Gourmet Cell at the Start, I Ate The Endangered Beasts

Chapter 89: The horrified reversal, the slap in the face is too fast! (Please subscribe!)

"The first battle! Lu Fei, the flame demon of Nanzhuqueyuan, against Jiang Wu, the blind sword of Xibaihuyuan!!"

With the announcement of the list of the first competition, the originally noisy big martial arts field suddenly quieted down.

One after another, looking forward and watching the show, they turned to the two people who were slowly taking the stage in the martial arts field below. After only a moment of silence, the entire martial arts field became noisy again.

"Damn it, isn't it? It exploded as soon as it came up? The Balrog and the Blind Sword were directly facing each other?

"It's not, it's not... It's a blockbuster when it comes up?

"Buy it and leave it, buy it and leave it. Have you made any bets before the war begins! 100 credits per bet, the key is to participate, everyone."

The battle between the blind sword Jiang Wu and the Balrog Lu Fei was the highlight that the old students were looking forward to, and some people even speculated in private when the two would meet.

After all, the Balrog Lu Fei is the top of this year's freshman list, and is a rare thorn in the past few decades. In a battle for survival, he directly selected six of the top ten young men in the northern capital this year, and became famous;

And this blind sword Jiang Wu is the key training target of one of the martial arts college student organizations, the Immortal Slaying Society. Some people inquired, in the battle of survival, the final score of the flame demon is 2450, while the blind sword is 1990, it is all Among the freshmen, the score is closest to that of the Balrog.

He was trained by Shen Tuhao again, and even gave him an opportunity to comprehend the inscriptions of the four elephants... Today's blind sword Jiang Wu has skyrocketed in strength, and it is not what it used to be.

043 There are even more rumors that this blind sword Jiang Wu spent the entire vacation in the martial arts institute, and his strength has actually reached the level of a great martial artist. It is Shen Tuhao's secret weapon to suppress the arrogance of the Balrog Lu Fei.

I thought that the Balrog Lu Fei would have a few scenes, but who would have thought that when he came up, he would be the king!

"I'm relying on... No way! As soon as the flame demon came up, he encountered the blind sword? It's over, it's over, it's over...

"How come it's over?"

"You're stupid, isn't the Flame Demon participating in the war on behalf of our Nanzhuque Academy? And it's the first battle. If this is lost, the Nanzhuque Academy's face will be clean!"

"That's not necessarily true, that's the Flame Demon, and even the President of Shangguan has praised him!"

"Heh...you probably didn't know that Jiang Wu had already challenged the training robot at the junior level, and won! 35

"Jiang Wu is really a great martial artist?""

"What do you think?"

"Isn't the flame demon lost?"

"if not?"

'Impossible! During the survival battle, Jiang Wu's strength was clearly below that of the Flame Demon, it's only been two months, how could his strength increase so quickly?"5

"Now you know the benefits of joining the organization! Jiang Wu has already comprehended the inscription of the Four Elephants once!

"Fuck... If even the Flame Demons lose, then who of us can beat the other three courtyards?"

Balrog Lu Fei, the strongest among the freshmen of Nanzhuque Academy, there is no doubt about that!

"That's why I said shame and shame, hurry up..."

For a time, even the Southern Vermilion Bird Court heard a burst of low voices.

Some people have even begun to complain that Lu Fei has implicated the entire Nanzhuque Academy because of his personal grievances...

"Have you forgotten that the Flame Demon dared to attack the martial god-level powerhouse, and that strange black fire even burned the Wild Dragon Martial God! Even if Jiang Wu has become a great martial artist, I am afraid he is not the opponent of the Flame Demon! 35

"What's the benefit of you sing the flame demon like this? Don't forget, he is fighting on behalf of the Southern Vermilion Bird Academy... Moreover, once the black fire that won't go out is displayed, no matter how strong Jiang Wu's sword is, I'm afraid it won't be the same. General of One!

Although some people in the crowd voiced for Lu Fei, compared to the large-scale bad-mouthing, such a voice is too small!

At the same time, Lu Fei and Jiang Wu also came to the competition.

"Lu Fei?"

Jiang Wu's eyes could not see, but his hearing was exceptionally keen.

I saw him holding the quaint three-foot Qingfeng sword and turning his head slightly, as if he had locked Lu Fei's position by hearing.

"Your breath has become much stronger, not under me!

Jiang Wu was slightly moved, but his voice was cold and sharp, and Wu's words changed: "But I will never lose to you!"


When Qing Feng came out of the sheath, Jiang Wu's aura became extremely sharp.

"To cut you, three swords are enough!

Immediately, Wu took a three-foot green front in his hand, and held a sword flower in his hand. The sharp sword energy distorted the surrounding air, as if it had been cut open.

Lu Fei looked at the blind sword in front of him, and could feel that the sword in this guy's hand was getting sharper and sharper, as if every breath he took was polishing the sword.

He's a top swordsman...but if you want to use him as a stepping stone?

hehe (bjai) hehe...

Lu Fei shook his hand, and the demon sword Yama fell into his hand.

Almost at the same time, ssh-

The blind sword Jiang Wu moved when he heard the sound, and attacked Lu Fei directly with a speed of outrageous explosion, and a sharp sword cut out from the front.

Dragon scale martial body——

A dense layer of dragon scales suddenly appeared on Lu Fei.


The sharp sword only brought an incomparably sharp sound of gold and iron clashing, wiping out dazzling sparks.

There was a long white slashing mark on his chest, and Lu Fei's hand also rested on the demon sword Yama, holding the scabbard in one hand and the handle of the knife in the other, and swung away in a slashing posture.

Between a breath and a breath, there seems to be a rolling thunder.

The fierce sword failed to break the armor, and Jiang Wu's face couldn't help but flash a positive color.

Sure enough, as Boss Shentu said, this guy's defense... is terrifying!


The ultimate meaning of the sword is that there is no self, continuous and invincible!

The ultimate sword edge is enough to break through the space, not to mention the defense of your mere flesh and blood.

It's time to use the trick learned from the inscription of the four elephants!

Jiang Wu's figure retreated violently, he retracted his sword and charged up, and the surging spiritual power covered the three-foot green front, and an intimidating edge suddenly bloomed.

The road to heaven is 90,000 miles away, and the gate of heaven towers ten thousand feet high. Now I step up the road to heaven, and I will open the gate of heaven with a sword from the east—

Thor's Breath - Slash——

The two attacked each other, one sword and one sword, one touch and one point, but disappeared in a flash.


The sharp sound of cutting through flesh and blood came suddenly.


There was an exclamation from the stands!

I saw that in the field, the Balrog Lu Fei still maintained his slashing stance, while the blind sword Jiang Wu had already passed him, standing three steps behind him, still maintaining his slashing attitude.

"This is... the end?"


An extremely incredible emotion swept through the hearts of many students.

"This Balrog Lu Fei is too rude!"

"Blind sword Jiang Wu only took two swords, and he knelt down... What a barren bird! 39

"Fuck, look at Jiang Wu's sword...Wori, the white knife goes in and out, and it kills people without blood? Is this guy's sword already so powerful?"

"This horse is a new born?"

"As expected of a guy who can be valued by Shen Tuhao... It's just that this flame demon is really disappointing. Knowing that the other party is a master of swords, he gave up his own flame advantage and took out a sword to pretend to be a fool."

Only Shen Tuhao, Shang Dingyue and other people familiar with Lu Fei's pupils shrank for a while... Lu Fei lost?


A guy who can escape from the encirclement and suppression of the four Martial Sects, and put them together, cannot be defeated so easily!

But at this time!


Jiang Wu, who was still in a slashing stance for a second, fell to the ground abruptly, and the blood dipping out of nowhere quickly dyed the ground under him red!


In an instant, the entire battlefield suddenly fell silent.

What's the matter...how did Jiang Wu fall?

Shen Tuhao's pupils glared fiercely, because at the moment Jiang Wu fell, two Lu Fei appeared on the competition stage below!

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