Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 1953: Four or six

It's a very Yuan-style greeting, but the indifference to Boss Yuan in the live broadcast room is strange and kind.

"Glorying for the country, Boss Yuan, the bottomless big beast."

"Boss Yuan looks really young, not like he's forty years old."

"Are you serious? Boss Yuan Yuan said forty, not even thirty."

"There is an honest man upstairs, everyone comes to Qihoo him."

Those barrage bombers can't see clearly with Mengmeng's eyesight, we can see how enthusiastic everyone is.

After tangling in my heart countless times, Laziyang finally chose the dish he wanted to order: "Scallion sea cucumber, nine rounds of large intestine, sweet and sour carp." All of the dishes seem to say that they can do it. Cute.

"One Vancez Tofu, Bi Luo shrimp, plus a honey sauce fire recipe." Late-stage cancer, thinking of eating lighter at night, chose the series of Su Cai.

"I want a dried rotten shrimp, a tofu, and a grilled mandarin fish." The period seems to have long thought about something, and just come directly.

Hearing the names of these dishes, Yuanzhou calmly looked at the period and wrote down his menu.

Yuanzhou will notice that the period is also for a reason.

I remember when I first got Lu dishes, Yuanzhou worked a lot on the dish of roasted mandarin fish.

In fact, this dish is simple and easy to say, and difficult to say. It belongs to Confucian cuisine. Its taste is very fresh, reddish in white, supplemented with **** and balsamic vinegar.

Confucius has a unique self-roasted dish that does not touch the fire. Roasted mandarin fish is one of them. It belongs to the eater who knows its taste and does not know its method. It was once a famous recipe of Confucius.

The methods that have been circulated have been conceived by later generations based on classics. When Yuanzhou did this, they felt that this method was too simple to fully cook out the characteristics recorded in ancient books.

Special efforts have been made to study this dish, and it can be regarded as an improvement. Strictly speaking, no one has ordered this dish, even Zhou Shijie hasn't, so this is the first time that he has made a visit.

Compared with the simple thinking of Yuanzhou, the thinking of the period is very complicated.

The real name of the period is Qin Peng, a native of Shandong Province. In terms of this time, being able to participate in Mengmeng's live broadcast draw is also related to Yuanzhou.

Qin Peng is Qin Hua's youngest son. Speaking of Qin Hua, Yuanzhou should know that the chef who is fighting for silver spoons with him is enough to pay attention to the fact that he once lost to Zhou Shijie.

This chance coincided with the award. Qin Peng had never planned to come, but when I heard that I was eating at the Chef's Kitchen, I was very interested.

He knows a little bit about the evaluation of the Silver Spoon Award. He even knows Yuanzhou's fame, but Qin Peng is not a chef. He grew up in the shadow of Chef Qin Hua. He is not so keen on cooking, but I have to admit that my dad's cooking is really good.

Yuanzhou's fame in China and in Asia is far from Qin Huaneng. Qin Peng believes that his father is certainly not as good as Yuanzhou.

Although his father is strong in his son's heart, Qin Peng has also read a lot of reports about Yuanzhou on the Internet. He does not have Shi Lezhi. His father is superior in age, and the others are weak.

All three dishes Qin Peng ordered require technical content, and he finds it difficult, especially the last one, to see if he can find some information for his dad.

"Chef Yuan's culinary skills are also the best in the country. He should be superior to his dad. If he prepares carefully, he should be able to reach 6: 4 roughly."

The 6 in Qin Peng's mind refers to Yuanzhou.

Regarding the grilled fish with mandarin fish, Qin Peng once heard his dad say that the current version of this dish is very different from the records of the classics, so there is no standard. Every chef cooks differently. The chef style is best seen. .

Yuanzhou didn't know that Qin Peng had so many plays. After ordering, he returned to the kitchen and started to cook seriously.

"唰 唰 唰"

Deng Ying's beef is completed with his hands and swords, and Zhang Zhang is transparent. It is worthy of the name of Deng Ying. Meng Meng took the opportunity to point the lens at Yuanzhou to satisfy the curiosity in the live broadcast room.

"Being able to watch Boss Yuan's cooking up close is a treat, and it really doesn't lie on the Internet." Lazily folded his hands on his chest, admiring his face.

"The boss Yuan is very handsome when cooking." Mengmeng agreed.

"It was faster than before," exclaimed lazy, fat cancer.

"Is this human speed?" Qin Peng was also a little dumbfounded.

The cooking speed of Yuanzhou has always been a mystery to the chef circle.

Soon after, all the foods flowed out of Yuanzhou's hands, first from Wuhai Zhouxi, and in the order, they soon turned to Mengmeng.

First, Mengmeng's dish was brought up, and I took a deep breath to smell the intoxicating aroma. I swallowed quietly before I remembered that I was broadcasting live.

After rolling in the live room, choosing the dishes to eat, Meng Meng couldn't wait to move the chopsticks towards the dishes, Dongpo meat.

Fat and thin, rich in juice, thick oil and red sauce, not only smells fragrant, it tastes more fragrant, Meng Meng narrowed her eyes as soon as she ate into her mouth.

When lazy drool was about to drip, Yuan Zhou sent her dishes up, and finally she didn't have to look at Mengmeng's dishes to drool.

"I'm going to start, I feel so delicious." Lazily copied the chopsticks and started.

The main thing about roasting mandarin fish is two steps. One is marinating mandarin fish, and the other is baking bread.

It is simple to say, but as long as you have read the description of ancient books, you know that it is not that simple. The final effect of red in white is not only the sauce but also the heat, the oil and the noodles.

After much practice in consulting the classics in Yuanzhou, Yuanzhou discarded the noodles and replaced them with pancakes, that is, pancakes baked with dumplings, which were full of toughness when cold.

In this way, the grasp of the hot weather seems particularly critical. The pancakes are as thin as cicadas and very thin. Although they are wrapped in several pancakes, they are also exquisite. It is not too thick and thin, and the difficulty is not generally large.

But Yuanzhou's culinary skills are there now, as long as he finds the right way, he wants to make top-notch deliciousness.

Wrap the mandarin fish firmly with lard oil, arrange the fatty green onions around the position of lard oil, and finally wrap the five pancakes completely, and then clamp them with a bamboo clip Live on both sides of a charcoal fire and grill on both sides, just pay attention to the heat.

After Yuanzhou put the mandarin fish on the charcoal fire, he started to cook other dishes.

"This cooking method seems to be different from that of Lu Province." Qin Peng can see Yuanzhou's movements when he sits on the partition.

Although he didn't learn cooking, but he has a lot of knowledge, but now he can't understand Yuan Zhou's practice, it seems he has never seen it.

"Don't you say that the dishes at Chef's Kitchen are the most orthodox, isn't this cooking method a bit too biased?" Qin Peng had doubts, but was not sure.

The other two dishes that caused him to order were already served, and he didn't even want to eat, so he stared at the grilled mandarin fish.

Fortunately, Yuanzhou's speed is very fast. The dishes are not too long. Yuanzhou carefully removes the bamboo clips, flips the fish to the plate, and removes the pancakes sharply, revealing the oily green onions and fish.


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