Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1302: Meditate ancestors! [Second more! 】

Ying Long glanced at the broken ground and the entire ground was deeply collapsed.

The gravel rolled, leaving the dust everywhere.

The location of the Ghost King Guan is exactly under the Palazzo Pagoda, and now the Pluto is broken and the ghost king is rushed out, and the ground is naturally collapsed.

Of course, in fact, Pluto can also choose a more gentle way.

Holding the eye of the emptiness of the eye, the dragon should be on the back, the white hair is gray, and the hand is pacing in the ruins.

Feeling that the depressing power of the ghost king Guanzhong has disappeared a lot, and a little smile appeared on his face.

"Tianzang adults... Little Pluto is finally growing up now."

The faint whistle of the dragon echoed throughout the world.

As for the departure of Pluto, Ying Long did not stop.

He once said that if Pluto Erha can cross the 15th floor of Ghost King, he will not take care of him.

Now that Pluto is done, he naturally has to keep his promise.



Holy City.

The palm of the sky is a shock to the day.

Everyone is shocking and **** in air.

Originally because of the explosion of the crazy sword pot, a group of people who were rushing away were all backed up after being shackled by the great saint.

They looked at the sky above that day, dazzling like the sun.

That is the great sage of the shot, and the great saint of the city.

Now this great saint is actually shooting on the steps.

How can you block the big holy one, under the great holy?

This great saint is going to set the stage to death.

Many people took a deep breath and felt sad for the stepper.

Everyone seems to have felt the aim of this great saint. When the black box assassinations hit the killing side, these strong people who did not have a shot.

Instead, it is now suffering from the killing of the great saints.

This is too much wrong for the step.

Not only are the steps to be wronged, but others are even more empathetic and feel aggrieved.

of course……

People in prison do not think so.

A battle in the daytime, but the countless infernal people have suffered huge losses.

I was able to see the tragic death of the steps in the hands of the great saints, and they were even excited and could not help but cheer.


The great sacred palm, the incomparable horror, as if there is smoke covering the sky, causing a fierce embarrassment.

The color of the steps is extremely heavy.

Look at the palm of the sky.

This is the true grand priest, not the sacred sacred slaying, nor the sacred sacred one.

It’s a real sacred sacred, close-knit hand, the power must be terrible! !

Everyone is not optimistic about the steps.

Dasheng shot, how can he live?

The nine-turned little saint who was smashed by the crazy sword pot and shook the holy meditation was excited to stare at the step.

That look is full of grievances.

If it is not a step, his holy meditation will never be destroyed!

Therefore, he is resentful against the steps, and he can’t wait to tear the steps...

However, Dasheng shot... This guy will soon be turned into a bolognese under the head of Dasheng.

Although the Great St. said, if the step can survive in this palm, he will not pursue it.

And a little Xiaosheng wants to live in the hands of the Great Saint, it is a fantasy.

This little cook is sure to die!

The sacred eyes of the sacred eyes are indifferent.

A palm falls from the sky.

Constantly rushing toward the step by step.

"Be able to be chased by the black temple... This little cook, extraordinary, since it is extraordinary, then kill it." In the heart of the great heart, think of it.

The air of the step is full.

The body of the body roared.

The pressure of terror, the hair of the boasting step is constantly drifting, and the hair is even pointed.

Step by step, staring at the palm of the hand above the sky.

Looking at the palm of the hand to cover the sky.


The sacred eyes of the sorrowful sorrow suddenly condensed, and it seemed that some doubts looked at the side of the step.


The void was suddenly shredded.


There is a horrible atmosphere, and it is constantly coming out from there.

A lazy voice suddenly rang.

"Step by step young and young... Ten spicy strips, this king helps you block this palm, how?"

The familiar sound is full.

The step suddenly faded.

Don't pass your head, look at the side of the body, you see it... The two figures are drilled out of the cracked void.

The dog is taking a enchanting catwalk and slowly stepping out from it.

The fat of the whole body was slightly trembled.

As for the other figure.

It is a young man who is as handsome as a fairy, open-minded, and bohemian.

The youth is full of hair, but the breath is like a wild beast.

The sigh of the sky burst out on his body.

"Wang Wang Erha?"

The steps were slightly stunned and looked at the familiar figure. The eyes suddenly condensed and the opening was unexpected.

Because this person is the dynasty Erha that has not been seen for a long time.

Has he gone out?

The breath has become stronger and the strength has become stronger...

"You are a little younger and the breakthrough is really fast. Fortunately, the king's talent is different, you can rely on you, otherwise you really have to be chased by you!"

Pluto Erha appeared in the side of the step.

Sensing the little scent of the body that came out of the step, suddenly surprised.


On the top of the sky, the great saint fell in a rush.

Now, it seems that it is not the time to describe the old feelings.

The dog lord yawned, and was ready to raise the dog's claws and patted the palm of the sky.

However, his claws had just been lifted, and it was stopped by Pluto.

"Get it! When the king returns, let the youngsters be young and feel the strength of the king!"

Pluto haha ​​grinned.

"This time it's free, no spicy!"


The next moment, the words suddenly filled with excitement.

boom! ! !

A sigh of relief, the original lazy body shape, suddenly covered with armor.

It’s very cool, and it’s very cool to decorate his body.

"Phantom A!"

The icy, dark armor covers the body of Pluto, setting off his body to the incomparable majestic.


The lacquered black armor seems to shine like a brilliance.

Above the armor, the streamer is constantly surging, and the armor's helmet is like a sharp black corner stretching out.

The armor wings behind it slammed open, and the sound of the cymbals rang through.

Pluto's eyes suddenly sharpened.

Lifting the palm of his hand, facing the void, the palm of the hand down, it was a punch.

This punch, the infinite glory gathered.

Behind it, it seems that there is a huge ghost king who is roaring.

boom! ! !

The fist and the palm collided together.

The terrible explosion rang loudly.

The spread of the waves spread as if it had swept the entire holy city.

The eye of the step is a glimpse, and the two powerful forces that collide with each other are also unable to take a deep breath.

Dog dog eyes staring.

I accidentally saw a look at Pluto.

This kid, did not expect to have passed the fifteen layers of Ghost King, the strength is not bad.

The old guy in Tianzang left a good thing for Pluto.

Erha...have a good meal.


The explosion was loud and dazzling.

Let the whole holy city be shocked...

The pressure of a stock has caused many people to lie on the ground and tremble.

This is the power of the Great Holy!


In the holy city.

Luban looked away from the room with a dignified look, and his eyes were dignified.

Within the inn.

The sinister reliance on the chair, the face is also very dignified.

The void is distorted.

A figure like the thousands of light in the middle of the light, slowly emerges, the body is wonderful...

“The collision of the Great Holy Level?”

The three whispered at the same time.

In the void.

The sacred gaze of the hand is also inevitable.

"A familiar atmosphere..."

The smoke rolled away.

The eyes of Dasheng seem to have fallen from the sky, and finally it is clear, that figure.

Pluto Erha is dressed in the Pluto, with his arms in his arms and his breath.

The smile of the evil charm is hung in the corner of his mouth.

The Great St. of the Holy City looked at Pluto, and there was such a moment of embarrassment, as if I saw the peerless strong figure who used to be an enemy.

Taking a deep breath, the great saint of the holy city, the eyes finally changed.

"Hell... Pluto?"

"The Pluto of Hell... is it back?"


The armor wings behind Pluto Erha are shaped like a black line that rushes into the sky.

In the hands of the black light flashed, a Pluto suddenly began to start.

The huge dark and burly Pluto slammed.

It seems to tear the sky, and the sly smashed toward the great sage.

Heaven and earth seem to be roaring under this shackle!

Step by step, looking at the wangwang Erha.

The dog is also pulling the dog's mouth.

The great saint who is in the midst of a sorrow does not dare to support the big.

There was a bang.

A silver glory sky.

One of them was covered with human figures, and it rushed into the sky.

It was a big fight with Pluto.


The spiritual thread of the road emerged from the spirit sea of ​​the great sacred sacred, projected on the body of the scorpion.


An instant of war broke out between heaven and earth.

The horrible battle swept the world in an instant!

The first time I broke out, the dynasty, I need such a hearty battle, so I was excited and yelled at the same time.

Both tear the sky and kill the sky.

Fighting in the stars!

The great saints can achieve a short starry walk and fight in the stars, but they can let them minimize losses!

Holy City.

Everyone is incredulously looking up.

Looking at the ever-shimmering rainbow in the night.

It seems as if the battles from outside the stars are fluctuating, and everyone is swallowing up.

The Battle of the Great Saints came so unexpectedly.

It seems to be because of the little cook.

Many people's eyes turned and fell on the steps.

By the way, I also saw the dog next to the step...

A fat black dog!

Luban, the tyrannical, and the strong man who was wrapped in the rainbow and listened to the pulse all took a breath.

"Is the **** dog of hell?!"

As the young emperor of the younger generation, they naturally know the name of the **** dog.

At the beginning, the **** and the **** battle, this **** dog is a great show!

Seeing the intimacy of the step and the dog, many people are sucking cold.

This little cook is so close to the **** dog?

The dog’s dog’s eyes looked at the audience and I couldn’t afford any interest in these hell’s juniors.

"The Prison Supreme is actually dealing with you personally, it is really shameless."

The dog looked at the step and said.

The stepper casts the sword pot, and the mental power is huge at the moment, and the look on his face looks a little pale.

He took out the nine-turned tea and began to fill the entrance.

Feel the enthusiasm of the tea in the mouth, the energy constantly infiltrated into the body, pouring into the spirit sea.

Let the hunger and thirst spirit sea recover quickly.

However, the concession side feels a little refreshed.

Looking at the stepping side in restoring mental strength, the dog did not say anything, his eyes slightly dignified and looked at the distant sky.

"Listen to the day you want to play? It seems that this game is no match..."

Dogs said.

"The ancestors of the sorrow are coming!"

Dogs said.


The battle entered a white-hot stage.

next moment.

A loud noise.

The shape of Pluto Erha floated from the sky and fell on the side of the step.

When the Pluto A disappeared, Pluto Erha opened his mouth and laughed. The handsome face exudes a charming look.

Step by step, he glanced at Pluto, and with a hand, he gave him a few hot bars.

The laughter of Pluto Erha stopped abruptly. I took the spicy bar and caught it in my hand. I sniffed a deep breath in front of my nose and felt the taste of the spicy strip spread in the nose. The whole person was intoxicated.

Afterwards, I grabbed the spicy strips, stuffed them in the mouth, and went in and out of the mouth.

The familiarity of the spicy strip on the lips, so that the dynasty Erha moved to cry.

"I haven't eaten a spicy bar for a long time..."



A figure was full of breath, and came back from the stars, staring coldly at Pluto.

Rumble! !

Outside the holy city.

A more and more powerful atmosphere swept across.

The terrible breath seems to be crushing the void.

The sacred eyes of the scorpio on the scorpion suddenly condensed.

"Old ancestors!"

He respectfully bowed out to the holy city.

Lu Ban’s mind is shaking up, and he is also a respectful tribute to the outside of the holy city.

That is one of the nine most powerful prisoners!

This breath makes people change.

Pluto is sipping a spicy bar.

The dog is also staring at the distance.

"The **** dog... Since you are in prison, talk to the old man..."


The sound seemed to blow up above the sky.

Outside the holy city.

Suddenly golden light.

A huge golden skull emerged, looking through the walls of the city of Shengli, watching the dog, and the gaze seemed to have energy sinking!

A supreme pressure suddenly broke away.

The entire holy city was crouched at this moment.

The dog turned his head and glanced at the steps and licked his mouth.

"Step by step, bring people and things to take away, let's go back now."

Step by step.

After no expression, nodded.

The body suddenly flashed, it appeared in the inn.

After Zhu Yan and others were included in the pastoral world, they returned to the side of the dog.

Rumble! !

The golden 傀儡 is more powerful.

Above the top of the skull, there was actually a figure sitting on it.


The huge cockroach raised his hand, the golden palm, and took the picture in the direction of the dog.

"Let's go! This old guy is here... a few other old guys are coming too! Now... not with the old guys!"

The dog snorted.

After opening his mouth, he made a shit!

The sound of shit, as if roaring, bombing everything.

The next moment, the exquisite dog claws were shot.

The small and delicate dog claws patted the huge golden palm.

In an instant, the two collided together.

At this moment.

The dog writhed the enchanting cat step and tore the void.

With the steps, and the king of the throne, which is being pulled out of the spicy bar, stepped into it.

"Want to run?!"

The deafening sound seems to be angry!

The figure on the top of the skull suddenly disappeared like a teleport.

When the next moment appeared, it was just before the crack in the space.

A palm caught the crack in the void.

It seems that I will soon grab the steps.

The brows of the steps suddenly wrinkled.

A heart move.

Destroy the dry pot and the crazy sword pot in his hands...

Look at the claw that was explored.

The eyes of the step suddenly condensed.

Suddenly smashed the crazy sword pot and the ruined pot!

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