Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1272: Who dares to move my dog? ! [Fourth! One thousand five updates, ask for a monthly tic

"It's you!!"

"It's the little cook...he dare to show up?!"

"Is he still alive?!"


Everyone present was sucking a sigh of relief, and everyone’s eyes were full of shock.

They didn't even think of it. At this time, it would be the little cook of the step, which was a big splash in the competition.

"Amitabha... step boss, you... let's go!"

The legal monk laughed a bit, and he did not expect that the shot would be a step.

What is the repair step? But half-sacred, how could he be the opponent of the winged valley and the abyss strong team.

Come and help, it’s just an increase in death.

Thus the sin of his legal affairs is one more layer.

Step by step, the nine-turned Tiandao tea in his hand was collected, and his eyes faintly looked at the legal monk.

"Nothing, save you just attached, mainly to find them to settle accounts..."

"They know what I mean."

The steps are faint.

The voice of the voice is lingering on the audience.

Drinking tea all the way, the mental strength of the step is also restored to the peak level.

Now, he suddenly has some eagerness to try, and he wants to have a hard-working wave with the so-called little holy strongman.

In order to find the strongest in the abyss and the Wing Man Valley?

In the distance, the inferno squad's strong faces are very strange, they do not seem to expect that this little cook is so arrogant.

I thought that with a little strength, can you be crazy?

I really don't know how to live and die.

How strong are the strong people in the Wing Man Valley and the Abyss?

Even the small Buddha world of the West can't hold back, almost to be completely destroyed, and a little cook actually dared to join in the fun.

Their hells consciously choose to watch, which is the means of tabooing the abyss and the valley of the wing.

However, they react differently.

After the light curtain.

All the people watching the game cheered.

"Don't be jealous!"

"Little cook, kill the abyss and the despicable villain of the Wing Man Valley!"

"It’s a long time since I saw their high face!"


They are the people who know the strength of the step, so everyone is exclaimed and screaming.

They know what the steps and abyss and the account of Wing Man Valley are.

Once in the jungle, the Abyss and Wing Man Valley are sending people to block the steps, wanting to kill the steps.

This hatred is naturally not so easy to count.


"Accounting? Why do you settle accounts with us?"

The strong of the abyss is cold and cold.

"I didn't think you actually escaped from the captain's hand... but he has no way to go, there is no door to you, but you have no choice but to kill you. Now we will kill you."

The strongest of the abyss are open, their hands are condensed with spears, and their eyes are cold.

"I didn't think you could escape.... You can escape from the hands of my winged valley powerhouse. You can be considered a bit of strength." The captain of the Wing Man Valley also squinted.

Their words made the people around them breathe a sigh of relief.

Obviously, I did not expect that there are such secrets in this.

Obviously, the abyss and the strong people of the Wing Man Valley have both played against them.

It’s no wonder that the steps say that you have to settle accounts...

Wait, account? !

Hard to escape, shouldn't you hide?

Why are you still running to die?


The strong man of the Wing Man Valley gently bounced the silver cross sword in his hand, his eyes cold.

Step by step, looking at them.

The wind is blowing, and the hair is flying freely.


Stepping into the corner of the mouth, he shook his head.

Then I moved my mind.

On the ground, a pair of blood-stained white wings suddenly emerged...

A strong **** sputum spreads from it.

"This chicken wings should be familiar."

Step by step, watching the strong man of Wing Man Valley, said.



This is the wing of the Wing Man Valley Powerhouse!

How can the wing of the Wing Man Valley Powerhouse appear here... from the space ornament of this little cook.

Is it...

"The wings are in the people, the wings are broken... You actually killed my winged man!"

At this moment, the captain of Wing Man Valley’s eyes suddenly widened.

The horrible breath burst out of his body.

boom! !

The turbulence swept up, and the terrible and depressing breath suddenly spread from the body of the Wing Man Valley.

Everyone present was gazing and staring at the wingman’s captain.

"This... this is the second turn to the little holy repair!"

The **** captain's gaze tightened and felt incredible!

The legal monk also took a breath.

The abyss strong are also taboo.

The captain of Wing Man Valley is actually a second turn...

They have been kept in the dark.

Many people are afraid of it. One second is a small change, which is enough to change the situation. Once in a hard battle, the other party suddenly erupts, which may lead to the annihilation of the whole army!

Thanks to this little cook, it actually forced the insidious wingman Valley captain to expose his strength.

"Oh... this is just a pair, and in the process of coming, I still have a pair..."

Step by step looking at the wingman Valley captain, said faintly.

The waves were not shocked and there was no feeling of oppression.

"Step boss, go! You are not his opponent... One turn Xiaosheng and two turn Xiaosheng, too much difference!"

The legal monk’s face has already become very ugly, shouting at the step.

This time he really changed color.

If the captain of the Wing Man Valley is a small turn, the means that the step boss had shown before, may be able to escape.


If it is a second turn, you will die!

"You killed two of my winged valley powerhouses? You **** it!!"

The captain of the Wing Man Valley was suddenly cold, and they were sent by the Wing Man Valley.

One person and the abyss strongman chase the pace.

The other person is to chase the strongest of the Dragon Heaven, in order to get the jade in his hand.

But now it seems that both of them seem to have been killed.

And they are all in the hands of this little cook...

This guy!

Damn it!

boom! ! !

The gas waves are suddenly awkward.

The captain of the Wing Man Valley, suddenly appeared in the eyes of the cold color, turned into a stream of light bursting out.

It’s just a moment, it’s a shadow of the road.

And there is the ultimate horror.

The breath swept up, as if to turn the sky!

A silver sword light suddenly squats, sharp and sharp, as if to emptiness of the void!


Captain Wing Man Valley, his eyes are full of killing!

Everyone's mind is shrinking.

A second turn Xiaosheng shot...

This little cook is afraid of dying!

Half-sacred repair, any resistance to two turn small holy?

The gap is simply too big!

The silver cross sword light, as if with the meaning of the trial, wants to kill the steps into two halves.

Everyone is staring at this scene.

The legal monk took a photo shoot and laughed.

"Now it's good... Step boss also accompanied us to see my Buddha. The desire of the brothers to eat teppanyaki is to be realized..."

The steps are light.

A faint look at the silver sword light that came.

next moment.

In the hands of the golden light burst.

The keel kitchen knife suddenly appeared in his hands.

A dragon rang out loud and deafening.

Behind the steps, a huge illusion emerged.


The will of heaven will be distorted above the head of the step, the will of the day... from the pastoral world!

It belongs to the will of the step itself.

boom! !

A knife, as if from the ancient times.

Speeding up and annihilating everything.

"One knife... 斩仙!"

The steps are faint.

A fluttering knife light collided with the silver swordsman of the wingman Valley captain.

boom! !

The roar was blasting.

The eyes of Captain Wing Man Valley suddenly shrank.

That knife actually made him feel threatened.

The collision suddenly broke out!

Later, the wings behind the captain of the Wing Man Valley were scattered, and the figure suddenly flew far away.

Staring at the steps!

"Flat... flat?"


"This little cook, blocking the attack of the second turn Xiaosheng?!"


Everyone was exclaimed, and the eyes were almost smashed out, and it was incredible!

Step by step holding the keel kitchen knife, squinting at the winger of the wing of the sky.

The sole of the foot was suddenly stepped on the ground.

The breath of the body is bursting, like a rainbow of light, straight into the sky.

Heavenly will is obscured above his head.

A knife light, two knife light, three knife light...

A total of thirteen knives and constant gathering.

Then I made a knife...

"Overlord thirteen knives..."

Behind the step, a virtual shadow of the overlord emerged. The figure of the overlord almost condensed into a substance, and the heavens above the head will float.

Thirteen knives turned into a knife, squatting, and instantly collapsed everything!

The captain of the Wing Man Valley, his eyes suddenly shrink.

"Aurora, the sword of judgment!!!"

The Wing Man Valley team screamed for a long time, and the second turn to Xiao Sheng’s repairs showed the best, but he also just broke through to the second turn.

So there is still a lot of control over power.

The clouds roar.

Suddenly blasted.

A circle circled.

A large silver sword slammed from the clouds and forced to step.

Another collision.

The terrible roar suddenly dissipated.

Everyone present is sucking cold...

How did this little chef's cultivation become so powerful? !


A clear sound is heard.

The face of Captain Wing Man Valley suddenly changed dramatically.

He looked at the silver cross sword in his hand, and he saw the crack, the best fairy, actually cracked?

How can this be? !

The spirit of the step is in the sea.

"The small host has broken through to Xiaosheng, and finally can play the power of the kitchen **** suit!"

The golden dragon is swaying and standing.

Suzaku also nodded, and there was some excitement in his eyes...

The bird feather robe should also show real power!

A knife smashed the other's long sword, the step gently spit out a breath.

After the hand turned over, the keel kitchen knife was put away.

He looked at the captain of the wing of the Valley, and his mouth was pulled.

"Half holy?"

"I... I haven't been."

Step by step to break into the little holy?

Everyone is a bit stunned by this news.

Before entering the jungle, it was still half holy. When you stepped out of the jungle, it became a small holy...

A little holy... is it so easy?

They made Xiaosheng, which is not a retreat for a few successful breakthroughs!

People are better than people... mad!

A gar...

The fin feather robes on the side of the step suddenly turned red.

The flames spread out and the fire feathers flew.

The body shape of the step made a **** light, appeared in the void, and confronted the captain of the wing.

The bandage is dissipated.

Yin and Yang arm suddenly blasted!

Bloody roar.

Step by step and the wing of the Valley Captain's body beat!

Boom! !

Above the scorpio, energy is constantly venting and bombing.

The roar of the wingman’s captain continued to scream.

The people underneath were stunned.

Two red and white figures are entangled in the void!

The wingman Valley captain was shocked and angry. From the side of the step, he actually felt a terrible suppression, and his blood was not able to move!


A punch slammed into his handsome face and his bones collapsed.

The face of Captain Wing Man Valley was distorted, turned into a stream of light and slammed into the ground, and the ground was completely collapsed.

A second turn to the little holy, actually beat a one-turn small Saint?

Is it a horror that has just broken through a small turn? !

The smoke is rolling.

Everyone is sluggish and doesn't know what to say.

The legal monk took a photo shoot, saying: "It seems that we don't have to go to see the Buddha... step boss, violent."

The steps are suspended in the void.

The red-crowned feather robe wanders.

The gaze of the step glimpsed, faintly looking at the ground pit.

Above his body, steaming up, it is the embodiment of the physical strength to the extreme, the yin and yang arm mobilize his physical strength to the extreme.

At this moment, if the strongman of King Kong is even out of power, he will be smashed by his punch!

After all, the wingman’s captain was second to Xiaosheng, but he was almost killed by him.

The Huangquan River roared, the blood was flowing, and the waves were endless.

Everyone is quietly watching, silent.

Whether it is on the spot or through the light curtain, it is shocking.

The steps fell and slowly walked toward the deep pit.


He stepped on one step and his eyebrows suddenly picked.

A silver brilliance suddenly broke out.

The momentary impact is on the body of the step.

That silver light with unmatched power... almost unstoppable!

The shape of the step was suddenly blown out of the air.

The invincible of the bird feather robe was suddenly excited!

Offset this trick.

Step by step, the eyes condensed, and looked cold in the cold.

There, the wingman Valley captain floated up.

Above the forehead, there is a pattern of the holy sword.

"Kill me? Just rely on you..."

The wingman Valley captain laughed wildly.

In the next moment, the pattern of the holy sword suddenly blooms, and finally dazzling and dazzling!

boom! ! !

The captain of the Wing Man Valley was breathtaking and turned into a white beam on the sky.

On the sky, a vague figure emerged.

It was a white strong figure.

It is also a winged person, but it has four wings!

"I am the grandson of the Wing Man Valley Dasheng... Just rely on you, why kill me? Kill me, wait for the killing of the Four Wings of the Wings Valley! Hahahaha!!"


The four-winged sacred shadow is suspended in the void.

The Great Holy Power suddenly spread and spread into the sky.

In the light curtain.

Yu Ji and other prisoners suddenly stood up and looked down.

The next moment, it is a burst of breath, a moment to see!

"Winger Valley is dare to break the rules..."


The source of Huangquan River.

The **** candle dragon slammed the bleeding flame in the nostrils, and the figure of a grass was pinched, and his eyes suddenly looked awkward.

"The Bird Man of the Wing Man Valley... I dare to come to the site of Huang Quan?"


Hell's Palace of the Hell.

Eighteen layers of ghost kings.

A bang.

The door of Ghost Wang Guan suddenly trembled!

The smell of terror spreads among them.


The sacred atmosphere of other small worlds emerged in hell, which led to the surging of hell.

The major forbidden areas have strong breaths.

The steps are suspended in the void, and the eyes stare at the four wings.

Take a deep breath.

Suddenly, he was moved.

Looking up at the top of the head.

Above the head, the void tears open... A dark, exquisite dog claw looms in it.

The gloom of Haotian suddenly disappeared!

"Where do you come to the bird, dare to be in the dog's territory, move my dog's man?!"

A lazy, gentle and magnetic sound is heard.

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