Gourmet Cell at the Start, I Ate The Endangered Beasts

Chapter 96: Lava Spitfire, One Punch Instantly Destroys the Top of the Qinglong Academy! (Subscribe!


Looking at Lu Fei, the flame demon who was shot into a hedgehog by a poisonous needle on the competition stage, the corner of Shang Dingyue's mouth evoked an arc of success.

In order to send Fan Wu Jiu to the top ten in the qualifying battle, he and the Crusaders paid a considerable price.

Although Fan Wu Jiu's strength was not able to break through to the Great Martial Master level, but with the Crusade Alliance's meat-like resources piled up, that White Impermanence puppet was able to exert a real mid-level Great Martial Artist level combat power.

Especially those poisonous needles... Although the competition among the peers of the extreme way prohibits killing, the nerve paralyzing toxoid is not.

If the nerve paralyzing toxoid is injected in excess, there is only one consequence, damage to the nerve!

Nerves are the link between the brain and the body. Once the nerves are severely injured, it will be extremely fatal to the martial artist.

His eyes fell on Fan Wu Jiu, Rao Shi Shang Dingyue couldn't help but have a hint of fear in his eyes.

Every puppet master is a high-level poison master;

Who would have thought that such a cute little girl could produce such an invisible paralyzing poison!

From the very beginning of the competition, Fan Wu Jiu has been in a state of giving up the advantage of the "Zero Five Zero" puppet master but still winning very easily, showing off the limelight.

What happens when the Balrog Lu Fei comes off the stage and finds out that such a powerful Fan Wu Jiu is not even a great martial artist?

Will underestimate the enemy!

And at this time, the white impermanence puppet attacked violently, and the flame demon Lu Fei was bound to be attacked!

Fighting isn't about brute force alone. Often times, mind and design are better than brute force.

And this time on the field.

Fan Wu Jiu, who seemed to shoot the Balrog Lu Fei into a hedgehog with one move, felt a chill in his heart.


The moment the puff sound came, she suddenly realized that something was wrong!

Although the poison needles all hit, but the sound of the piercing is wrong, the sound is more like piercing into the hot molten slurry, rather than piercing the flesh!

And... all the spiritual threads wrapped around the Balrog were melted the moment they touched his body.

It wasn't that her sudden attack hit the Balrog, but this guy didn't plan to hide at all!!

"Don't take this kind of thing out to shame people!"

As Lu Fei's voice sounded, Fan Wu Jiu's eyes suddenly glared.

The poisonous needle that had pierced into Lu Fei's body turned red and melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the temperature on the entire competition platform increased explosively at this moment.

One hundred degrees... five hundred degrees... breaking a thousand degrees... In an instant, the entire competition platform seemed to turn into a huge sultry furnace, and the temperature continued to soar.

The thin thread of spiritual power wrapped around her fingertips was instantly burned.

"Xiao An!! Abandon him!"

Fan Wu Jiu responded quickly and called out.


As if there was a sound of gears turning, the originally dead white impermanence puppet seemed to be instantly injected with consciousness and attached with a personality, and suddenly came to life.

Murderous intent emerged from those empty eyes, attacking Lu Fei as fast as lightning.


On the highest stand of the Dadou Martial Arts Field, Ao Lie, the head of the East Green Dragon Academy, suddenly shrank into a thin line.

Luban is down?

This is what Fan Wu Jiu understood from the inscription on the four images?

The dragon swims in the sea, the sea is open to all rivers, and the Dongqinglong Academy is the place where the teaching is the most complicated among the four academies of Jidao, but it is the most talented place.

As the dean of Dongqinglong Academy, Ao Lie has the most extensive and far-reaching knowledge in the world.

At a glance, he could see through the nature of the Bai Wuchang puppet suddenly coming to life.

It is rumored that Lu Ban's second volume has the ability to transform stillness into movement, endow static things with kinetic energy, and give dead things the power of vitality, and the price of using this power is... an equivalent exchange!

To turn the dead into the living, the price of life... is life!

His eyes fell on Fan Wu Jiu.

... Obviously it's just a competition, but Lu Ban is used at all costs to get off the roll. This girl's desire to win is a little too strong, and her temperament needs to be tempered!

It's just that this flame demon from the Southern Vermillion Bird Academy is in danger now!

at the same time.

Shang Dingyue's heart muscle suddenly tightened in the auditorium... A strong sense of inconceivable swept through the whole body instantly.

how come?

Lu Fei has already been severely injured, why did Fan Wu Jiu spare his life to use this evil sect Lu Ban to come back to life to make the puppet come alive?

Is this a foregone conclusion that there are still variables in the contest?

For a moment, Shang Dingyue relaxed again.

No matter why Fan Wu Jiu activated Lu Ban's Scroll, but since it has been activated, it means that the victory has been locked in advance.

The strength of the skill is directly proportional to the consumption of the skill holder. The greater the consumption, the greater the power of the skill. How can the power of Luban's Scroll, which requires life force to be used, is unusual?

Once the white impermanence puppet comes alive, Lu Fei will face the combined attack of a mid-level great martial artist and a senior martial artist at the same time;

In a two-on-one situation, coupled with the endless hidden weapons on the puppet, Lu Fei's defeat is set!

At the same time, Bai Wuchang's puppet's brazen punch also hit Lu Fei in front of him.

But Lu Fei is still in a state of not dodging.

Seeing this, Fan Wu Jiu was sure in his heart, he is a big guy!

She had already learned about Lu Fei's information from Shang Dingyue.

This guy is the master of the innate fire element, and his understanding of the innate fire has reached an extremely advanced level. The body can be turned into flames, completely immune to physical damage, and greatly immune to spiritual attacks...

But, so what!

In order to transform into fire, the flow of spiritual power in the body must reach the extreme, and Xiao An added a rare material that can restrain the flow of spiritual power in the process of transformation and upgrading.

With just one hit, even if the Balrog Lu Fei uses elementalization, he can return it to its original shape with one hit.

Compared with the flesh-and-blood martial artist, the puppet has an advantage in boxing power, speed, body structure, and injury-bearing ability, and can easily deliver a powerful punch.

As long as one hit hits, the Balrog Lu Fei will pay a very painful price for his Tuoda!


However, just at the moment when Bai Wuchang's puppet's outrageous blow was about to hit Lu Fei.

A burst of high-temperature melting sizzling sound came very suddenly.

The white clothes on the Bai Wuchang puppet were instantly ignited and turned to ashes in the raging flames.


Almost at the same time, Lu Fei raised his arm and pushed out with a palm, catching the outrageous punch of Bai Wuchang's puppet.


Lu Fei moved slightly, and the moment he touched the fist of Bai Wuchang's puppet, the demon seed power circulating in his body felt suppressed?

But... just wanting to suppress him, but it's not enough!


In just a moment, the arm of the white impermanence puppet was burned red, like a branding iron, and then... tick!

The red-hot puppet arm melts!

The tickling molten iron scorched holes in the ground of the competition platform, and white smoke rose.

The Bai Wuchang puppet that was injected with consciousness obviously had a high fighting consciousness. One arm was restrained, and immediately turned over and kicked Lu Fei's head, zizi——

However, it was too late to touch Lu Fei's body, and it was already burned red and melted under the terrifying high temperature of the explosion!

"Xiao An!!

There was a visible panic in Fan Wu Jiu's eyes.

The corners of Lu Fei's mouth raised a cold arc: "This puppet is your confidence?"

"Then you're still too far away!"

The boiling fighting spirit erupts!

The voice sounded, and Lu Fei stepped down with a slam, and the terrifying high temperature of 4200 degrees reached the extreme!


Lu Fei did not transform into lava, but the ground under his feet melted 0.8% visible to the naked eye, instantly turning into a sea of ​​raging lava, and the layers of lava surging like sea wolves.

The air was violently distorted, and an aura of destruction like a natural disaster spread violently.

Lu Fei clenched his fist, the fiery temperature condensed on the fist in an extremely arrogant way, and the entire right arm turned into a lava arm with a high temperature exceeding a thousand degrees;

The molten lava that trickled down the arm to the ground instantly eroded the ground, and billowing black smoke billowed up like a curtain.

"Great silence!!

The roar is earth-shattering!

The lava fist, the size of one person, was blazing with flames and black smoke, and it screamed and greeted Fan Wu Jiu directly.

An unparalleled domineering aura rose from Lu Fei's body.

Exploding, rebellious, and impacting everything around, it is the kind of heat wave spewing, destroying the dry and rotten-like aggressiveness!

Destruction like a volcanic eruption!

Like a tsunami that shakes the sky!

It's like a meteor falling from the sky, the earth is devastated!

this moment……

Everyone was stunned, and their eyes almost popped out!

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