Gourmet Cell at the Start, I Ate The Endangered Beasts

Chapter 92: The top of the freshmen list in Dongqinglong Academy! (Subscribe!)

"Old Lu, you are so stupid!

When Lu Fei returned to the auditorium, he was greeted by a hug from Lu Jiaojiao. The powerful arms with ten times the muscle density of ordinary people made Lu Fei fully understand what it means... a bear hug!

Arms that burst with force wrapped around him, even strangling his bones.

"Dongqinglongyuan asks for impermanence, Fan Wujiu, and Ji Mingkai, the magic armor of Beixuanwuyuan!!

With the end of Lu Fei, the second match also kicked off.

Hearing the roll call, the two figures who had already prepared them jumped down from the stand, and immediately landed in the field, looking at each other.

"Admit defeat, or defeat!"

The petite little sister Fan Wu Jiu's words are cold and unquestionable, what is puzzling is that she came to the competition stage alone... As for the puppet, it was placed in the audience seat.

"Insolent guy!"

"It seems that mixing with the Crusaders has given you a lot of confidence!"

Ji Mingkai's voice was full of anger, and a puppet master ended up competing with him without a puppet?

This made Ji Mingkai feel that he was insulted... Who do you look down on while riding a horse?

Either admit defeat or defeat?

What a big breath!

If the Balrog Lu Fei said this to him, he might really think about it, as for you?

Even if you are ranked sixth in the survival battle, you dare to come to me and talk nonsense?!

I will teach you a long lesson today!

Not only Ji Mingkai, in fact, the students watching the battle are also confused.

Although the two people on the field can't compare with the Balrog Lu Fei in terms of fame, they are the top ten in the survival battle after all;

One is the fifth seat of the Ten Young Masters in the Northern Capital this year, but refused to join the Crusaders;

The other is a rare puppet master who also joined the Crusaders...

Gives the feeling of a rival encounter!

Hearing that it was the two of them who competed for the second time, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became high.

But what makes people fall is... Fan Wu Jiu didn't bring a puppet?

Also released the rhetoric of surrender or defeat!

First, there were the Balrogs competing without fire, and then there was the impermanence playing empty-handed... Are all the freshmen this year so crazy?

"Ji Mingkai, the magic armor, is famous for his impeccable work. Even if the opponent is bare-handed, he will never let him go. This little girl will suffer a big loss!"

"More mad than the Balrog? I hope she has the ability to match the Balrog, otherwise it will be miserable!""

The puppet master didn't bring puppets on the stage, which instantly made the discussion in the entire martial arts field one-sided... Only the Dongqinglongyuan was quiet!!

Ji Mingkai immediately looked at the referee, and when the referee nodded, he stomped his feet violently. A set of scarlet blood-colored armor was drilled out of his body that was only wearing a training uniform, and the full moon scimitar fell into his hand.

"Nanotech armor? This is your confidence?

Fan Wu Jiu sneered and the five fingers of his right hand jumped like flowers.

The thin thread of spiritual power that came from nowhere, instantly wrapped around Ji Mingkai's hands and feet, and when Ji Mingkai noticed it, it was already too late.

Between the light and flint, Fan Wu Jiu waved his arm backwards, Ji Mingkai moved like a marionette.

"Damn! When did you get entangled?

Ji Mingkai instantly felt a little panic... How could this happen, he fell into the rhythm of the opponent's battle in an instant.

To bad...she's using me as a puppet!!

When Ji Mingkai realized this, poof——

His hands and feet have completely disobeyed the brain's commands, the right hand holding the knife suddenly turned around, stabbed his lower abdomen with a knife, and blood gurgled out!

But Fan Wu Jiu's eyes flashed a ruthless look that was very incompatible with his cute appearance, and between his fingers, the full moon scimitar that had pierced Ji Mingkai's lower abdomen even slid sideways...

Ji Mingkai lost blood and fainted on the spot!


The entire battlefield fell into a dead silence.

Silence! Needle drop can be heard!

Fan Wu Jiu withdrew the thin line of spiritual power and looked at the referee, "I wonder if I won this round?


Rao Shi, the referee teacher couldn't stop swallowing his saliva, horrified by the ruthless determination of this little girl in front of him!

"The second match, the winner, Dongqinglongyuan's life is impermanence, Fan Wugui!

It was not until the announcement of the judge teacher came that the freshmen, old students, and teachers who were shocked by the scene in front of them came back to their senses.

"One move! Another move!

"Damn it? The battle is over in less than thirty seconds! 39

"Mom...Are the freshmen of this class really monsters?"5

"Is Ji Mingkai too weak or Fan Wu Jiu too strong?"

"I'm mother... can even control it? This horse is a puppet master?!"

"Is this girl a devil... She looks cute, why is she so vicious?! 95

The slap in the face came too fast, and the sudden reversal made the auditorium of the Fourth Court feel like a frying pan.

One after another, eyes full of surprise and horror were projected, and there were stunned, shocked, and even confused discussions one after another.

I thought that after watching Balrog Lu Fei's stunning slash, the following competitions would become boring.

But who would have thought that there would be four 2s after the Wang bombing!

It makes people wonder if this is deliberately arranged by the hospital!

Even Lu Fei narrowed his pupils.

Manipulating living people with thin threads of spiritual power?

How strong is this woman dressed like black and impermanent?

The puppet master still easily wins the battle without using puppets, which is very telling!

Not to mention manipulating living people...

The strength of the magic armor Ji Mingkai is by no means weak, but he is still controlled by her like a marionette.

And that puppet...

Lu Fei's eyes fell on the white impermanence puppet in the auditorium of Dongqinglongyuan... I always felt that this puppet was different from the one he had seen before, but he couldn't tell how it was different!

Fan Wujiu, the impermanence of life... If he were to face this woman, I'm afraid it wouldn't be as easy as winning Jiang Wu!!


"Have you seen it, this is the strength of the top freshman of the East Green Dragon Academy, isn't it worse than the so-called Flame Demon?"

"Why didn't those who were blowing the flames make a sound just now? This is called a mountain and a mountain is high!"

"Have you seen it, this is called decisive killing, a real master... I really hope that the flame demon will be able to face the impermanence behind, let's see who is ruthless 047! 35

"If it goes against the fate of the impermanence, the good luck of the Balrog Lu Fei will come to an end, right?"

"It is said that this life-threatening impermanence is a member of the Crusaders. You said, could this impermanence be the secret weapon specially arranged by the Crusaders to deal with the Balrog?

"Fuck, it's really possible that you said that. After all, the Crusaders also released a declaration to suppress the Balrog. With Thunder Dragon Shang Dingyue's scheming, it's normal to arrange an ambush?"

"It seems that there will be a tough battle behind the Flame Demon, and this life-threatening strength seems to be on par with the Flame Demon!"

"Equally well?"

"Heh, are you all blind? Suoming Impermanence is a puppet master, and she also ends the battle within thirty seconds, but she hasn't even used a puppet!"


The sound of sucking in the cold air burst out, and a kind of unknown emotion swept through the hearts of everyone.

Could it be that the strength of this life-threatening impermanence is still above the flame demon?

"That's not right, then according to what you said, doesn't the Flame Demon use fire?"

"I'm sorry, have you watched the competition well, the Flame Demon uses a knife, and the impermanence of life is bare-handed! Do you still need to argue about who is stronger or weaker? 35

For a time, the audience was arguing with each other because of the strength and weakness of Balrog and Suo Ming Wu Chang.

On the other hand, Fan Wu Jiu who jumped back to the auditorium of Dongqinglong Academy’s eyes met Lu Fei’s!

Face to face!

Lu Fei read four words from her humming lips: wait for you to die!!

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