Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1311: Drunk and drunk [second! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

"The woman... actually appeared!"

The wildfire in the silver eyes is constantly beating, and the mouth is open, as if inhaling.

"Sure enough... the wine that can help the great breakthrough, even the mad woman who is a **** of the mountain can't help it!"

The figure wrapped in the black mist is also an open mouth.

The queen was striding forward, and the red robes on her body were constantly tumbling. The waist of the robes was open at the waist, and the straight legs were looming between the robes and the scrolls.

It seems to be the silver scorpion and the black mist suspended in the sky.

The corner of the queen's blue eyes curled up disdainfully.

"The sacred caves and the black temple... It seems that the things that the step bosses are doing this time seem to be particularly ugly. It seems that they have to hurry to find the boss."

The blue lips are slightly open, and the delicate and beautiful face reveals a hint of thoughtful color.

Afterwards, the corners of the mouth are pulled, and the charm is like the world.

Swaying the waist, walking slowly toward the city of forbidden souls.

Silver snorted and snorted.

This is considered a competition for the three major forbidden places, but it is the face of the forbidden land.

Although ... 堕 窟 窟 跟 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 堕 堕 堕 堕 堕 堕 堕 堕 堕 堕 堕!


A roar.

Silvery suddenly took a step and walked toward the Forbidden City.

After he left, the hustle and bustle of the mountains and plains sank into the ground.

The strong man of the black temple sent out a laughter and went away in the city of forbidden souls.


Xiao You returned with Yu Ji and others.

They are also carrying huge sums of money, and they all have millions of crystals, so they can taste the wines of the small shop.

When they returned, the store was very lively.

Xiao You is wearing a small fox and crossing the team and entering the restaurant.

Step by step sitting at the table.

The jade altar is placed on one side, and the table is a blue and white porcelain cup.

In the blue and white porcelain cup is a glass of wine.

The seven-colored liquor, in the light of the restaurant, seems to reflect the glory of the thousands of streams, gorgeous like a rainbow, charming eyes.

Xiaoyou was holding the little fox back, and the gaze of the step was on Xiaoyou.

Nodded to the small quiet.

"came back?"

The faint question asked.

Xiao You held the little fox, nodded, blinked, and then took out a purse and handed it to the step.

"This is a million crystals... give me a glass of wine."

Xiao You looked at the steps and said seriously.

In this regard, the step naturally did not hesitate, grabbed a glass of wine and handed it to Xiao You.

The owners of several family door valves standing in front of the table are facing each other.

"This glass of wine... is it worth a million crystals?!"

They are actually still hesitant.

After all, a million crystals are not a small number. For a family, the burden is not small.

After all, Jingjing is not a Yuanjing, and the difference between the two is different.

This glass of wine... is worth the price.

Xiaoyue took over the wine glass handed over by the step, and the red lips picked up, and I couldn’t wait any longer.

The murderer, such as Yu Ji Luo Ji, is also entering the restaurant.

For a time, the restaurant became very lively.

The eyes of Yu Ji and others fell on Xiao You.

Holding a blue and white porcelain wine glass.

After a small sputum licked his mouth, he poured the liquor into his mouth.

Dasheng drank this wine to break through. What would happen if the little saint drank this wine?

Many people are confused in their hearts.

This wine can help Dasheng break through the realm. Then help Xiaosheng, can't break through three or four realms?

Many people think like this. If it really has this effect, then it is worth a million crystals. It is worth it!

If you can really help Xiaosheng break through three or four realms, then the whole **** is afraid that it will be crazy!


The little secluded with a wine glass and drank it all.

Gray-green hair sprinkled down.

The clear throat rolled over compared to the eyelids.

A glass of wine is under the belly.

Xiao You’s entire face was wrinkled and his mouth opened, apparently being spicy by the spicy Huangquan wine.

"so spicy……"

Xiaoru wrinkled his nose and said.

The little fox's little hand stretched out, grabbed the small cup, and the nose sniffed and sniffed. This sniff, the little fox suddenly brightened his eyes.

The tongue sticks out and smashes in the cup, and the remaining liquor contaminated in it is broken into the abdomen.

boom! !

Everyone is paying attention to the appearance of Xiao You, everyone is wide-eyed and curious.

They don't know what happens when they drink a little drink.

Will it break through?

Will it break through several realms?

The small pale face of Xiao You, after drinking the wine, suddenly became red.

Zhang opened his mouth, the little tongue muttered, and he was hot.

The little fox who smashed the wine was also blindfolded, squatting on the shoulders of Xiao You, with a blushing look.

Little squat, it seems that some of the stations are unstable, as if they will fall down at once.

Step by step.

I was prepared to take a small waist, and the face of the latter was completely red.

The mouth is open and all the squirting is alcohol.

"Drink it well……"

Xiao You squinted.

After being caught in the waist, the head could not move.

Then the head of the head slammed into the head of the step, and the forehead squatted on the forehead of the step...

The corner of the square is a slam.

He knew that Xiaoyou was drunk and definitely not good at serving...

The little foxes on the shoulders of Xiao You are unsettled, as if they want to slide down.

He was thrown out by the step and pulled it up and put it on his shoulder.

I licked the hot head of the little fox.

Step by step suddenly felt a little dumbfounding.

The head was hit several times in a row, and the steps were unbearable.

People who are drunk are not talking about taking a drunk, but being drunk, do you like to meet people?


Shouted the steps.

In the kitchen.

The little white cockroach opened the curtain and came out.

The mechanical eye flickers.

"Look at the wine, I will be back soon."

Said the step.

Later, it was pulling a small quiet, and the little fox was on his shoulder and walked toward the second floor.

The little secluded machine wants to use his head to slap him.

However, he was lifted by the step and held it with his palm.

Raise his hand and patted the face of a small blush, and the step was helpless.

Sure enough... not everyone who is drunk is like him, the wine is so good.



Step by step, I stopped and looked at me.

Yu Ji and others, the owners of many family gates have been watching.

Xiao You drank the wine, in addition to playing alcohol, it will naturally break through.

This breakthrough is of course everyone’s concern...

boom! ! !

Sure enough, Xiao You’s body, the breath began to skyrocket...

This trend is undoubtedly a trend to break through.

However, it is beyond everyone's expectations.

This skyrocketing trend just stopped for a while and eventually broke through only one level.

Make Xiaowei's repair to reach the second turn.

Xiao You had a cursed snake. Although the side effects were huge, the repair was a lot better.

Moreover, the Cursed Snake has been subtly enhancing her cultivation.

Nowadays, a glass of wine is under the belly and repaired to directly break through a realm.

“Only one realm?”

"Small St. drinking alcohol can only break through a realm?"

"This... is it a fake drink?"


The owners of the family door valves are all stunned, and they can't help but frown, doubtful.

However, it is clear that the wine of the step is naturally not a fake wine, which means that this wine can only break through a realm for Xiaosheng.

Or it is said that this wine ... fixed to help drinkers break through a realm.

Although the effect is already very bad.

But many people still feel a little regret, especially the little holy people.

If it can only break through a realm, then a million glasses of wine, some are not worth it.

A million meditation cultivation resources can be used by several young sacred cultivators for several years.

However, this wine is a great holy, or a nine-turned little holy, but it is a **** wine!

If you turn to this wine, you may be able to break through to the great holy...

For the whole hell, how many new sacs will be in hell!

So, this wine still has the benefits of this wine!


Xiaoyou broke through.

The face of the step is more and more dignified.

far away.

Yu Ji carries a heavy sword, and looking at the small face is also pale.

The green brilliance of Xiao You’s body suddenly surged out, and the cold appearance of the cursed snake was looming.

A pair of cold scorpions were locked on the steps.

After a long time, the green brilliance was scattered.

"The Cursed Snake..."

Step by step blinked, but also some headaches, how to solve the curse of Xiao You.

Pulling Xiao You, stepped on the second floor and opened the door of the small quiet room.

Put Xiaoyou on the bed.

The little fox also fell from his shoulder and stuffed it on the side of the small head.

One person and one fox screamed and slept.

Stepping off the door, he walked out and returned to the restaurant.

The news that the best Huangquan Nai wine can only help Xiaosheng break through a realm is passed out.

The family members of the family door in the queue suddenly looked at each other.

Many families are not in line and have left.

They are here for the sake of wine.

For the breakthrough effect of wine.

Can help Dasheng break through a realm, they think, at least can help Xiaosheng break through three or four realms...

But now it seems that this wine is not as magical as the legend says.

The step is very calm.

Looking at the restaurants that were originally in the city, the people who lined up at once were scattered and expressionless.

He has already guessed this situation.

This group of people is just for speculation.

Want to use wine to break through multiple realms.

But there are so easy things in the world.

The best Huangquan Nai wine is magical, but breaking through the three or four realms is not a good thing for the practitioners.

On the contrary, the step feels that it is good to break through a realm. Although it only breaks through a realm, the effect of the best Huangquan Nai wine is to help them re-wash their bodies and lay a good foundation.

The foundation is the key.

Looking at the ones that have left, the steps are not changed.

Yu Ji and others looked at the steps of the party and admire a lot.

It can be so calm in front of the big ups and downs.

They also spent money to buy a glass of wine.

Wine is not allowed to bring out the restaurant, so they are drinking in the restaurant.

A glass of wine is under the belly, and each is drunk.

Jin Jiao’s face was blushing, patted his big breast muscles and shouted.

Luo Ji giggled and smiled.

Even if it is the majestic prisoner of the weekdays, drunkenness is still a ugly phenomenon.

Even the unspoken geek.

After drinking the wine, picking up the big sword was smashed in the restaurant.

Step by step to lick the eyebrows.

Let Xiaobai invite them all out.

Although the family door valves were disappointing, they left a lot.

They think that wine is not worth millions of crystals.

However, there are still a lot of families left, they bought wine, drank on the spot, and broke through on the spot.

Then the drunken state broke out, and it was invited by Xiaobai.

Because they are drunk, the step is not judged to be troublesome.

Otherwise, the swearing madness may have to return to the rivers and lakes.

When the king of the princes drifted away, the first step was to make a big bell-like laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha! Steps are young and young... your wine is very good! It is worthy of the man whom the king valued!"

Pluto Erha took a step of eight steps, flying fast, while walking, laughing.

For Pluto.

Steps still remember the truth of this sly confided after drunk yesterday.

Suddenly sneer on his face...


Step by step.

The voice of Pluto’s laughter came to an abrupt end, only to feel a cold.

what's the situation?

The monk Erhazhang second monk can't figure it out.

"Give the king a glass of wine!"

Pluto haha ​​grinned and laughed.

Drinking can break through, then what else does he have to cultivate?

A cup of wine a day, in a few days, he may have to surpass his father!

"There are still a few hot strips..."


His spicy bar just finished eating.

"Spicy bars? No."

Step by step, he glanced at Pluto, but he handed the wine to him, the spicy bar...the door was not.

Who is skunk?

"How can the spicy bar be gone? Impossible... I saw you there yesterday..." The King of the Kings suddenly widened his eyes and suddenly did not believe it.

"Oh, you young, naughty, get the hot bar, the king is not bad!"

Pluto Wang ha shook a smile, but also took a purse and shook it before the steps.

The steps are cold and cold.

"The skunk of me...there is no spicy bar, the spicy bar does not exist, it can't exist in this life..."

Step by step.

When I heard this, I was shocked. How did I know the term skunk? !

what happened?

My God, will not be the last day he drank the wine, what did he do?

I’ve been drinking a broken piece... I don’t remember it...

But seeing the expressionless face on the side of the step, the prince of the prince is not dead.

Taking a glass of wine is a side.

A glass of wine is under the belly.

He squinted and pulled his chin, wanting to feel the thrill of breaking through, however...

After waiting for a long time, only the dizzy head.

Breakthrough, did not appear...


Pluto is stunned.

Is this wine... can it help only break the first time?

Is there such a pothole operation?

The crisp footsteps resounded.

Outside the door, the incense winds came.

"Oh, the smell of good fragrance, step boss... I haven't seen it for a long time, have you researched something good?"

The soft sound resounded from the door.

Many of the family door valves that have never left are watching.

The fascinating figure of the wind is so beautiful that it is suffocating.

The Queen fell to the restaurant and smiled on the beauty.

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