Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1271: Our account, the calculation of the third! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】


All the audience was shocked!

How did he do that? !

That is a group of beautiful spiders!

Surrounded by so many beautiful spiders, even if it is a second turn, I am afraid to drink hate, but the little cook actually killed a **** road!

A knife down.

A beautiful spider is under the knife and is smashed into two halves.

Only the beauty spider king who swallowed up the winged valley powerhouse, seriously injured and escaped.

What happened just now?

Everyone seems to be a bit arrogant, obviously a dead end, why is this little cook actually broken so easily?

and also……

What is Nicholas Shuai Long?

Who took the name of such a mentally retarded person?

The blonde stepped and killed almost all the beauty spiders.

Standing in the same place, the blonde fluttered, hands on hips, a light smile.

That look, so that everyone who was shocked has come back to God, and his face has a strange color.

Is this the expressionless indifferent little cook they know?

Say good face?

Your laughing mouth is going to be paralyzed.

Feeling that their cognition of the step is completely broken.

At this time, many people also summed up the law, as long as the hair of the step has changed color, the character of the little cook will also change.

Black hair step, face, indifference, not happy words.

White hair step, proud, high cold, murderous.

The blonde step... that is a narcissistic teasing, or a kind of teasing, Nicholas Shuailong... the taste is getting lower.

The body of the land, exudes a strong dead air, so that the entire scope is shrouded in a suffocating atmosphere.


The hair of the blonde step is slowly changing.

His laughter suddenly stopped, and then he showed a stunned color.

"Why don't you let Ben Long's glory stay in the world..."

The words fell.

The blonde is all turned black.

The temperament of the whole person has also become cold.

Step by step, spit out a sigh of relief.

Raise your hand and lick some stiff face.

The golden dragon is so funny, always laughing, the muscles on his face are not used to it...

The mental strength has recovered a lot, and the step feels above the body, and a strong breath is spreading.


In the eyes of the strongest in the Dragon Heaven.

The breath of the step, from the half-step sacred scene, suddenly stepped into a small sacred realm, and stabilized.

Step by step, he glanced at the corpse of the audience, and his brow suddenly wrinkled.

A heart move.

The wings of the strong man of the wing, he was thrown to the ground by him.

This ingredient...he doesn't like it.

After all, he is a human being. Although the strong man of the Wing Man Valley is a bird, it is also a human. If the wings are made into vegetables, they should eat it.

"Do you want to move on? You are seriously injured now. If you move on, it will be difficult to survive."

Step by step to see the strongest of the Dragon Heaven, and said.

The strongest of the Dragon Heavens took a deep look at the steps.

He stood up and licked his chest.

The hand trembled.

Suddenly a white jade plate appeared in the hands.

The jade plate was handed to the step, saying: "This jade plate will be handed over to you, thank you for your life-saving grace... This game, I will abstain from this, I hope that you can come to the end."

Step by step, looked at the dragon's strongman with a blank expression, nodded.

I took the jade plate.

This jade plate is also white, and he is not a pair, so for the step, the effect is not great.

But better than nothing.

Put the jade plate away.

The strongest of the Dragon Heavens took a deep look at the steps. The latter glanced around the dead bodies, and spit out a deep sigh of relief.

It was suddenly shot and disappeared into the jungle.

The strongman of Dragon Heaven has left.

Step by step, holding hands, slowly slamming on the ground.

The picking fruit was picked and transplanted into the pastoral world.

"This stuff like a snake beast is like a baby, but it can be transplanted, and later eat snacks for small flowers."

I thought of the heart of the step.

After everything was finished, the posture of the step was moving.

An explosive force suddenly broke out, and the shape of the step was like a thunder, and it burst out.

The strength of the flesh is ten times stronger than that of the semi-holy.

Although the nine-strong thunder robbery is terrible, the benefits are unquestionable after spending it.

If today's stepper encounters the strongest in the King Kong world, even if you don't use the yin and yang arm, you can harden the opposite side.

His strength has grown too much.

Of course, the growth of infuriating in the body is also very terrible.

"Now I can move on... Now the goal is to enter the finals, get the heart of St. Mind, and fix the white."

I thought of the heart of the step.

Later, the figure disappeared into the jungle.


At the end of the jungle.

Boom! !

A roar of sound rang out.

Four of them were covered in golden awns, and the monks wearing red scorpions flew out and fell to the ground.

Behind them are three winged wingswings and four abyss strong men wrapped in **** robes.

The legal monk's face is extremely cold, his hands are close together, and he is staring at the Wing Man Valley Powerhouse and the Abyss Powerhouse.

"Amitabha, Wing Man Valley, you and the abyss of the killing devil collusion, kill me the West Buddha small Buddha community, this kind of hatred, the monk I will not easily forgive ..."

The legal face is very cold.

Their Western Buddhism is also a first-class small world, and it has fallen into the trap of the abyss and the strong people of the Wing Man Valley.

If not a younger brother blocked his two small world attacks with his life.

Their strong men in the Western Buddhism world may really have to fall.

These hatreds can't be easily calculated.

The strong man of the Wing Man Valley spread his wings and smiled gently.

"It’s not a Western Buddhism, so you didn’t kill you... it’s a pity.”

The strong man in the abyss grabbed a **** spear with one hand and pouted a smile.

"It’s useless... you’ve all been poisoned by my abyss, and now the strength can’t be played seven layers... give up.”


The legal monk is gloomy.

Behind them, it is the **** yellow spring river.

They have been forced to retreat.

They knew that this semi-final was very dangerous, but they didn't think it was so dangerous.

Oh la la...

Among the jungle.

Another sound of breaking the air broke out.

Several figures flew out.

The inferno squad's strong man fell on the open space, looking indifferently watching the distant winged valley strong and abyss strong.

The Hell Squad is also united with a first-class small world, a small world that is the vassal world of hell.

I had a good relationship with Hell, so I followed Hell.

The Hell Squad is also the only team that has collected the white jade plate and the black jade plate.

For this battle of vendetta, the **** squad naturally has to avoid how far.

They didn't want to be involved in this battle.

boom! ! !

The battle between the Western Buddhism and the Wing Man Valley and the Abyss Valley is an explosion.

The horror of the breath suddenly filled the surrounding.

The Huangquan River suddenly exploded, and the waves surged!

The ground is cracked.

The abyss strong and bloody, the spears throw out, as if there is a **** lightning cross, to tear the sky.

The Wing Man Valley strong man holds a silver cross sword and stands in front of him, his hair fluttering.

Face the holy brilliance.

The cross sword suddenly fell.

The strong men of the Western Buddhist small Buddha community are against the poison of the body and resisting bravely.


The Buddha-Van Vatican sings, and the legal monk sits on his knees.

Behind it, a Buddha lying on the side suddenly emerged. The Buddha took a finger and slammed against the spear and the cross of the Light Sword.

A loud noise! !

The Buddha is shaking and his arm is broken!

The spear trembled a little and spread out.

Although the Cross Holy Light Sword is bleak, the power is not diminished, and it is straightforward toward the legal affairs.

Under the sword, the Buddha’s head is left!


The four monks in the Western Buddhism world vomited blood, and their bodies fell backwards. They fell to the bottom, coughing blood in the mouth, and their breath was wilting.

They are all desperate...

They are extremely poisonous, and they can't stop the joint venture between Wing Man Valley and the Abyss.

"You guys!"

The legal monk is still stunned, and there is no such joy in eating food before the stall.

This scene was passed to the small worlds by the image method.

Many small worlds are silent.

The Western Buddhist small Buddha world is even more furious, the Buddha's number is resounding, and the sound of the Buddha's voice is deafening.

But they can't intervene either.

After all, this game is a weak meat.

"Dead vulture! Are you not compassionate? People who have saved so many small worlds... You guess now, who will save you?"

The strong eyes of the abyss are cold.

The four abyss strongs seized the **** spears at the same time and threw them out at the same time.

Four spears came out of the air.

The legal monk was furious and roared.

Buddha light bursts.

A vague Buddha emerged, and a palm was launched, trying to resist this trick.

But it is instantly broken!

Hey! !

The two monks around the legal monk were directly pierced by **** spears and nailed to the ground.

The remnant of the soul flew out and plunged into the **** spear.

The young Fasang master is languid, clutching the arm of the legal monk...

"This time I am afraid I am going to see my Buddha."

The law has a bitter smile...

They all blame them for not being deeply involved in the world, and saved a strong person in a small world. They did not expect that it was actually a trap, but they were released by the strong.

Otherwise, even if the Wing Man Valley and the Abyss join forces, he has no fear of legal affairs!

Hem the blood in the mouth, and the black blood suddenly rushes out.

"Unfortunately... Before dying, I couldn’t eat another boss’s teppanyaki, sorry.”

The legal monk, the black gas on his face is entangled, but it shows a pity.

"I still want to eat meat when I die, you are a monk... it’s really unqualified!" The abyss strong again gathered a spear in his hand.

Eyes staring at the legal monk.

In the next moment, take out a spear and shoot at the bald head of the law and the law.

Killing is rolling.

The strong man of **** has a glimpse.

Will the strong man of the Western Buddhism in the world be obliterated like this...

It is a bit regrettable, after all, the players in the Western Buddhism are all first-class and strong.

The law and the law are also showing a sense of helplessness.

The law clinged to the monk of Fashang and patted his back gently.

"There are brothers, not afraid, we are going to see the Buddha, with the Buddha, not hurting..." The legal smile said.


Just when the **** spear was shot at the legal monk and the French monk.

Among the jungles, the sound of rustling resounded.

next moment.

A shadow suddenly flew away.


A black pot is extremely radiant, constantly rotating, and is in front of the legal and French monks.

The spear shot on the black pot, but it was impossible to break the black pot.

Everyone’s eyes are slamming.

The strong man of the abyss has a gaze.

The strong man of the Wing Man Valley also narrowed his eyes and turned to look deep into the jungle.

The strong of **** is a surprise, who is it?

The legal monk also opened his eyes, and some looked at the black pot in front of them. The familiar black pot made him burst into trouble.

Oh la la...

A gust of wind blew past.

Rolled up the fallen leaves on the ground.

Deep in the jungle.

A figure slowly came out.

The red and white robe robes are swaying under the wind.

The slender and thin figure slowly emerged from it.

After holding the back of one hand, holding a teapot in one hand, the expression of tea in the mouth.

Out of the jungle, the gaze of the step suddenly squinted at the distant abyss and the Wing Man Valley.

A slight twist on the corner of the mouth.

"Oh... I finally found you."

"Birdman Valley and the Abyss... Our account should be calculated."

Step by step swallowed the tea, put out his tongue and licked his lips, and his face was faint.

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