Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1330: The secret of the soul catcher [second more! 】

Huangquan River, as always, is constantly running.

The red-red river water is surging on it, and there are griefs and sorrows, and the bones are suspended.

Step by step, the hand waved, the river wind blew, blowing his hair in the fluttering, the robes of the bird feather robes swaying.

A small boat floated from the distance, a lonely boat, a flute.

An old man with a fight and a coat is sitting in a boat and drifting.

Stepping on the waves, far away is the boat that I saw, and the corners of my mouth suddenly pulled.

When the hand is turned over, a blue jade altar that is smaller than the size of the fist of the Huangquan Dasheng is in his hand. According to the size of this jade altar, the liquor can only be loaded, less than three. Around the cup.

However, three glasses of wine, equivalent to three million crystals, is enough to calculate the price.

Oh la la...

The boat was driving, and suddenly broke through the water.


The sound of the flute came to an abrupt end, and the soul-hunter raised his head, and the old face suddenly emerged under the brawl.

It seems that I saw the thin figure in the distance.

The soul of the soul-hunter trembled.

"This is another young man!"

The soul-hunter took up the bone flute and the look on his face was ugly.

Later, he grabbed the bamboo pole and slammed it on the Huangquan River.

The boat was on the river, and it came directly to the tail of a river. In a direction, it was toward the distance, and it was going to drift.

Obviously, this soul-hunter is really not wanting to see the steps.

The corner of the mouth that was slightly pulled up suddenly froze, and this scene made him a little more aggressive and speechless.

This fisherman, why did he see him turn around and run?

When did he become so terrible?

"and many more……"

The step whispered.

The sound suddenly exploded above the Huangquan River.

The soul-hunter heard this sound, and was even more shocked. The dough on the old face was twitching faster and faster.

Afterwards, the bamboo poles slammed and banged.

The river water is turned up, as if to explode.

And the small boat, turned into a straight arrow, shot away in the distance.

The speed is extremely fast, riding the wind and breaking the waves.

Step by step, spit out a sigh of relief.

After the body of the bird feather robe, there has been a huge change, a loud Suzaku screaming resounding.

A pair of flame wings emerged behind the fire feathers.

The toes point on the river and suddenly the river blasts.

The shape of the step is to become a streamer, and quickly chasing away from the boat of the soul-hunter.

Step by step is now a nine-turned little holy, stronger than the soul-hunting, to catch up with him, naturally it is easy.

In a short while, the convenience of the step is to chase the side of the soul-hunter.

"Why do you have to chase the old man hard!"

The soul-hunting person looked at the step, and the face was shaking sharply, bitterly said.

The cultivation of this young man has actually improved so quickly that he has reached the nine-turned little holy.

Seeing this young man three times, each time brought him a huge horror.

For the first time, the cultivation of this young man is still very weak, and he is like an ant in his own eyes.

But at that time, the young man had a dog next to him.

The second time, the young man’s cultivation was still not strong, but he was surprised to be able to fight himself.

the third time……

This is this time, this young man is already in the sky!

Thoroughly beyond my own imagination, strength has surpassed myself.

How long has it been...

Is this young man looking for him now?


The speed of the bamboo poles is above the river, and the river suddenly blasts.

Make the old man's boat like a streamer.

In other words, both of them have turned into streamers and rushed on the Huangquan River.


After a long time.

Entered the wide river.

The river is not turbulent.

The boat is finally no longer flying.

The soul-hunter re-sit on the boat, as if giving up resistance.

The face is a strange color.

I really don't understand this old guy, why I have been running.

"Old man, this old bone, too lazy to toss with you... Today, the old man did not bring flowers, so it is useless to stop the old man." The soul-hunter said.

He took off the brawl and revealed a pale hair, and the roots and hair were all overturned.

"Who told you, I am looking for you today?"

The step took a look at the old man and pulled his mouth.

The soul-hunting man suddenly looked at the step, and the turbid eyes were full of suspicion.

I don’t want to find out what I want to do, this young man is forcing his own boat, what is it?

Do you want the life of the old man?

The step did not say anything.

The hand trembled.

Suddenly, a jar of wine is flying out and heading for the soul-hunting.


The soul-hunter slammed, raised his hand and grabbed the jar.

"When I borrowed your flowers, I said that I will send you a jar of wine. Today, it is time to pay off debts..."

Step by step.

The sound is very calm.

However, the old man is not calm.

“Is it really just a drink?”

The soul-hunters are very different.

The step nodded.

The murky eyes of the Soul Eater suddenly lit up and the mood relaxed.

"Then your wine husband has also received it, let your old man leave."

The soul-hunter said.

The step-by-step look at the soul-hunting person, did not say anything, the hand turned over, a steaming cake was flying out.

"Give you a piece of cake again... Thank you for the first time you sent it."

Step by step.


The soles of the feet stepped on the river, and the river suddenly exploded. The whole figure quickly rushed out and turned into a streamer, disappearing into the mist of water.

The soul-stricken person grasps the sapphire altar and the made cake like a dead wood, and looks at the back of the step, and the turbid gaze is also a little bit radiant.

"It’s strange to have a fisherman’s soul on this Huangquan River for a long time.”

The dry hair of the soul-stricken person floated in the wind, and a smile appeared on the old face. This smile came from the heart and was quite emotional. Of course, it seems that this smile is no different from crying.

He has not smiled from the heart for a long time.


Stepping on the river and stepping on the river, the river suddenly rushed with his body like a bulging bag, turning into a long dragon roaring.

The strength has been upgraded to the nine-turn Xiaosheng, and the control of the power of the step is also more sophisticated.

The body shape stepped out, the fire feathers behind it disappeared, and the bird feather robe returned to the red and white appearance.

The figure fell on the shore, and the steps took a hand and walked leisurely toward the restaurant.


The night is deep.

A lonely boat floated on the Huangquan River overnight.

On the quiet Huangquan River, full of fireflies are flying.

On the surrounding shore, the dark wood was stretched, as if it had been bombarded by the Thunder.

The boat is moored.

The dim candlelight illuminates in the boat.

The soul-hunter came out of the boat and took off his coat, revealing a dry and thin body.

Sitting on the boat's boat board, the side of the ship's board is lit by a red candle, and the wax oil constantly flows down from it.

The soul-hunter took out a clay pot and opened the lid of the clay pot.

Among them, the remnant of mourning suddenly emerged.

The old man’s eyes showed some disgusting color, but he still put the pots on his lips.


The sap of the earthenware in the pots is drunk by the soul-hunters.


There was a bit of pain in the face of the Soul Eater, squatting and shaking.

After a long time.

The moon is high.

The soul-hunting person is spit out a breath.

"The power of this curse is getting stronger and stronger... It’s time to fish the soul, and it’s time to stop it, oh."

"The adults have fallen, how can I resist the fate? But it is lingering..."

The soul hunter spit out a sigh of relief.

The murky eyes looked at the river in the bright moon on the sky, and the sparkling picture made him lose his heart for a while.

His eyes have surfaced his glory... he used to be excited.


At this moment, he suddenly wanted to drink.

Toasting, even if it is more embarrassing, is also a way to worry.

So the soul-hunter thought of the green jade altar.

The wine that the miraculous youth said.

"The wine made with the flowers... Now the young people will really play."

The fisherman sighed.

I took out the green jade altar.

The jade altar is not big, probably about half a fist.

The heart of the abdomen licked the young man’s jealousy.

The soul-hunting person took the cover of this jade altar.

With a bang, the cover opens.

Just the moment of opening, the soul-hunting person is shocked...


A rich wine scent seems to have become a long dragon with claws and claws. It flies out from the jars and squats on the sky.

Taking a deep breath, the wine is plunged into the body, so that the whole body is immersed in the aroma of the wine.

This feeling……

The body of the fisherman is shaking.

The seven colored brilliance burst out from the jar, and the bunch of beams reflected the heavens.

Responding to the cold moonlight on the sky.

"This wine..."

For the first time in the eyes of the soul-hunters, there was a shocking color.

This wine made him feel the meaning of deja vu.

Is it...


The excitement in the heart of the fisherman is almost impossible to suppress.

He cautiously held the sapphire altar, and the cracked lips plunged into the sapphire altar and slammed.

Suddenly, the liquor of Ganzi flowed into the mouth along the lips.

At that moment, it seemed as if the flowers were blooming, and everything was restored to the Qingming at this moment.

The soul-hunting person feels like a moment, young and decades old.

In a sip of wine, I found the feeling of being a young man.

Holding the jar, gently closed his eyes.

The excitement of the soul-hunter is hard to suppress.

The turbid tears slipped from the corners of the eyes.

Above his body, there is a faint green brilliance that is constantly sweeping, as if constantly fighting with the spirit of the wine.

But the old man has long ignored this.

He seemed to think of something, and quickly took out a steaming cake from the dilapidated bag on his waist.

Even after so long, the heat on the cake has not dissipated.

Take a bite of a cake.

The crispy cake entrance made him feel an unprecedented satisfaction.


A fresh stream of light poured from the cake into the mouth of the old man.

That is the gas of creation.

Dedicated to the creation of cakes.

The gas of creation enters the body, and the gaze of the soul-hunting person suddenly becomes bright.

The breath above the body has changed awkwardly.

Actually climbed.

The bombardment broke through the barriers and rushed into the great sanctuary...

The old face of the old man is also restored to a young appearance, a very inconspicuous middle-aged person.


The old man touched his face.

Some are in a daze.

The creation of the gas has made him recover to the face and strength of his youth.

It is a pity... this state will not last long, only half an hour.

Seems to think of something.

The old man suddenly laughed.

The laughter resounded, and it was lingering on the dark Huangquan River.

The birds that were stagnant on the dry branches were disturbed, flapping their wings and flying out.

The younger fisherman, the body seems to be emitting Yingying Guanghua.

A food container was removed from the cabin.

There is a roadblock on the food box.

The soul of the soul is awkward.

"It’s been too long. The old man who has been eating and eating for a long time has forgotten that the adults have been entrusted... Now, finally, waiting for such people, this food box should also be sent out."

The fisherman laughed and poured all the wine from the green jade altar.

The breath of the body suddenly skyrocketed, and the entire Huangquan River was changed.


Breath is skyrocketing.

The Huangquan River suddenly turned up the waves.

On the river, the blossoming flowers are beautiful.

The soul-hunter, holding the food box, walking on the waves, and going away in an instant.

Huang Quangu.

Huang Quan Dasheng, who was black-faced and squirting a fireball, suddenly wrinkled his brow and looked in a direction. It seemed to be a bit stunned.

"Fishing the soul? Not right... How does this old guy's breath change so much? Is this the second spring of the glow?"

"Forget it... it’s none of my business."

Huang Quan Dasheng shook his head and continued to study the fireball with a black face.


The night is quiet.

Outside of Huangquan City, it is a strong presence.

The horrible atmosphere suppresses the void.

Above the top of the head, a small world is constantly disillusioned. In the small world, everything is broken, and everything is destroyed.

The soul-hunter is coming from the waves.

Soon, I stepped into Huangquan City.

Straight down, stagnated outside the Huangquan store.

It’s here.

The breath of the soul-hunter was collected, and looking at the Huangquan store, the eyes became very memorable...

Put the food box on the floor and knock it three times on the food box.

After that, the soul-hunter is watching the restaurant and silently.

In the restaurant.

The stepping part of the room was suddenly squinting.

Sitting up from the bed, the pajamas slid down, revealing the greasy front of the chest, the slender arms held on the neck, and the eyes looked doubtfully.

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