Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 293 Head Soul Bone

At this moment, Tang San's brain was running wildly, catching that flash of inspiration.

Wang Xiaofeng's punch just now clearly did not completely break the Hu Yanli in the giant's posture, but it made his right foot bend unconsciously.

By the way, it was the soul power that stimulated the acupuncture points!

Thinking of this, Tang San used his Purple Demonic Eyes with all his strength, trying to see through the giant's body and find the acupuncture points that still existed.

The golden gaze condensed into a highly penetrating mental force and scanned towards Hu Yanli. The mental force penetrated the giant's gray cuticle, skin, blood vessels, and soul power, constantly scanning.

Just when Tang San's mental power was running low, a small black vortex attracted his attention. Black soul power was absorbed by it and poured out again and again.

"Found it!" Tang San breathed a sigh of relief, having found the acupuncture point that showed it indeed existed. The first soul ring on his body flickered again, and thick vines continued to gush out from the ground, wrapping tightly around Hu Yanli's hands.

"Damn little bug, I'm going to beat you to death." Hu Yanli roared, and powerful power burst out instantly. The extremely flexible blue silver grass was directly stretched open by Hu Yanli's terrifying power and collapsed instantly.

Then Hu Yanli waved his huge fist and smashed it towards Tang San who was not far away.

The ghost shadow turned into multiple afterimages. Tang San left the place in an instant. He controlled the crane and captured the dragon at the same time. With the momentum brought by his fist, Tang San jumped back again, dodging a blow from Hu Yanli's void. fist.

On the ground where I was standing before, the stone slabs within a radius of ten feet were suddenly densely cracked, as if a volcano that had been accumulating for a long time suddenly erupted, and the exploded rubble rose into the sky like a torrent.

The crackling gravel is like a strong bow shooting intensively, roaring and impacting in all directions.

Tang San followed the ghostly shadow and dodged the gravel one by one. If he couldn't avoid it, he used Control Crane and Capture Dragon to lure him aside. But even so, some tiny stones still hit him, invisible to others. The surface of his body began to bruise.

Xuantian Kung started to operate automatically, and the soul power began to repair internal injuries.

"Xiao Feng, I have a way to deal with him. Watch my mark attack! Fatty, cover Xiao Feng."


"Look, young master, I'm blowing your face." Ma Hongjun flapped his wings and sprayed a mouthful of phoenix flame directly on the face of Hu Yanli, who had just stood up.

The opponent roared and waved his giant palm, and slapped Ma Hongjun. The strong wind roared loudly, and he was injured immediately after being scratched. Ma Hongjun did not dare to be careless and quickly dodged away.

Tang San didn't expect Hu Yanli's IQ to drop so seriously after turning into a giant, so he released his second soul skill very decisively.

Blue Silver Grass, parasitism activated!

"Bang, bang, bang!" A bunch of light blue blue silver grass bloomed on Hu Yanli's body, swaying slightly under the wind, which was very conspicuous.


"Leave it to me." Wang Xiaofeng, who knew that his task was arduous, stopped paddling, and touched his body one by one with his hands. Without anyone else noticing, all the weight on his body was returned to the spirit space.

"Test the results of the past two years of training." Wang Xiaofeng moved his body slightly. After getting familiar with it, the next second, the figure disappeared in an instant, leaving only an afterimage.

Wang Xiaofeng seemed to blow up phantom winds. The audience standing outside the venue only saw a black shadow flash past, and then, the black armor on Hu Yanli's body suddenly exploded.

"Roar." Hu Yanli burst out with a cry of pain. Unfortunately, this was only the beginning. In the next few seconds, the area marked by the blue silver grass continued to explode.

With the last blow, Wang Xiaofeng made a fist seal. Under the violent force, the gray cuticle suddenly shattered and broke instantly. A weak-looking fist hit Hu Yanli's head heavily.

Hu Yanli felt a pain in his head, and a stream of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Before he could react, his body was no longer under his control, and he could only fall forward helplessly.

"Boom!" With a shaking sound, the giant that others thought was invincible collapsed to the ground like this.

Ma Hongjun was greatly encouraged, "Well done Xiaofeng."

Tang San also showed a smile, "Thirty-six fatal points have been broken, and he is now at our mercy."

Wang Xiaofeng landed on the ground, took a breath and said, "Not to mention, that armor is so hard that it hurts my hands. If I hadn't injected my soul power into his body, I really wouldn't have been able to do anything to him."

Just when the three of them were about to push Hu Yanli out of the court, Hu Yanli suddenly raised his head and shouted crazily: "Kill, I'm going to kill you."

"What's going on with this guy?" The audience was stunned for a moment. The rules of the competition clearly prohibited killing people. Is this just a matter of flattery or an open provocation?

At the VIP table, Hu Yanzhen looked a little ugly, "It seems Ali can't control himself."

In the stands, Zhao Wuji was confused: "Is this a side effect of soul skills?"

The master pondered: "That's part of the reason, and it's also because Xiaofeng's last blow hit his head, which affected his spirit."

On the soul fighting stage, Ma Hongjun chuckled: "If you are crazy, be crazy. Let's see Master Jun give you the final blow."

The phoenix flames soared into the sky, and the phoenix wings flew to the sky superimposed on the flaming phoenix. Ma Hongjun turned into a flaming phoenix and flew towards Hu Yanli.

"The phoenix dances for nine days!"

At the VIP table, Hu Yanzhen's eyes widened with anger, and he stood up suddenly. Seeing that his most proud grandson was about to be hit by Ma Hongjun's flaming phoenix, his eyes suddenly showed strong fluctuations of light, and his lips suddenly buzzed a few times.

Ning Fengzhi on the side said calmly: "It seems that Master Huyan's doing this would harm the fairness of the competition."

He didn't need to know what Hu Yanzhen was talking about, and he understood that he was instructing his grandson through his ability to compose the sound.

Hu Yanzhen snorted, sat back down and took an apple from the fruit plate in front of him. "I just stood up because I was a little greedy. I don't understand what Sect Leader Ning meant."

Ning Fengzhi turned to look at the Soul Fighting Platform. He wanted to see what ability this old guy had to make a comeback.

On the field, the flame phoenix continued to hit Hu Yanli's head. The fierce flames exploded and burned on Hu Yanli's huge head.

"Hahaha, this trick is called Braised Lion's Head." Ma Hongjun pinched his waist and laughed.

But Hu Yanli did not fall down. At the same time, two red lights suddenly lit up in the golden flames.

"Be careful, fat man!" Tang San shouted anxiously.

"Roar!" Before Ma Hongjun could react, Hu Yanli suddenly rushed out of the flames. A strange helmet was draped on his head. He opened his mouth wide, and a red ray shot out from his mouth, hitting the ground hard. On Ma Hongjun’s body.

Amidst the loud noise, Ma Hongjun was knocked out of the field like a meteor, and with a big explosion, a ten-meter radius instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.


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