Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 287 Advertising Investment

"Captain of Canghui Academy, xxx, martial soul: silver gem, soul ring skill unknown, ability: create illusions to control opponents."

After writing this, Wang Xiaofeng discovered that this ability was very similar to the martial soul ability of the Soul Saint that Flanders was afraid of.

Maybe he is a master and disciple. Without the guidance of his predecessors, he would not have been able to break through to the Soul Sect at this age by taking a special route.

"Captain of Blazing Academy, xxx, martial soul: Fire Dragon, first soul skill,...ability..."

"Deputy captain of Blazing Academy, xxx, martial soul: shadow, the first soul skill... ability..."

Just as Wang Xiaofeng was writing straightly, Blazing Academy also walked down the field.

"Ha, it's so satisfying. It's indeed the right decision to participate in the elite competition." Huo Wushuang, the captain of Blazing Fire Academy, touched his short pale blond hair and laughed.

The girl next to Huo Wushuang said angrily: "You are happy, but I am very unhappy now. They all fell down before I even tried my best. How can you compensate me?"

"Hey, isn't this the boss?" Huo Wushuang said awkwardly. What he was most afraid of was his sister. He said in a low voice: "A meal?"

The girl's eyes widened: "Just one meal?"

Huo Wushuang stretched out three fingers: "Okay, okay, I'm really afraid of you, three meals! More?"

The girl nodded with satisfaction, "That's pretty much it."

Unlike the laughter and laughter at Blazing College, the atmosphere at Canghui College was a bit depressing.

The Blazing Academy had obviously been merciful. After being cured by the healing soul master, the burned team members were no longer seriously injured and did not hinder the next day's competition.

But at the beginning of the competition, they were crushed by other colleges with absolute strength. Such a blow left a haze in their hearts.

An old man walked in from the outside. He was very young. He glanced at the students and saw that they lowered their heads and said nothing. He frowned and said, "Why, just one defeat has left you in despair." ?”

"Teacher, I..." The leading man opened his mouth.

At that time, he didn't give his disciple a chance to speak. He said coldly: "Don't forget that we still have a secret weapon that we haven't used yet. There are still five places for our academy to have a chance. The premise is that we can't lose again."

Everyone's eyes lit up, yes, they still had a secret weapon that they hadn't used yet. Thinking of this, Canghui Academy seemed to be in a state of shock, no longer as depressed as before.

"Give me a good recovery and try to win the game within three minutes tomorrow."


Because the central fighting spirit arena was not damaged in the previous round and did not require repairs, the eleventh round of competition began soon.

At this time, the two sides fighting were Lingji Advanced Soul Master Academy and Nulton Advanced Soul Master Academy.

These two high-level soul master academies have little reputation in the Tiandou Empire, but they are still very famous locally. Both sides are three-ring soul masters, with an average level of about thirty-five.

Then, to the delight of the spectators who bought the tickets, a close battle began.

The two sides go back and forth, it’s so intense!

Such a team with the best spirit ring ratio can be recognized by the Silver Soul Fighting Badge no matter which big spirit fighting arena it is placed in. Logically speaking, it is not weak. However, it is a pity that this is not a big spirit fighting arena, but an all-round competition held every five years. Mainland competition.

Without the Soul Sect, they are destined to pose no threat to Shrek.

Wang Xiaofeng yawned greatly while watching the battle below, and then wrote comments below the two academies: The team configuration is average, the martial arts are mediocre, the soul skills have no highlights, and no need to pay attention.

During lunch time, there was still a fierce battle going on in the Soul Fighting Arena, but this had nothing to do with Wang Xiaofeng. It was now meal time, and eating was the biggest thing in the world.

There was a long snack street waiting for him outside.

But as soon as he walked out of the big soul fighting arena, Wang Xiaofeng met someone who shouldn't be here at this time.

"Dean, why are you here?"

That's right, it was Flanders who Wang Xiaofeng met. His stiff old face was now like a blooming chrysanthemum, and his smile was so bright that Wang Xiaofeng, who was very familiar with him, found it difficult to get used to it.

"I just wanted to ask why you are here. Aren't you studying with the master?" Flender saw that Wang Xiaofeng had just come out of the spirit fighting arena and was a little confused. However, he was in a good mood at this time and didn't want to worry about it so much. Wang Xiaofeng must have gotten Master's permission to come out.

Flender shook the paper in his hand with a proud expression on his face: "Look, what is this?"

Wang Xiaofeng took it curiously and saw six big characters written on it: Advertising Cooperation Agreement.

Party A is Qixiang Hualou Trading Company, while Party B is Shrek Academy.

Wang Xiaofeng said in surprise: "The dean is so awesome. Even Qixiang Dew comes to you to advertise."

Qixiang Floral Dew is a business that specializes in selling high-quality floral dew. It is said that half of the floral dew business in the entire Tiandou Empire is done by their family, and their business is spread across the entire continent.

Floral dew is extracted from flowers. It is synthesized in a certain ratio and mixed into bath water. It can make people have a corresponding fragrance after taking a bath, which is deeply loved by women.

No matter whether they are women from aristocratic families or ordinary civilian women, they have no immunity to floral dew. Of course, the grades they purchase are different.

Floral Dew has almost monopolized the entire industry. If calculated based on the previous life, it should belong to a multinational consortium comparable to Johnson \u0026 Johnson.

Hearing Wang Xiaofeng's exclamation, Flender smiled proudly. If it weren't for the perfect performance of the Shrek Academy team in the first round, even if he had a sharp tongue, he would not be able to convince the person in charge of Qixiang Hualu. .

Flanders pointed at the contract and said: "One thousand gold soul coins per game in the qualifiers, two thousand gold soul coins per game in the promotion round, and three thousand gold soul coins per game in the finals. If we can reach the top three in the finals, there will be an extra 50,000 gold soul coins." Coin reward.”

Just writing an advertising slogan on clothes, not being an exclusive endorsement, and getting such a high reward, it can only be said that it is worthy of being a trading company that monopolizes half of the empire's toilet, and it means it is rich.

"We can add some ads on the sides of the arms, as well as on the chest and pants. No, there are so many places where we can add more ads. I have to talk about it again." Flanders muttered and picked up the contract. Then left quickly.

Seeing Flender's money-minded look, Wang Xiaofeng shook his head helplessly and prepared to fill his stomach as he had before.

Because the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition attracts people from all over the world, the style of food sold at the stalls is very different from what Wang Xiaofeng usually eats. It is no longer limited to the food in Tiandou City, and there are all kinds of exotic food. There are all kinds of weird delicacies, and the variety is very rich.

“Don’t miss it when passing by, the sweet and delicious glutinous rice dumplings.”

"Fried rice balls, a special delicacy of the Star Luo Empire, don't pay if they don't taste good."

Wang Xiaofeng's ears twitched and he looked at the stall nearby. There seemed to be delicacies from the Star Luo Empire. This made the self-proclaimed foodie unable to hold back and walked over quickly.


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