five elemental academies. Every elite competition must occupy a qualifying spot. The number of fans accumulated by such a veteran team is very terrifying.

The referee walked to the center and said, "Both sides line up and salute."

Everyone bowed slightly to show respect.

"You can release your martial arts spirit." The referee's voice sounded again. In an instant, the main arena in the center flashed with light.

The strong light of the soul rings filled the entire arena. Both sides were completely matched with the best soul rings. Unfortunately, in the comparison of soul rings, Canghui Academy completely lost in terms of numbers.

Except for the captain, all the Canghui Academy members are three-ring soul masters.

The team members of Blazing Fire Academy are composed of two soul masters who are above level 40, leading five soul masters who are above level 30.

"Two soul sects?" The members of Canghui Academy lost their previous indifference, and there were some beads of sweat on their foreheads.

Although their captain is also a soul sect, one less soul sect and one more soul sect will have a great impact on combat effectiveness, especially for an extreme explosive team like Blazing Academy.

"Don't be afraid, we still have hope." The leading man cheered, but his helpless tone was not convincing at all.

"Don't forget, Teacher Shi Nian was still watching us from the stage."

When Shi Nian was mentioned, everyone's hands and feet immediately stopped shaking. Compared to the pressure placed on them by Blazing Fire Academy, they were more afraid of Shi Nian.

Judging from the lineup, Canghui Academy is composed of two strong attack departments, two agility attack departments, and one control department and two auxiliary departments.

The only one who controls the system is their soul sect-level captain. His martial soul is a silver-white gemstone, which looks quite extraordinary.

Gem martial souls are very rare and can be taken in any direction.

The two attack types also had gem martial souls, and they were twin brothers. The two red gems exuded red light in their palms.

The two assistants seem a bit mediocre in comparison. One martial spirit is like a drop of water, and the other is like a dark cloud.

The two agility and attack systems are even more ordinary, and the martial spirits are ordinary wolves and jackals.

The soul power levels are not low. Except for the two control-type girls, who are around level 33, the others are all at level 35 or 6.

"The game begins!" After saying that, the referee stepped aside.

Almost instantly, the two twin soul masters with assault-type gem souls attacked towards the Blazing Fire Academy. Their soul rings flashed, and the two gems instantly formed an exquisite gem armor on their bodies.

There is also the white mist attached to the water drop spirit, which makes them a little faster.

The two agility attack type soul masters not only had white mist on their bodies, but their fatal parts were also covered with a ball of water, which seemed to be able to effectively block damage.

At the same time, dark clouds began to pour out from above the head of Blazing Fire Academy.

Moreover, as the soul ring of the auxiliary girl in Water Drop Martial Spirit flashed, she kept waving her hands, and waves of water mist continued to join the dark clouds, making the area covered become larger.

It is estimated that the rain that will fall soon will have certain special effects.

Such rapid and fierce offensive tactics made Wang Xiaofeng sigh, "This Canghui Academy doesn't look weak."

The heavy rain fell suddenly!

But just as the rain fell from the dark clouds, the seven people from Blazing Academy moved!

Accompanied by a dragon roar, flames instantly rose, and half of the arena was filled with fiery red light. The dark clouds above were instantly evaporated by the fiery breath.

"It's actually the Fire Dragon Spirit? No, the intensity is wrong. It should be a Yalong Spirit with the blood of a fire dragon." Wang Xiaofeng was shocked. Although it is not a mutated Fire Dragon Spirit like Liu Erlong, and the flame intensity is not that strong, it can still be called It's a top-notch beast spirit.

The young man with dragon-type martial arts brought bursts of flames and rushed into the formation of Canghui Academy. Although the two gem armors wanted to resist, the two young men with fire leopard and fire lion martial arts stopped him in time. They, as well as the Wolf and Jackal Wuhun from Canghui College, were also trapped by the girl.

"Twirling Naruto."

Huo Wu waved out one hand, and at the same time, the Hokage Martial Spirit also made the same movement, and more than a dozen small fireballs were released, hitting the owners of the Wolf Martial Spirit and Jackal Martial Spirit at the same time.

The two of them dodged to one side awkwardly, but what they didn't expect was that those small fireballs would actually turn. They were caught off guard and were hit one after another.

The two men immediately groaned miserably, and their bodies were charred black by the fireball. If it weren't for the water masses attached to their bodies to cool them down, this blow would have seriously injured them.

"Shadow-type martial soul? It's still fire-attributed." Wang Xiaofeng looked thoughtfully at the crimson figure behind the girl. The soul skill seemed to be of the power-attack type, and he was temporarily positioned as a power-type soul master.

The battle was one-sided, and the young man with the dragon spirit felt like he was in a no-man's land. However, Canghui College was not completely defeated. In the end, the soul sect captain of Canghui College was beaten and forcibly controlled the Fire Leopard and Fire Lion. The two of them automatically walked off the soul fighting platform, barely saving the face of Canghui Academy and not having their heads shaved.

However, this time he was also seriously injured, and his body was completely charred. He was taken to the healing department for treatment just after admitting defeat. He didn't know if he could still play tomorrow.

The seven people from Canghui Academy are not weak, and their combination is reasonable. The senior soul master academy that can participate in this qualifier is not that weak.

It's a pity that they lost in terms of level and spirit. The strength and level of the spirit between the two sides were too different.

If they were of the same level, they might still be able to fight.

The audience also applauded unstintingly for such a wonderful game.

Wang Xiaofeng wrote down in his notebook the characteristics of the soul masters from Canghui College and Blazing Fire Academy and the soul skills they revealed. Although these are usually recorded by masters, gathering intelligence is a necessary skill for soul masters.


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