Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1310: One million can't buy a loss, can't buy it! [First! 】

The night is quiet and the moon is high.

Forbidden City, Huangquan shop.

Brightly lit.

In the restaurant, the shadows are rare, and the leaves of the Taoist tree are swaying in the rustle.

The dog is squatting under the tree of enlightenment, gently screaming.

The spit between the nose and mouth is full of incomparable anger.

Xiao You is looking for Yu Ji, in addition to borrowing money, naturally there is still to go with Yu Ji, Yu Ji is a small quiet sister.

This time, the best Huangquan Naihe wine, Xiaoyou also has to pay, although other dishes can not collect money, but the system is very determined this time, no matter who, in addition to the step itself, as long as you want to drink a glass of wine, you must pay money.

Even the people who are close to the steps are the same, the dog, Xiao You are like this.

However, the step is not to be concerned about this.

With the strength of the dog, it is very easy to get a million crystals, and then, with the urine of the dog, the number of strong people has been hollowed out.

It’s easy to make a million crystals.

As for Xiao You, Yu Ji is the prisoner, and Xiao You’s sister is naturally able to get together a million crystals.

Therefore, the step is not too tangled.

In today's restaurants.

In addition to the dog, it is only the step.

Step by step with a wine glass, his eyes flashed and looked at the best Huang Quannai wine in front of him.

He knows that this wine has a very low effect on him and it is difficult to help him break through, but he still wants to have a drink.

Even if it is a hard time to brew this wine.

The best yellow spring wine, the wine is a colorful color, bright color, the wine is swaying in it.

Stepping on the wine glass, the cup came to the mouth.

With a bang, it was poured into the mouth.

At the entrance, it is a spicy taste.

That's right, it's spicy, that kind of spicy taste, as if you want to burn your scalp.

It was like a whirlwind, and between the moments, it swept the whole body.

Afterwards, the mellowness of the liquor is an explosion.

Originally, I felt that the amount of a glass of wine should not be much.

However, after drinking in the mouth, the trace of wine, as if it had risen in an instant, turned into a drunken liquor of the river, constantly rushing in the mouth, constantly embarrassing.

That feeling is hard to describe.

It tastes great and is the best wine ever brewed.

Even if it is just for the taste, it can afford it, a million dollars in price.

Stepping on his mouth, because the smell of wine is still lingering in his mouth, let him frown, and relive the feeling of the wine.

The dog-in-law who was under the tree of Enlightenment opened his eyes and looked at the steps of a glass of wine. The dog’s eyes suddenly showed a playful color.

The blush of the step is gone.

The brush suddenly became red.

He opened his mouth and gave a slight breath.

He rubbed his head and felt a whirlwind.

No wonder even the great saints can't hold this glass of wine.

This wine is indeed extraordinary.

Step by step and take a breath.

Standing up, the body is soft...

When the dog saw the steps, he suddenly sipped, as if he was silently laughing.

Of course, the pace at the moment is not to see the sneer of the dog.


The steps feel like a whirlwind, and there are all kinds of pictures in front of you.

This picture makes him look big.

He saw the skyscrapers, saw the traffic, and saw the stir-fry in the kitchen is the raging fire...

This familiar picture, the concession side is slightly awkward...

These seem to be pictures of the Earth of the past life?

Step by step to blaspheme.

I walked upstairs against the wall, and soon I actually climbed into my room.

Full of alcohol, it was lying on the bed, screaming and sleeping.


The second day.

The dawn, the sun is high, the sun shines.

Before the Huangquan store, a group of people were wide-eyed and looked at the restaurants that closed the door.

The people present were all strong in the world, and they were all prepared for a million crystals, just for today's glass of wine.

However, the restaurant’s doors remained closed as time went by.

Is this a dry scorpion?

“How have you not opened yet?”

“Don't you say that the restaurant is open for three hours a day? It’s been half a day... no longer open the door, it’s going to be dark!”

"This boss is not talking!"


The strongest of a group of family door valves in front of the door, hey, whispering and talking.

But no one can figure out the situation.

They knocked on the door and did not respond.

I want to be hard, but I think that it seems that there is a **** dog sitting in the restaurant, it is giving up the hard heart.

Everyone is itchy.

Mainly they can't wait to get the wine.

The wine can increase the strength of the great holy level, and for them, the natural effect is even better.

Queuing, can only continue to queue.

So, in the Forbidden City, there is such an interesting scene.

In the various cities of Hell, the famous family members of the family, all of them are quietly lined up in front of a small restaurant.

Residents in the Forbidden City saw this scene, they were very unbelievable, pointing out their fingers.

The owners of these family door valves suddenly felt a hot face.

When were they being used as an animal onlookers? !

But for the sake of wine, they endured it.

This is the time of the night.

The moon is once again high.

Above the scorpio, the disc-like bright moon casts a little bit of luster.

The cool moonlight sprinkled, as if the earth was covered with silver frost, the main door of the family doorkeepers lined up, boring one by one, sitting on the ground.

They look forward to seeing.

"Dissipate it, let it go... It seems that it is not open today."

“Wasting the time of the Lord’s day...”

"Being a gesture, this is!"


The homeowners of each family are full of anger, but they have no way to go and can only leave.

And this time.

The news in the restaurant was also transmitted to the whole hell.


After a day of sacred robbery, it also slowly came to a close.

The forbidden strongs who have been paying attention to the thunderstorm situation have all recovered their gaze.

Palazzo Pagoda.

Pluto haha ​​grinned and felt the power of the sky in the body, laughing and not closing his mouth.

One million bought a breakthrough, no loss at all!

Step by step young and young is still very reasonable, one million can't buy a loss, can't buy it!

Pluto's heart is happy.

He churned up in the Palazzo Pagoda, and he had a million crystals, and he was ready to find another young man to have a drink.

As for what he did with drunkenness, and what he said... he was selectively forgotten.

He woke up still wondering why his spicy strips were gone.

Ying Long House.

The Dragon Prisoner slowly opened his eyes, and his body was surrounded by thunder, and his breath was several times.

The whole person is extremely terrifying.


A dragon.

Ying Long’s body suddenly rises high and rises into the sky.

The next moment, on the top of the sky, turned into a huge Ying Long that covered the sky.

Should be the body of the dragon.

It has a dragon-like body, but there is a pair of flesh wings on the back.

The scales on the body exude a dark golden glow.

Hey, the sound of the dragon's voice continues to spread, as if it sounded through the whole hell.

He is excited.

At his age, he did not expect that he could still break through because of a breakthrough in a glass of wine.

This feeling is very beautiful.

This wine, the value of drinking.

Ying Long re-formed himself, holding the eye of the void, his eyes full of surprise and excitement.

Looked at the direction of the Forbidden City.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and did not go immediately.

Instead, quiet down and begin to consolidate.


And this time.

The forbidden areas of Hell have also received news from their men.

The breakthrough of the Dragon Prisoner and the breakthrough of Pluto Erha are all due to a glass of wine.

A glass of wine from the Forbidden City Bistro.

This news, even cold, passed to the prison.

Of course, the intrepids of the prison are now in the celebration of the martial arts heavenly battle. They sneered at the news and thought it was **** to deliberately make it out, in order to find a place.

So nothing is going on.

However, the ground forbidden in **** is not the same.

The forbidden places were sent out by the strong, and these strong people went out of the forbidden land and rushed toward the Forbidden City.

They all accepted the order and took a glass of wine back.

Each of them has millions of crystals, carrying huge sums of money.

Regardless of whether the rumors are true or not, if there is such a wine, why not try it?

So for a while.

The whole **** is changing, and all forces are boiling.

One strong after another was sent to the Forbidden City.

The originally ruined and secluded city of the Forbidden City, once again after the semi-final of the martial arts Tiandao battle, was once again lively.

Step by step opened his eyes...

I yawned.

His clothes are a little messy, his hair is also messy, but he feels that his body and mind seem to be transparent.

"Well? My repair is..."

Step by step, sensing a lot of their own strength.

In his spiritual sea, there was originally only one rotating vortex, but now, there are two.

Does this mean that his strength has entered the realm of the second turn to the little holy?

Doesn't it mean that the dishes are not effective for his improvement?

Step by step, I was amazed.

I didn’t think of a glass of wine, but I could still get a breakthrough...

However, it is a good thing to make a breakthrough, and the pace of the step can be enough.

Feel a messy body.

Step into the bathroom.

Oh la la...

Hot water is sprayed from the nozzle, and the clear water is filled with hot air, which fills the entire bathroom.

The dim light illuminates the atmosphere of the bathroom, making the atmosphere feel a little lazy for a while.

After the shower, the steps came out of it.

Dressed in a bathrobe, the hair is wet, and a little water stains flow down from it.

The bathrobe is open, revealing a white chest...

The hair brushed the hair, but the hair was still a little moist.

However, the convenience is not to be taken care of.

On the boat, there was a robe of robes, and when the sun was shining, it was time to open the store.

This sleep can be really comfortable, and the pace of feeling that his mental strength seems to be due to this feeling, with a slight improvement.

Go down the stairs.

Came to the kitchen.

The small white mechanical eye flickers, and the step is to take a small white belly.

"another beautiful day……"

Step by step, said with no expression.

After practicing for a while in the kitchen.

It was in the restaurant.

"Step by step, wake up."

Under the tree of enlightenment, the dog-in-law saw the wet side of the hair, and the dog's mouth suddenly pulled, and said something interesting.

"Sleep for a long time, but the taste of the wine is really good, it is worthy of the wine made with the nine leaves of yellow spring grass."

Step by step, nodded.

He did not hear the banter in the dog's words.

Perhaps it’s when you are drunk, what do you do, and let the dog play like this.

At this time, it can only be changed without change, and without expression, it will not appear embarrassing.


The step opened the door of the restaurant.

The sun shines down from the door.

Projected to the ground.

The steps narrowed slightly, which was the result of the glare of the sun.

"Well? It’s quite lively... everyone is so early."

Step by step, a look at the dense long queue outside the door, a slight glimpse.

Later, he said with a blank expression.

Outside the door.

Wait until the flowers are thankful, the family members of the family door, see the steps to open the door.

They actually have the urge to cry.

"Early? Early ass... We waited all day and night outside the door!"

A family owner squinted, his eyes seemed to be covered with bloodshot eyes, and it looked extremely horrible and embarrassing.

one day one Night?

Step by step.

What seems to be remembered later.

The look on my face was weird.

Have you had a glass of wine and slept for a day and night?

Didn't I sleep for one night?

No wonder the dog boy just looked at him with such a weird expression.

"The orderly queue, the store is open, start now."

Stepless expression, said quietly.

Then turned around and walked towards the restaurant.

The owners of the family door valve suddenly looked at each other and looked at the back of the step.

Seeing the calm appearance of the step, there was a toothache.

This is awkward, sleep for a day and night, isn’t it awkward?

But now naturally it is not the time to think about it.

The family owners of the family have rushed into the restaurant.

"The orderly queue, don't squeeze."

Step by step at the door of the kitchen, turned to look at a group of people in front of the door, faint.


Outside the Forbidden City.

A black cloud is floating.

The figure of a figure is looming in it.

"Before the boss asked for assassination... It seems to be this cook too?"

The black shadow pondered over.

"Before assassination, now asking for wine... I feel very embarrassed, the boss is doing things, really do not consider my mood."



The ground collapsed, and a skeleton skeleton climbed out of it and surrounded the city of Forbidden City.

In these sly eyes, there are all the wild blue fires that are beating.

A silver plaque stands at the front of these cockroaches...

This silver sly, now carrying his hand and touching his bone chin, is obviously thinking.


The silvery sly eyes fluttered in the eyes.

I saw a black cloud floating in the sky, and the wildfire suddenly became sharp.

"The bone shelf of the sacred cave..."

"The guy in the Black Temple..."

There seems to be some competition between the two.


Both minds change at the same time.

At the horizon in the distance.

A figure wearing a big red robe, walking straight legs, swaying from the waist ...

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