Gourmet Cell at the Start, I Ate The Endangered Beasts

Chapter 91: The second volume of Lu Ban's art, Fan Wujiu's living puppet! (Subscribe!)

"Win? This is a win? 99

Grade A counselor Wei Jing stared in disbelief.

Fortunately, she was worried about Lu Fei because of the rumors circulating in the martial arts institute. Now it seems that her worries are not only unnecessary, but unnecessary.

A knife, just a knife.

Defeat a master swordsman at the level of a great martial artist, and he has not even used the flame that he is best at.

From the beginning of the contest to the end of the contest, it took less than thirty seconds!

The previous guess was indeed correct. Lu Fei had indeed entered the level of a great martial artist, and his own strength was completely stable, which was much stronger than those who had just entered the level of a great martial artist.

But it is precisely because of this that it is even more incredible.

When she first met Lu Fei, this kid was still only a junior martial artist with a score of 300+. In just two months, his own strength had completely stabilized at the level of a great martial artist.

Such a speed of strength improvement is simply unbelievable and unbelievable!

In my ears, the voices of the students continued to be heard.

"I didn't even see that guy use the knife, and he didn't even see the knife, what kind of strength does this guy have?!

"To defeat a great martial artist with one move, at least it must be at the peak of the junior great martial artist... It is already stronger than many old students!

"This year's freshmen are all monsters. Poor "Zero Four Seven", we old students, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get ahead..."

"Jiang Wu, the blind sword, is a first-time master martial artist, and he can't even make a move under the hands of the flame demon... Then the flame demon should at least be at the peak of the primary martial artist's strength, and he has several levels of martial skills higher than Jiang Wu!

"I didn't expect that this Balrog really had two brushes, I underestimated him! But wait, the blind sword Jiang Wu is the first to challenge him, but he will never be the last.

"Hmph, don't look at this guy's current appearance, refuse all invitations from student organizations, he is destined to struggle!"

Looking at the attitude of the surrounding students towards Lu Fei, it has changed from watching the excitement and anticipation of defeat at the beginning to incomparable horror and consternation.

The gazes that fell on Lu Fei were envy, jealousy, and awe.

Although he still has a bad voice, he is obviously more optimistic about Lu Fei than a few minutes ago!

No matter where you are, the strong will always be respected!

Wei Jing's eyes fell unconsciously on the highest stand... She had to admire the vision of President Shangguan.

It's no wonder that even Dean Shangguan, a martial god-level powerhouse, must appoint him to enter the extreme way!

What is even more exciting is that this amazing student is really assigned to her class, and the strength of the student is the teacher's best right to speak!

In the future, when Lu Fei really grows up, the incense love that once served as Lu Fei's counselor may be the greatest pride in her life!

"Fuck you!

In the audience seat of the North Xuanwu Academy.

The Stone Magic Stone was so excited that he stood up and cheered, and his burly body of 2.5 meters directly blocked the vision of everyone behind him, causing a lot of scolding.

It was defeated with a single sword, and it was about to leave a long-lasting afterimage on the spot.

The Balrog Lu Fei is simply amazing, and he is indeed another person who is regarded as an opponent after the Archmage Muto!

When he first reached the top of the survival battle, he had seen the blind sword Jiang Wu. That guy was full of lingering and sharp sword energy. He was also very frightened by the worship of Mount Tai, who has always been known for his terrifying defense.

There was even a feeling that even if a 4.5-meter-high stone demon was used, it might not be able to resist the blind sword Jiang Wu with all his strength.

However, just now!

The Balrog Lu Fei took the blind sword Jiang Wu's first strike easily, and the second following strike didn't even touch half of his shirt.

The flame demon who does not use fire is still so powerful, he is indeed a guy who even Archmage Muto respects three points!

Shi Buzhuo looked at Unamuto who was sitting beside him: "Master Muto, do me a favor!

"you say!"

Unamuto, who had been chanting the scriptures and was completely unmoved by the surrounding noise, slowly opened his eyes.

"Help me see what my win rate is if I go up against the Balrog Lu Fei. 35

There was a faint smirk floating on Shi Buzhuan's face, as if he had already made up his mind, but he wanted to do it on purpose.

"Fate has its own destiny, why look at the sky!"

"Why, Lao Shi, are you not confident about your own strength? That's right, after all, you're not even a great martial artist!"

Two voices sounded one after the other.

The first is Unamuto, and the latter is the fifth seat of this year's Ten Young Masters, Ji Mingkai, the magic armor.

"I'm just thinking, if I use all my cards, can I force out the true strength of the Flame Demon... I just want to have a good fight!

Shi Buzhuan said seriously and seriously.

"Blow it and you'll..."

For Shi Buzhuan's words, Ji Mingkai didn't even believe a single punctuation mark.

Out of cards?

Others may not know, but he has been with Shi Buzhuan for so long, how can he still not know?

Taishan worships, the stone magic stone does not turn... His real strength only accounts for a small part of his hard power. His really powerful stone dares to be a big monument, and he has never used it from beginning to end!

That big stele is made of a stubborn stone at the peak of Mount Tai, and it is a fetish with the ability to help the wind and enlighten the mind, please dare to be the master of Mount Tai!!

While complaining that Shi didn't tell the truth, Ji Mingkai kept praying in his heart... Please don't let him meet the Balrog Lu Fei.

On the day Jiang Wu challenged the Great Martial Master-level training robot, he saw it with his own eyes and knew how sharp the blind sword Jiang Wu's sword was.

In terms of sword intent and sword stance alone, he might be able to compete with Shen Tuhao, the eagle-eyed butcher of the Immortal Slaying Society.

But even such a powerful swordsman, he failed to make a move in the hands of the Balrog Lu Fei!

Moreover, the strange dragon scale armor of the Balrog Lu Fei easily blocked Jiang Wu's sword... It was enough to show that the defense power of the dragon scale armor was far higher than that of his magic armor.

As for the full moon scimitar weapon that he is good at, it is even a joke in front of the swordsmanship of the Balrog.

Whether attacking or defending, he was completely restrained to death by the Balrog Lu Fei... Once he was drawn to compete with the Balrog Lu Fei, he would definitely be another unlucky person after Jiang Wu.

On the other hand, although Unamuto said no, he still looked at the sky honestly. Although it was daytime, with his cultivation, stargazing was not affected by day and night factors at all.

The eyes are slightly fixed... If the Stone Magic Stone does not turn against the Balrog Lu Fei, the winning rate is actually 50%?

It seems that the strength of this Taishan worship has improved greatly!

But in the next second, Unamuto's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he glanced away at the auditorium of the East Azure Dragon Academy... The astrology is indicating danger!

At this time, the audience of Dongqinglongyuan was in the audience.

Many people's eyes fell on the figure in the front row with a height of 165 and wearing a "Peace in the World" hat.

"See, that is Fan Wu Jiu!

An old man lowered his voice and said to the people around him.

"The little girl's back is very cute..."

"Cute? You don't know that she beat 120 people in the preliminaries of Dongqinglongyuan alone!"

The speaker is shocked, the listener is not convinced.

"Are you kidding me? One person to one hundred and twenty people? Could it be that this class of freshmen are all flame demons?"

"It's not the Flame Demon, but it's about the same... You didn't watch it during the freshman preliminaries, you don't know the horror of this little girl!!"

"During the preliminaries, she proposed to fight 1 against 200, but Dean Ao actually approved it... Then she defeated 120 people with one person and a puppet. Although she was exhausted, she still won. The top spot in the preliminaries of Dongqinglong Academy!"5

"Didn't you see, that puppet was invulnerable to swords and guns, its whole body was full of weapons, and hidden weapons appeared endlessly, making it hard to guard against, just one wave of poison needles killed nearly fifty people, the scene at that time, tsk tsk, was terrifying!

"According to the new student who was attacked by the puppet, the puppet is like a living person, more flexible than a living person, and it even has the effect of restraining the flow of spiritual power when hit!

The old man who spoke was clearly in awe... This cute little girl with a height of 165 is in serious inverse proportion to her cute appearance like a porcelain doll.

"Damn it! Does this girl have a grudge against the Balrog? I seem to have heard that the Balrog Lu Fei once killed a hundred people in the battle for survival..."

"That's the point of your question!"

"On the way to the top of the survival battle, Fan Wu Jiu was kicked down more than 2,000 steps by the flame demon, and it seems that he left behind after-effects, Fan Wu Jiu has been trying to get revenge! He even joined the Crusaders for this. , The Crusaders provided resources for her to transform the puppet, specifically for the Balrog!

"According to this, isn't it a surefire way for Yan Mo to meet Fan Wu Jiu?

"It's hard to say, but the Flame Demon will definitely suffer a big loss!"

Fan Wu Jiu's little sister turned a deaf ear to the discussions behind her, she only caressed the puppets beside her, but her eyes were fixed on Lu Fei who was leaving.

"It's getting stronger again, this guy!

There was a touch of deep resentment in her scorching eyes... She kept the foot on the top of the survival battle firmly in her heart.

Goddamn bastard!

That kick directly broke her ribcage, and when she flew directly from the 9,999th level to the more than 7,000th level, her spine was also severely injured.

If it wasn't for controlling Xiao An to hold her to the top, she would have even been eliminated!

But a severe fall to her spine hurt her nerves, causing her little finger flexibility on her left hand to be greatly weakened now.

What are fingers 0.8 for puppet masters?


Puppet masters with inflexible fingers will have difficulty comprehending higher-level puppet magic.

This damned Balrog is ruining her martial arts career!!

But now, the Balrog Lu Fei, who had almost ruined her martial arts career, was enjoying the cheers of the audience and taking the limelight.

She couldn't swallow this guy's two bones constantly...

But thanks to the Balrog's kick, she made up her mind to join the Crusaders... the enemy of the enemy is the friend!

If it hadn't been for joining the Crusaders, Shang Dingyue, who hated the Flame Demon, wouldn't have given her a chance to comprehend the inscriptions of the Four Signs, and she wouldn't have had the chance to comprehend Lu Ban, the most unusual and evil of the puppet arts!


Fan Wu Jiu’s younger sister turned to the puppet, “Xiao An, do you think we should kill him or abolish him?”

"I don't know, I don't know, Xiao An doesn't know, Xiao An listens to Fan Fan!

In Fan Wu Jiu's voice there was a bit of icy coldness: "Idiot, Ji Dao Martial Arts Academy prohibits killing people, so let's do it!

"Okay! We've got rid of him!""

The voice fell, and the puppet puppet wearing a high hat "makes money at first sight", and there seemed to be a very agile and anthropomorphic look flashing in the empty wood carving eyes... in a flash!

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