Gourmet Cell at the Start, I Ate The Endangered Beasts

Chapter 90: Stunning the audience, cheering for the Balrog! (Subscribe!)


Jiang Wu, who was still in a slashing stance for a second, fell to the ground abruptly, and the blood dipping out of nowhere quickly dyed the ground under him red!

The two Lu Fei who suddenly appeared in the venue instantly attracted everyone's attention.


All of a sudden, the entire martial arts field was quiet.

It was as if the time and space of the whole world had come to a standstill... a dead silence.

"What the hell? There are actually two Balrogs Lu Fei in the arena... yes- am I dazzled?

An old man rubbed his eyes.

"Spiritual power clone? Impossible, that is a top skill that can only be mastered at the level of Wu Zun, and the little spiritual power of a great martial artist can't withstand consumption..."

"Is it an illusion that creates cognitive illusions?"

"Stupid you, what kind of illusion can affect the entire martial arts field and cause so many people to have cognitive illusions? Where did he get such a strong spiritual power as a freshman!

Discussions erupted in the auditorium, and more and more old students and new students began to guess what was going on in the strange scene in front of them!

Everyone even ignored the fact that the blind sword Jiang Wu of the great martial artist level was defeated by Lu Fei!

But the next scene made the scene of constant discussion fall into dead silence again.

The beginning of the Lu Feiwu that was cut by Jiang Wujian became blurred and twisted, one second, two seconds, and then completely disappeared in the air.

What the hell?

disappeared, disappeared?


In the audience, I don't know who suddenly made a sound, which caused an uproar, and everyone seemed to suddenly understand.

Is it an afterimage?!

A phantom image that stays in place due to high-speed movement?

Recalling the moment when the Balrog Lu Fei and the blind sword Jiang Wu fought against each other, both of them chose a quick slash attack known for their speed and swiftness.

In other words, the Balrog Lu Fei's movement speed and attack speed are fast enough to leave a long-lasting afterimage?

Lu Fei defeated Jiang Wu with one strike, but what Jiang Wu hit was only the afterimage that Lu Fei left in the same place after the brazen slash?

It's not that Jiang Wu's sword is about to kill people without blood, but that Ya's sword simply failed to hit Lu Fei's body!!


There were bursts of breathless sounds.

How fast can this be done?

You must know that even many martial artists who specialize in the assassin route will have to wait until the level of Wuzong before they reach this level... And this flame demon Lu Fei, after dying, is a great martial artist, right?

This strength, such talent, is simply amazing!

And the most shocking thing is that in the battle with Jiang Wu, Lu Fei never used fire!

He is a flame demon!

The best thing is fire attack!

Without using the flame he is best at, he defeated the blind sword Jiang Wu with one blow, and defeated him in the field he is best at!

Simply murderous!

Is this the top freshman list this year?

Too strong to be too perverted!

Shen Tuhao's eyes widened abruptly in the seat of Xibaihuyuan.

A strong sense of incomprehension swept through the body.

The scene of Jiang Wu's defeat in one move was like a heavy hammer slamming into the deepest part of his heart.

how come?!

How could Jiang Wu be defeated so quickly?

He had played against Lu Fei head-on, and he was very clear about Lu Fei's strength... Lu Fei is the controller of the innate fire element, and he is also a spiritual teacher, he knows all this.

He even prepared items for Jiang Wu that can interfere with his mental power and inner armor that can greatly improve his fire resistance!

But the battle was over in a flash, and Jiang Wu was already defeated before he could use these things, making his elaborate plan a futile effort.

But... fast enough to produce afterimages?



It's not that he has never seen Lu Fei's extremely fast slash. When he reached the top of the survival battle before, Lu Fei fought with Unamuto, and he watched from the top of the mountain;

Although the speed is extremely fast, it is by no means fast enough to produce afterimages!

But if the afterimage is not produced by the speed, how is the afterimage left?



Simply incredible!

In the end, his inner depression turned into resentment and fell on the defeated Jiang Wu: "Useless thing!

At this time, Dong Qinglong, Nan Zhuque, Xi Baihu, and Bei Xuanwu were seated side by side in the highest auditorium of the Dadou Martial Arts Arena.

The corner of Nanzhuque Shangguan Guyan's mouth evoked a slight arc.


"This kid...the fire control ability has improved again!"

In the scene just now, I am afraid that only the martial gods like them can understand it.

Fast enough to produce long-lasting afterimages?

With Lu Fei's current strength, he obviously can't do this, but this kid is smart enough and his fire control ability is strong enough.

At the moment of the knife, the innate fire in the body is used to greatly increase the surrounding temperature, causing a severe temperature difference, thereby creating a mirage illusion through the refraction of water molecules in the air;

・・・・ Flowers 0・・・

It is a perfect fusion of illusion and swordsmanship, which deceived almost everyone present!

What surprised her most was that Lu Fei did not use an open flame during the competition, but still accurately changed the temperature, creating a mirage itself.

Changes in the nature of the flame, precise temperature control... Just a mention from the public lecture in the morning, this kid has already realized something from it!

With such a powerful comprehension, it is no wonder that the innate fire can be developed to the extent that the flame changes color at a young age!

Really talented!


In the next second, Lu Jiaojiao waved her fist and burst into cheers from the stand of the Nanzhuque Academy.

At the same time, the high-hanging heart was also put back into the stomach.

It's not that she doesn't believe in Lu Fei, it's just... It's all because of those guys who sing the old Lu Fei, blowing that blind sword Jiang Wu so hard, so that she loses confidence and worries that Lu Fei will lose!


But what about the facts?

A knife!

With just one knife, Jiang Wu, who was known as the secret weapon of the Immortal Slaying Society, was directly defeated!

Lao Lu gave all those who slandered him a slap in the face with his extremely powerful bursting strength!

Absolutely strong, domineering, invincible with me... This is the Lu Fei she knows!

And Lu Jiaojiao's cheers were like a signal, instantly igniting the entire auditorium of the Nanzhuque Academy.

"Have you seen it or not, this is the Flame Demon! People who sang badly about the Flame Demon before, don't their faces hurt!

"Jiang Wu, Shen Tuhao's secret weapon, can't even get away with a single move under the hands of the Flame Demon, so what are you still bragging about?"

"The top of the freshman list is well-deserved! This strength is probably stronger than that of many sophomores.

'If it doesn't make a sound, it's already a blockbuster. This is in line with the essence of our Southern Vermilion Bird Academy!

"Domineering! Handsome and powerful... It's a pity that I have a girlfriend!"

"Hey! The person who opened the market before, don't run away, Sun Thief, hurry up to pay, my bet Lu Fei wins, ten bets 1000 credits, hurry up and pay!!"

In the field, Lu Fei put away the demon sword Yan Luo in a hurry, stepped down slowly after the referee declared victory, paused slightly when passing by Jiang Wu: "To cut you, one knife is enough!

Jiang Wu, who had already lost too much blood and was carried down for treatment, heard this sentence, spit out a mouthful of blood, and passed out on the spot.

This operation really made the Wuyuan teacher who acted as a referee on the field stunned!

Mud... why do you leave it here to kill people?!

As rumored among the students... the Balrog Lu Fei, the Jairus must be reported!


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