Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1295: This dish name, Buddha jump wall [first! 】


That's right, the step is really going to cook.

It’s the best thing that step is good at using a dish to face something.

Step by step, the cooking skills have already improved a lot. With his improvement, his cooking skills are also slowly improving, and he has already reached the level of Lin Chu.

It’s just that he didn’t go to the fairy kitchen industry and didn’t go to the exam.

If he is assessed now, his cooking skills will probably shock many people.

After all, the speed of the cooking level of the step is actually comparable to the speed of his repair, which is amazing and terrifying.

Luban’s eyes are very cold.

His current impression of the step is really bad to the extreme, if not the sword pot that is in the hands of the taboo.

He may immediately attack the sharp killer, and he will kill this arrogant cook on the spot.

He has spent a lot of money to recruit a top-ranking chef from the kitchen, and spent countless resources.

As a result, the dishes that were cooked were worthless by the little cook in front of them.

This made him very angry.

And on the face of so many people, he stunned the chef's dishes that he had tried his best to recruit.

This is equivalent to hitting his face in the red fruit.

How does this make him tolerate it?

Nature can't stand it.


A stove is squatting on the ground.

Step by step, the eyes glanced at the audience.

Is this chef in the kitchen industry planning to cook?

"Are you not qualified? I will let you know my qualifications now..."

Step by step, the corner of the mouth is faint.

The next moment, the palm slammed on the stove.

All of the ingredients were suddenly thrown away, and each of the ingredients seemed to flash under the light, unusually dazzling and dazzling.

The keel kitchen knife was held in the hand by the step.

The kitchen knife was rotated for a while, and then it seemed to be turned into a stream of light, and it suddenly cut over the ingredients.

As the meteor fell from the sky above.

A blue and white porcelain plate flew out and placed on the stove.

Those ingredients that have been cut are slowly falling from the sky and falling on the blue and white porcelain plates.

On some ingredients, the crystal water drops are still shaking.

This knifeman...has to say that it is indeed pleasing to the eye.

As a genius of the kitchen, Lu Yang’s gaze is also a slight condensate, staring at the steps.

He can feel a confidence from the step.

That is the confidence that comes out of the heart of the kitchen, this confidence... really different!

The kitchen of the kitchen chef seems to be very good, which makes him feel a little guilty...

Zhu Yan and others behind the step, the eyes once again became fanatical.

Every move of the step is to make them feel very happy.

Originally, this banquet, the geniuses of the prison were dismissive of them, let them anger in the heart, but because of the step of the shot.

They felt helpless before they swept away.

The legal monk and others are also hands folded together, staring at the steps, and the eyes are full of surprise colors.

The behavior of the step is really beyond his expectations.

In the face of the top and strong genius of the genius, it is still not humble, not at all.


The fire was surging.

When the white flame of Sen was out, the temperature of the entire floor was abruptly high.

This is fairy fire.

Many people's eyes are a condensate, and should be the fairy fire on the fairy fire list.

A cook, actually control the fairy fire to cook...

The movements of the steps are methodical and the relaxation is good.

He ignored the eyes of the people around him.

This time cooking, he just showed the appropriateness, just to make an advertisement for the branch in the future.

In the hands of Guanghua flashed.

Next, a porcelain altar emerges.

Put a portion of the ingredients into the porcelain jar, stacked in a mysterious way.

The grades of these ingredients are not bad.

However, Lu Yang’s gaze is a slight condensate.

Because he found that so many different ingredients are put together, it is difficult to control.

This cook, the courage is really too big.

When the step took out a cover, the cover was actually lying on the side of a Buddha.

Legal affairs and others have been stunned, and everyone’s eyes are deeply shrinking.

"What is this Buddha?"

A group of monks in the Western Buddhism world are all sloppy.

Above the porcelain altar, a Buddha's lid is placed on the side.

It seems that it seems a bit weird.

That Buddha, a smile, a lie, lying on his side, a round belly, as if reflecting light.

Step by step carefully carrying this dish, placed in the Xuanwu pot.

The spring of life, around the porcelain altar, began to shabu-shabu.

And the gods of the step are also released in a glimpse, wrapping the porcelain altar.

Step by step, a series of operations, so many people are dazzled, cooking is also a profound and profound craftsmanship.

Many people have dismissed the culinary skills, but when they watched the cooking of the steps, they couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

A figure in a robe of chefs slowly came over from the spiral staircase.

Luban’s gaze swept the man and was quite cold.

"Dr. Liu, you are here... This person provokes your cooking skills, you tell him that you are the top chef of the kitchen, not a good one."

Luban Road.

This is a middle-aged man who is quite round.

His eyes were quite turbid, and after hearing Luban’s words, his eyes were suddenly awkward.

The lock of death is on the side of the step.

"A hairy boy dares to deny my dish... I have more vegetables than he has ever eaten!"

Middle-aged people are indifferent.

His face is gloomy.

Lu Yang took a hand and looked at the so-called chef Liu, his eyes stunned.

This person is very familiar, it seems that they are the chef of the kitchen, but can't remember who it is...

Didn't he miss the top chef of the kitchen?


The boiling spring of life soon boiled.

A breath of breath was wrapped around the porcelain altar.

Waited for a long time.

It seems as if there is light shining.

Dominating the sky, holding a glass of wine, and drinking.

The wine makes his heart seem to be transparent.

"The dishes are better."

Lu Yang’s eyes suddenly condensed.


The scorpio suddenly rang out of thunder.

This is a penalty for the dishes.

The thunderbolt quickly fell from the top of the sky.

However, today's step, with physical flick and resistance to lightning, is innocent.

A burst of thunderbolt was blocked by the step by step.

Lu Yang took a deep breath.

The eyes are full of incredible.

Eight heavy thunder penalty...

This dish actually provoked eight heavy punishments...

This shows that the quality of this dish is absolutely superior!

The cook who was called Lu Chef by Lu Ban also changed his face.

A cook who can motivate eight heavy punishments...

He was the first time he met. Is this the cooking class at this level?

The chef’s heart suddenly felt a little uneasy and planned to turn and leave.

However, Luban’s sharp eyes were for the town.

Bitter face.

boom! ! !

Thunder penalty.

The bursts of rich aroma spread out and filled the entire floor.

Luban’s nose moved and sniffed the scent, and his face was abrupt.

This scent... very special, as if it is magical, can sway the mind.

The **** of the step is moving.

Remove the porcelain altar from the basaltic pot.

Above the porcelain altar, the Buddha lying on the side has already been golden, as if the real Buddha had come.

On the face of a smile, the brilliance is constantly blooming.

The monks in the small Buddhist world of the West have long been shocked and cannot be attached.

This dish...

Actually let them have a kind of indulgent impulse!

"This dish is famous, and the Buddha jumps on the wall. It is a good product."

The steps are faint.

He wiped the water stains in his hands and gently uncovered the Buddha's lid.


It seems that there is a unique meaning that floats out of the porcelain altar.

Intoxicating scent, charming fragrance.

Just like a breeze.

The scent is as silky as it is into everyone's nostrils, so that the people present are intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.


It is not to be said that they are swallowing saliva.

Even Luban, who was gloomy, was stunned and his throat rolled.

"This is a Buddha jumping wall, which is somewhat similar to the stew that was just on the table. Where is the chef... I can come and taste it."

Step by step, said a touch.

His tone is very confident.

Bai Hutian stove was collected by him.

The gaze of the step was raised, and he looked directly at the chef Liu, who was standing next to Luban.

The chef’s face has changed.

Under the persecution of the steps, there is actually an impulse to turn around and escape...

Luban’s brows wrinkled tightly.

"Liu chef... what happened?"

There is something wrong with Luban’s tone.

Under the eyes of Lu Ban, Chef Liu suddenly suffered a lot and turned around and escaped. Naturally, he could not do it.

It’s not far from the pace.

The Buddha jumped on the wall and the beams of the road shone from the wall of the Buddha's jump, smashing into the sky.

Dazzling and dazzling.

Oh, la la la.

The soup of the Buddha's jump wall is golden.

Pull out a piece of spirited beast, the spirit of the beast is crystal clear, and it seems to have a warm meaning in the surging.

Chef Liu, taking advantage of this meat entrance.

At the entrance, the mouth chewed up, as if there was a brilliance between his teeth.

That feeling...

Liu’s chef suddenly has the urge to crouch...

Although he is a lining chef, he is only able to reach the kitchen of the peasant, and there is no way to compare the heart of the kitchen and the heart of the kitchen.

A Buddha jumped into the wall to make him feel desperate.

A few steps back in succession.

Liu’s eyes are full of shock.

"This... this is..."

Chef Liu opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

In the distance, Luban’s face has been completely gloomy, and Lu Yu and others are also extremely embarrassing.

There is no doubt that the expression on the chef’s face has already told them that the dishes in the steps have crushed everything...

Luban felt the burning pain on his face, which was the feeling of being beaten.

I just said that the step is not qualified, what is the result?

Turning around, the dishes in the step are the chefs who have tried their best to hire them.

This feeling is very bad...

Luban’s gaze jerked.

The next moment, the shackles behind him slammed into the ground.


Luban’s eyes were getting cold.

"Dr. Liu... You are not saying that you are the top chef. In addition to the chef of the kitchen, your cooking is the strongest. Have you been cheating me all the time?"

Luban is cold and cold.

The eyes of Liu’s chef suddenly shrank.

Afterwards, without hesitation, there was a breath on the body.

I rushed out of the restaurant.

"Dr. Liu...you are fired."

Luban is cold and cold.

The next moment, the eyelids condense.

On the body, a black light was emitted.

Between the black light and the moment, it is shot into the distance.

Actually it is a smashing arrow.

Only in an instant, there was a tragic sigh in the distance.

When the arrow hits the body, the body of the fake chef is blasting...

Luban came to the side of the step with a beggar.

He grabbed the spoon and licked a piece of meat and drank a broth.

After his eyes surged, he spit out a sigh of relief.

"good to eat."

Luban Road.

Lu Yu and others behind Lu Ban are all awesome.

"Come to my restaurant as a chef... one month, five thousand pieces of crystal," Luban said.

Everyone is upset.

Luban actually took the lead.

Was it not before the **** for tat?

The volume of the three emperors is really unusual...

"Not interested in."

However, Luban’s recruiting was rejected by the stepper.

Step by step is a man who wants to open a shop himself. How can he be a chef of others?

This is not in line with the pace of doing things.

However, the step is to look at Luban seriously.

"Do you really not think about it? Your embarrassment, I can pay for it, I... not bad money."

Step by step.

However, in the case of the step, Luban did not respond, but his eyes became more and more cold.

It seems that there is still a sense of killing.

The reception was not happy.

Luban left, and the geniuses of the prison also left.

The domineering day, holding the jar of wine, is also a big move. Before leaving, it looks like a step.

Step by step and looked around.

Then he sat down from his own feet and left the restaurant with Zhu Yan and others after eating the Buddha.


Ten miles of transfer booths.

A flash of light flashed.

A figure wrapped in a black mist slowly emerged, and the dark golden eyes were filled with tyrannical killings.

Finally went to prison...

Next, I was looking for the little cook who mastered the love lotus.

The hoarse voice sounded up... with a cold sneer.


The second day.

Holy City.

Medieval arena.

The final of the martial arts heaven battle is here...opened.

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