Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1112: The little boy who was slain and crying [first! 】

The bursting beef ball did not kill Ru and Jin Tong.

There is no accident at the step, and he naturally does not think that a burst of beef **** can kill two people.

Judging from the rich scent of the other side, there is no doubt that these two people should come from the prison.

And if you don't agree, you plan to cook. It's obviously a person in the darkness of the kitchen.

In addition to Mo Xiu and other people in the dark kitchen, there are still people in the kitchen, and it is such a sensitive period.

Today's fairy kitchen industry is undergoing tremendous changes. Once the Ditai landlord did not think of the method of treatment, the fairy kitchen industry is likely to decline.

Once the kitchen world is completely declining.

There is no benefit to the step.

The original step is not to accept such a naive kitchen, the other party is still a minor child.

However, the words of Mr. Ru’s sister made him frown and tried to shoot.

The other party said that if the stepping party does not work with them, they will fight with other chefs on the first floor of the kitchen. The current kitchen industry can support not to go away, because the fairy chefs still have hopes.

There is a kitchen belief that supports them.

But if even cooking is deprived...

The people in the kitchen industry really want to collapse.

When a place collapses and spreads to the entire kitchen, the kitchen is really dangerous.

Although the pace does not feel how noble he is, he does not want the kitchen of the fairy to be destroyed.

Therefore, the step chooses to accept the kitchen.


The wind blew past.

The diffuse smoke was blown away.

Step by step out of the restaurant, standing at the door, holding hands, faintly watching the golden boy and Ru sister.

"You are a sinister fairy chef! Actually dare to attack us!"

Jin Tong's face is rising red, and there is a faint anger in his eyes.

He really didn't think that the step would throw out a beef ball. The special one would actually explode. Although it didn't make them hurt, it was because Rujie blocked the fluctuations with the array.

Otherwise, they will be completely lost in the face of the dark kitchen.

"You are the dark cook from the prison."

The step is faint.

"Is it recognized? Are you afraid?"

Jin Tong licked his mouth and grabbed the pot. His eyes were proud of his color.

Ru's face is very dignified, and the pressure on her steps is terrible. It starts with throwing out the explosive beef balls...

Her heart began to envelope a terrible shadow.

Looking at the golden boy, he shook his head.

"No... the chefs in your prison are all urinary, always thinking about persuading people to fight."

"Well, I promise you to the kitchen...but I hope you don't let me down, even if it is a kitchen, please give me a surprise."


Jin Tong’s eyes suddenly brightened.

He was afraid that the step would not agree, then he could not have the **** of the kitchen to witness everything.

Now that the steps have been promised, it will be easier!

"You will feel desperate... The story of this golden boy coming to the fairy kitchen world will start from you!"

Jin Tong grinned, the next moment, the heart moved.

A terrible wave of volatility spreads out, and it fills the gap and falls on the steps.

Step by step, walked out of the restaurant.

Let this brilliance envelope him.

The next moment, the day is above.

It is a phantom.

The illusion was quickly congested in the void, and finally turned into a familiar kitchen.

Looking at the **** of the kitchen, the gaze of the step is slightly condensed.

This stuff...somewhat strange.

But today's step is not qualified to study.

"You have promised the kitchen! You can't go back!" Jin Tong seems to be afraid of stepping on the bill and stalking the neck.

"Know it, kid."

Step by step, said with no expression.

Jin Tong seems to be very sensitive. Others call him a little boy. After hearing the words of the step, his eyes are red!

"I am not a kid! I am a golden boy, the youngest one in the nine-turn kitchen!"

The golden boy is like a cat that has been stepped on the tail, and is called out with anger.

"That's not a little boy..." Step by step licked his mouth, making it a child's favorite.

The step shook his head.

"Come on, I am in a hurry... After the kitchen is finished, I will study new dishes."

Step by step.

Jin Tong also calmed down at this time.

Rujie retreated to the side, and there were also chefs around.

The people of the family have come to the fore.

When they rushed to the children's home, the children's family had been turned into ruins, and along the traces, they chased here.

I just saw this scene.

The public transport class is responsible for this time.

Seeing a little fart kid actually fighting in the pace of the boss, the face suddenly showed a strange color.

"Brother... Are they fighting?"

The public transport 芸 returned to the first floor of the fairy kitchen industry very early, so did not see the scene of the step in the fairy tree space and Liu Mobai kitchen, do not understand the horror of the step.

At this moment, there are concerns about the steps.

"It seems that this little boy and the woman, that is, the child is invincible and ruined the half of the children's family. When they appear, they come to the boss to find trouble... I really don't know if they are stupid or stupid..." The public shift shook his head.

Today, he is almost enthusiastic about the steps.

That is a enchanting singer from the lower bound, with one's own strength, to turn over the entire kitchen, even the dark kitchen has turned over!

His current confidence in the step is better than himself.

"Let's look at it well, look at the step boss... how to teach the little boy."

The public transport class stopped the public losers, and it was far from watching the kitchen.

Xuanyuan Xiahui and Xuanyuan are far away, their faces are very complicated.

"Was the step boss can win? This is the invincible child ruined the strong man recruited by half of the children's family, not sure, the invincible child will do this stupid thing?" Xuanyuan said with some concern.

Xuanyuan Xiahui looked at his sister and said nothing.

The boss's excellence is obvious to all. He has confidence in the steps.

It seems that I feel the gaze from the surrounding road.

The face of Jin Tong showed excitement.

He just likes this feeling of great attention.

And he prefers, after victory, the satisfaction that everyone is admired!

"Little kid, smirking something... Prepare the kitchen, quick fix."

Step by step, watching the golden pot, holding a ding pot, smirking, faint.

Jin Tong came back to God, and he snorted. The next moment, the hand swayed, and the black and white kitchen utensils flew out.

As soon as these kitchen utensils appeared, the volatility of the stocks suddenly spread.

There is no doubt that these kitchenware levels are definitely not low.

"I heard that you won the inheritance of my nine turns and a pulse... Hey, this golden boy is going to get back to the scene for me today, so that you can understand the terrible dark kitchen." Turning the lacquered black kitchen knife, the kitchen knife turned, and the knife was shining.

"Oh, then you cheer."

Step back a faint sentence.

"Now... the kitchen begins!"

Ru is standing under the **** of the kitchen and is responsible for the referee of this kitchen.

She announced the beginning of the kitchen.

next moment.

Jin Tong was shouting.

Reach out for a shot in the void.


The emptiness of the void, a portion of the ingredients flew out of the void cracks, exuding terrible fluctuations.

Holding a kitchen knife, a knife is cut across!

Step by step, looking at Jin Tong, the mouth was pumping.

With a heart and soul, the keel chopper was suddenly accompanied by a dragon, and it came to his hands.

Holding the kitchen knife, the momentum on the side of the step suddenly changed.


The golden knife light seems to smash everything from the sky.

Jin Tong feels that he is ashamed and dazzling in front of his eyes.

This made his knife work a lot of disorder...


A piece of bright red spirit beast was taken out by the golden boy, and the golden boy hated it and took a look at it. He planned to start dealing with the spirit of the beast.

Holding a kitchen knife.

Jin Tong took a deep breath.

Step by step, watching the golden boy, the palm of his hand sucked, and then the kitchen knife was rotated in his hand.

A knife across the road.

Step by step is to pull out.

There is also a piece of beef in front of the step, which is left after the last cooking.

Now he just solved it.

"One knife... 斩仙."

Step by step is indifferent.

Holding a kitchen knife, there was a huge illusion behind it, and the terrible pressure burst out from the shadow.

A knife light, as if from the depths of the void.

Everything is shredded, so that everything is constantly broken.


Jin Tong suddenly felt a glimpse of the whole body, and the kitchen knife held was frozen.

The hand that was cutting the beef suddenly trembled, and the knife ran out, causing the original orderly beef to be cut...

So terrible knife!

Golden Boy’s eyes are full of fear.

A knife goes down, and thousands of beef are turned into pieces that are as thin as a flap.

Jin Tong bit his teeth, and his body was filled with a strange atmosphere, as if the heart beats.

Behind it, there are three virtual shadows!

Three turn to the kitchen!

Choose to use the heart of the kitchen today!

Jin Tong burst into a drink and wanted to use the heart of the kitchen to press the pace.

However... the next moment, he was dumbfounded.

Because, in the face of his three turns of the heart of the kitchen.

The step was just pulling the corner of his mouth, his hand rubbing around his waist, and a white jade-like brilliance flashed.

The next moment, the white tiger stove appeared, a tiger scream, almost let Jin Tong not be scared!

With a bang, the stove was lying on the ground, and the Golden Tong kitchen knives seemed to be somewhat unsettled...

Jin Tong looked at the stove, and a terrible killing of the wind came.

The murderous gas, the scared golden boy's legs are shaking.

Step by step, looking at Jin Tong, there was no movement.

Taking a step back, the mouth spouted a group of white flames.

This flame is out.

Jin Tong feels like the air around it is boiling.

He made a snap...

I want to recruit my own fire.

But the ringing finger hit for a long time, the fire came out...

However, it is just a small piece of fire.

The fire is full of fear, as if the flame of the other party is scared, his fire does not dare to move...

How could this be?

Step by step, watching the trembled golden boy, a slight pick at the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, a touch of golden light bursts.

The kitchen knife passed by, and the piece of beef was skyrocketing, and it fell into the Xuanwu pot for a week.

In the basaltic pot, purple garlic is being fried.

A burst of garlic is everywhere.

Hey! !

Beef into the pot.

The step of holding the spatula is to start frying.

The white light shines from time to time, and when it bursts, there is a loud sound.

Can scare the golden boy in the distance!

Jin Tong’s heart is a bit boring, because every cooking step of the step always interrupts his rhythm, making him depressed and wants to vomit blood.

He is just preparing to stir it up.

On the other side of the step is a collision between the Xuanwu pot and the white tiger stove. The sound makes the golden boy of the concentrated body blast open.


The kitchen knife swept, and soon, the fire peppers were cut by him.

Remove the pepper heart that bursts the fire pepper and pour it into the pot.

Other ingredients for the elixir are also poured into it.


Step by step, he also dug a half spoonful of abyss chili sauce into the pot.

Continue to stir fry.

Golden Boy finally managed to keep her heart and started cooking.

But the step of the palm of the hand was shot on the stove, so that the golden boy's face changed again...

far away.

Ru sister looked at Jin Tong, her face was ugly, and it was unbelievable.

Jin Tong was completely suppressed, and the rhythm of almost every step of cooking was interrupted by the fairy chef.

The instigation of each other's steps is stuck in the key position of Golden Boy cooking.

In this way, Jin Tong is likely to lose...

boom! !


The step opened the pot.

In the pot, the hot air is soaring, the spicy taste is pervasive, and the aroma seems to be a giant cow that is filled with empty space.

The giant cows slammed into the ground and soon made a sound of burdock.

In front of the golden boy, a sirloin that was deafening and tearing the eardrum was issued.

If the Thunder collapses!

Everyone is sucking a cold breath.

And the golden boy, shaking his hand, the kitchen knife fell directly on the stove, and made a sound.

Jin Tong’s mouth was pumped.

After two steps back, I sat down on the floor...

I opened my mouth and cried my heart!

in the dark.

Invincible child is dull.

Liu Mobai is also a twitching mouth.

Ru sister is even more pale.

Xuanyuan Xiahui and Xuanyuan are crying and laughing.

The public delivery class smirked...

The little fart child dares to force in front of the step boss?

This time... I was saddened and cried.

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