Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 292 The appearance of a giant

"The fourth soul skill, Phoenix Sunset Strike!"

Ma Hongjun shouted loudly and swung down the three-meter-diameter lava fireball condensed in his hand.

This time the lava fireball did not split, but fell straight towards the seven people from the Elephant Academy.

"Damn it!" Hu Yanli's expression changed. At this time, he also noticed the threat coming from mid-air. His spiritual sense kept reminding him that this was not an ordinary fourth soul skill, and the third soul skill could never withstand it. (The flame environment has a bonus to Ma Hongjun’s soul skills)

If Shrek had not used this fire poison method, and the four soul masters in the team had not been poisoned by the fire poison, the seven of them could have blocked Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Sunset Strike with the increase in their lineup. Unfortunately, including him, At this time, only three soul sects still have fighting power.

Tang San thought to himself: "This is a decisive move, what are you going to do?"

Now that the opponent is completely at a disadvantage, even if Hu Yanli dodges Ma Hongjun's attack and escapes from the fire poison range, he will only face a three-on-seven situation.


In the sea of ​​fire, Hu Yanli roared angrily: "You forced me to do this."

Before the two soul sects beside him could react, a pair of iron hands latched onto their wrists.

"Ali, are you trying to..." Before the Soul Sect teammate could finish his words, he was rudely interrupted by Hu Yanli: "If you don't want to lose, give me your soul power!"

Seeing the stone spreading on his wrist, he decisively closed his mouth, let go of the resistance of the soul power in his body, and continuously fed it into Hu Yanli's body.

With a burst of light and heat, the lava fireball exploded violently.

The four charred black figures were pushed out by the impact. The healing soul master standing aside quickly ran over and used soul skills to hang up the injuries.

Flender's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "Third out of seven, what can Elephant Academy do to fight with me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge soul force burst out from the center of the flame, directly shattering the blue silver grass flame field that Tang San and Ma Hongjun had worked so hard to arrange.

The flame was extinguished by the powerful soul power, and a fifteen-meter-tall little giant stood in the center of the soul fighting platform.

At the VIP table, Hu Yanzhen looked a little ugly, but he didn't expect that his grandson would actually use this trick.

Hu Yanli's fourth soul skill, violent absorption, ability: can forcibly absorb the soul power of soul masters of the same level and attribute, and obtain the giant's wrath effect that lasts for six (3x the number of people absorbed) minutes.

Giant's Strength: Increases size by 500%, defense by 200%, abnormal resistance by 50%, and an additional 300% strength bonus.

Disadvantages: All attributes are reduced by 30%, lasting for three days.

Hu Yanli didn't expect that his grandson would be so obsessed with winning. As long as he used this soul skill, even if he defeated Shrek, it would be almost like giving up the victory in the next three games.

"Hahaha." The Platinum Bishop Salas next to him let out a somewhat exaggerated laugh: "Young Sect Leader is really formidable."

In the auditorium, the audience burst out with unimaginable enthusiasm. Hu Yanli's huge size made them gasp in surprise, looking like they were scared and wanted to see it.

The master looked at the giant on the field, bit his thumb, and said anxiously: "I didn't expect it to be a very rare soul-absorbing skill."

"Having absorbed two level 40 soul sects, his soul power should have broken through to the soul king level."

"Mistress, what are you going to do?"

Huang Yuan looked at Hu Yanli's huge elephant head and swallowed, "No way, how are we going to fight like this?"

At this time, the seven of them were flying under the pull of Ma Hongjun, reaching the height of Hu Yanli's head. Because of this, the pressure they felt from Hu Yanli was unimaginable to others.

"You're flying too low." Hu Yanli burst out with unimaginable speed and grabbed Shrek's group with a pair of giant palms.

Tang San shouted angrily: "Disperse!"

As he spoke, Tang San grasped the blue silver grass that was entangled with everyone, and used the skill of controlling a crane to capture a dragon, and with a forceful swing, he accurately threw Tailong, Jiangzhu, Jingling and Huang Yuan from the ground. superior.

While he, Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun dodge to the other side.

"Where to escape!" Hu Yanli's eyes flashed with ferocity, and he turned his grasp into a slap, and his right palm continued to slap Wang Xiaofeng and the other three.

At the same time, he raised his left foot high and stepped on the four Tailongs who had just landed on the ground and had not yet reacted.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Two loud noises sounded at the same time in no particular order.

At that moment, Wang Xiaofeng only had time to use the Shunpo technique to deflect his body, and a black shadow flew past his body with a strong wind.

A group of figures kept rubbing and bouncing on the ground.

"Damn it, I didn't expect it to be so big now that it's not that slow." Wang Xiaofeng covered his chest in disbelief. He obviously didn't hit, but his body was hurt just by the airflow generated.

"Hey, come and hit me, you silly guy." Among the seven, only Ma Hongjun escaped the attack with his excellent flying ability. At this time, he was constantly harassing Hu Yanli with Phoenix Fire Wire. He sprayed it and ran away, leaving Wang Xiaofeng and the others to fight for it. Trim time.

"Damn it, little bug, don't run away!" Hu Yanli roared and grabbed Ma Hongjun.

Wang Xiaofeng thought to himself: "It seems that this soul skill is not without side effects. It has lowered my IQ a bit."

"Tailong and the others were knocked out of the Soul Fighting Stage." Tang San's voice came from not far away.

After all, the four Tailongs failed to run and all flew out of the field.

Only then did Wang Xiaofeng realize that the two of them had been sent flying from the center of the ring to the far left by Hu Yanli's blow, spanning a distance of dozens of meters.

And two meters behind you is the edge of the ring.

Wang Xiaofeng used his soul power to correct the somewhat disordered internal organs in his body, and said slowly: "Xiaosan, how much soul power do you still have?"

Tang San said with a serious face: "Not much, maybe a third."

Wang Xiaofeng grinned and said: "Then go ahead, the fat man can't hold it long..."

Before he finished speaking, Ma Hongjun rubbed the floor and stopped in front of Wang Xiaofeng.

Ma Hongjun spat out blood and said, "This stupid elephant is so strong."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's get going." Looking at Huyanli, who was rushing towards him like a crazy ancient mammoth, Wang Xiaofeng narrowed his eyes slightly, stepped suddenly with his right foot, and turned his body into a black meteor, rushing towards Huyanli.

"Boom" a loud noise sounded.

Hu Yanli stepped on a big hole where Wang Xiaofeng and the others were standing.

Tang San stepped on the ghost shadow and escaped the attack, but the opponent's huge size made many attacks ineffective. Even the phoenix flames could not break through the defense, which made him somewhat powerless.

"How can we defeat him?"

On the other side, Wang Xiaofeng rushed past Hu Yanli's crotch, jumped up with his backhand, and hit his popliteal fossa behind his knees with his fist.

Just as Hu Yanli was about to smash Tang San, his right leg suddenly went weak, and his huge body suddenly knelt down.

Tang San's eyes lit up: "There is a way!"


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