Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1329: The two armies confront each other [first! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

Most afraid of the air suddenly quiet.

Huang Quan was stunned, and his eyes widened and he looked at the steps. The unbelievable color in the eyes was like a blue sky and a slash.

The steps were also staying, and opened his mouth slightly, trying to say something, but never said it.

Huang Quansheng lifted the cake in his hand and glanced at it. The cake was very round, and the golden cake was inlaid with two petals to cut the fruit.

But... he hasn't eaten a cake yet.

There is a not too good premonition in the heart of Huang Quan.

He opened his mouth, and the chest couldn't help but have a hot air surge. Later, he gathered in the mouth and finally sprayed out.

In the air, a red-red fireball was made, and the fireball exploded, like a splendid fireworks.

Beautiful, skill a hundred percent...

Of course, there is no egg to use.


"How has your ability not disappeared yet?"

The step is also slightly surprised, looking at the opening of Huang Quan, doubts.

"Half hour has passed. Under normal circumstances, the ability should have disappeared. Is it that your ability is too ridiculous, so the time for disappearing is prolonged?" Step by step, he thought.

Huang Quan Dasheng is now like a pot on the face.

The words of the step made him have some hope. If it is really like the step, it would be good.

Otherwise, he is in the hall of Huang Quan, and turns to the Great Saint. When he fights with others, he first sprays a fireball.

That scene will be extremely embarrassing.

It’s like juggling on the street, grabbing the root stick, and squirting it up, suddenly the fireball on the stick is so big...

He is the supreme Huang Quan Dasheng in hell, not juggling on the street!

Another half of the time has passed.

Huang Quan was sitting on a chair and his face was very dark.

On the side of the step, selling the cake is very hot.

Many people bought the cake with the crystal, and they were very happy.

Although there are many 150,000 meditation crystals, the ones that can buy cakes are basically the strongest people of the small holy level. It is really not difficult to get out the 150,000 tangs.

Some little saints are extravagant to eat cakes to feel the effect of the cake.


As the little saint who wanted to verify the effectiveness of the cake ate the cake, a scent of gas in the cake poured into his body.

The little sage’s eyes suddenly brightened.

The next moment, behind the scenes is the emergence of two pairs of white wings.

The wings flapped, and the speed suddenly turned into a streamer to cut the sky...

The cultivation is also constantly rising. Although it is not much, it is the ecstasy that makes the little Saint excited.

It seems that his luck is really good.

Also, this made cake can really make people possess.

Only luck is good, maybe it can really be as the step boss said, a great achievement, against the imprisonment.

At that time, maybe it was really time to be famous.

Huang Quan Dasheng glanced at the ecstatic little Saint, and suddenly snorted.

The sound is like a thunder.

Exploding in the ear of the little saint, making the little holy stay alive.

"Roller! Don't swear in front of the Holy Spirit, or you will poke you with a finger!"

Huang Quan Dasheng threatened the black face.

That little holy, quickly fanned the wings behind him and left the store.

The curious eyes of the step looked over.

Huang Quan Dasheng Nostrils Zhang Da, took a look at the steps, then opened his mouth...


Another group of beautiful fireballs sprang out and blasted in the air, like a gorgeous flower.

Seeing the fireball appear, Huang Quan’s great sacred almost black.


The name of his first name of Huangquan Dasheng was destroyed on a piece of cake.

"It's really a permanent ability... you... you are the legendary son of the heavens!"

Step by step opened his eyes and looked at Huang Quan Dasheng.

He was really surprised. The system said that it is difficult to get permanent ability from the cake. The chance is almost one in ten thousand.

But what?

Huang Quan Dasheng actually got a permanent ability for the second piece of cake.

Although this ability is a bit sloppy, but... who cares?

This luck is simply against the sky!

The horrified gaze of the step made Huang Quan’s sacred hate to slap him to death.

He is also a bit confused now, is he lucky or bad luck...

Looking at the last piece of cake in his hand, Huang Quan is also a bit awkward.

As the only child who has won the permanent ability to eat the cake, he should be confident in his luck.


After thinking about it, Huang Quan Dasheng still gave up eating the last piece.

The ghost knows that if he opens a permanent skill of watering, he can only cry silently in the corner of the wall.

The step into the kitchen.

After a while, it came out again.

Once again, take out a basket of made cakes.

The diners who bought the cakes have left the restaurant, and everyone is very excited.

The news of making cakes in small restaurants was quickly spread throughout hell.

Making cakes can make the people who eat the cakes unimaginable. As long as you have luck, you can even make a great sacredness from the little holy world.

As long as you have confidence in yourself, a piece of cake can make you embark on the peak of life.

There is also a probability of one in ten thousand to get permanent ability.

Just like the general of Huangquan, the fire-breathing ability is permanently obtained.

The news spread, and in less than a day, it was spread throughout hell.

Everyone was a little bit tempted to know the first time of this news.

Making cakes?

What is that thing?

Get luck by luck?

Is there such a cake? Eating a piece of cake is like a lottery...

Many people were originally skeptical.

However, when there was a diners, in front of many powerful people, they took out a piece of cake, and took a bite with a sigh of relief. After a swallow, they swallowed it.

The little holy moment was turned into a huge giant of more than five meters high, and the energy that lingered on the body was extremely powerful.

The strength of the original seven-turn Xiaosheng was also in a flash, reaching a nine-turn Xiaosheng.

This can astound everyone.

It is able to continuously improve the strength of the second turn, which is much better than the best yellow spring wine.

Of course, after half an hour, the little holy is restored to its original state, but the breath of the body is not the slightest ups and downs and collapses.

This once again makes everyone boil.

This is a means of increase without any side effects. If a person has a piece of cake and faces the strong man of the prison, when the war is over, a piece of cake bites down and gains a powerful ability, and it is absolutely impossible to hit the enemy by surprise!

As the slogan of the owner of the cake said, in the event of eating a cake to achieve the great saint, wouldn’t it be a history?

In this era, there is a strong color.

Everyone has a big holy dream. For this dream, they are happy with each other!

Just for that chance, that chance.

So, when the news came out, the whole **** was boiling.

The family door valves, gearing up, and flew like a rush to the Huangquan store.

This time, even more popular than the sale of the best Huangquan Nai wine.

In front of the store, the time was crowded and the door was in the city.

Step by step, a basket of baskets from the kitchen, will make the cake out.

Selling cakes is not a pleasure.

If not for three people per day, the roof of the Huangquan store may have been opened.

Those diners are really crazy.

The Golden Horn Silver Prison Lord also came over like a fly.

Pluto Erha, the Dragon Prisoner and the Dog Lord did not know where to go.

He is in prison, but he has not launched an attack for the time being, and may be waiting for an opportunity.

Therefore, the remaining prisoners, when they learned the news of the recipe for the cake, they all came over. If the cake is so magical, it will definitely become a powerful weapon against **** in hell!

Of course, the news of such a sensational whole **** is naturally unable to hold the prison.

The people in prison also learned the news.

But most people are scornful.

"Made the cake? A piece of cake can still make the world of creation? It's ridiculous..."

"Hell is to relieve the pressure that our prison army has brought them, so we are sending out this kind of nonsense information to shock me and wait for the military."

"The people of **** are really idiots, and they should be trampled by my prison in the near future."


The infernal powers are all breathtaking and stand on top of the sky.

The army of the prison began to assemble.

Those who conquered a small world around them are returning and gathering in the void.

The army of the fire demon, the army of the shadow magic, the army of the kitchen...

After the reception of the small world around them, the army of the nine nationalities gathered in the center.

The breath of horror seems to have turned into a beastly beast, and it is necessary to break through the heavens and the earth.

The horn of the war blew, and the sound blew the sky, deafening.

Every one of the infernal powers is under the horn of the horn, and it is full of blood and roaring.

A ship of warships straddles the sky, and each ship's ship's board is assembled with a large army. It is also a top-ranking nine-turner-level stalwart.

The warships passed by, and the depressed voids were all overwhelming.

Bring a heavy and oppressive atmosphere.

On the sky, there is a stream of light passing by.

Instantly suspend the void.

A silver long sword flies, and the top of the sword is held by a gray robe old man, who is the sword ancestor.

In the void, it seems as if a huge illusion is looming, a creature that seems to be condensed by flames, burning the void, and the terrible heat waves sweeping.

This is the ancestor of the fire demon.

Among the nine ethnic groups, the six ancestors are all appearing.

They are high above, with a distorted little world at the top of their heads, and the will of heaven will fall down their bodies.

They are like the true gods, let the army tremble.

As the ancestors of all ethnic groups joined the battle, the entire cemetery suddenly boiled up.


The void was crushed.

Tens of thousands of martial arts, the call sign is in the void.

From the distant void, crossed, with a terrible oppressive atmosphere, pushed to hell.

And hell.

The craze for buying cakes has gradually ended.

The strong who bought the cake ended the return to the mind.

All the family's door valves are attacked by the whole army, gathered into an army, and under the leadership of the various world's gatekeepers, against the army of the prison.

Hell is very strong, so the prison is the assembly of the army of all parties to the war.

This is already a great respect for hell, but for hell, this is a disaster.

The army of the Nine incarceration is a strong force. Unless the old Pluto is alive, he can lead the army of **** and resist.

But now the old Pluto is still no longer there.

How should **** be resisted?

Hell land, the border guards, and hundreds of thousands of troops assembled.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the distant void.

There, the black cloud came from the city.

Above the black clouds, it is a majestic figure, a terrible atmosphere, all the way through.


Beyond hell, there is an invisible defensive hood that emerges.

A light curtain, isolated the army of the prison and the army of hell.

The war seems to be on the verge.


Huangquan shop.

The morning sun shines above the earth.

The steps opened the restaurants, and a cold wind blew into it.

The cold winter of **** seems to have come.

Step by step, looking at the door of the door, the expression on the face did not change much.

The diners who bought the cakes never came back, which released a signal.

That is the beginning of the war.

The war of intrusion into **** in hell, a war to defend the homeland.

Step by step, spit out a breath.

Pulled a chair and placed it in front of the restaurant, lying down on the chair.

The sun is shining and it is slightly warm.


Xiaohu didn't know when he got out of his small arms and jumped to the belly of the step.

This little guy, the smart eyes, keeps turning around.

Stepping into the corner of the mouth, he licked the latter's head.

With a hand swaying, there was a burst of bovine pill.

The little fox suddenly brightened his eyes and grabbed the bursting bovine pill that was handed over by the step. He stood on the belly of the step and ate it deliciously.

The little paws are holding the bursting bovine pill, the mouth is bulging, and eating is a pleasure.

Xiao You is wearing a black skirt, straight legs, white and attractive.

She stood at the door and stood behind the chair in the step.

Looking up and looking into the distance.

In the dark scorpion, it seems that there are fine stalks in circulation.

Hell is her home. Although she was exiled, **** is still her home, no matter what, she is still at home.

On the distant sky, it seems that there is a black hole in the expansion.

It was a haze.


The chair slammed.

Step by step from the position to stand up, the small fox that is eating the bursting bovine pill, stuffed into the arms of Xiao You.

In a small and confusing gaze.

Step by step, he took a big step and walked forward.

"Help me see the store, I will pay some debt..."

The words of the step are said to Xiao You, and the words remain in the ears of Xiao You.

His body shape has disappeared into the mist of the mist.

Xiao You hugs the little fox and looks at the back of the step disappearing. He said nothing.

The step came out of the Huangquan shop and left the rebuilt Huangquan City.

Came outside the city.

He strode away and seemed to shrink into size.

With a negative hand, the robes and hairs wandered in the wind.

When I arrived at the bank of Huangquan River, I still didn't stop. Stepping out, I stepped into the Huangquan River.

Step on the waves.

far away.

The mist in the river is lingering.

A small boat swayed.

There was a bleak flute that haunted the whole piece on the river.

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