Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1296: The home of the prison, ruthless killing [second more! 】

The second day.

A ray of light shredded the sky.

Projected on the floor of the inn room.

Step by step, spit out a sigh of relief and walked out of the inn.

The inn hall, Zhu Yan and others have already been there.

Today is the day of the competition, so Zhu Yan and others did not practice in the room, but it was early in the living room waiting for the pace.

Yesterday's move was too deflated, they returned to the inn, still excited.

They didn't think that as a fairy chef, they could have such a face...

Even if the genius of the prison is enchanting, you can also be beaten.

Zhu Yan and others, who looked at the excitement and whose meaning has not subsided, have a slight twist on their lips.

"To adjust your mindset, today is the team competition. This team competition is different from before. It may not be as easy as before. It always feels that the prison is in a state of flux."

Said the step.

Zhu Yan and others did not care too much about this.

Being able to break into the team finals is a big surprise for them, and they can have any extravagance.

Even if they are defeated, they don't care.

However, if they are step by step, they still listen carefully. After all, they can't waste such a good opportunity.


The group left the inn.

Go to the altar of the holy city.

The Medieval Arena is the iconic building of the city of St. Petersburg, a huge square square.

Around the square is a stepped auditorium that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of spectators.

Every year, St. City hosts a meditation competition, and this venue is the main place for melee competition.

Meditation is a unique activity.

It is very popular in the city of St.

Steppers came to the Aster Arena, and someone has led them at the entrance.

Following the lead into the arena, the arena is really vast and huge.

The surrounding four directions are full of audiences, and the enthusiastic audience sees the steps and others, all of which are cheering.

Above the sky.

The huge light curtain casts down, and the light curtain reflects the picture in the arena.

Each entrant in the arena is projected into the picture.

And this picture will also be transmitted to many small worlds around by the image method.

This is a game that is attracting attention in many small worlds.

This is the final of the martial arts Heavenly Games, whether it is a team or individual final.

Xian kitchen world.

Everyone is waiting in front of the light curtain, which is specially arranged for them by the strongest of the prison.

The prison image of the prison is far ahead of the fairy kitchen industry and I don’t know how many years.

Everyone in the kitchen is very excited.

They stared at the light curtain and finally looked forward to the appearance of the light curtain.

Today is the team finals.

The three small worlds in the semi-finals, and the two echelon groups in the prison, competed for the first.

Competition seems to be fierce, but in the eyes of many people, there is no suspense.

After all... The prison is really too strong.

boom! !

When Step and others arrived in the arena.

A terrible breath is filled with it. In the sky above the square, there is a strong man sitting cross-legged, and a terrible breath emanates from this person.

The breath of horror is like supporting a small world.

There is no doubt that this is a great saint.

For this competition, there is actually a great sanctuary sitting in this arena.

Obviously, the prison is worthy of the game...


Step and others are quietly sitting in the lounge, which is the place in the arena that is specially designed to adjust the status and wait for the competition.

On the wall of the lounge, a small cast image array was specially arranged to enable the participants in the lounge to clearly see the pictures in the arena.

At the moment, Step and others saw the picture in the arena by casting the image.

There are already two teams on the arena.

The rules for the team finals are simple.

There aren't so many fancy group battles, and some are only... a wave of battle.

It is the entrants of both teams entering the arena, playing in the arena, which side all fell, which side won the victory.

Both sides of the first game.

It is the strong team of the **** team to fight the second echelon of hell.

The strongmen of the second echelon and others have seen it. They selected five people to form a team, and the atmosphere is very strong.

The referee is a strong man of nine-turned little holy level.

This level of strength is basically enough to deal with any unexpected situation on the field.

The battle started.

The first thing that resounded was the arena around the arena. The audience cheered like thunder, and the cheers shook the sky, making the hell's strongmen shudder.

It has become a bit timid.

This is the home advantage of the prison...

The audience in the prison is very enthusiastic, but this enthusiasm is for the power of the prison.

"Dry the junk garbage!"

"Invincible in prison! Other small worlds are rubbish! Let them feel desperate!"

"Crush them! We are the overlord!"


The cheers of the audience almost shattered the sky.

The constant spears of a root broke into the minds of the **** entrants and made them shudder.

In the lounge.

The team of the Western Buddhist small Buddha community is silent.

Perhaps even if they face this scene, they are afraid to be completely caught in the disadvantages.

Above the psychological, they are falling into the wind.

Home court advantage is not a mess.

Although the holy city is only a big city in the prison, but after all, it is the site of the prison.

Zhu Yan and others have long been sluggish.

They were suddenly a bit timid, and even the courage to step into the arena was gone.

It’s terrible... In the cheers of enemies like the tsunami, the war can’t be condensed.

This kind of battle... is completely the rhythm to be crushed.

Originally, the overall strength was not as good as that of the prison. Now even the momentum is suppressed by the prison.

How is this compared?

The pace is very calm, he looked at the game, did not say anything.


The game is over.

The second echelon of the prison, the contestants are those who have stepped into hell.

Although Zhang Xuan is missing, the overall strength seems to be a little weaker, but it is still a big advantage for Hell.

The entrants of this session of Hell are very mediocre, and there is no strong person who can get the hand.

Therefore, the players in the prison are very relaxed.

The team composed of the strong demon, Lu Yang and so on, is almost a team without any defects.


Several big cities.

The pictures are all spread back through the image.

The hell's strongmen are all staring at the picture in the game, a little bit silent.

In the picture, they seem to see a little lamb in the face of thousands of fierce tigers.

The Golden Horn Silver Prisoners are all sighing.


boom! ! !

With a bell ringing.

The battle of the game is finally breaking out.

The entire arena is large.

The ground is even uneven, cast from a strong stone.

Although it is not smooth, it is hard and can withstand the attack.

The strong men of **** set the formation and began to charge...

The five-person team fight, after all, is different from the individual battle, and the team competition is about coordination.

Standing in the middle is a genius of hell, and it is a turn of the little holy peak.

This kind of repair is...

It is simply not worth mentioning.

After knowing the cultivation of the first one, the audience in the prison of sorrows could not help but scream and scream, without any mercy, laughing.

The strong man of **** suddenly felt extremely wrong.


The direction of the prison camp.

Face the **** team coming from the rush.

The contestants are still talking and laughing, calm and incomparable.


One foot stepped on the ground, and the figure suddenly turned into a rapid flash of fire.


The body of the person seemed to bloom, and under the skin, there was a magma rolling in the air. The skin slammed and the skin burned up. The whole person was shrouded in flames.

It is like a fire man.


Mori’s cold laughter haunted the entire arena.

When the strong demon of the fire demon is on the scene, it is that the atmosphere is suddenly high, and the audience in the prison are excited and screaming.


Two fire snakes stretched out from the arms of the fire demon.

It was slamming out.

Going to the top powers headed by hell.

The flame swept through and turned into a colorful snake. The serpent opened his mouth and spewed a flame in his mouth.

boom! !

The strong man of **** burst into flames, and the energy and the flames of the snakes collided together, and the sparks splashed.

The war is on the verge.

The fire demon is in the middle.

Screaming constantly.

The arm was mammoth, and it turned into two fire snakes roaring.

Actually, in a single person, the five people who resisted the **** attacked...

This scene directly put the venue into a climax.

Laughter, screams, screams, endless.

The strong men of Hell are all red, and they use all their strength to attack, but they are only able to intercept the fire demon.

The battle entered the white-hot stage for a while.


And in the camp of the prison.

Several strong people talked and laughed and pointed at the **** masters.

Later, another figure rushed out quickly.

The body actually turned into a thousand shadows...

The afterimage of the road is like a dark shadow.

This is the strong shot of the Shadow Magic!

Another strong man shot, the voice of the prison audience was once again high.

The addition of the shadow magic strong, makes the **** camp like a collapsed long embankment, directly collapsed.

The fire swept out.

A **** strong man was instantly blasted by the fire demon's fire snake, and his body was stirred up by the fire snake.

"Oh... hell, really rubbish."


The fire demon screamed.

The fire in the fire snake rose sharply, and the strong man suddenly burned up and was swallowed up by the flame, completely turning it into coke.

Hey! !

The blood splatters and splatters.

A skull is skyrocketing...

Another infernal strong man was taken to his head.

The shadow magic is revealed, and his eyes are cold.

The captain of Hell was stunned and roared, and the whole person was covered with anger.

"Deceive too much!!"

The captain of Hell, stepping down in shape, galloped to the front of the Shadow Magic.

There have been dozens of strokes in a row, but they have never touched the clothes of the Shadow Magic.

The loud noise of the bang...

The fire snake slammed and pulled the captain's body out of the air.

The surrounding audience saw this **** picture, as if the blood in the body was boiling.

One by one is very excited and big eyes!

Distinctive distortion and excitement...

"We surrender!"

The Hell captain was smashed with one leg and witnessed the choice to surrender.

However, the fire demon simply ignored his words.

A scream of laughter in the mouth.

The fire snake plunged down and swallowed the captain of **** directly...

"Killing... Killing is the joy of this game!!"

"We let you set foot on the finals of the prison... for... isn't it killing?!"

"Ha ha ha ha... despair?"



There was only one flash of fire on the ground.

The team members of the second echelon of the prison stood together.

The excitement of the fire demon face, the residual tyranny on his face did not disappear.


I saw the horror in the light curtain.

The strong men of **** are all red eyes.

This is a humiliating killing.

No one has thought that the people in prison are so fierce...

This is to treat **** completely as a laughing stock!

Damn it!

Some of the hell's strong eyes are red, angry roars are not stop!

However, they can only feel a weakness...

The eyes of the prisoners such as the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn are all indifferent, clenching their fists and biting their teeth.

Hell... It’s really deceiving.


The first game is over.

The end of the **** is the end of the army.

This ending makes the audience of the prison more excited.

In the arena competition, naturally, bets and gambling, the victory of the prison, the people who bet are excited.

Although there is no suspense, the odds are not high, but after all, it is won.

As long as there is a win, it is joy.

The second game will be the first echelon of the West Chamber of the Little Buddha.

As the first in the semi-finals, the kitchen is in the third game.

Fighting with the second echelon of the prison, the winning team can compete with the first echelon of the prison...

The rules are simple.

Even in the eyes of many people, there is no suspense.

This violent martial arts heavenly battle will eventually become a civil war in prison.

The genius of the first echelon of genius and the genius of the second echelon of comrade...

The first battle is over.

Only the burnt body of the **** entrants in the land was left.

The fire demon was so excited that he turned his head and stared at the cast image, raised his hands, slammed the **** and grinned.

"The end of hell...that's the end of your kitchen...you look forward to it! Hey..."

The magma under the fire demon skin seems to shine.

His actions made the audience cheering louder.

In the lounge.

Zhu Yan and others were silent, and they felt a huge pressure on their hearts.

Humiliation, anger, but more or not.

Hell is completely annihilated...

The strong men of the prison finally showed their fangs at this moment.

"Is this going to be our end?"

Zhu Yan’s eyes are sluggish, and the final... seems to be the road to no return.

It is the road to killing in prison.

"It’s calm...the fireball is just a clown, it’s calm."


The faint sound of the steps is full.

Let them all feel a peace of mind.

Zhu Yan and others turned their heads to look at the steps, but found that the corners of the mouth of the step were pulled, and the eyes seemed to be interested in staring at the arrogant fire demon in the light curtain...

Step by the boss, let them look at it... This look is the look of things.


The venue was cleaned up.

The second game is the beginning.

The contestants of the West Buddhist small Buddha community slowly debuted with their hands together.

They are dressed in shackles and look serious and dignified.

boom! !


The ground trembled.

The voice of the audience is a stagnation.

Everyone’s eyes are on the other intersection.


It is the first echelon enchanting team in the prison.

The Three Emperors did not participate.

The enchanting team led by Lu Yu and the sword demon invincible...

This team is out.

The auditorium, which was quiet and half-sounding, broke out like a volcanic eruption!

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