Gourmet Cell at the Start, I Ate The Endangered Beasts

Chapter 95: Lava Fruit, Balrog Lu Fei Incarnates Natural Disaster (Subscribe!)

Time back to a minute ago!


【Your son is back!】

【My son brought you the specialty of the heavens, please pay attention to check it!】


When his son, who had been away from home for more than two months, suddenly returned, Lu Fei subconsciously opened the system interface.

Entering the warehouse interface, what caught the eye was an ugly fruit icon, covered with ferocious threads, and the color was like a red-hot soldering iron.


Rao is that Lu Fei can't help gasping for breath.

Another devil seed?

After the previous experience of the flame seeds, Lu Fei recognized the special product that his son brought back from this trip at a glance.

Looking at this color, 80% is a fire fruit again... Could it be!!

Select the fruit icon, and a line of small words suddenly appears:

[Lava Seeds - is the upper seed of flame seeds, the most aggressive demon seeds in the world of great secret treasures, nature, whoever eats the lava seeds will gain the power to manipulate lava and transform into lava, which is to cause infinite destruction with every gesture The natural disaster grade power! 】

Holy crap, are they really lava seeds?!

Lu Fei was stunned...

As the former Hai Mi, he certainly knew how powerful this demon seed was.

Manipulating the lava with a temperature of 1700 degrees is just a basic operation, and as the strength continues to become stronger, the temperature of the lava can continue to rise.

Moreover, compared to the flame of the flame seed, the lava of the lava seed has an entity, and the offensive and destructive power are more powerful.

Even, as long as the capable person is willing, it can also make active volcanoes erupt and wake up dormant volcanoes... It is an undoubted natural disaster grade power.

To a certain extent, the person with the ability to eat this devil seed is a natural disaster!!

Select the lava seeds and extract!

In the next second, the lava seeds shaped like a cherry and the color of a red-hot iron fell into Lu Fei's hands. Just holding it in his hand felt like a burst of scorching heat.

such a pity……

Lu Fei sighed secretly in his heart, a person cannot eat two devil seeds, and he is not Blackbeard. Once he eats the second devil seed, there is a high probability that he will directly explode and die.

That doesn't mean this lava seed isn't useful, though!

If you can get the bloodline factor technology of the Great Secret Treasure World, you can fuse this lava seed with the demon sword Yama, truly turning the demon sword Yama into a natural disaster grade artifact!

The power of lava seeds will be used by him sooner or later!

Just when Lu Fei was about to retrieve the lava seeds, suddenly!

buzz one by one

There was a strong resistance from the gourmet-enhancing cells in the body, as if they were full of extreme desire for this lava seed and did not want Lu Fei to put it away.

Lu Fei was stunned for a moment, and then his heart was filled with incomparable ecstasy. If the food strengthens cells to have a strong desire for a certain food, it means that once he eats this kind of food, he will definitely get great benefits!


Lu Fei threw the lava seeds into his mouth without hesitation.

Ugh... Demon seeds that haven't been processed by his cooking skills are really unpalatable!

[The host eats the lava seeds, and the food in the body strengthens the cells to obtain unprecedented alternative satisfaction, triggering hidden rewards: spiritual power*2, flame, lava temperature*2]

lying trough-

Lu Fei almost exclaimed directly.

Multiply by 2?

Entering the personal attribute page, the data displayed in the spiritual power column is 565 points, and the sum of the six attributes of itself reaches 1599.7 points, entering the intermediate-level martial artist level;

The temperature of the flame, which was originally 2100 degrees, became 4200 degrees after the addition of lava...

As expected of the Devil Seed known as the Secret Treasure of the Great Secret Treasure World, eating a Devil Seed can bring more improvement than eating a B-rank beast!

Jumping to become an intermediate-level martial artist, such a speed of strength improvement is absolutely unprecedented!

At the same time that Lu Fei was full of joy due to the substantial increase in strength.

"Fan Wujiu of Dongqinglongyuan, challenged Lu Fei, the flame demon of Nanzhuqueyuan!

Fan Wu Jiu, who is 165 tall, has already appeared in the competition!

She stared at it with burning eyes and issued a challenge application.

And this time, behind her, there was a puppet puppet wearing a high hat that "makes money at first sight"!

"Fuck!! Look behind the goddess Fan!!"

An old man noticed immediately.

puppet puppet!

Facing the Balrog Lu Fei, will Fan Wujiu finally take out his puppet?

"Damn it, Goddess Fan, you're awesome, blow up the flame demon!!

"As a puppet master, she never took out this puppet in previous competitions, but now she has taken it out... How strong is the flame demon Lu Fei? Is it worth Fan Wujiu's jealousy? 99

Fan Wu Jiu's record was seen by everyone, every shot ended the battle within 30 seconds, that weird and indefensible thin line of spiritual power was the best portrayal of her formidable strength.

"You stop farting! Even Goddess Fan doesn't like this flame demon, and she plans to eliminate it at one go, so she will take this battle seriously!

"Flame Demon, you are up to the challenge! Don't be a coward!"

"Why, you know that your luck is over, so you don't dare to say anything?"

"The girls are all waiting below, but you go up, if this is a coward, it will be called a coward in the future, hahaha...

"He doesn't know that he can't refuse the qualifying battle, right?

Following Fan Wu Jiu's appointment, the atmosphere of the entire martial arts field was instantly ignited.

The corners of Lu Fei's mouth curled up in a cold arc... Another guy who wanted to use him as a stepping stone.

The next second, Lu Fei jumped straight to the arena, and instantly, a faint sense of danger hit Lu Fei's heart.

And the source of this danger is the Bai Wuchang puppet beside Fan Wu Jiu!

After eating the lava seeds, his strength is already solid at the level of an intermediate martial artist, but this white impermanence puppet still gives him a faint sense of danger... Oh, it seems that this Fan Wujiu is revenge for that kick. Work less hard!

Following Lu Fei's appearance, the entire martial arts field suddenly quieted down.

 …・・ Flowers 0.

One after another stared blankly at this place.

There are expectations, there are dramas, and there are schadenfreudes!

The Flame Demon has finally come off the stage again, I hope he can support Goddess Fan for a while longer, otherwise, this Flame Demon who has been promoted to the top ten in the qualifying battle by luck will be completely disgraced.

"Lu Fei, the flame demon of the Southern Suzaku Academy, and Fan Wujiu of the Dongqinglong Academy are challenging you for a ranking challenge. You have one minute to prepare!"

At this time, the voice of the referee teacher came.

"let's start!"

Lu Fei said lightly, but his voice clearly entered the ears of everyone present.

"I'm sorry... This guy is still so crazy, it seems that defeating the blind sword Jiang Wu with one move has given him a lot of confidence! 39

"Unfortunately, it's blind faith... He doesn't think Goddess Fan will be as weak as Jiang Wu, right?"

"Goddess Fan has never done her best since the competition began, but now she has taken out a puppet, and the Flame Demon is lost! 99


"To be defeated by Goddess Fan's all-out efforts, this guy is still proud even though he is defeated!"

Lu Fei and Fan Wu Jiu ignored the chatter in the audience, looked at the referee, and when the referee nodded, the two sides suddenly erupted.

Fan Wu Jiu's movements were extremely fast, and the innumerable and indistinct strings of spiritual energy were densely entangled towards Lu Fei like a waterfall, at the same time, the five fingers of his left hand continued to dance like flowers, and the lifeless Bai Wuchang puppet moved violently. come over.

"Today, I'm abolishing you!! 99

Fan Wu Jiu’s eyes flickered fiercely, Bai Wuchang’s puppet’s mouth quietly opened, shhhhh——

The dense poisonous needles spewed out, with an incomparably sharp wind breaking sound, with a strong momentum to shoot Lu Fei into a sieve.

On the other hand, Lu Fei just stood still.

Elementalization starts quietly.

Puff puff--

The next second, the dense poison needles pierced into Lu Fei's body one by one, causing a sound of piercing flesh.

"Mist grass...it's another one-shot kill!

Looking at Lu Fei, who was shot into a "hedgehog", the auditorium of the fourth courtyard suddenly boiled.

"7 seconds, Goddess Fan only took 7 seconds..."

"Fuck, what a great hatred this is... It's so ruthless as soon as it comes up!"

"You don't know? The Flame Demon had a relationship with Goddess Fan during the survival battle, and kicked Goddess Fan seriously...

"No wonder Goddess Fan has never used a puppet before, and the co-author is specially prepared for the Flame Demon!"

"The goddess is ruthless, and the flame demon will be defeated before he can even use the dragon scale armor!

"Tsk tsk tsk, let's just say that this guy is lucky, he can't last 10 seconds in Goddess Fan's hands!"

Compared to the heated discussions in the auditorium, Fan Wu Jiu felt a chill in his heart at this moment.


Although the poison needles all hit, but the sound of the piercing is wrong, the sound is more like piercing into the hot molten slurry, rather than piercing the flesh!


I can clearly feel that the surrounding temperature is increasing explosively!!


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