Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1113: Boiled beef, spicy crying [second more! Seeking a monthly ticket]

Cried? !

Even if it is a step, it is not a slight glimpse.

He didn't think of it... This little kid would actually cook half of the food and sit on the floor and cry.

Seeing the crying screaming exhaustion, the steps feel a little embarrassed.

Is it too bully?

The corner of the square was pumped, but... he was very kind and didn't do any high-grade dishes.

Shake the Xuanwu pot.

The hot air is diffused from the pot, and the sacred image of the giant ox is suspended above the basaltic pot.

There was no excessive movement in the step. He took out the prepared blue-and-white porcelain bowl and poured the dishes from the basalt pot into the bowl.

Of course, this is not a complete dish.

Step by step, watching the golden boy who is still crying.

The step suddenly pulled the corner of the mouth, is this funny? !

The keel kitchen knife started, rotated a circle in his hand, and then slammed down.

A bang was shot on the white tiger's stove.

The voice was so huge that the golden boy who was crying was suddenly stunned and his eyes were full of tears.

Silly looking at the steps.

"Cry and cry.... As a chef, even if you can't hold it until you get a kitchen knife, you have to finish the food, cry... It's a coward's behavior."

Step by step, he looked at Jin Tong and looked cold.

Jin Tong stayed...

Later, he raised his head again and cried.

Jin Tong is really wronged.

This kind of kitchen fight is a shameful kitchen fight. Don't say that he was scared by the step and even the kitchen knife was not stable.

Just the heart of the kitchen that was emitted from the other side, he was scared that he did not dare to move. Every cooking was an important place, and he was scared. The card was depressed to vomiting blood.

He is a genius of the nine-turned kitchen, but he is too young, but now he has completed three turns.

However, he is very proud, so a proud person, but was stepped into the kitchen knife can not hold, the dishes can not do.

Under the oppressive pressure of the step, it was like stupid.

I don’t dare to move.

He also wants to finish the dishes, but... the shackles in his heart make him uncomfortable.

This time cooking, he is simply a mess.

He used his toes to know that he was sure to lose this time...

Who told him that the chef in the kitchen industry is weak?

This level... is stronger than the pressure that his older brother gave him.

The regret of Jin Tong’s heart, I knew that I wouldn’t force it...

Step by step, watching the golden boy who continued to cry, too lazy to pay attention.

Little kid is a kid.

In the restaurant.

Xiao You took Xi Xi out.

Xiao You was wearing a long black dress, and the slender legs of the white scorpion were exposed to the air. She leaned against the door panel, clasped her chest and looked at the cooking.

Xi Xi is holding a long, long legs, looking out his head and watching curiously.

However, the current Xixi is attracted by the golden boy who is sitting on the ground and crying in the distance...

"Is this little boy crying because of the cooking skills of the follow-up mentor?"

Xi Xi held a small long leg, raised his head and asked Xiao You.

A small squint glanced at the golden boy who was sitting on the floor and crying. The red lips whispered: "A little kid, Xixi can't learn this crying."

Hsi nodded.

The mouth is bulging.

Big eyes looked at the golden boy in the distance.

Suddenly, I braved the courage and shouted: "I don’t want to be a crying cry!"

The corner of the step was suddenly pumped, twisted his head and glanced at Xi Xi, who stood next to Xiao You.

"Well, Hirsch."

Step by step.

Hirsch suddenly raised his head proudly.

She will definitely be the most proud student of the step mentor!

Sister Ru listened to the conversation between the step and the little girl, feeling that her face would be lost by the golden boy...

Jin Tong is too smooth and smooth, in the nine turns of the kitchen because of his identity, no one dares to win him, and now to the fairy kitchen, the first kitchen fight is to be abused and crying.

Ru is also somewhat helpless.

Jin Tong seems to have heard the voice of the little girl, suddenly stopped crying, while twitching, while looking at the Greek.

It seems to have heard the words of Hitch.

Jin Tong suddenly stalked his neck.

"I didn't cry!"

After that, I twitched and took a body.

"Shame! I was crying by the step-tortor, I still don't admit it! Shame!" Xixi made a face to the golden boy.

"I didn't cry! This is because... it's hot! He puts chili on me!"

Jin Tongwei argued.

Step by step turned a blind eye.

Chili spicy...

Is the little kid now... is it so skinny?

"Xi Xi, don't talk to him, don't be broken by him, and learn to cry."

Step by step.

Hichton spit out his tongue and snorted.

Jin Tong suddenly became anxious. How could he lose face in front of his sister?

This **** fairy kitchen!

Jin Tong stood up and took the kitchen knife. There were still dry tears and snot on his face, and he stepped on the steps.

The steps faintly glanced at it.

Afterwards, the oil was smashed and sprinkled into the basaltic pot.

laugh! ! !

The sound of deep-fried sound accompanied by the enthusiasm of the steaming, and Jin Tong suddenly was shocked by this sound.

Pour out the golden oil in the pot.

Watered on boiled beef in a blue and white porcelain bowl.

The sound of boiling is very loud.

"Boiled beef... finished."

Step by step, spit out a sigh of relief.

Then take a step back and wipe the water stains on your hands with a white cloth.

The next moment, the step-by-step hand-holding, watching the golden boy.


Jin Tong stayed.

He subconsciously glanced at the mess on his stove...

I also looked at the boiled beef on the table with a golden brilliance. The feeling of frustration suddenly filled my heart.


Jin Tong’s mouth shook and he stopped talking.

He lost, and even the dishes were lost without cooking.

The next moment, Jin Tong was crying again!

He lost!


Was infected by blood!

Good grievances, want to cry!

Watching the golden boy crying again...

Ru sister's mouth slammed a bit, Jin Tong young master... What is your special water?

Everyone is looking at each other and is a little bit smirking.

Invincible and invincible, and then looked at Liu Mobai, who was hateful.

"This is what you said can kill the steps? Is this your funny?"

The child is invincible and angry, and his anger almost rises to his face!

"I..." Liu Mobai opened his mouth and he didn't know what to say.

Is this a summoning of a group?

It’s also a genius and enchanting genius

In the kitchen, I was actually crying and crying.

Liu Mobai was silent and didn't want to talk.


Thunderclouds swept through.

There is no doubt that this is a penalty for the steps.

Looking at the thunder, the golden boy cried even more.

A thunder rang out.

The next moment, Lei Guang shot down.

Xiaobai rushed to the sky and began to swallow the thunder.

This thunder penalty is quite satisfactory, but the triple thunder penalty will be offset by the step in a short while.

The thunder was over, and the white elephant was drunk and drunk.

There is no doubt that this time the kitchen step has won.

However, this is the most speechless kitchen that Step has encountered so far.

The steps can't feel the joy of the slightest victory, and some only... laugh and cry.

It’s boring to abuse a child.

The step decides that the next time I will never fight with the little boy.

Winning is not glorious.

The **** of the kitchen fight has no suspense to decide who the winner of the kitchen is.

The golden boy who was sitting on the floor and crying, suddenly cried more.

Because of the three turns of the kitchen, the heart of his body was broken two times...

In a kitchen fight, he was beaten back to the original shape.

This cries, lingering around the restaurant.

The people around you who are watching the crowd want to laugh, but they can’t laugh, they are all squatting.

Xuanyuan Xiahui and Xuanyuan are crying and laughing.

Cooperating with them, they were still worried about the boss, but they are also so enchanting, they don’t need to worry.

Holding a steaming boiled beef, he glanced at the golden boy who was still crying in the distance, and suddenly frowned.

"do not Cry!"

The figure of the step flashed, and it appeared in front of Jin Tong.

A faint look at the golden boy.

"If you lose, you will lose. Crying will not help. What you want to think about is how to be unbeaten in the future."

Step by step looking at Jin Tongdao.

Later, the blue and white porcelain bowl with boiled beef was placed in front of the golden boy.

"Eat, see where you are defeated."

Said the step.

Jin Tong stopped crying, Zhang Da eyes, watching the exudes Guanghua dishes.

I have to say that this dish looks so beautiful.

The cooks in the dark kitchen do not care about the beauty of the dishes, mainly about the taste and effect.

So it is also known as dark food.

Jin Tong has never seen this kind of dish before. This time, I saw that it was really attracted.

The hand trembled and picked up the chopsticks.

Golden Boy caught a piece of pink beef.

The beef is steamy and full of rich aroma.

Jin Tong wiped his nose and then stuffed the piece of beef into his mouth.

An entrance to the piece of meat.

Jin Tong was a little sluggish. The next moment, a face was red.


Tears are screaming.

Everyone is speechless...

Why are you crying again? !

But this time, Jin Tong didn't mean to cry, nor was it wronged...

But it’s really spicy...

This boiled beef is so hot that he doubts life.

Jin Tong cried while chewing, although spicy, but delicious so that he could not give up.

With a bang, the piece of meat was swallowed into the mouth.

Jin Tong's lips are all red and swollen.

The stepping party pulled the corner of the mouth and felt a little speechless.

The next moment, a shot on the head of Jin Tong.

Suddenly a dark black flame burst out and he was caught in his hand.

"The kitchen is defeated, you should know the consequences, but because you are a kid, I want you to be a flame... the other you keep."

Said the step.

Jin Tong raised his head and his eyes were tearful.

He has been so hot that he can't understand the steps and said that he is awkward.

The step shook his head, opened his mouth, stuffed the black flame into the mouth, chewed it and swallowed it.

Around the people, Zhang opened his mouth and looked at the steps with horror.

Ru is even more full of ghosts!

What did she see? !

Did she actually see the steps to eat the golden boy's flame?

Jin Tong lost his kitchen and was deprived of the fire. It is understandable...

However, what is the special thing is the smoldering fire, the high temperature of the fire, so eat it?

Is this a monster? !

The stepping party was full, and spit out a suffocating sigh. Then he took the hand and decided to walk towards the restaurant.

I won a kitchen without any pressure, and there was no wave in the heart of the step.

Jin Tong was in tears and sat on the ground eating boiled beef.

I shed tears while eating, but the more I shed tears, the more I want to eat...

People around don't know what to say.


Above the scorpio, there was a roar of sound.

The next moment, a figure crashed down from the sky, and the air was torn apart.

A loud noise.

The figure landed, and the ground was all stepped on and collapsed.

The hair of the Ditai border is full of golden hair floating in the wind, and the robe on the body is constantly swinging.

in the dark.

The invincible face of the child suddenly changed.

"It's the Lord!!"

Liu Mobai’s gaze is also shrinking. In this dangerous moment, how can the landlords of the kitchen industry appear here? !

The Ditai landlord seemed to feel a sense of heart, looked up, and his eyes fell in the darkness of the distance.

I saw through the children invincible and Liu Mobai.

However, the Ditai community did not pay attention to them at all, and the final gaze fell on the steps.

Seeing a lot of vicissitudes, not playing the Ditai master of the art of red fruit, the step is also frowning.

Obviously, the changes in the kitchen industry have given him a lot of pressure.

Ditai landlord looked at the step and looked at the golden boy who was crying while eating boiled beef. His eyes were condensed.

Turn around and walk towards the restaurant.

"The guards on the first floor listened to the two people who came from the prison, and waited for the Lord to handle the matter and come to you."

The Ditai landlord said that after he finished, he stepped into the restaurant.

In the distance, the public transport class and other people were very fearful. They heard the orders of the Ditai landlord and started to arrest Ru and Jin Tong.

The invincible face of the child suddenly changed dramatically, and the turn was to escape.

Liu Mobai's figure is also hidden in the darkness.

However, the public losers have already noticed them and sent people to chase them up.

"Small step... Enter the restaurant, close the door, I have serious words to tell you."

Step by step.

Then nodded, did not speak, returned to the restaurant.

The door slammed the restaurant door closed.

Once in the restaurant, the whole person of Ditai was lying on the chair.

The pace seems to have also sensed the seriousness of the matter.

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