Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1273: Dogs out of the claws, three claws to destroy the holy [first! Seeking a monthly tick

Wing Man Valley, is a vassal of the prison.

The location is also not far from the prison.

The prison has been invaded, but it has been resisted by the Great Sanctuary of the Winged Valley. In the end, the upper wing of the Wing Man Valley and the high prison are sitting down, reconciled, and signed some treaties.

In these years, the Wing Man Valley has developed rapidly, and there are also many prisons in which they help them.

The winged people of the Wing Man Valley are divided according to the number of wings behind them. The more wings, the stronger their strength.

The light and shadow above the sky has two wings and four wings.

The horror of volatility spreads from its surroundings, and the radiant light shines through the whole world.

This is the power of the Great Saint, which is extremely shocking.

The captain of Wing Man Valley is not ordinary, and he is able to spur the big holy shot.

However, this is a foul. This sacred sky battle is strictly required, and the great sages are not allowed to intervene.

The move of the wingman Valley captain was also considered a ruin, and was pushed to the limit by the step.

He was a two-turner, and he was actually abused by a boy who first entered Xiaosheng.

The body of the little cook was so strong that he almost despaired.

With a punch, he felt as if he had the power of a thousand, and it was hard to resist.

After feeling the threat of death, the captain of the Wing Man Valley, without hesitation, summoned the Great St.

This is the way his grandfather gave him life.


The holy light and shadow float in the void, and the four wings and light shadows, like the real gods, bloom with the brilliance that makes everyone's heart move.

The steps are suspended in the void, looking blankly.

Suddenly, above the head.

The void is shredded.

A lacquered black exquisite dog's claws were shot past the light and shadow.


Step by step, looking at the crack in the void, there is a black dog lazy, holding the dog's claws.

Step by step blinked, he felt the power of the dog's body became stronger again.

"Where is the dog's claw! Dare to offend my winged valley four wings! Look for death!"

The captain of the Wing Man Valley, the pupils were big and the mouth was screaming.

There are four wings of the great saint to support him, he is now full of enthusiasm, not to mention a small cook, even if it is ten, he can crush it into ashes.

Exquisite dog claws are empty.

It was directly caused by the attention of the four-winged saint.

The shadow of the light and shadow, as if there is a line of sight projected on the dog's claws.


The ray of light is suddenly great.

The next moment, the two pairs of white wings behind him trembled.

A fist rises and suddenly slams out.

With a dog's claws bombarded together.

Holy light punch!

This is the skill of Wing Man Valley.

Exquisite dog claws kept on, and continued to come across the sky, the black scent of the scent continued to sweep, the horror of the heavens and the earth spread, so that the people present were feeling a suffocation.

The people of the Hell squad had already squatted on the ground when the exquisite dog claws appeared. The body trembled and looked terrified.

That feeling, they are no strangers.

That is the breath of hell, it is the breath of the hell.

That is the breath of Hell!

Behind this little cook, actually stood a **** of the holy? !

A cook in the kitchen of the culinary world, why is there a big holy support for hell?


The light punch and the dog claw suddenly collided together.

The horrific explosion suddenly burst.

However, letting everyone fall through the glasses is...

The light fist is as fragile as a glass, and the moment is broken, and it slams into the void.

boom! ! !

The dog's claws slammed.

The four-winged saint, the abruptly photographed smashed into the ground, the ground was pulled out of a huge deep pit.

"A bird who is a three-turned sacred darling dares to dare in front of your dog. Even if your body comes, I have to shrink my wings when I see the dog."

Among the cracks, a gentle and lazy voice sounded up, with undisguised disdain.

The captain of Wing Man Valley has already been stunned.

One paw down.

His dependence was ruthlessly photographed on the ground.

How can this be?


The ground slammed and the gravel flew up.

The light and shadow of the four-winged saint rose again, and a cross-light sword suddenly appeared in his hands.


It seems that there is a will of heaven.

The cross-light sword was violently hit by the light and shadow. In the twinkling of an eye, it ran across the sky and slammed into the dog-in-law who was hiding in the crack of the void.

"This is the absolute school of my wing valley... cross trial!"

The captain of the Wing Man Valley suddenly narrowed his eyes, and behind him, the remaining two wingers, the Valley Powerhouse, also looked very bright.

However, soon they were desperate again.

Among the cracks.

A dark dog claw was shot again, and the lightly fluttering shot on the cross-light sword, the cross-light sword smashed and smashed.

The dog's claws continued to traverse and a paw blew out.

I shot it again on the light and shadow of the Four Wings.

It’s almost like to be scattered.

The second claw ends.

In the void, the sound of roaring came suddenly.

The next moment, the third claw is suddenly approaching.

The void is suppressed and the continually erupted...

Rumble! !

The last claw, suddenly fell.

Directly annihilating the flying ash of the four-wing light and shadow...

Exquisite three dog claws, a big sacred avatar to live a life shot.


The captain of the Wing Man Valley spurted a blood out of his mouth, and the lightsaber in his eyebrows suddenly burst, and the whole person suddenly became wilted, and the cockroaches fell to the ground.

His eyes were wide and he felt extremely unbelievable.

Why is there such a powerful dog in the world? !

The captain of the winged valley, with his mouth licking his blood, was stunned.

He looked around.

The mighty inferior has already been all on the ground, timid and shrinking.

Even if the strength is not weaker than his Hell Squad captain.

It seems that the mighty infernal is facing a supreme being.

a dog……

The **** is so awesome to him...

The captain of the Wing Man Valley suddenly squinted and suddenly wanted to understand what!


He snorted.

The **** dog that was severely wounded by the prisoners of the nine prisons?

How could he appear?

How could his injury recover so soon?

"Shouting what your dog is doing?"

In the crack of the void, a lazy voice suddenly rang.


"You black dog! As a **** of hell, why do you intervene in the contest!"

"I don't accept it!!"

The captain of the Wing Man Valley was full of unwillingness, and his mouth snarled.

Step by step, looking at him indifferently, a slight glimpse of the corner of his mouth.

Is this guy also having a face that is unfair?

First, it hides the strength, and secondly, it summons the big sacred body. This kind of person will completely unfairly deduct the ultimate.

Now there is still a face that is not fair...

The whole four weeks were silent for a few seconds.

Only the captain of the Wing Man Valley was unwilling to roar. He was roaring and he was angry.


The void is shredded.

Another exquisite dog claw descended from the sky.

A bang, instantly zoomed in on the eyes of the captain of the Wing Man Valley, and finally drowned the captain of the Wing Man Valley.

The entire ground was a shock, completely collapsed, and a huge dog paw print emerged.

"Don't say that the dog is bullying, and you are half-dead with a paw. You can breathe a sigh of relief. It is also a kindness of the dog. As for the next... let the step boy solve it."

The gentle and magnetic sound of the void resounded again.

Later, the cracks in the void were slowly converging.

Among the cracks.

Lazy dog, the dog's eyes are slightly squinted, looking straight into the distance.

There was a shadow in the sky, holding a grass in his hand and laughing at the dog.

The dog hoisted the dog's claws toward the latter, and the crack was completely stitched and disappeared.

The silhouette is suspended in the void.

Put a grass in your hand.

The eyes are quite interesting.

"This suede dog actually helped the little cook by the air... oh... I am very familiar with it. Was it the hairy boy who had picked up my yellow spring grass?"

The figure whispered softly.

"Take him, a piece of yellow spring grass, pick it up, pick it up, for a piece of yellow spring grass, offending this black dog, not worth it..."

"And...the Great St. of the Bird Valley is dare to shoot in hell. Is it really my hell?"

The figure said, shaking his head slightly, pinching the grass, and his body shape quickly disappeared into the void.


Hell, the Palazzo Pole.

The bottom, the eighteen ghost king off.

The bronze door with violent tremors suddenly stopped the tremor.

A huge breath spread out from behind the door.


Later, the sound of a fist on the bronze door began to sound, and the footsteps gradually went away.

"In order to be spicy... the king must hurry through the place where the bird does not pull."

The faint sound escaped in the air.


The smoke is rolling.

The steps fell on the edge of the dog's claw deep pit, and looked strangely into the deep pit.

Everyone around is awesome.

They looked at the deep pit.

The dog paws just... just want to destroy the earth.

Is that the power of the **** dog?

Have you ever attacked the Hell, the **** dog that fights with the Nine incarceration?

Oh la la...

The gravel rolled up.

The wingman’s captain was covered in blood, and the wings behind him had already been fractured. He was hung on his shoulders. His entire human form was mad and he continued to cough and laugh.

That dog claw, left love, actually did not shoot him.

But he also took a half-death,

And the dog, the captain of the wing of the valley is left to the step.

Step by step, I saw the captain of the wingman Valley, but my mind was somewhat empty.

Did the dog go to hell?

He always thought that the lazy dog ​​should be screaming and sleeping in the fairy kitchen shop.

However, the dog went to hell, but did not come to him, is it to deal with something?

Step by step thoughts for a long time.

Just when the steps are sinking.

The captain of the Wing Man Valley showed fierce light.

"You give me! Give me the head of this kid and kneel down!"

The captain of Wing Man Valley roared.


The wings spread.

The two little wings of the Valley of the Wings, which had been watching for a long time, broke out at the same time.

The figure is like a sharp arrow that flies toward the step.

Silver swords appeared in their hands.

Their eyes are full of killings.

The horror of the atmosphere swept.

Let someone in the place take a breath.

The legal and other people who were shocked by the four wings of the Great St. and the dog singer have not recovered.

The Wing Man Valley Powerhouse suddenly attacked and killed them, which made them look down.

The legal affairs is that the pupils are tightening and they are looking at the steps.

"Step boss, be careful!"

The inferno squad's strongmen are also deeply inhaled.

In the light curtain.

Countless people are boiling up.

"Despicable Wing Man Valley! Actually attacked."

"Birds in the Wing Man Valley! What's the grass! And the face is not fair!"

"Little cook, fight back! Don't be dazed!"


The audience saw that the steps were indifferently standing in the same place, and their faces were full of anxious colors.

They really don't want to step in the enemy's hands.

The two little wings of the Wing Man Valley, one after the other, quickly rushed toward the step.

Above the silver lightsaber, there is holy energy in suspension.


Wing Man Valley Xiao Sheng is a roar.

The silver lightsaber stabbed the cover of the heavenly spirit.

The other one is the Jianguang surging, straight lunge throat...

Killing is awesome!

The Great Saint of the Wing Man Valley reveals the excitement to the extreme laughter...

far away.

The repressed whistling suddenly broke out.

Four streams of light flowed quickly.

This is the four prisoners who are coming quickly.

With the approach of the lightsaber.

The eyeballs of the step are slightly moving.

Then the light was lifted up and looked at the little saint of the winged valley above the head.

A heart move.

A dumpling appeared in the hand.

With the completion of the step-by-step repair to the small holy, the energy of the small holy energy, the effect of the dead food is also becoming more powerful.

The control time of Fengshen Dumpling on Xiaosheng was extended to two breaths.

Two breaths...

Enough to make the latter abuse the latter thousands of times.


The colorful seal dumplings were crushed.

The colorful brilliance suddenly surged.

The eyes of the two winged people, Gu Xiaosheng, suddenly shrank.

Later, the horror of the pupil appeared.

Because they found out...

Their bodies can't move.

Step by step, looked at the two winged people, Gu Xiaosheng.

Two bursting bovine pills appeared in the hands.


The bursting bovine pill was bitten open.

There is heat and aroma.

The stepping party inserted two bursting bovine pills into the mouth of the latter in the horror of the two little saints.

The next moment, in the eyebrows of the two little holy, gently bend a finger.

The two little holy people suddenly flew out.

"Do not……"

"Do not!!!"

The sound of miserable resounding through the void, the next moment, blasted!

The fire is shining and the energy is spreading.

Everyone looked at this scene, and the corners of his mouth were shaking...

The captain of Wing Man Valley was staring at the void...

His two men, actually so easily was killed by the pace?


Step by step, he fell on the body of Captain Wing Man Valley.

Around the body of the step, seven bursts of bovine pill are suspended.

far away.

The sound of a mad tyrant fell.


The golden horn and the silver horn are flying fast.

The Golden Horn looked at the steps and his eyes tightened.

"Steps... Stop!"

Jinjiao anxiously opened his mouth and shouted, his voice was like a rainbow, and he quickly came.

Step by step, squinting at the golden corner, no expression.

Give a shot...

A burst of bovine pill is turned into a golden streamer, dragging the end of the light, flying out quickly, suddenly exploding, swallowing the body of the wingman Valley captain.

"Oh...sorry, the hand is slipping." Looking at the captain of the Winged Valley, who was swallowed up by the fire, stepped in the expressionless hand.

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