Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1264: Team semi-final rules [second! 】

God read...

That is a manifestation of spiritual strength to the extreme.

Mental strength is divided into three levels, the sense of God, the mind, the soul...

Most of the enchanting geniuses present, such as the legal monk of the Western Buddhism, the leader of the Wing Man Valley, the leader of the Soul of the Soul, etc., are nothing but the level of consciousness.

There is still a distance from the gods.

But who can think of this semi-Sacred cook from the fairy kitchen world, actually has a god.

It is simply contrary to common sense and it is difficult to understand.

Looking at the top of the ring, the body was full of golden awns, above the top of the head, a golden ghost with a similar resemblance to the steps, and the people in the room felt a suffocation.

At this time, they realized that why the step can be an enemy and four, and they can fight for the four big and small, and they can create miracles in the competition.

It turns out that everything is because the mental power of the step is so much stronger than theirs!

The strong man in the soul-stricken world has already been scared, and the seven bleeds are horrified.

God read?

It’s not just about God...

If she is only a god, she will not be able to retire, and she will not bleed.

Although she did not condense her thoughts, she also gathered a sense of God.

Spiritual power fights, fights, can't run?

The scary thing is... she can’t run away...

The spirit of the little cook has a big horror!

Step by step, holding hands, and bursting into the golden mans.

A faint look at the strong man who swims in the soul world.



God is moving.

The golden **** above the head suddenly found a hand and turned it into a finger to the strong man who was in the soul world.

The pressure of terror allowed the latter to move.

The mental power is broken and the sense of God is broken. She has to resist the attack of God, and she cannot.

boom! !

One finger down.

The tragic voice suddenly resounded.

The horrible gods are constantly suppressing.

The strong man in the spirit world suddenly burst into a golden fire, and the flame burned.

In the eyes of everyone.

The strong man who wandered the soul world, as if there was an invisible soul energy in his body, his eyes gradually became sluggish...

Afterwards... the golden glow of the whole body disappeared.

The leader of the wandering world... is also completely blinded to dementia.

The kitchen **** suit is a secret of the step, the secret is known, and the step is naturally hand.

God is gone.

The fin feather gown on the step side also slowly descended.

With a negative hand, I look at the stupid woman in the light.

Gently spit out a breath.

The konjac commander came quickly and turned into a stream that fell on the ring.

His eyes stared at the steps with amazement, this time it was really shocking, to know that even if he was, it only condensed the sense of God.

Don't say that God has read it, even the shadow of God's thoughts has not been seen.

But in front of this cook, a half-sacred cook, actually condensed the mind.

This may be the so-called...genius.

The cooking of the cook requires mental strength. This cook may be a gift.

Otherwise, it is impossible to become such a savvy cook.


Step by step.

The konjac commander returned from the horror and nodded to the step.

"Team competition, the world of the kitchen industry, the winner of the game, the winner... the kitchen, the kitchen industry officially became one of the top ten team competitions, entered the semi-finals."

The konjac commander said.

Under the stage.

Everyone was stagnant, and then couldn't help but face each other.

So advanced?

So simple?

Isn't it true that the world of travel is a first-class small world?

How is it easier to deal with the Black Wind continent?

Ink smoke, Zhu Yan and others are very aggressive, and the look of the soul-seeking world is very weird.

Is this a first-class small world? It doesn't seem to be very good either. It's too easy for them to lie down and win.

Xian kitchen world.

The entire square is suppressing laughter.

This team competition is a bit too easy. This so-called sorcerer's world seems to have some vain names. The legend can compare the small world of the small Buddha world in the West. It is very weak.

The strong men of the Western Buddhism in the world of Buddhism have changed their minds.

Concentrated on the mind, easily swept the soul world.

This strength is enough for everyone to re-recognize the power of this cook.

Some people can't help feeling.

This is the real example of a person propping up a world!

The end of the competition.

Convenient steps are negative, and leisurely walked down the ring.

But he did not leave.

It is under the crowd and everyone is waiting.

There are still a few games in the ring game, and after the next few games, the konjac commander will announce the semi-final match of tomorrow's ring game.

The konjac leader has previously revealed that the semi-finals will not continue to be a competition...

If it is for other ways of playing, then you have to pay attention.

The step also hopes to break into death and compete with the strongest of the prison.

Of course, the purpose of the step is to be able to meet the strongest of the prison, to get a heart of the Holy Ghost, to make up for Xiao Bai.

Therefore, he does not want to be eliminated.

The step went down the ring.

However, this time, no one looked down on him any more.

Although the physical training of the step is not strong, but with the mind, this shows that the talent of the latter is absolutely extraordinary.

This kind of strong, once he stepped into the realm of the little holy, the speed of improvement is absolutely very fast.

At this moment, there are also strong people who did not have the first-class small world in their eyes.

The steps were very calm, standing on the bottom and watching the game on the ring.

Today's business has ended prematurely, so the step is to have a leisurely look at the game.

This is also his first serious watch.

In the final round of the competition, the final team of the top ten teams will be decided.

The players on both sides embarked on the downfall.

Seeing the people on both sides, the eyes suddenly condensed.

"Abyss? King Kong?"

Looking at the two teams, the face suddenly became strange.

I did not expect that the last place in the competition was actually between the two teams.

It was the abyss and the King Kong world that killed him yesterday. As a result, they have to fight for the quota today.

However, the King Kong sector is clearly at a disadvantage.

Mainly, the King Kong community was originally very strong. There was King Kong, the pillar of the top small strong man sitting in the town, the power is not weak compared to the soul of the soul.

However, in the battle with the step, King Kong’s column was killed by the white tiger’s body.

The other two little saints were seriously injured in the attack yesterday.

They are now facing abyss and it seems to be dangerous.

Yesterday's attack, King Kong was punished, all players' individual qualifications were cancelled, so the team competition became their only hope.

They don't want to go home in this way.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a shopping today.

The moment of the battle broke out.

Although the little Saint of King Kong was injured.

But to deal with the abyss, you still have to play.

After all, the abyss appeared in the small holy realm.

The semi-holy of King Kong is not as enchanting as the step, and can be an enemy and a small Saint.

boom! !

Breathing in the sky.

Knife light cluster...

The battle on the ring broke out instantly.

The little holy king of the King Kong world and the little holy war of the abyss are together.

The moment of the battle triggered the blood of the audience.

This battle will determine the last place, so many people are very concerned.

Hey! ! !


Everyone's eyes are tight.

Inhale the air.

A huge head rises from the sky, and the **** eruption.

The strong head of the King Kong world was cut off by the strong abyss with a sickle.

The skull fell to the ground, not rolling...

The audience was silent and the blood was spreading.

The strong man in the abyss smiled coldly.

Put away the sickle and walked down the ring.

King Kong...and a fallen little Saint.

The strongmen of the King Kong world are stunned, and they are almost all wrapped up in anger.

second round.


The strong recruits of the abyss are killers.

Another strong man in the King Kong world was cut off his head...

The third game...

King Kong has abstained.

The abyss successfully advanced.

The abyss that has been killed all the way has also entered the top ten team and advanced to the semi-finals of the team competition.

The thick and **** abyss of the abyss is standing on the platform, and it seems like a long knife at a time, sparkling with sharp eyes.

The top ten teams have stepped onto the downfall.

There is no doubt a strong lineup.

West Buddhism, Wing Man Valley, Abyss, Hell...

Waiting for the small world.

A first-class small world.

Of course, there are also a few second-rate small worlds, and a third-rate small world.

So many small worlds together formed the team that entered the semi-finals.

The semi-final, extremely cruel, is well known, only three teams can reach the finals, facing the two team teams in the prison.

The konjac leader stood in the ring.


The sound of a broken road resounded.

Later, the figures of the road broke through the air and landed on the ring.


The powerful atmosphere suddenly spread, so that the strongest of every team is gaze.

The little Saints present were basically a little Saint.

They are the top powers and enchanters in every small world.

Representing the participation of small worlds.

However, in the face of the four figures that fell on the ring, they all felt a burst of depression.

This is the four prisoners of hell.

The golden horn of the corpse and the golden horn of the purple cucurbit.

There is also a pink hair with a pink hair and a hot and attractive sight.

There is also Yuji, who is in charge of order, carrying a huge overlord epee.

These four people are quite familiar with the steps.

So when I saw them, the steps made a slight sigh.

The **** prisoner, the step party finally saw it again.

At the beginning of the kitchen, these **** prisoners were oppressed by the will of heaven, and the power could not be fully displayed, but it was also very powerful.

It is the strength of what they see today.

Each of them is the top powerhouse of the little saint, although the breath is much weaker than the original goddess city.

However, as the strongman who suppressed the martial arts heavenly battle field, it was enough.

"The semi-finals and individual competitions of the team competition will be held tomorrow."

The announcement of the rules was a golden angle.

The burly figure stands tall and stands, it is the golden horn that makes people feel extremely oppressive, and their eyes are swept away.

"The rules for the semi-finals of the team competition tomorrow will change. The team competition is a group. It is certainly impossible to show them completely in the competition, so the rules have been changed."

"The semi-final venue of the team competition starts from the Huangquan River outside the Forbidden City and goes to the source of the Huangquan River, Huangquan Town. Each team will master a jade plate. The jade plate has two colors, black and white. Two words with prison."

"When I arrived in Huangquan Town, I had a team with two sets of Hell in the hands. If there were five teams to get the jade plate, I only took the top three, but I guess, you can't get the five teams... because... From the beginning of the semi-final, it is the fate of life and death, this semi-final, does not limit the killing ... ... all the only jade plate theory, there is no jade word of the word of hell, even if you kill all the teams, can not advance. ”

Jin Jiao said that the gas is full and domineering.

The sound is full of sound.

It is to let everyone **** up a cold breath.

Wei Yu Pan theory, not limited to the semi-final of killing...

Just listening to the rules is a horrible feeling.

"Huangquan Town is on the other side of the Huangquan River. When you need to cross the river, you will also need to cross the river. In addition, the friendship reminds that the Huangquan River is mostly a natural treasure. If you encounter any natural materials in the process of going, you can also get it. Because this is your chance, of course... there are also disasters in the organic world, all kinds of beasts, all kinds of disasters will await you."

"No matter what, what we want to see... is the combination of the site and the prison."

Jinjiao carried his hand and faintly said.

"This is the ruling day road race, team competition... semi-final, cruel game."

The words of the Golden Horn fell.

Everyone feels that a large stone is suppressed in his heart and his eyes are tightened.

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