Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1263: Head iron's soul-wounding powerhouse [first! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】


The sound of a tooth tremble suddenly rang from the ring.

Step by step, standing in the same place, the face is as usual, the same.

On the other side of him, it is the hair that hangs down, shades the eyes, and looks pale as a thin paper.

The atmosphere is so embarrassing in an instant.

The sound of the teeth trembled from the mouth of the little holy.

When the voice came out, everyone was stunned, and everyone looked at the platform with a big eye.

what happened?

Has the little cook yet lost?

It is a great possibility that he will become a fool when he is invaded by the spirit of Xiao Sheng in the spirit world. Does he resist?

Everyone present knows the horror of the soul-stricken world, so it is hard to believe that the steps can survive in the hands of Xiao Sheng in the soul-sounding world.

The little holy in the soul world, the main attack is the mental power, for the step, this should be fatal.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, the step is nothing but a half-sacred.

The spiritual power of the semi-sacred is weaker than the little holy, and naturally cannot resist the invasion.

"How is the outcome?!"

"It seems that I can't see who won."

"I feel so depressed..."


Everyone is wide-eyed and looks over the ring. They don't know what the final outcome will be.


Some people have sharp eyes and their eyes shrink.

Because they saw the move.

Step by step, the finger slightly moved, and then raised his hand, pointing to the eyebrows of Xiao Sheng in the soul world, a light bullet.

The latter's figure squatted back a few steps and sat down on the ground.


The little sacred eyes of the soul-stricken world were dull, raised their hands, and patted their hands with their hands, and their faces showed no stupidity, and there was a slap in the mouth.

This scene, let everyone **** a cold breath.

What is the situation?

This time, the strong parties are shocked...

It’s incredible.

Judging from the current situation, it seems silly that the little sage of the soul world...

Seeing the stupid little soul of the soul-stricken world, everyone felt awesome.

The spiritual power of Xiaosheng invaded the spiritual power of the semi-sacred, and eventually the stupidity was actually a little holy, and he was still good at the spiritual control of the little holy.

Are they really blind?

"How could this be the case?! How could the soul of the eight be lost? How can you miss a half-san?"

In the soul world.

All the strong people are shocked, and the woman who is headed is even more blind.

They are too familiar with the appearance of the soul eight, it is the performance of dementia, the dementia that will be degraded after the mental power is completely destroyed.

According to common sense, shouldn't this happen to the half-sacred body?

How can this happen?

"Is it the rebellion of the ghost slave?"

The head of the woman’s heart could not help but think.

The ghost slaves of the soul eight are not famous, and it is likely to be countered by the ghost slaves when they swallowed the half-sacred spirit.

This is possible.

If this is the case, it will be able to explain why Soul Eight is demented.

Of course, she is not willing to believe that it is the semi-sanctification that led to the dementia of the soul eight.

In her opinion, this is totally impossible.

After all, the soul is eight... good is a little holy.

The gaze of the step was clear and the neck was twisted.

Looking at the stupid, the little sage who lost his wisdom, his eyes suddenly showed a strange color.

The latter is really not dead and will not die.

If he doesn't get into the spirit of the step, the step is to deal with him, it's really not that simple.

The ghost knows that the deal actually runs into his spiritual sea.

Isn't that looking for death?

Because of the loss of mental strength, the repairs of the latter's body will begin to slowly dissipate and will die soon.

There is no way for this. Spiritual power is the foundation of man.

Connected to the soul, the mental power is broken, it is equal to the soul collapse, not far from death.

The konjac leader returned to the ring.

He accidentally looked at the steps and did not seem to think that the step actually won so easily...

"The winner... the kitchen of the fairy."

The konjac commander carefully examined the state of the soul eight.

Later, the strongest in the soul-stricken world couldn’t wait to rush into the ring and bring back the soul.

The woman who led the head, stretched out the palm of her hand and pressed it on the head of the soul eight.


A faint invisible wave spread.

"Well? The soul and the spirit are shattered at the same time... The soul eight is actually suffering from the ghost slaves, and should be with the ghost slaves."

The strong man in the soul world is cold and cold.

"It’s really letting the kid go out of the dog. You look at the kid’s confused face. Obviously, I don’t know how I won now.”

The other strong people in the soul-sounding world said that the test was done.

The head of the strong spit out a sigh of relief, his eyes solidified a lot.

Later, I turned to look at a young man on the side.

"Soul III... This is your game! Your ghost slave is the most loyal, and it is impossible to have a ghost slave." Remember, this time you must make this kid... a fool!"

Said the woman.

The sound of the yin measurement made everyone's body shake, and then everyone gave a sharp laugh.

"No problem... Boss... Waiting for my good news, I am not the waste of the soul."

The young man laughed.

The toes are a little on the ground, but the figure is like a ghost, and it floats above the platform and stands in front of the step.

The white robe hangs down, his hands are stiff and fall on the waist, the hair is rewinding, his eyes are black...

"Oh... another one?"

Step by step blinked.

"Don't think that winning a soul eight is invincible. The power of my soul-seeking world is not the semi-sanctification of a three-stream world in your district..."

Soul III said that his voice was hoarse and unruly.

The konjac leader swept his eyes and finally announced the start of the game.

Step by step, spit out a sigh of relief.

The eyes are condensed.

The next moment, the young man opposite, was once again turned into a black smoke, and swept in an instant, like a whale swallowing into his head.

"Do you come here again?"

The face of the step suddenly became extremely strange.

This person who wanders the soul world... will it be such a trick?

Under the stage.

The strong people in the soul-sounding world are all looking at the yin test, and they are expecting to see the situation after the mental power of the step is crushed.

They are eager to see the steps as a fool.

The soul of the three shots, absolutely foolproof.

They are waiting...


Spiritual sea.

There is a figure.

The golden dragon who is yawning is suddenly staying.

"Another one? The spirit of the small host is really very lively..."

When the words fall, the dragon claws are extended again.

In the spirit of the sea, there is only the tragic voice of the chaotic soul-stricken world.


Above the ring.

This time, the step is too lazy to enter the spirit sea.

His heart moved.

A chair was taken from the system space bag and placed on the platform.

I was sitting in a chair with ease and took out a little spiritual fruit, eating it without delay.

Not far from him, it is the one who is staring at him and staring at him.

The calm appearance of the steps makes everyone look strange.

Is this guy giving up resistance?

He knows that he can't stop it, so he chooses to die.

But... always feels weird...


The soul has moved three times.

The face suddenly appeared in horror, and then he stepped back a few steps, sitting on the ground with his ass, and his body shape rolled.

Finally, I was stunned, my face was dull...

The appearance of this scene, so that everyone is sucking a cold breath.


It has appeared again.

That soul three... is also stupid.

As soon as the spirit of the soul saw this situation, each of them suddenly exploded.

How can it be!

How could it be like this!

The incomparable loyalty and stability of the ghosts of the soul three are unlikely to happen.

Why is Soul San stupid?

Looking at his appearance, it should also be that the mental power is torn.

That kid is like nothing...

How could this be!

The strong guys in the soul-stricken world are all smashed up.

The calm look of the steps makes them feel like the anger is burning in the chest!

I can't wait to completely shred the steps!

"Damn! Soul three this waste... The most loyal to the slaves... The result is still the result, one waste!"

The woman who is headed by the soul-stricken world is furious.

"Will the soul three be killed by the ghost slaves left by the soul eight?"

Someone raised this idea.

Suddenly, I received a consistent recognition.

All the strong players in the soul world nodded.

This is possible.

The soul is defiated by the ghosts, and the ghost slave may remain in the mind of the kid, ready to devour the spirit sea of ​​the kid, the soul three went in again, so there was another big battle...

In the end, the ghost slave of Soul Eight swallowed the soul three...

"It really makes this kid go for a dog!"

The strong man in the soul world is cold and cold.


The woman moved.

The white robe floated up and suddenly turned into a ghost, appearing on the ring.

Around her body, there is a ghost of the yin measurement suspended.

"It’s just that the old lady will send you on the road."

The woman said coldly.

The step looked at the woman and stuffed the flesh in her hand into the mouth. She chewed for a while and spit out a shell.

"This woman is the leader of the soul world, very strong!"

"Yeah... People call the charm one, self-proclaimed genius enchanting in the prison... In the first-class small world, it is also the top strong."

"This little cook should be dead this time!"


The people around him saw the woman who was in the soul world.

There have been turmoil.

This woman is on stage.

Everyone’s eyes are tightening.

Whether it is the strongest in the King Kong world, or the strongest in hell, it is still the Wing Man Valley, the West Small Buddha World, and even the strongest of the Abyss is sucking cold.

They stared at the battle on the ring, as if they wanted to see what the final result was.


The yin wind blew up and lingered.

Later, the woman turned into a black smoke and broke into the spirit of the sea.

Come again?

The step turned over and rolled his eyes.

It is also entering the spiritual sea.

This strong soul of the soul world is really... the head of the iron!

They are stupid with two teammates. Why do they have to rush into his spiritual sea?

Is it to find abuse?

In the spirit of the step, there is a spirit of the kitchen **** suit, and there is a **** to read the shadow of the shadow, these guys' spiritual strength can not form any harm to him.

This woman has a shot.

There was a lot of screaming in the soul world.

Everyone's face is full of excitement.

Obviously, they should think that the woman’s shot must be foolproof.

Grab a curse and take a bite.

Looking around, squinting against the strong souls of the soul-stricken world.

That look, let the strong people of the soul-stricken world gradually lose the cheers, one by one, looking at the steps.

Yeah, cheering.

In case the boss also failed?

Their idea just came out!

A tragic sigh was passed from the woman's mouth.


The woman bleeds seven times, squats back, grabs her head, and constantly swings her body.


One step at a time, this woman did not suddenly become a fool.

However, when I thought about it, I also understood that the loss of the first two strong people also made women jealous.

The latter entered his spiritual sea, perhaps just using a seven-point force.

There are still three cents of mental power left in the body.

However, now because of the seven points that entered his spiritual sea, it was destroyed by the Golden Dragon.

Therefore, this woman will have a reflexive situation.

"You... you actually condensed the mind... your spirit in the sea... what monsters there are!"

The woman bleeds seven times, and the whole person appears to be more horrible and embarrassed.

When her words came out, some people in the whole place were staying for a while.

God read?

Half-sacred area... How could it condense the mind?

Step by step, the last psychic fruit is stuffed into the entrance.

I licked the water stains in my hands.

The gaze squinted at the woman.

The next moment, the spirit of the sea suddenly set off a storm.

boom! !

Later, the mind of the step is suddenly surging.


Spiritual sea, God's imaginary eyes closed, golden light.

Above the ring, everyone is gazing.

Take a cold breath.

All of them suddenly felt a terrible pressure, and the pressure forced them to make the breathing fast.

God read...

It’s really a god’s pressure!


The body of the step is blooming.

Above the head.

A huge **** of phantom suddenly emerged.

Step by step, holding hands, at this moment, like a god...

When God read it, the audience was shocked.

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