Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1274: Nine petals, why you want to... just use your life to change [second! 】

Is the hand slipping?

Who is the special letter, your hand slips... You have nothing to say about this.

Everyone in the light curtain is in a state of innocence when they say that the steps are very innocent.

They naturally do not believe in the so-called hand slipping.

In the deep pit in the distance, the fire is surging, and the body of the wingman’s captain has already been swallowed up by the fire.

The breath is dying.

After all, the captain of the Wing Man Valley was seriously injured, and he was dying by a dog’s paw.

As a result, this one bursts the bovine pill and it will die.

No one thinks that the captain of the Wing Man Valley can still survive. In fact, the captain of the Wing Man Valley does not live.


The fire is rolling.

The next moment, between the sudden, from the fire, there was a holy stream of light that rushed out and galloped toward the step.

When it flew to the front of the step, it exploded.

It seems to be a white rain.

The sacred light shrouded the body of the step, but it looked quite beautiful.

Step by step, looking at the light spots floating around the body, a little doubtful color in his eyes.

"what is this?"

The steps whispered softly.

The figure of Jin Jiao and others is like a stream of light, falling on the side of the step.

Looking at the haze of the surrounding side of the step, the face is ugly...

"I told you to stop, why don't you listen?"

Gold corner face ugly asked.

"I slipped my hand."

Stepless expression of the step.

Negative, very indifferent.

"Hand slip? Do you think I will believe it?"

The corner of the gold corner is pumping.

Yu Ji and others are also looking at the steps, some speechless.

"You know that he is the great grandson of Wing Man Valley, you still kill him?" Jin Jiaodao.

"He wants to kill me, still not let me kill him?"

Looking at the golden corner at the step of doubt, is there any such statement?

Jinjiao suddenly stagnation, then sighed.

"Do you know what this light rain is? This is the light rain released by the wingman's captain before his death. If you cover you, it will be marked on you. The vengeance of the winged valley will find you, no. Will let you go."

"Revenge?" Steps blinked.

"Winger Valley... A small world that I will report, I will let you stop, just want to let you kill the runner later, and hand over the captain of this wingman to us. He broke the rules and will be punished. "Golden Horn looked at the steps, and some helplessly said.

Unfortunately, the captain of the Wing Man Valley was killed by a beef ball.

It’s really not a face.

"Then retaliate, nothing, let them come."

The steps are faint.

After that, the convenience of the step is to slowly use a bandage to bind the arm.

Jin Jiao did not know what to say, but could only helplessly look at the steps.

These prisoners are responsible for the rules, but unfortunately met a group of children who do not talk about rules.

The foot of the step is gently on the ground, and the figure suddenly flies out.

It fell into the deep pit.

It is where the body of the wingman Valley captain is.

When the hand swept, a black jade plate fell into his hands.

Putting the black jade plate away, the faint squint of the prisoner and others, is to continue moving forward.

Jinjiao and others are helpless.

They came in the way of maintaining order, but they seemed to be slow, and when they arrived, everything was over.

"Well, the semi-final continues. You are good at it, be careful, Huang Quanhe... very dangerous."

The golden horn looks at the steps that go far, and can only say so.

Brush it!

The next moment, the figure of several of their prisoners disappeared again.

The inferno squad's strongmen face each other.

The legal and legal methods of the Western Buddhist small Buddha community are also sitting on the ground.

They are escaping.

The inferno squad's strongmen looked at the legal and legal figures, and they quickly rushed out.

A group of people came to the edge of the Huangquan River.

The next test they need to face is if they cross the river.

After crossing the Huangquan River, you can reach Huangquan Town.

When I got there, it meant the end of the semifinals.

This semi-final is a **** game. All the way, the teams participating in the competition are heavy casualties.

The winged people valley was destroyed by the group.

The strong man of the abyss was frightened and fled, and broke into the Huangquan River.

After all, the team leader of the winger valley turned to Xiaosheng, and they were all killed. They offended the steps and how they can live in the face.

They don't understand until now, why this little cook has become so powerful.

The Huangquan River rushed and rang.

The **** river is constantly flowing, and there are dead bones, and the souls are flying away.

The river smells no trace of **** smell.

This river is not condensed by blood.

Standing on the edge of the Huangquan River, you can feel the water vapor coming from the impact.

The next step is to cross the river.

But without a boat, you can only cross the river by strength.

The dangers of this have made many people wary.

The sky above the Huangquan River is forbidden to fly. This is the **** that has been circulated since ancient times. Once flying, it is likely to suffer disaster.

Therefore, every strongman who passes through the Huangquan River will choose to take the boat across the river.

Just hesitating in the steps to borrow a small quiet ship.

The legal monk does not know when he has come to the side of the step.

"I just thanked the boss for his life-saving grace... There is a boat underneath, and the step boss can share it?" The legal monk said with a smile.

His face was a little pale, but the abyss in his body had already been forced out by him.

After nursed back to health, it can be restored.

The step of the party seems to have a look at the law, saying: "You are welcome, save you just by the way."

The law suddenly chuckled.

In the Huangquan River, a **** battleship was slowly crossing.

It was a warship of the abyss, and they had already been frightened by the steps and took the lead in crossing the river.

The strongest of the Hell squad also took out a ship and they naturally learned more about the Huangquan River.

The law is a move.

A golden Buddha boat suddenly appeared.

The Buddha boat is golden in color, and it is engraved with patterns, which exudes a feeling of peace of mind.

Step by step on the Buddha boat, an invisible Buddha light seems to cover his body.

The eyebrows of the step are slightly picked, and this Buddha light seems to have some tendency to drill into him, and he wants to step on the steps.

However, the step of the gods read a volume, these Buddha light is expelled.

The side of the law has a deep look at the steps.


The Buddha boat enters the water.

The **** river was in a hurry, slammed the board and suddenly picked up the water.

The **** water splash gives a shocking visual impact.

Sitting on the deck, the gaze was squinting, looking at the rolling river, and the face was light.

Huang Quanhe, he is not the first time to cross the river.


On the river, suddenly the red mist came over, and the water mist could not see the river.

"Amitabha, it is said that the Huangquan River is mysterious and unpredictable. It is often the other side of the road. Now it seems that it is quite reasonable."

The legal monk has a folded hand and looks at the **** fog. His face is serious.

Oh la la...

The boat drifted slowly.

Not far from the side is the ship of the infernal squad, and in the distance is the vessel of the abyss.

The three ships are slowly traversing...

There was a road to the river.

"what is that?!"

Suddenly, the shouts of people shouted in the silence.

It seems to have come from the mouth of the abyss in the distance.

The face of the step suddenly condensed.

The legal monk is also a folded hand and looks at the past.

For the abyss...the law and the sorrow are also very hateful.

"Is a lotus?!"

"A beautiful lotus... I am going to pick it!"

"My God... Is this lotus a holy piece of fairy material? No... it seems that it is not so simple!"


There was a stir in the abyss of the ship.

Everyone is a glimpse.

The gaze of the step is a glimpse.


The lotus on the Huangquan River...

In the next moment, there seems to be something lightning in the heart of the step, recalling the picture of Huang Quanhe.

"Forgetting lotus on the Huangquan River..."

Step by step whispered.

The strong man in the abyss, afraid of encountering the mysterious forgetting lotus.

At that time, the system was once reminded, and it seems to be a god-like food. It can make the system unable to hold back the treasures that are open to reminders. It is natural.


Above the abyss of the ship.

A strong man flew out of the boat.

The fluttering figure flies down the Huangquan River, slowly drifting toward the quiet, floating lotus on the river.

The legal monk has a folded hand.

"It's actually hell, forgetting the lotus, that's the legendary thing... it represents death and disaster..." The legal monk seems to know a lot of secrets and speaks.

There was also a commotion in the ships of the Hell Squad.


In the **** ship.

There are also small sages who are also rushing out, stepping on the river, and rushing toward the forgotten lotus.

Want to fight for the lotus.

A legendary elixir is naturally making them crazy.


The abyss powers roared and fought with the mighty powers of hell.

The battle broke out instantly.

The water is soaring, the entire Huangquan River seems to have exploded.

However, the surrounding area of ​​the forgotten lotus is still very quiet, quiet and floating.

Sitting on the ship's board, the eyes calmed down.


The war is getting more and more intense.

The strong of the abyss and the strong of **** have joined the battle.

Killed the sky from the ground!

The **** fog that rushed out.

However, the latter has just smashed the blood.

Above the scorpio, a **** palm suddenly emerged out of thin air.

The palm of the hand covers the sky, as if the palm of the devil is in the palm of his hand.

The Hell Powerhouse and the Abyss Powerhouse have been taken into the Huangquan River...

If the Huangquan River is banned, it is not allowed to vacate.

The tragic voice stopped...

Oh la la...

A floating corpse rose from the river.

It is the body of the Hell Powerhouse and the body of the Abyss Powerhouse.

These bodies are floating and floating around the lotus, slowly drifting...

It’s like singing a sad song.


In the **** fog.

A leaf boat swayed.

The leisurely flute sounded from the flat boat.

The eyes of the legal monk suddenly shrank, his face changed greatly, his hands clasped together, sitting cross-legged, began to chanting Buddhist scriptures, and bursting into the golden awns, was the invasion of the flute.

Steps stood up, held hands, stood on the ship's board, the wind blew, and the body of the bird's robe was screaming.

"Forget the lotus, catch the soul... for a long time."

The whisper of the steps.

The sound of the flute is full of charm.

Slowly wandering, it seems to wash people's memories, let people forget everything, and embark on the road to life.

Wearing a brawl, wearing a **** coat, the old man unshaven, clutching a white bone flute, the melodious flute is really heard from the white bone flute.

The flute is in the ear.

The eyelids of the step are suddenly blooming.

In the next moment, in the spiritual sea whirlpool, the phantom of the gods suddenly opened his eyes.

God read like a rainbow and vented it.

The flute was suddenly shocked.

The last time, the step still needs to rely on the dog to resist the sound of the flute. Now, the step has a god, and there is no fear.

Oh la la...

The flute stopped.

The fisherman holds the fishing rod and gently hangs above the body of the strong man who is hovering around the lotus.

Suddenly, the remnants of the soul were caught and twisted into the fishing rod on the boat.

"very scary……"

In the law and the monk's mouth and nose, there are **** red blood flowing down, looking at the old man on the Huangquan River with horror.

Standing on the ship's board, the gaze looked straight at the old man, and suddenly there was a flash of fine hair.

"Into the life, step on the life, into the reincarnation..."

The voice of the old man smirked.

The old man fled the remnant soul, and the bodies of the abyss strong and the bodies of the **** strong were sinking into the river and turning into dead bones.

The old man seems to have sensed something.

Suddenly raised his head and looked at the steps standing on the Buddha boat.


The old man’s eyes are condensed, familiar faces...

"It's you... I'm looking for an old man. I want a young man with a flower."

The old man sat on the boat, and the hoarse voice rang through the Huangquan River.

Looking at the old man, the corner of the mouth is a little bit.

Why are you spending...

"Can you still have flowers in the hands of the old predecessors?"

Step by step looking at the old man, said.

"What the flowers are... there are, one to nine petals."

Old man said.

The gaze of the step suddenly condensed.

Nine petals of flowers... The breathing of the steps has become a rush.

The previous Huangquan Nai wine, but it was made with a leaf of yellow spring grass and a flower of a flower, although the taste is good, but for the current step, it has not been able to get the grade.

It’s hard to come to **** again.

Came to the Huangquan River.

How can the step party return empty-handed?

In the heart of the step, I have long wanted to make a great wine!

Use nine leaves of yellow spring grass... and nine petals of flowers...

With a negative hand, the stepped foot stepped out, and the figure suddenly emerged from the volley above the ship's board.

"Older generations, I want to spend nine petals, I don't know what exchanges are available?" asked the step.

"Nine petals, flowers, young people... Your appetite is getting bigger and bigger. Now, you don't have the dog guarding..."

The old man said.



Turn your hand.

A flower like magnolia is suspended in his hand. The flower presents a holy white with nine petals, and the rich energy is venting.

"This is the nine petals of flowers... you want, then change your life..."

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