Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1303: Double pot fusion, wounded Dasheng [third! 4D update, please subscribe! 】

Destroying the pot and the crazy sword pot is the most powerful means of killing.

They all joined the Tiantian will and the food array [blasting] in the pastoral world, so they made the death food.

But the steps have never been tried, and at the same time, the destruction of the pot and the crazy sword pot, not to mention the integration of them...

The fusion of the two dishes is not a mix of ordinary dishes.

Moreover, it is necessary to make the air machines involved in each other so as to be stable in the process of fusion and not to explode.

Otherwise, once contacted, the destruction of the pot and the crazy sword pot will be blown up, and the step may be swallowed up to ashes in an instant.

The dead food device is originally an extremely unstable type of attacking dish.

This time, the step is also a sigh of relief.

After all, this time in Shengli City, he ate a big loss, he did not want to lose this time!

Therefore, before leaving, he wants to give a deep memory to Shengcheng...

Medieval ancestors.

That is the strongest person in the veins.

The terrible breath seems to cause the void to collapse.

His claws, with supreme power, are constantly surging, as if in a flash, the step will be broken into pieces!

Suddenly, the ancestors frowned.

The palm of the hand seemed to be shrouded in the golden light, and the head of the step was caught.

I want to break the head of the step in a flash.

However, he saw the young man, and he was not afraid to look at him...

On both palms, dishes are emerging.

One hand dry pot, one hand casserole...

This is just what young people want to do when they turn to Xiaosheng?

There is no wave in the heart of the ancestors, and it is a direct light.


The face of the step became pale in an instant.

There is a dignified color in the eyelids.

Destroyed dry pots and crazy casseroles contain horrible air, which are fused together and somewhat repelled.

The spirit of the step is surging, and the casserole and the dry pot are covered in a silky way, and the rejection of the two is continuously erased...

In the naked eye, the destruction of the dry pot and the crazy casserole are constantly approaching.

Finally, it’s a complete gathering.

The breath of the two seems to have turned into yin and yang fish, constantly circling, making the energy balance each other...

By doing this, the step has already felt that his mind is almost exhausted.

"Step by step! What are you doing?!"

The dog finally realized the abnormality of the step, turned over and looked over, and suddenly there was a horror in the eyes, and the open mouth burst.

Pluto is also staying, staring at the spicy bar, squinting at the steps.

This little young... is it crazy?

The violent energy in the casserole and the dry pot is very strong. How does this power blend?

Blended together, it will blow up!

"stop it now!"

Pluto Erha finally wanted to understand, and quickly smacked the spicy strips and shouted.

However, it is too late.

A strange air machine they have never seen before is merged together.

The air seems to be boiling.

In the perception of Pluto and the dog, the yin and yang fish seems to be about to explode...

The radiant light, projecting the world!


"Don't be afraid... just to give a big gift to the prison."

Steps were pale, sweat was flowing down his forehead, and he pulled his mouth and said a touch.

He gasped heavily.

Destroying the pot and the crazy sword pot is still the same kind of food array, so it feels so difficult to integrate.

If it is a different food array, how difficult is it to integrate?

But now the pace has no strength to think about those...

The palm of the ancestors is approaching...

Step by step, his eyes flashed.

Slammed on the yin and yang fish.


It seems as if there is a whistling sound.

Destroy the pot and the crazy sword pot and shoot it out, and smash the past toward the ancestors!

"Is there a little Saint in the district, and dare to shoot the ancestors?"

The ancestors of the ancestors looked at them with sorrow, and they were extremely disdainful...

The yin and yang fish rotate, and the air machine is a little fuzzy.

Despite the dangerous spread of the air machine.

But not enough to turn a small Saint, how can it pose a threat to him?

The old ancestors, the claws facing the yin and yang fish is the past!

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

A terrible explosion suddenly rang!

The sound of this explosion, accompanied by terrible fire and swordsmanship, opened the horrible force of strangling, and it will be swallowed up in a moment!

A huge mushroom cloud suddenly blasted and rushed into the sky!

The smoke is constantly flowing...

At this moment, the entire holy city seems to have lost its voice.

Everyone was stunned and looked at the explosion above the Scorpio.

Only the roar of horror is constantly sweeping...

This is the last gift left by the step to the holy city...

Outside the holy city, there was a huge incitement.

The huge palms slammed over.

Put your hands together.

Wrap the huge explosion in the palm of your hand...

The fire shined through the cracks in the palm of your hand, but it was weakened a lot.

boom! !

In the explosion, there was another explosion...

Later, in the huge palm of the hand, it seems as if the broken piece has fallen down.

The huge explosion was suppressed by the hard life.


Spread your palms.

Above the golden palm.

Then a red-faced old man stood on it, squinting, staring at the vanishing void, and his face was cold as water.

The old man raised his hand, and above his palm, he was torn open by a sword. The flesh and blood in the mouth was squirming, and soon it was restored. Even the blood had never flown down.

The injury is not heavy, but the shock in his heart is nothing to add.

"This feeling... Is it the inheritor of that person?!"

"Impossible... that person is clearly in the sky, life and death, and there will be no inheritors!"

"If it is really the inheritor of that person... then it must die! There should be no such person in this world! No one!"

The shock in the heart of the ancestors is far greater than the injury in the palm of your hand.

Although the injury was only injured by a one-turn Xiaosheng.

A heart move.

The thoughts of the ancestors of the dynasty suddenly dissipated toward the surrounding area.

The entire **** seems to have been shaken at this moment.

Listen to the family.

A sleeping person slowly opened his eyes, as if there was a mysterious torrent flowing through his eyes...


A figure in the burning of five fires slowly stood up, the horrible flesh and blood roared, and the breath seemed to collapse.

The ancestors of all the prisoners of the prison seem to have awakened at this moment.



The sky is shredded.

Three figures came out of it.

The dog and the prince’s mouth slammed.

They turned their heads and looked pale. They were pale and had no **** steps. They all felt a little weird.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, the younger ones are younger...the temper is rising."

Ting Wang Erha said with a spicy strip.

The dog is turning over the dog's eyes.

"Why, the fusion of his two dishes, although the power is good, but to kill the old guy, much worse, at most to smash the other's skin ... nothing practical."

Dogs said.

Pluto is a very recognized nod.

"Yes... We will bring back the youngsters at this time, will it not be good?"


"I heard that young people have entered the finals... this is not easy."

"What's not so good? The people in the prison are not well at first glance. You feel that even if the step-by-step kid wins the championship, the urinary nature of the old guys in the prison may give way to the irrigation of the will of the heavens. ?"

The dog snorted.

"The old guys just want to use this game to show the power of the prison. Once the steps can really kill one or two of the so-called three emperors... Oh, those old guys will definitely let Dasheng shot."

"They won't allow people outside of the prison to get the first... and, if the dog is not bad, the prison seems to be starting to move again, always wanting to promote the ruins to the big world. Hell... I can’t wait any longer."

"Especially after seeing your boy's inheritance of the old man of the sky, they will be more and more uneasy. After all, there will be another day, and the prison will be afraid, even though...you are worse than your father. Far away."

Said the dog.

Pluto was licking the hot bar and rolled his eyes.

This fury dog ​​is really much more recently.

"What should I do now? It’s not easy for the younger step to play younger.... Where are we going to take him?"


"Where to go?"

The dog squatted, and then the dog's mouth was picked, revealing a strange color.

"Go to a good place."

Dogs said.


A glimpse of the prince.

The next moment, the dog is wrapped in the shadow of the three across the void, shooting away from the distance.

That direction...

It is the source of Huangquan River.

"I rub! You mangy dog, I want to pinch frame their lives with that old wreck is not it? Hello muddy water to touch the grass?! You know that old man can see I wanted to hit me!"

Above the Scorpio, it soon rang out of the shouts of Pluto.


The first battle ended.

The sudden battle of the Great Saints was beyond the expectations of everyone.

The little chef in the kitchen of the kitchen disappeared and was taken away by the great saint.

What about tomorrow's game?

Does this mean that the team in the kitchen industry automatically admits it?

Many people face each other.

But the people in prison are ecstatic.

The team in the kitchen industry has conceded defeat, which means that tomorrow's team championship is their pulse.

The prison is really invincible!

However, many people in prison are also clear.

The reason why the step party will leave is also forced by the strong of their prisoners...

They are quite a bit embarrassed.

However, this feeling quickly disappeared.

Even if the cook is not forced to go, do you still want to win the strongest of their first echelon?

I am afraid that my dream is still not awake!

And the second day.

The finals officially began, and the small worlds began to broadcast the game.

However, it was told that the Xian kitchen team announced their waiver.

The culinary team competition and individual competition places were cancelled.

This is the cause of dissatisfaction.

They have sent countless expectations to the dark horse of the fairy kitchen industry, and the result has actually fallen into such a result.

Many people feel that there is a shady prison!

But... they can't prove it.

The ruling day road battle, after all, turned into a civil war in the prison.

Individual competitions, almost all of them are the games of the prisoners.

The three emperors of the younger generation also finally took the shot, occupying the top three respectively...

The younger generation of the prison, still under the pressure of the Three Emperors, shivered.

With the end of the individual finals of the martial arts Heavenly Games, the imperial concubine also dispatched the messengers to the small worlds...

A joint operation that has been planned for a long time in prison has finally begun.



Huang Quangu.

Pluto's nose and green face swollen with a spicy strip, while sitting sadly on a large stone.

From time to time, I touched my nose, and there was a red blood in my nose.

His eyes often contain tears, which are pitted.

Huang Quangu.

The step is to kneel in the valley for a long time, for three consecutive days, it is barely to repair the mental strength back...

The fourth day.

Step by step opened his eyes and his mind suddenly spread.

In the valley, three powerful thoughts were touched.

Undoubtedly, these three gods are the dog, the grandson of Huang Quan and the prince of the dynasty.

Huang Quan Dasheng holds the grass and squints at the steps.

Seeing that the steps were awakened, they immediately came together.

"Little guy, is the mental strength restored? You said that you are looking for this holy wine from the return of the prison... Now it is time to fulfill the promise? This holy is ready for you..."

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